WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1961 PAGE TWENTY-EOXJR ArtngB Daily Net Press Run ^attrtf>Bts^r Sorning iimtlb i For tlM We«k Ended The Weather Much U, 1961 FereoMt of E. 8. Westher BareM Fair and coder tonlxlit Vnw 13,317 26-S2. Friday fair, not eo cod, Member of the Audit cloudIneM in aftemoos. Hlfh 48- BareM of OlronlsUon Manchester-—A City of Village Charm so. VOL. LXXX, NO. 152 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1961 (Clsmifled Advertlslnf on Pmge t t ) PRICE FIVE CENTS 21 Overseas OPtN TOMOR TILL 00! 52 U.S. Bases U.S. Pushing Buildup Other days to 5:45 Face Cutback Of Military Near Laos STAMPS Tomorrow Washington," March SO (A>)— The Defense Department an­ DOUBLE GREEN nounced today the closing or curtailment of activities at 52 C A S H SALES W ITH ALL military bases and installations in the United States. Twenty- one bases overseas also .nre being closed or cut back. Secretary of Defense Flobert S.^ McNamara said this was the first TB T Reds Want Awaits Red To enter Kathy’s new phas contest, please send yonr Whlllilte House plan to eliminate ob­ name and telephone niinri- solete or surplus InstEiIlations State J\ews her to Kathy Godfrey. NOW...SPRING COAT SALE! among- the 6.700 bases, big and lit­ Laos Truce Accord on WINF, Manchester. tle, at home and abroad. The estimated annual savings Roundup from today’s action may eventual­ ly reach $220 million, although After Talks Ctease-Fire this amount would not be saved COAT VALUES TO $45 during the several years needed Moscow, March 30 (/P)— Vientiane, Laos, March 30 T to carry out the cutback pro­ Montville Man There were indications in in­ 29 99 (iP)—The Laotian govern­ . ! gram. ■<4 __ formed quarters tonight that ' box coat with puritan collar ’The cutback will affect about ment today reported heavy Choose from * shawl collared clutch the Soviet government soon ' stitched collar clutch coat 15.000 civilians and military^ per­ Shot, Wounded fighting in eastern Laos two . these attractive * 3 button box coat sonnel in the United States and will propose that the control days ago, contradicting pre­ ' stitched puritan collar about 19,000 overseas. spring styles * orlon knit coat Montville, March 30 {IP)— A commission — .India, Poland vious reports that a virtual Of the 15,000 In the U. S., about and Canada—be revived to 9.000 are civilians working at mill hand stopped a fellow cease-fire seemed to be in ef­ bases and 6,000 are military. worker’s car on the way to work out conditions for a fect during the SEATO con­ OverseM, about 15,000 are mili­ work today and wounded him cease-fire in I.aos. ference. THE tary and 4,000 civilians, But the same sources indicated Information Minister Boua- THE cutback program will be carried with a shotgun blast while the Ru.viians would insl.st thst an out over a period ranging from 12 the other man’s wife watched. International cnnfcicnce of H na­ van Norasing i.ssued a report AUGNIFICENT "AURSHAULLOW" to 36 months, there should not be Then, police said, Gustav Mi- tions be ronvened before the con­ of a violent battle Tue^ay BLOUSE-BEAUTIFUL! any "sudden, sharp, critical Im­ leski, 46, returned to his home here tending .sides in the Laos civil war near Kam Kent, about 130 pact” on employes. andshut himself inside. Fifteen laid down their arm.s. state troopers gathered outside miles east of Vientiane. The McNamara said that the de­ These reports spread as War­ report claimed government HANDBAGS partment will help localities In re­ while he was u rg^ to surrender. saw Pact pavers ended their .3- locating workers. This effort will After an hour, he gave up with­ day conference. Dccl.sions taken troops killed 80 of the pro- (left) 5 . 9 9 Include finding jobs for them, out gunfire. His mother, Mrs. were not immediately made public Communist rebels. 8.99 values when possible, at other military Adolph Mileskl, stepped outside but Laos was not a primary con­ the door and told officers, "You Bouavan also said six Rus­ in lacy white washable Installations. cern. sian Ilyushin transports were In reply to a question, he said people can come in.” Soviet newspaper reaction to cotton, sizes 30 to 36. that In general the government The shooting victim, Urban Gau­ the SEATO declaration on Laos spotted today over the battle- would not pay for relocating thier, a neighbor of Mileskl, was was so mild that western diplo­ front near Tha Thom, 115 (2nd» workers. However, it was ex­ taken to a Norwich hospital where mats expressed belief It meant the miles east of Vientiane. He floor) plained later that there would be surgery was being performed for