Liturgical Year 2019 of the Celtic Orthodox Church 4th Week after Pentecost Monday 1st July 2019 Cosmas and Damian, Holy Unmercenaries, martyrs at Rome (ca. 287) Thierry, 1st Abbot of Mont-d’Hor (533) Servanus of Culross, Irish bishop, patron of the Orkney Islands (6th c.) Aaron and Julius, martyred at Caerleon, Wales, during persecution of Diocletian (ca. 304) Cewydd, Welsh saint of Anglesey (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 21:3, 8-21 Rm 8:28-39 Mk 6:7-13 Tuesday 2 July 2019 Visitation of the Most Holy Mother of God (1st c.) Géroche, Monk of Faremoutiers (ca. 680) Oudoc, Bishop of Llandaff, Wales (615) John Maximovitch, Archbishop of San Francisco (1966) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 22:1-13, 15-19 Rm 9:1-13 Mk 6:30-45 Visitation: ♦ Liturgy: Cant 2:8-14 Hb 9:1-7 1 Lk 1:39-47 Wednesday 3 July 2019 Anatolius, Bishop of Laodicea, Church Father, Patriarch of Constantinople (282) Germanus of Man, Bishop of the Isle of Man (474) Cillene, Abbot of Iona, Scotland (752) Gunthiern of Wales, prince, became hermit in Brittany (500) Guthagon the Irishman, hermit, took residence in Belgium (8th c.) Rumold, Bishop of Dublin, martyred near Malines (775) Aaron and Julius (Martyrs, Caerleon (304) Byblig, Welsh monk, Caernarvon (5th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67 Rm 9:14-24 Mk 6:46-56 Thursday 4 July 2019 Andrew, Archbishop of Crete (712) Bertha of Artois, Abbess of Blangy (725) Finbar of Wexford, Founder and 1st Abbot on the Innis-Doimhle, Ireland (6th c.) Odo the Good, Archbishop of Canterbury (959) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 27:1-5, 15-29 Rm 9:25-33 Mk 7:1-13 Friday 5 July 2019 Gwenn of Dumnonia, Dorset, mother of several saints (6th c.) Athanasius, Deacon at Jerusalem, martyr (452) Athanasius the Athonite, founder of a lavra on Mount Athos (1003) Fragan, husband of St Gwenn (5th c.) Grace and Probus of Cornwall (6th c.) Morwenna of Morwenstow, Cornwall, Welsh hermitess (6th c.) Modwenna, Foundress and Abbess of Burton Abbey, Staffordshire (7th c.) 2 ♦ Liturgy: Gn 28:10-22a Rm 10:1-13 Mk 7:14-24a Saturday 6 July 2019 Sisoës the Great, hermit in Egypt (429) Modwenna, 2nd Abbess of Whitby (695) Sexburga, widow, Abbess of Ely (699) Moninna, Abbess of Killeavy, abbess (518) Monenna, Abbess of Sliabh Cuillin, Ireland (518) Palladius of Ireland and Scotland, Bishop (632) Maelruain [Máel Ruain] Founder, Abbot-Bishop of monastery of Tallaght, Ireland (692) Noyala, Welsh virgin martyr, beheaded in Brittany (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 32:23-32 Rm 10:14-21 Mk 7:24b-30 4th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday 7 July 2019 Ethelburga, 2nd Abbess of Faremoutiers (663) Maolruain, Founder of Tallaght (792) Pantaenus the Philosopher, from Sicily, catechetical school at Alexandria (ca. 200) Illtyd, Founder of Llantwit in Welsh country of Glamorgan (6th c.) Boisil, Abbot of Melrose (664) Hedda, Bishop of Winchester (705) Ercongota, virgin, nun at Faremoutiers-en-Brie (660) Medran and his brother Odran of Muskerry, disciples of St Kieran (6th c.) Sethrida [Saethryth], Abbess of Faremoutiers (660) ♦ Matins: Lk 24:1-12 ♦ Liturgy: Is 40:27-31 Rm 11:32-36 Mt 8:18-26 3 Fifth Week after Pentecost Monday 8 July 2019 Kilian, bishop, Colman, priest and Totnan, deacon, of Wurzburg, martyrs (689) Auspicius, Bishop of Toul (5th c.) Withburga, virgin, founded