Nursery Plant List 2021

Nursery Plant List 2021

Nursery Plant List 2021 Name Common Name Size Price ACER freemanii Autumn Blaze Red Maple 7 gallon $95.00 ACER griseum Paperbark Maple 6' BB $95.00 ACER palmatum Bloodgood Japanese Maple 5 gallon $119.00 ACER palmatum dissectum Crimson Queen Japanese Maple 5 gallon $119.00 ACER palmatum dissectum Red Dragon Japanese Maple 5 gallon $119.00 ACER palmatum dissectum Viridis Japanese Maple 5 gallon $119.00 ACER platanoides Crimson King Norway Maple 7 gallon $89.00 ACER rubrum October Glory Red Maple 7 gallon $95.00 ACER rubrum Red Sunset Red Maple 7 gallon $119.00 ACER rubrum SunValley Red Maple 10 gallon $119.00 ACER rubrum SunValley Red Maple 7 gallon $95.00 ACER saccharum Sugar Maple 7 gallon $59.00 AESCULUS parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye 1 gallon $9.95 AMELANCHIER Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry 3 gallon $49.00 AMELANCHIER Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry 7 gallon $95.00 APPLE Fuji Apple 7 gallon $49.00 APPLE Gala Apple 7 gallon $49.00 APPLE Golden Delicious Apple 7 gallon $49.00 APPLE Honeycrisp Apple 7 gallon $49.00 APPLE Jonagold Apple 7 gallon $49.00 APPLE Pink Lady Apple 7 gallon $49.00 ARCTOSTAPHYLOS Bearberry 1 gallon $9.95 ARONIA arbutifolia Brilliantissima Chokeberry 3 gallon $29.00 ARONIA melanocarpa Autumn Magic Chokeberry 3 gallon $29.00 ARONIA melanocarpa Low Scape Mound PW Chokeberry 3 gallon $34.00 AZALEA Girard Pleasant White Azalea 2 gallon $26.00 AZALEA Girard's Crimson Azalea 3 gallon $29.00 AZALEA Purple Splendor Azalea 2 gallon $26.00 AZALEA Tradition Azalea 2 gallon $26.00 AZALEA Exbury Gibraltar Exbury Azalea 1 gallon $9.95 AZALEA Exbury Gibraltar Exbury Azalea 3 gallon $29.00 AZALEA Exbury Klondyke Exbury Azalea 1 gallon $9.95 AZALEA Exbury Mt. St. Helens Exbury Azalea 1 gallon $9.95 AZALEA Exbury Mt. St. Helens Exbury Azalea 2 gallon $26.00 BETULA jacquemonti Himalayan Birch 5 gallon $49.00 BETULA nigra Heritage River Birch 7 gallon $49.00 BUXUS Green Mountain Boxwood 3 gallon $49.00 BUXUS Green Velvet Boxwood 3 gallon $36.00 CALLICARPA Purple Pearls Beautyberry 3 gallon $34.00 CALLICARPA bodinieri Amethyst Beautyberry 1 gallon $9.95 CALLICARPA dichotoma Early Amethyst Beautyberry 1 gallon $9.95 Michael Bros. Nursery (724) 265-1222 Nursery Plant List 2021 Name Common Name Size Price CALYCANTHUS Aphrodite PW Sweet Shrub 2 gallon $34.00 CARPINUS betulus Fastigiata European Hornbeam 7 gallon $69.00 CARYOPTERIS x clandonensis Dark Knight Bluebeard 1 gallon $9.95 CEPHALANTHUS occidentalis Button Bush 1 gallon $9.95 CEPHALANTHUS occidentalis Button Bush 3 gallon $29.00 CERCIDIPHYLLUM japonicum Katsura Tree 7 gallon $79.00 CERCIS canadensis Eastern Redbud 7 gallon $79.00 CERCIS canadensis Covey Eastern Redbud 7 gallon $95.00 CERCIS canadensis Forest Pansy Eastern Redbud 7 gallon $89.00 CERCIS canadensis Ruby Falls Weeping Redbud 7 gallon $95.00 CHAMAECYPARIS obtusa Compacta Hinoki Cypress 5 gallon $89.00 CHAMAECYPARIS obtusa Verdoni Hinoki Cypress 2 gallon $39.00 CHAMAECYPARIS pisifera Goldmop Goldmop Cypress 3 gallon $29.00 CHERRY, SOUR Montmorency Sour Cherry 7 gallon $49.00 CHERRY, SWEET Bing Sweet Cherry 7 gallon $49.00 CHERRY, SWEET Black Tartarian Sweet Cherry 7 gallon $49.00 CHERRY, SWEET Van Sweet Cherry 7 gallon $49.00 CHIONANTHUS retusus Fringe Tree 5 gallon $59.00 CLADRASTIS kentukea American Yellowwood 6-7' $95.00 CLETHRA alnifolia Ruby Spice Summer Sweet 1 gallon $9.95 CLETHRA alnifolia Ruby Spice Summer Sweet 3 gallon $27.00 CLETHRA alnifolia Sixteen Candles Summer Sweet 1 gallon $9.95 CORNUS alba Ivory Halo Tatarian Dogwood 3 gallon $27.00 CORNUS florida Brave Flowering Dogwood (pink) 6-7' BB $139.00 CORNUS florida Cloud Nine Flowering Dogwood (white) 6-7' BB $139.00 CORNUS kousa chinensis Kousa Dogwood (white) 5 gallon $69.00 CORNUS stolonifera Arctic Fire PW Red Twig Dogwood 3 gallon $39.00 CORNUS stolonifera Cardinal Red Twig Dogwood 5 gallon $34.00 COTINUS Golden Spirit Smoke Bush 3 gallon $29.00 COTINUS coggygria Royal Purple Smoke Bush 3 gallon $29.00 DAPHNE burkwoodii Carol Mackie Daphne 18" BB $69.00 DEUTZIA Yuki Cherry Blossom PW Deutzia 1 gallon $9.95 DEUTZIA gracilis Nikko Deutzia 1 gallon $9.95 DEUTZIA gracilis Nikko Deutzia 3 gallon $27.00 EUONYMUS alatus compactus Burning Bush 3 gallon $29.00 FAGUS grandiflora American Beech 7 gallon $89.00 FAGUS sylvatica Purple Fountain European Beech 7 gallon $129.00 FICUS carica Brown Turkey Fig 2 gallon $29.00 FORSYTHIA x intermedia Lynwood Gold Forsythia 1 gallon $9.95 FORSYTHIA x intermedia Lynwood Gold Forsythia 3 gallon $27.00 FOTHERGILLA gardenii Fothergilla 1 gallon $9.95 Michael Bros. Nursery (724) 265-1222 Nursery Plant List 2021 Name Common Name Size Price FOTHERGILLA gardenii Fothergilla 3 gallon $29.00 FOTHERGILLA gardenii Blue Shadow Fothergilla 1 gallon $9.95 FOTHERGILLA gardenii Blue Shadow Fothergilla 5 gallon $34.00 GINKGO bilboa Autumn Gold Ginkgo 7 gallon $79.00 HYDRANGEA arborescens Annabelle Smooth Hydrangea 1 gallon $9.95 HYDRANGEA arborescens Annabelle Smooth Hydrangea 3 gallon $27.00 HYDRANGEA macrophylla All Summer Beauty Bigleaf Hydrangea 1 gallon $9.95 HYDRANGEA macrophylla Cityline Venice PW Bigleaf Hydrangea 2 gallon $27.00 HYDRANGEA macrophylla Forever Pink Bigleaf Hydrangea 1 gallon $9.95 HYDRANGEA macrophylla Forever Pink Bigleaf Hydrangea 3 gallon $27.00 HYDRANGEA macrophylla Glowing Embers Bigleaf Hydrangea 1 gallon $9.95 HYDRANGEA paniculata Limelight PW Pee Gee Hydrangea 1 gallon $9.95 HYDRANGEA paniculata Limelight PW Pee Gee Hydrangea 3 gallon $39.00 HYDRANGEA paniculata Little Lime PW Pee Gee Hydrangea 1 gallon $9.95 HYDRANGEA paniculata Little Lime PW Pee Gee Hydrangea 3 gallon $39.00 HYDRANGEA paniculata Pinky Winky PW Pee Gee Hydrangea 2 gallon $27.00 HYDRANGEA paniculata Pinky Winky PW Pee Gee Hydrangea 3 gallon $39.00 HYDRANGEA paniculata Quick Fire PW Pee Gee Hydrangea 2 gallon $27.00 HYDRANGEA paniculata Quick Fire PW Pee Gee Hydrangea 3 gallon $39.00 HYDRANGEA petiolaris Climbing Hydrangea 2 gallon $17.00 HYDRANGEA petiolaris Climbing Hydrangea 3 gallon $34.00 HYDRANGEA quercifolia Oakleaf Hydrangea 3 gallon $34.00 HYDRANGEA quercifolia Alice Oakleaf Hydrangea 1 gallon $9.95 HYDRANGEA quercifolia Pee Wee Oakleaf Hydrangea 1 gallon $9.95 HYDRANGEA quercifolia Pee Wee Oakleaf Hydrangea 3 gallon $34.00 HYDRANGEA serrata Tuff Stuff PW Mountain Hydrangea 2 gallon $27.00 ILEX Castle Spire PW Blue Holly (female) 2 gallon $39.00 ILEX Castle Spire PW Blue Holly (female) 3 gallon $39.00 