ANNUAL REPORT April 2016 - March 31, 2017 Bal Umang Drishya Sanstha (BUDS) Bal Umang Drishya Sanstha BUDS CORE VALUES (BUDS)LVDUHJLVWHUHGQRQSURÀW • Respects that every organization formed with the child has basic rights to objective of advancing the education, health, nutrition, well being, education, health development and protection and welfare of children in • Promote equitable access India without distinction of • Partners with Government, caste, class, gender, ethnicity, other NGO’s and allied religion, rural/ urban, physical International organization or mental disability. BUDS (QVXUHSURJUDPDQGÀVFDO was established in 2000, and accountability, respect was registered, as an Indian diversity, support community 1RWIRU3URÀW7UXVW self-determination. (Registration No 11686/4 of • Ensure minimal over- ZLWKWKHFRXQWU\RIÀFH head costs. located in New Delhi. • Encourage voluntary participation of professionals BUDS aims is to serve the such as doctors, teachers, underserved children by lawyers, scientists child preventing diseases, promoting rights and social activists. health and providing access to education to every child. REGISTRATION BUDS VISION: envisions a BUDS is registered as an society where every child is in ,QGLDQ1RWIRU3URÀW7UXVW school, free from abuse, neglect, VLQFH 5HJLVWUDWLRQ child labour and poverty. 1RRI BUDS MISSION TAX EXEMPTION D 3URPRWHHYHU\FKLOGLQVFKRRO E 3UHYHQWGLVHDVHDQG All Donation to BUDS are promote early child health exempted U/s 80G (income tax and development, and $FW WD[H[HPSWLRQ F &UHDWHODVWLQJFKDQJH by building healthy community and promote sustainable development. Contact Details BAL UMANG DRISHYA SANSTHA (BUDS) E 10 Green Park Main, New Delhi 110016, India Tel: Email: [email protected] | Website: www.buds.in Bankers Auditors AXIS BANK LTD ALOK MISRA & CO. K 12 Green Park Main, &KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWV New Delhi 110016 1-B, Vikrant Enclave, Mayapuri, New Delhi- 110064 A/C No. Tel:_Telefax: IFS Code:87,% Website: www.caalokmisra.org 2 Message from Managing Trustee 2QEHKDOIRI%DO8PDQJ'ULVK\D6DQVWKD %8'6 LWLVLQGHHGP\ SULYLOHJHWRSUHVHQWWKH%8'6DQQXDOUHSRUWHQGLQJ0DUFK %8'6KDVUHFRUGHGVHYHUDOLPSRUWDQWPLOHVWRQHVLQWKHÀHOGRI public health care & education, while working for underprivileged children and youth in the Red Fort – Mori Gate & Nizamuddin Railway station urban slums sites in national capital region of Delhi & an under- served Village Ghasera, Mewat, Haryana. CASE SUMMARY BUDS is implementing a project “Enhancing Health Care Access with Cellular Technology” at Village Ghasera. Sapna comes from an 7KLVSURMHFWLVMRLQWO\VXSSRUWHGE\1DWLRQDO,QVWLWXWHRI underprivileged family. +HDOWK 1,+ 86$DQG'HSDUWPHQWRI%LRWHFKQRORJ\ '%7 %HVLGHVÀQDQFLDOSUREOHPV Government of India. A novel software platform has been what Sapna lacked was the successfully launched to improve uptake and coverage of ability to express herself in primary childhood vaccinations by mobile cellular technology, IURQWRIRWKHUVFRQÀGHQFH6KH in order to prevent diseases and improve child survival. MRLQHGWKH&2'(3URJUDPPH on the recommendation of her Healthcare access is low in urban slums and poor rural cousin Garima, an ex-trainee population, where BUDS operates. BUDS health professionals at BUDS. “I wanted to learn encounter large burdens of disease with in extreme poverty and English and Computers but cultural challenges. Many are residents are migrants and daily more importantly, I needed to ZDJHODERXUHUV7KH\FDQ·WDIIRUGWRWDNHWKHLUFKLOGUHQWRHYHQ be able to show what I know in local government hospitals or afford medications. Under these front of others” she said. For circumstances, there was a need for Mobile Health Van to reach 6DSQDWKH6RFLDO&RQÀGHQFH out to provide medical services. BUDS is proud to announce classes are what stood out. “I WKDW3ULFHZDWHUKRXVH&RRSHUV 3Z& KDVUHFHQWO\SURYLGHGD was very scared of speaking grant donation to BUDS to start a new project “Improving to unknown people. Even to Access to Healthcare Services through Mobile Van for ÀOODIRUPDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\, vulnerable children, youth and community Delhi NCR”. had to take one of my friends with me” she said. However, BUDS multidisciplinary professional staff has strengthened our activities in these sessions have FRPPXQLW\RXWUHDFKSURJUDP 'URSLQ&HQWHU ',& VHUYLFHV helped Sapna become more BUDS is providing an innovative Non Formal education independent and her English 1)( SURJUDPZKLFKLVÁH[LEOHOHDUQHUFHQWHUHG SOD\ communication has improved based participatory education approach. Several children from tremendously. “I never spoke in vulnerable families have been enrolled in formal schools. More English before, but when I speak children are coming to attend our “remedial classes” and classes now, my students think that for improving “English speaking skills”. An Entrepreneurship I know