a nunnery in Dereham (743) Grimbald, Abbot of New Minster in Winchester, restored learning to England (827) Edgar the Peaceful, King of East Anglia (975) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a Rm 11:1-10 Mk 7:31-37 Tuesday 9 July 2019 Heracles, Bishop of Sens (515) Agrippinus, Bishop of Autun (538) Evereld, noblewoman, Abbess of Everingham (7th c.) Auremonde, Abbot of Mairé-l’Evescault (6th c.) Grimbald, Abbot of New Minster Abbey in Winchester (901) Morwenna, Welsh hermitess in Cornwall (5th c.) Sunniva and Her Companions, Irish martyrs, Bergen, Norway (10th c.) Urith, virgin, martyr, Foundress of church at Chittlehampton, Hampton (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5 Rm 11:11-24 Mk 8:1-10 Wednesday 10 July 2019 Etto, of Ireland, Founder at La Fayne (670) Pascharius, Bishop of Nantes (680) Etto of Fescau, Irish missionary bishop in Belgium (670) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30 Rm 11:25-36 Mk 8:11-21 4 Thursday 11 July 2019 Sigebert, Monk of Luxeuil, Abbot-Founder of Disentis, and Placidus, martyr (6th c.) Hidulphus, of Ireland, Bishop of Trèves, Abbot-Founder of Moyenmoutier (707) Drostan, Abbot of Dalcongail (9th c.) Drostan, Abbot of Deir, disciple of St Columba (610) Turketil, Abbot-Restorer of Crowland Abbey sacked by Danes (975) ♦ Liturgy: Gn 49:29-33; 50:15-24 Rm 12:1-8 Mk 8:22-26 Friday 12 July 2019 Menulphus, of Ireland, Bishop of Quimper (680) Kare, hermit at Lanvellec (?) Viventiolus, Bishop of Lyons (524) ♦ Liturgy: Ex 1:8-14, 22 Rm 12:9-21 Mk 8:27 – 9:1 Saturday 13 July 2019 Turiaf, 4th Bishop-Abbot of Dol (750) Mildred of Thanet, 2nd Abbess of Minster-in-Thanet (700) Eugene, Bishop of Carthage, martyr with his companions (505) Dofgan of Wales, martyr at Dyfed, Pembrokeshire (6th c.) Just of Cornwall, hermit and martyr (unknown) Brigid and Maura of Northumbria, martyrs in Balagny-sur-Therain (5th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Ex 2:1-15a Rm 13:1-7 Mk 9:11-29 5th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday 14 July 2019 5 Heraclas, Pope of Alexandria (247) Cyrus, Bishop of Carthage (unknown) Idus, Bishop of Alt Fadha in Leinster, Ireland (5th c.) Deusdedit, first Anglo-Saxon Bishop of Canterbury (664) ♦ Matins: Jn 20:1-18 ♦ Liturgy: Is 48:16-21 Rm 6:12-18 Lk 14:16-24 6th Week after Pentecost Monday 15 July 2019 Donald, Founder and Abbot of Ogilvy (ca. 660) ---- Donald Ab, Ogilvy, 8th c.) Great Prince Vladimir I, of Russia, Equal to the Apostles (1015) Swithun, Anglo-Saxon Bishop of Winchester (862) Edith, Abbess of Polesworth in Warwickshire (ca. 960) Rumon, Bishop of Tavistock, England (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12 Rm 13:8-14 Mk 9:38-50 Tuesday 16 July 2019 Helier, hermit at Jersey, martyr (6th c.) Raineldis, Grimoald and Gundulf, martyrs at Hal (680) Sinach MacDara, on isle of Inismacdara, Ireland (6th or 7th c.) Tenenan, recluse in Brittany, then Bishop of Leon (635) Torbach Mac Gorman, Archbishop of Armagh (8th or 9th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Ex 3:13-20 Rm 14:1-9 Mk 10:1-12 Wednesday 17 July 2019 6 Marina of Antioch, martyr (304) Fredegand, of Ireland, Abbot-Founder of Deurne (ca. 700) Fredegaud [Frithgod], Archbishop of Canterbury (10th c.) Alexis the Beggar, fool for Christ at Rome (404) Cynllo of Wales (5th c.) Kenelm, martyred King of Mercia, Gloucestershire, England (821) ♦ Liturgy: Ex 