SWIFT FOX CONSERVATION TEAM REPORT FOR 2017 – 2018 SWIFT FOX CONSERVATION TEAM REPORT FOR 2017 – 2018 Compiled and edited by: Heather Harris Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Glasgow, MT July 2020 The submissions in this biennial report represent the findings and conclusions of the submitters and have not been examined through a scientific, peer-reviewed process. Cover Photo by Craig Miller, Havre, MT Recommended Citation: Harris, H. F., editor. 2020 Swift fox conservation team: Report for 2017–2018. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Glasgow, MT, USA. Swift Fox Conservation Team Report for 2017-2018 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction…............................................................................................................................. 4 Swift Fox Conservation Team contact list, updated October 2018…........................................ 5 STATE AGENCY REPORTS Swift Fox Investigations in Kansas, 2017-2018 Matt Peek…...................................................................................................................... 10 Montana Swift Fox Conservation and Management, 2017-2018 Heather Harris, Bob Inman and Brandi Skone…............................................................. 12 Status of Swift Fox in New Mexico: 2018 Update James Stuart and Nicholas Forman…............................................................................... 21 2017-2018 North Dakota Report to the Swift Fox Conservation Team Stephanie Tucker….......................................................................................................... 25 South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks Swift Fox Update, 2017-2018 Eileen Dowd Stukel…...................................................................................................... 30 Trends in Occupancy of Swift Fox in Wyoming Nichole Bjornlie…............................................................................................................ 32 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Species Survival Plan Tracy Rein….................................................................................................................... 46 Proposed Swift Fox Reintroductions in North Central Montana Colleen Crill and Kyran Kunkel…................................................................................... 47 Distribution, Ecology, Disease Risk, and Genteic Diversity of Swift Fox (vuples velox) in the Dakotas Emily Mitchell, Jonathan Jenks, Donelle Schwalm, Tammy Wilson….......................... 70 SFCT MEETING, BOZEMAN, MONTANA Swift Fox Conservation Team - Minutes from 2018 bi-Annual Meeting Patrick Isakson, recorder….............................................................................................. 75 Swift Fox Conservation Team Report for 2017-2018 3 INTRODUCTION The swift fox (Vulpes velox) was petitioned to be listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 1992. After review, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined the species was warranted for listing but precluded due to higher priority species (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1995). In response to this petition, the Swift Fox Conservation Team (SFCT) was formed in 1994 and is comprised of state, federal, Canadian, tribal, and non-governmental organizations along with other interested organizations within the swift fox range. The SFCT works to assemble existing information, collect new biological data, implement swift fox monitoring and management programs, and advance swift fox conservation and restoration to avoid future listing under the Endangered Species Act. Since 1994, the SFCT developed the “Conservation assessment and Conservation Strategy of Swift Fox (Vulpes velox) in the United States” (CACS; Kahn et al. 1997), written 18 annual or biennial SFCT reports, and revised and updated the CACS to reflect new information and updated priorities (Dowd Stukel 2011). This report outlines the activities and accomplishments achieved on behalf of swift fox conservation by SFCT members in 2017 and 2018. LITERATURE CITED Dowd Stukel, E., editor. 2011. Conservation assessment and conservation strategy for swift fox in the United States – 2011 update. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, USA. Kahn, R., L. Fox, P. Horner, B. Giddings, and C. Roy. 1997. Conservation assessment and conservation strategy for swift fox in the United States. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Fort Collins, USA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1995. