Two pictures. London: Chas. Sheard & Co., 1893 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/PEHUIZEL7LN449C http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NKC/1.0/ The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu SUNG with GREAT SUCCESS BY , f EDDIE GUIGERE. : { ~\ Ghe Phenomenal Voealist ag eet aS ¥ } a AAAS a A ( (re ll J \ f ; ( £8 ( he l/ @ % @ ») u 2 i A GER oN ee fel: Se AN, . @) Oe Rs s \ >, , os WS Y/ pp Wiig , Ss : ee ee re IS + . & ; Say 1 Lo aon. > [or =$j$iles 9 \ EY IN, Ca CO Lee. ) ‘HX. Vee tee . © Aan Lf tal » St 0|0COgS RS BALYL € ene yv |e a ae ND Pods e cae = Be ||| UZ + yt CP a / SW S | o | | ss A) illite VW 6] . i Py SON ATE OO ys BY Way z wa ae ees eel) ALTER ~ | TL oy ; INC ( aS, =| e, > e Vv SIC : BY 2 G EW * Laun UI, \,J YW. Dearrtan NOM PUN C : am NEw York 44> S Published by M.WITMARK & SONS. 51 West 28%Sireet , Lon DON. (HAS SHEARD §.Co. , Pe @ : age a Y 4: ¢ . | ey TWO PICTURES | a SONG AND CHORUS... Words by WALTER H. FORD. Music by JOHN W. BRATTON. Tempo di Valse. i ————— Se aa a ee ea So fe a a ag eres eee ees : He 8 B-. i a= SF Dp a : aa + to SS a= se Sale aerial —————- 4g = ase GS i Ea a te DD a fa Oe gear fa at peop abe ee re ; oa = leoacale (Semmes eee esioolss ; 2 : a sore ec ee [TRS ee | ag mle eg mare ier perro 6S ee 1. O -ver my man-tle two pic -tures are hung, That smil - mee ly look tow’rd each 2. Help-ing each oth- er, they strug-led a+ -long,...... Shar-ing each joy and. each eee — Se —_———_ ++ ae 5) ‘ SSS Bete al SSS Ses ea eaten a a Ses : aa a a a ee ee eae = ee ee: o A Pe ss + + . D | | | | ee Sa ec oe me Gg aye es : : f ee = SS | SSS ESE eee * Sena eae, ——<—<—— - eer ce ee earn a epoca sae nes See OTe se oe eee ee a ge Sas -<— —f rit er an Oth == =<= =" — er; One is a pic - ture of : fa - ther when young, sor - - - - = row; Greet - ing mis - for : tune with smiles or a song, : | ee a ae Ee ree ces) 5 tg ag oh eo 32 oe ‘ ee ey for (pH a= ge SS aca Se ae 4 Se a a | - ~ v vw ee o ‘ Copyright, 1893, by M. WirmarK & Sons. Entered at Stationers Hall, London, England. i‘ i P eee st = es oo aa == ee perio aegis eH ogee arene A a ees ePre aeae OH : One = is a ‘pic - ture of moth - - - - er, Ma - ny a night e’re they Put - ting ‘their faith in to - mor. - - - - row, To - geth - er they crossed o’er the ’ 4s ‘ * 3 eS ae =F — ———————— $s $ ts t eS eo | a . a tempo. Gye ere ore | ee A ee ee Oe | 7 meee Ge ae tee le a =f aces a er ere SPENES |exae ss eceaeeec(EY eee se Sr ae Soe en eg SS | + _ ; => => + a al : : ee Saag gc ana aR Seo eeewer | ae } ss as ee See Sa Sale a ae eee eh ee ee setae eee aN anes oO | laid me to _ rest, They told me be-tweensmilesand tears,...... How fa - ther each tiy - er of) .life, To - geth - er. with love on “each: face, >. 2.2 When life’s work was —— pines erie ap ag A ge a pe ea free as | ec eee ee ee pee eer Simana| Sas ee es Kocceeasaee a os ff £# ff oe 2 es 2 ee eee ee ee ee | b, 3 Se eo eae poe ? = See = ee ' Sg ae eee Se — = eS a a ae Oe Ee eS ——__———} }—_—_—_—_—_—_'—_—_____ : ——— SS ‘ sun-day most care-ful - ly dressed, Wentcourt-ing my moth-er for years’... .... end-ed, the hus-band and wife, Were clasp’d in a 10Y = ine a remi==s brace, . scan rn ene Ree i eee eS Paha a eee °—te ha — a ee = ae o Oe g a mee 4 pee ae eS teh ———— — ral - - len - | tan - - =. \do.—————— rN f jee cs epee 1th = el ge we DD 5a@ fe o- ee ese area er ee oe Sosea Sante ae a oo 3 3 a gp ee ee Sone vw mals ev as Bate CHORUS. == Rane ESO piecemeal SS saree SS ee Dear pa - rents fa - - ces, watching o’er me from a - bove; =e... a tempo. : 3 ‘ = es fee alae 3 : = = Ser a ae eee ees To — Ze se gl Ses eel lt Pht ttl ltt PP as Lee Spe See Lees ; pe | | le i | |_| |__| 4g}, fd a = SS ae —— ————_E——_—_— SSS ee eee a we : oe , ——4. Two Pictures. 3. M. W. & Sons. .
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