1382 COR DORSET.5HIRE. [KELLY~8 CORN & FLOUR DEALERs-continued. I COTTON NET MANUFACTR. ·DraggMrs.E.Vembel1·,Thomcmb.Chard Jesse James John, Handley, Salisbury Samson Richard Robert, Bridport Brake Hy. Caundle llishop, SherbolOe Long Frank, Leigh road, Wimborne COWKEEPERS. Brake Hy. Maiden Newton, Dorchester Mitchell Mrs.J.8&9Marketst.Weymouth See Dairymen & Cowkeepers. Br~dle Georg~, Stower row, 8haftesbury Pople John Henry,Corfe castle,Wareham Bridle N. Grlghay, Thorncombe, Chard Rogers Alfred Samuel,High street,Poole , CRIB MAKER. I Brownjohn Wm. Warmwell, Dorchester Senior James, Stalbridge :\'lanuel rhomas,Puncknowle,Dorchester Brunt Benjamin, Pulham, Dorche·ter Short William, Salisbury st. Blandford CRICKET N~T MANUFCTRS. Burbage John, Long Ham, WimbolOe Steyens H. A. West~ilton,MelplashR. S.0 Clarke C.barle~, 8out~ street, ~ridport Burden William, .Cann, Sbaftesbury Turner Francis Alfd. South s~. Bridport .lames ~m. ~est Allmgton, Brldport BurtT.Lewell,KmghtonWest,Dorcheswr CORN & FLOUR FACTORS. ~orman Mrs. Elizh.East street, Bridport ~utler J. Caundle S~our~on, Blandford Harnes Wm. In. C. Bell st. Shaftesbur)' CRUCIBLE ;MANUFACTRS. Butt Meshach C. Farrmgdon, IwelOe Burden James, Salisbury st. Shaftesbury Falcke & Son, Bolmgbroke gardens, Bat- Courtney, BI~ndford . :Fowler Joseph, Post office, Hawkchurch, tersea, London s w CaddeyMrs.H.Ch~pel marsh,Bea~lllster Axminster Morgan Crucible Company (The Patent CaddyJ.Nyland,Kmgtn.Magna,~J!lnghm Matthews G.B.&Co.Purns mill,Gllnghm Plumbago Crucible Comp~ny), sole Caddy Thomas, Hurse~, Bea~mster Meech Barnard Henry, Sutton mills, manufacturers of Morgan s & Sala- Carter J. Langton Herrmg, ~e!Jl.l0uth Sutton Poyntz, Preston, Weymouth mander crucibles &c. ~nly medals Chandler Mr~. Sarah,Handley,l:lahsbury Oakley Brothers, Quay, Poole awarded,London,IB62 ; Silver medals, Ch~rles J.~rlt~ston,St~atton,Dorchester Smith Robt. 1. Salisbury st ShaHesbury Dublin &Orporto,186S; only first-cl~ss Ch~lds Benp~lll, Ben~Ille, Dorchester Swatridge Richard, Fore pI. Beaminster medals, Parls, IB67 ; gold me~al,PariS, Ch~nch~n F.\\ est hI. Kmgston,Wareham 1878; only medal (gold), Frankfort, Chmchm Wm.H. Puddletown,Dorchester CORN & FL01!R ~E:R;CHANTS. 1881; sole award, Madrid, 1883; Bat. Chubb Fredk. Netherbury, Beaminster Bartlett Thom~s I' ranC1S C\~. A. ~ucker, tersea works, London sw Chubb George, Netherbury, Beaminster manager), ~ est Bay stores, Bndport j Rml W. H. (established 1751; award Churchill Rd.Maiden Newton,Dorchester & at Haselbury, Cr~wkerne 1B51), Garden Wharf lane, Old Bat- Churchill T.Tarrant Monkton,Blandford Beale Charles, The PrIOr)', Wareham tersea London s w Churchill W.R.West Stafford Dorchester BishopJn.Winfrith~ewburgh,.oorch.ester Smith Alexander, Plumbago Crucible C'leal Chas. South Perrott, C;ewkerne Bradford& Sons,RaIlw~y statlOn,Br,dprt Works (of Glasgow); London depot, Cleall J.A.WykeOliver,Preston,Weymth Brown An~rew, 8talbndg-e Ford's f.olly, Battersea s w Cleall Samuel, Berwick, Swyre, Bridport Buckley TltuS,' Quay, Pool~ Tatnell E. & Co. Ford's folly, Battersea, CluettW.Bagber,SturminsterNewtn.S.O Burt Rohe,rt Ed\~ard, Reed s stores, near