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: 12-month finding on a petition to list the swift fox as endangered. Federal Register 60:31663– 31666. Swift Fox Conservation Team Report for 2017-2018 4 SWIFT FOX CONSERVATION TEAM 2018 Contact List (updated 1 October 2018) SFCT Information on Colorado Parks and Wildlife website: http://cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/SwiftFoxConservationTeam.aspx STATE AND AGENCY REPRESENTATIVES Mark Vieira Phone: 970-472-4368 Colorado Parks and Wildlife Email: [email protected] COLORADO 317 W. Prospect Rd. Fort Collins, CO 80526 Matt Peek Phone: 620-342-0658 Kansas Dept of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism FAX: 620-342-6248 KANSAS PO Box 1525 Email: [email protected] Emporia, KS 66801 Bob Inman Phone: 406-444-0042 Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks FAX: 406-444-4952 MONTANA PO Box 200701 Email: [email protected] Helena, MT 59620 Sam Wilson Phone: 402-471-5174 Nebraska Game and Parks Commission FAX: 402-471-4992 NEBRASKA 2200 N. 33rd Email: [email protected] Lincoln, NE 68503 Jim Stuart Phone: 505-476-8107 New Mexico Dept of Game & Fish FAX: 505-476-8128 NEW MEXICO PO Box 25112 Email: [email protected] Santa Fe, NM 87504 Patrick Isakson Phone: 701-328-6338 North Dakota Game and Fish Dept. FAX: 701-328-6352 NORTH DAKOTA 100 N. Bismarck Expressway Email: [email protected] Bismarck, ND 58501-5095 Matt Fullerton Phone: 580-571-5820 Oklahoma Dept of Wildlife Conservation Email: : OKLAHOMA PO Box 53465 [email protected] Oklahoma City, OK 73152 Eileen Dowd Stukel, SFCT Education Phone: 605-773-4229 Committee FAX: 605-773-6245 SOUTH DAKOTA South Dakota Dept Game, Fish and Parks Email: 523 E Capitol [email protected] Pierre, SD 57501 Jonah Evans, Mammalogist Phone: 830-331-8739 Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. Email: TEXAS 140 City Park Rd. [email protected] Boerne, TX 78006 Nichole Bjornlie, SFCT Co-Chair Phone: 307-335-2611 Wyoming Game and Fish Dept. FAX: 307-332-6669 WYOMING 260 Buena Vista Dr. Email: [email protected] Lander, WY 82520 Swift Fox Conservation Team Report for 2017-2018 5 Chris Keefe Phone: 307-775-6101 U.S. BUREAU OF LAND BLM Wyoming State Office FAX: 307.775.6042 MANAGEMENT 5353 Yellowstone Rd. Email: [email protected] Cheyenne, WY 82009 Brian C. Kenner (on leave) Phone: 605-433-5260 Chief, Resource Management FAX: 605-433-5404 U.S. NATIONAL PARK Badlands National Park Email: [email protected] SERVICE (1) 25216 Ben Reifel Road, PO Box 6 Interior, SD 57750 Eddie Childers Phone: 605-433-5263 SFCT Monitoring Committee FAX: 605-433-5404 U.S. NATIONAL PARK Wildlife Biologist, Badlands National Park Email: [email protected] SERVICE (2) 25216 Ben Reifel Rd., PO Box 6 Interior, SD 57750 Scott Larson Phone: 605-224-8693, ext 224 U.S. FISH AND USFWS Ecological Services FAX: 605-224-9974 WILDLIFE SERVICE 420 S. Garfield, Suite 400 Email: [email protected] Pierre, SD 57501 Jeff Abegglen Phone: 308-432-0314 USFS – Nebraska National Forest Mobile: 308-430-4512 U.S. FOREST SERVICE 125 North Main Street Email: [email protected] Chadron, NE 69337 Kirk Gustad Phone: 970-494-7452 WS Western Regional Office FAX: 970-494-7455 U.S.D.A./APHIS/ 2150 Centre Ave, Bldg B Email: WILDLIFE SERVICES Mail Stop 3W9 [email protected] Fort Collins, CO 80526 Dr. Marsha A. Sovada Phone: 701-253-5506 SFCT Research Committee FAX: 701-253-5553 U.S.G.S./BIOLOGICAL Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Email: [email protected] RESOURCES DIVISION 8711 37th Street SE Jamestown, ND 58401 U.S. NATURAL RESOURCES Vacant CONSERVATION SERVICE Greg Wilson Phone: 780-951-8669 Canadian Wildlife Service FAX: 780-495-2615 CANADA SPECIES Environmental Stewardship Branch Email: [email protected] LEAD (1) 9250 – 49th St. NW Govt. of Canada website: Edmonton, AB T6B 1K5 www.ec.gc.ca Dr. Axel Moehrenschlager Phone: 403-232-7771 Centre for Conservation & Research FAX: 403-232-9370 CANADA SPECIES Calgary Zoological Society Email: [email protected] LEAD (2) 1300 Zoo Road NE Calgary, AB T2E 7V6 Swift Fox Conservation Team Report for 2017-2018 6 PARTICIPATING COOPERATORS SFCT Monitoring Committee Phone: 406-600-6728 World Wildlife Fund FAX: 406-582-7640 Kristy Bly Northern Great Plains Program Email: [email protected] 320 Meadow Lake Drive www.worldwildlife.org/ngp Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Canadian Wildlife Service Phone: 780-481-2274 Ludwig N. Carbyn 4999-98th Ave. FAX: 780-435-7359 Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3 Email: [email protected] Swift Fox Studbook Keeper Pueblo Zoo Phone: 719-561-1452 Ashley Bowen 3455 Nuckolls Ave. Email: [email protected] Pueblo, CO 81005 Defenders of Wildlife Phone: 535 16th St.., Suite 310 FAX: Denver, CO 80202 Email: University of Montana & Mountain Thinking Conservation Science Phone: 406-763-4109 Kyran Kunkel 1875 Gateway S. Rd. Email: [email protected] Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730 Swift Fox AZA SSP Coordinator Phone: 636-938-5900 Endangered Wolf Center Email: Tracy Rein PO Box 760 [email protected] Eureka, MO 63025 SFCT Research Committee Phone: 406-243-4329 Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit FAX: David Ausband Natural Science Building Room
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