11:10 – 12:14 Rm 14:10-23 Mk 10:13-22 Thursday 18 July 2019 Pambo, Abbot in the Nitrian Desert, hermit (375) Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, hermit at Remiremont (614) Arnoud, Bishop of Tours, martyr in the Yveline Forest (?) Theneva of Glasgow, Mother of Saint Kentigern Mungo (7th c.) Edburga and Edith of Aylesbury, Anglo-Saxon princesses, nuns at Aylesbury (650) ♦ Liturgy: Ex 12:37-42 Rm 15:1-6 Mk 10:23-31 Friday 19 July 2019 Epaphras, disciple, Bishop of Colossae (1st c.) Aurea, martyr at Cordoba (856) Macrina the Younger, sister of St Basil the Great (379) ♦ Liturgy: Ex 14:5-18 Rm 15:7-13 Mk 10:32-45 Saturday 20 July 2019 Joseph the Just, called Barsabas, Disciple (1st c.) Ansegisel, monk of Luxeuil, Abbot of Fontenelle (833) 7 Aurelius, Bishop of Carthage (429) Elijah, prophet (9th c. BC) Ethelwida [Ealhswith] of Winchester, widow of King Alfred the Great (902) Modmund, martyr of Gloucester (unknown) ♦ Liturgy: Ex 14:21 – 15:1a Rm 15:14-22 Mk 10:46-52 Elijah: ♦ 3rd Nocturn: 1K 17:1-23 1K 19:19-21 2K 2:1, 6-14 6th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday 21 July 2019 Victor and companions, martyrs at Marseille (290) Arbogast, Bishop of Strasbourg (678) ♦ Matins: Mt 28:1-15 ♦ Liturgy: Is 48:12-15 Rm 12:1-16 Mt 7:12-21 7th Week after Pentecost Monday 22 July 2019 Holy Myrrh-bearer, Equal to the Apostles, Mary of Magdala, disciple (1st c.) 8 Wandrille, Abbot-Founder of Fontenelle (668) Dabius, Irish missionary to Scotland (unknown) Movean, Abbot of Innis-Coosery, County Down, Ireland (unknown) ♦ Liturgy: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15 Rm 15:23-22 Mk 11:12-19 Mary of Magdala: ♦ Liturgy: Cant 3:2-5; 8:6-7 Phil 2:1-7 Jn 20:11-18 Tuesday 23 July 2019 John Cassian, Abbot-Founder at Marseille (433) Apollinaris, from Syria, 1st Bishop of Ravenna, martyr (ca. 200) Ezekiel, prophet (ca. 570 B.C.) ♦ Liturgy: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20 Rm 16:1-16 Mk 11:20-26 Wednesday 24 July 2019 Christina, martyr in Tuscany (300) Boris and Gleb, princes of Kiev, martyrs (1015-1019) Christina of Bolsena, martyr at Tyre (3rd c.) Declan, 1st Bishop of Ardmore, Ireland (5th c.) Germoc of Cornwall (6th c.) Lewina, virgin, martyred by a pagan Saxon (5th c.) Menefrida, virgin, Cornwall (5th c.) Wulfhade and Ruffinus, martyred at Stone, Staffordshire (675) ♦ Liturgy: Ex 20:1-17 Rm 16:17-27 Mk 11:27-33 9 Thursday 25 July 2019 James the Greater, apostle, martyr (44) Christopher, in Lycia, martyr (250) Blandina, slave, martyr at Lyons (177) Nissen, Abbot of Montgarth Abbey, Wexford, Ireland (5th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Ex 24:3-8 1Co 1:1-9 Mk 12:1-12 James the Greater: ♦ 3rd Nocturn: Jas 1:1-27; 2:1-13 ♦ Matins: Lk 10:1-15 ♦ Liturgy: Wis 10:10-14 1Co 4:9-15 Mt 20:20-23 Friday 26 July 2019 Dormition of Righteous Anne, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos (1st c.) Erastus, Bishop of Philippi (1st c.) 10 ♦ Liturgy: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34 1Co 1:10-16 Mk 12:13-17 Ann: ♦ Vespers: Ps 112 and 127 ♦ Liturgy: Prov 31:10-31 Gal 4:22-31 Lk 8:16-21 Saturday 27 July 2019 Panteleimon of Nicomedia, martyr and healer (303) Seven Sleepers, martyrs at Ephesus (4th-5th c.) Congall, Abbot of Ibnallivin (unknown) ♦ Liturgy: Ex 33:7-11, 18-23; 34:4-9, 28 1Co 1:17-25 Mk 12:18-27 7th Sunday
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