ILEX crenata Sky Pencil Sky Pencil Holly (female) 3 gallon $39.00 ILEX glabra Compacta Inkberry Holly (female) 3 gallon $34.00 ILEX hybrid meserveae Blue Maid Blue Holly (female) 3 gallon $36.00 ILEX hybrid meserveae Blue Prince Blue Holly (male) 3 gallon $36.00 ILEX verticillata Little Goblins PW Winterberry (female) 5 gallon $34.00 ILEX verticillata Southern Gentleman Winterberry (male) 3 gallon $29.00 ILEX verticillata Southern Gentlemen Winterberry (male) 1 gallon $9.95 ILEX verticillata Winter Red Winterberry (female) 1 gallon $9.95 ILEX verticillata Winter Red Winterberry (female) 3 gallon $29.00 ITEA virginica Henry's Garnet Sweetspire 1 gallon $9.95 ITEA virginica Henry's Garnet Sweetspire 3 gallon $29.00 ITEA virginica Little Henry PW Sweetspire 1 gallon $9.95 ITEA virginica Little Henry PW Sweetspire 3 gallon $39.00 Michael Bros. Nursery (724) 265-1222 Nursery Plant List 2021 Name Common Name Size Price JUNIPERUS chinensis Saybrook Gold Gold Juniper 3 gallon $29.00 JUNIPERUS chinensis Sea Green Chinese Juniper 3 gallon $27.00 JUNIPERUS procumbens Nana Japanese Garden Juniper 3 gallon $29.00 KOELREUTERIA paniculata Golden Raintree 7 gallon $139.00 MAGNOLIA Butterflies Magnolia (yellow) 5 gallon $79.00 MAGNOLIA x Jane Magnolia (pink) 5 gallon $69.00 MAGNOLIA stellata Royal Star Star Magnolia (white) 7 gallon $69.00 MAGNOLIA virginiana Sweet Bay Sweet Bay Magnolia 3 gallon $39.00 MAGNOLIA virginiana Sweetbay Sweet Bay Magnolia 1 gallon $9.95 MALUS Purple Prince Flowering Crabapple 7 gallon $79.00 MALUS Sugar Tyme Flowering Crabapple (white) 7 gallon $79.00 METASEQUOIA glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood 1 gallon $9.95 METASEQUOIA glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood 10 gallon $79.00 METASEQUOIA glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood 5 gallon $59.00 METASEQUOIA glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood 7 gallon $59.00 MORUS alba Pendula Weeping White Mulberry 10 gallon $89.00 NYSSA sylvatica Black Gum or Black Tupelo 7 gallon $69.00 PEACH Elberta Peach 7 gallon $49.00 PEACH Red Haven Peach 7 gallon $49.00 PEACH Reliance Peach 7 gallon $49.00 PEAR Bartlett Pear 7 gallon $49.00 PEAR D'anjou Pear 7 gallon $49.00 PHILADELPHUS Snowbelle Mock Orange 2 gallon $27.00 PHYSOCARPUS opulifolius Tiny Wine PW Ninebark 1 gallon $9.95 PHYSOCARPUS opulifolius Tiny Wine PW Ninebark 3 gallon $39.00 PICEA abies Norway Spruce 5 gallon $27.00 PICEA abies Cupressina Norway Spruce 5 gallon $95.00 PICEA abies Norway Spruce 4-5' $139.00 PICEA abies excelsa Pendula Weeping Norway Spruce 5 gallon $95.00 PICEA abies Nidiformis Bird's Nest Spruce 2 gallon $29.00 PICEA abies Nidiformis Bird's Nest Spruce 3 gallon $39.00 PICEA glauca Albertiana Conica Dwarf Alberta Spruce 5 gallon $39.00 PIERIS japonica Mountain Fire Pieris 1 gallon $9.95 PIERIS japonica Mountain Fire Pieris 3 gallon $34.00 PINUS flexilis Vanderwolf's Pyramid Limber Pine 5 gallon $89.00 PINUS mugo Mugo Pine 3 gallon $24.00 PINUS parviflora Japanese White Pine 5 gallon $95.00 PINUS strobus White Pine 5 gallon $27.00 PINUS strobus White Pine 4-5' $139.00 PLATANUS Exclamation London Planetree 7 gallon $79.00 PLUM Blue Damson Plum 7 gallon

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