London s w Comben Edwd.St,Leonard's rd.Weymth , the statIOn, Wllnborne. CURRIERS & LEATHER CoolJer John, Stoborollgh, Wareham Cann Robert, South street, :",areham SELLERS Coop'"!r Mrs. M. A. lVest st. WimbolOe Coombs John, Newbury, Glllmgham I I L . h d' W' b Cooper Samuel Mount Pleasant Poole Duke & Son Cornhill' stores Great A len T lomas, elg roa, Im orne CSI S'ld P k ' R S 0 ',,B T1 J Mkt I 131 df d ooper am. e own, ar stone .. ~'estern road, Dorchester eer 10S. n.. ~r e p ace, an. or C L' dk l\,r 'h Ch'd .k 1 'd , . Dunn John 13 ~ hIte Hart st Beammster opp l're . ~,ort I eoc , In port Farthmg Jsph. 12 MaIden st. Weymouth Ed d &C· 6 8 'rh . W 1 COl'binT.SturminsterMarshall WimblOe Fish J osiah &CO Sturmins~r NewtonS 0 ' mon s o. ° t. omas st. evmt I C k u' Cl b h S'h b . EJ d Ch- 1 S th t t B 'd" t ornoc n m. atcom e o. er olOe Gossling JohnJas.West Boro',Wimborne mun s .ar es, ou s rae, rl por, CR' M Ib Abb Sh ft b ,, , See advertIsement osser .Jun.r e ury as, a es ry Hill Chrlstopher (agent for Odam s '11' d lY'l' D h Cox Cecil, Pydel-Trenthide, Dorchester manures) Quav Poole ,ne way rs. E.Durngate st. orc ester CH Ch 'ld Ok f d BI df d Lear Thom~s High street Shaftesbury Medway Waiter, East street, Bridport Cox J ~nry 8t; Abbet~r B a~ r LiddonJame~ Maiden Ne~ton Dorchstr Strange John, High street, Shaftesbury Cox 0J nh' OWe t 0 'h edammC~her h " ox 0 n, es orc ar , ure Masters John, 4A, 8t. Edmund street & CUTLERS. Knowle, Wareham .Quay, Weymouth . Cave Henry, Cold~arbour, S~e~borne Crabb Albert, Askerswell, Bridport MIller Henry Jas. :\'Ialden st. Weymouth Cave Thos. Wavermg lane, GIlhngham Crabb GeorO'e Upper Loders Hridport Nutting Edward, Dorchester Chaiker Richard, High st. Weymouth Crocker U. 1. Dorchester rd. -\\'eymouth Oakley Brothers, The Quay, Wareham Chubb John, South street, Sherborne Crocker John Jas. Bincombe Durchester Oakley To~ Allen (Oakley Bros.), West Geall Wm. 43 Salisbury st. Blan~ford Crocker Mrs. M. Tolpuddle, 'Dorchester street, ~areham Hallett Barnett, South street, BrJdport Crocker N. Sturminster Newton S.O Osmond Wm.Ashley rd.ParkstoneR8.0 Hallett B~rnard, Silve~ s~. Lyme Regis Cross Henry, Shillingstone 8.0 Parsons Waiter Stevens, Commercial Hallett ~m.Grove bmldmgs,Dorchester Cross Henry jun. Hammond street road, Parkstone R.S.O Snow Miss S. 13. Cook row, Wimborne Mappowde;, lllandford ' Pitman Jas. 2Middle Bond st.Weymouth Stanley Mrs. J. E.41 Park st.Weymouth Cross Thomas, Belchalwell, Blandford RickmanH.J.RailwayStationyd.Blndfrd Stone &Pearce,4oSt.Thomas st.Weymth Curtis Wilham, Burstock, Beaminswr SamwaysStephen,Peaselane,Dorchester DAIRYMEN & COWKEEPERS. Day C. Bagber, SturminsterNewtonS.O Scntt & Sons; offices opposite the Rail- AbbottMrs.Ann,Hampreston,Wimborne Day Jas. Caundle Stourton, Blandford way statn.Blandfrd.; &TheQuay,Poole Abbott John Todber, Dorchester DenziloeW.R.jun.Bothenhamptn.Bridpt Sedlen Henry John, SLalbridge ; & Stur- Adams H. T~rrant Gunville, Blandford Derryman Henry, East Whiteway, minster Newton S.O Adams Henry J. Shapwick, Blandford Church knowle, Wareham Sherbnrne Cotl1, Timber, Corn & Cake Adams John, 93 St. Mary st.Weymouth