a lot, and they respect 7UDLQLQJ3URJUDPZLWK/HDUQLQJ/LQNV)RXQGDWLRQ //) KDV me because they feel that my just taken off. Moreover, BUDS has started a program for English is good” she said.. After FKLOGUHQXQGHUVL[\HDUVDWRXU',&1L]DPXGGLQ5DLOZD\ HYHU\6RFLDO&RQÀGHQFHYLVLW VWDWLRQ,WVKDOOEHQHÀWWKHFULWLFDOSHULRGIRUWKH\RXQJ the trainees were expected to child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs. make presentations where they summarized their observations. BUDS invites your attention and support. Please do visit and Out of the four presentations volunteer your time at our project sites. With your insight, that she made during the course, expertise, and constructive feedback, we look forward to Sapna enjoyed preparing for enrich the lives of our vulnerable children and youth. the fourth one the most because it involved research on the Sincerely yours internet and presenting with a Power Point. She has improved her presentation skills. Dr Rajeev Seth 0DQDJLQJ7UXVWHH 3 Program for Underprivileged Vulnerable Children and Youth 2016-17 Bal Umang Drishya Sanstha +HDOWK&DUH$FFHVVZLWK0RELOH (BUDS) aim is to serve &HOOXODU7HFKQRORJ\µ ZLWKWKH the underprivileged children by support of an Indo-US Grant, preventing diseases, promoting jointly sponsored by National health and providing access ,QVWLWXWHRI+HDOWK 1,+ 86$ CASE SUMMARY to education and vocational and Department of Biotechnology training to every child. Its goal '%7 *RYHUQPHQWRI,QGLD Nancy belongs to the poor is to reduce the vulnerability BUDS is evaluating a novel vulnerable community Kucha of children and youth living software platform in mother- Mohattar khan, community. She and working on the urban infant units to improve uptake is the youngest of three sisters slums through a continuum and coverage of primary and one brother. Her father of services that address their childhood vaccinations by HDUQVDSSUR[5VPRQWK education, health, physical, mobile cellular technology, by selling vegetables sells. He psychological, life skills and in order to prevent diseases mother is home maker. Both vocational development. Since and improve child survival. parents are illiterate. BUDS LQFHSWLRQ DWRWDORIPRUH found Nancy was not interested WKDQYXOQHUDEOHFKLOGUHQ Community Outreach in studies and was very nervous between ages 6 to 18 years have activities and shy – like silent girl. She been reached with different enrolled herself in BUD’s services offered through 7KHPDLQREMHFWLYHVRI%8'6 UHPHGLDOFODVVDW0RUL*DWH',& outreach activities, drop-in community outreach activities In a short period of one year, FHQWUH·V ',& DQGYRFDWLRQDO DUHWRDFKLHYHHDUO\LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ she has improved with remedial training centers at Sarai Kale interventions and repatriation education, and is doing well in Khan, near Nizamudin railway of street and working children FODVV6KHKDVDOVREHQHÀWHG station and Red Fort- with their families. BUDS social IURP%8'6/LIHVNLOOVHGXFDWLRQ Mori gate, New Delhi. worker’s and peer educators are health camp facilities, and responsible for making contact recreational activities, to develop BUDS also provides education with the children and youth into a holistic development of and health care services to an and bringing them to the Drop her personality. She has now under- served Village Ghasera, LQFHQWUH ',& (YHU\GD\RXU EXLOWXSKHUFRQÀGHQFHWKURXJK also known as Gandhi staff visits the Old Delhi & these various activities. She Gram Ghasera, located near Nizamuddin railway station, is studying hard, with full Nuh, Mewat, Haryana with a Interstate bus terminus, and interest and concentration. SRSXODWLRQRIOne of the major commercial market places major challenges in this village and identify vulnerable children. BUDS looks forward to her is inadequate vaccination Our outreach system capacity have a bright future! coverage, which leads to was strengthened and a total of outbreak of vaccine-preventable FKLOGUHQDQG\RXWKFRQWDFWHG diseases, poor child health and GXULQJWKHODVW\HDU survival.urvivala . BUDS hasa launchedd a Achievements 2016-2017 projectrojecojeojecje t “Enhancing“En nc 4 education by play therapy, classes for improving “English watching, demonstration & speaking skills” regularly. BUDS audio visual medium by a initiated and promoted quality trained special educator. In educational services & learning 5HG)RUW',&WKLVLVWKHPRVW modules, above and beyond important services provided the requirement of providing by BUDS to street children, secondary education, in order to vulnerable children who live enhance future job opportunities in high risk slum communities for these children/youth. near the railway track & under • 175 children and youth temporary tarpaulin shelters. enrolled in remedial 7KHFKLOGUHQDUHPRVWO\IRXQG class at the DIC’s. roaming in the neighborhood,
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