DerrymanJ ohn,Milton Abbas,Blandford Co. Lim. (The), Cheap st. Sherborne Allen John, Canford Magna, Wimborne Dew Thomas, Hinton Martel, Wimborne Smith Samuel James & Son, Langton Andrews Emanuel, Shapwick,Blandford Dinnett Joseph, Leigh, Wimborne Matravers, Wareham Andrews Fredk.Corfe Mullen,Wimborne Doble J. Wootton Glanville, Sherborne StevensW.B.TheSquare,Kingst.Wmbrn Andrews John, Yetminster, Sherborne Doble Paige 13. Hooke, Beaminster Stevens William John, 95 High st. Poole Anning John, Chardstock, Chard Doggerel! Noah, Bedchester, Fontmell Strange ""alter John, Keynston mills, Apsey Frank, Wambrook, Chard Magna, Shaftesbury Tarrant Keynston, Blandford Atkins W. Tarrant Crawford, Blandford Dorset Modern Dairy Co. (S. Munckton, Templeman Thomas John, 17 St. Bailey F.Milestone farm,Longfleet,Poole sec.), Dean's Court lane, Wimborne Thomas street, Weymouth Bailey Hy. Pond farm,Verwood,Salisbry Double Hugh B. Stoke wake, Blandford Toop Henry Thos. 36 South st. Dorchstr BarnesMrs.S.Stantn.St.Gabriel.Charmth Dowding Albert, Pulham, Dorchester Tucker 'rhos, ; office,Newbury,Gillnghm Barter W. Dunster, lYIarshwd.Crewkerne Dowding Henry, Lawn frm. Gillingham TuckerW.A. ;wareho.West bay,Bridprt 13artlett Geo. Aller frm.Ansty,Dorchestr Dowle Alfred, CoombeKeynes, Warehm Vine Stephen, BHigh East st. Dorchester Bartlett .lames, Wyke Regis,Weymouth DowntonD.RoddenAbbotsbury,Dorcbstr Yeatman Wm. Henry, High st. PooIe Bartlett W.Wootton Glanville,Sherborne DraperMrs.L.A.AltonPancras,Dorchestr COSTUMIERS. Bartley GeOl'ge, Motcombe, Shaftesbury Drew Charles, Marnhull, Blandford Alexander & Cherry, B, 10, lOA, & 12 Hazell George, Wyke Reg'is, Weymouth Drury A. A. Ansty, Blandford Salisbury street, Blandford Besent J. HaRtings,Puddletown,Dorchstr Drury E. EIsworth, Ansty, Blandford Evans William,6 & 7Cornhill,Dorchester Besent Tom, 'I'incleton, Dorchester Dunning George, Longffeet, Poole Farwell Mrs. Jes3ie, Commercial road, Billett Hy. 52 St. Thomas st. Weymouth Dunster John, Portesbam, Dorchester Parkstone R.S.O Bishop James, Upper Loders, Bridport Durrant A.Blundelshay water,Beaminstr Genge, Dixon & Jameson, High West Blundell Joseph, Green road, PooIe EastmanArthur,Buckhorn Weston,Bath street, Dorchester Bowditch A. J.Litton Cheney,Dorchester Edmunds Charles Chinchen, Langton Morris B~njamin, 78, Bl & 82 St. :Mary Bowditch Bennett Mills, Broadwindsor Matra,-ers & 4 Victoria ter. Swanage street, Weymouth. See advertisemnt road, Beaminster Eldon C.SturminsterMarshall,Wimbrne Mullins Miss Juha Letitia, The Laurels, Bowditch Mrs. Frances, Beaminster Elliott Mrs. Elizabeth Ann, Stake, East Avenue road, Wimborne Bowditch J.Kingston Russell,Dorchester Chelborough, Dorehester Rowe John Geach, 13, 14, IS & 16 St. Bowles Stephen, Gillingham ElIiottThos.Watton,Symondsbry.Bridpt Mary street, Weymouth Boyte R. Blandford St. Mary, Blandford Elsworth Emanuel, Ibberton, Blandford Scott MissesI.&K. 17Cornhill,Dorchester Bradford Wm. Bradle, Church knowle, Elsworth Michael, Dewlish, Dorchester Wharlow Thos. Edwd. East st. Bridport Wareharn Eveleigh Robert, Hawkchurch,Axminstr.
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