Kremli-n i.s disposed to seek a gave no further details. exceptions to this. an arm wound. workable solution. State Police gave this account: Today’s announcement did not But the ^British proposal call­ By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Identify the 21 basea which are be­ The two men had quarreled at ing for an inimcdiate cease-fire to ing closed down or cut back over­ work yesterday at the Federal be .supervised bv. 1 he Tontrol com­ Washington, March 30 (>P) seas. ’They will be disclosed some­ Paper Board Co. of Montville. mission eslabli.shed» in Geneva in —In the absence of a Soviet time during the next two or three Mileskl brooded over it. He de­ 1954 was described by one well- cided he wanted to shoot off Gau­ cease-fire agreement for weeks. informed source as unacceptable Laos, the United States is re­ McNamara said the reduction in thier’s left hand—the one with to the Rii.ssians. overseas base operations would which he was hit yesterday, offi­ portedly pressing ahead with cers said he told them. The same informant said the contribute substantially to the ef­ Russians were ples.sed about Pres­ its buildup of military power the wonder plastic with the fort of the United States to re­ This morning he blocked Meet­ in and near Southeast Asia. ing House Lane with his automo­ ident Kennedy’s declaration last duce the outflow of gold. week for an independent and Secretary of State Dean Rusk (right) 3 e 9 9 soft, soft feel of leather and Dollars spent by military per­ bile. When the Gauthiers came neutral Laos. is said to have made clear to U.S. sonnel abroad build up dollar along, he tried to force Gauthier Allies at a southeast Asia Treaty out of the car, but the other man In All Its Glory ‘"There are no screaming head­ Mrs. Mary Feyre smiles In Providence Hospital, Holyoke, Mass., the easy care qualities of plas­ credits in foreign countries which This Illy, traditional sign of Esister, opens wide its petals today lines about the need to support the Organization (SEATO) meeting may ask payment from the United rolled up the windows Md stayed yesterday after giving birth to quadruplets in 10 minutes. (AP this week that the Kennedy admin­ cascades of ruffles in wash and inside. as a prelude to the sacred and joyful fetuit Sunday. (Herald pho­ fight against Imperialism,” one dl- Photofax.) States in gold. to by Pinto). -plomat said. ‘This is a good sign.” istration Is determined to use force wear dacron polyester and cot­ tic. Mined with "soft lure" for McNamara estimated that Mileskl broke a window and, po­ to the extent It may be compelled lice quoted him as saying, the gun Most Moscow newspaper print­ eventualUf this cutback in over­ ed a New York dispatch by the of­ to do BO to prevent a Communist ton. Ials«^l007o cotton ba­ more wear, several styles and seas base opsratlaS^VSht sav9 wgM i|ff in the process. takeover In the Southeast Asian peihaps $100 million a in bal- HC WMt home. Later, his moth^^* ficial news agency Tass. It referred ^Dad, You^re a Rig DeaV kingdom. tiste). whiTb^p ink, blue, mint, ■hee i t payment operations. , er went there and found him sit­ to “bellicose appeals from some shapes from which to choose, U.S., Russia Avert members of this military-police However, officials here estimate bone, canary, lilac, banana, ting In a chair. They talked about there Is at least an even chance (Continued on Page Tis-o) the incident. bloc” In Southeast Asia but pointed bone, coffee, cream, navy, out that moderate voices prevailed that Soviet Premier Nikita sizes 32 to 38. Then she called officers in. She Quads’ Parents Wonder Khrushchev will agree to a cease­ said she wasn’t afraid, adding: at the Bangkok conference of the -green, red. Southeast Asia Treaty Organiza­ fire and follow up negotiations at - (maini floor) "He was just In a temper.” Arms Debate in UN an ^international conference for a tion. G)ngress Vote perm^ent Laotian settlement. “In order to justif.v further in­ If ‘It All Was a Dream’ A reply from the Soviet govem- Man Dies^of Burns terference,” the Tass dispatch said, Meriden, March 30 — A 69- United Nations, N. Y.. March 30*>.arms debate until the next session Continues Ban "the authors of the resolution re^ (Continiied on Page Ten) FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! year-old Wallingford farmer died (/P)—U.N. diplomats were relieved starting Sept. 19. ferrd to Communist help to By .IAMF.S OAIAKJERO today, were to be small doses of today In Meriden Hospital of today by reports the United States Stevenson has been negotiating Pathet I^ao” along with the de- Holyoke, Mass., March 30 ()P) glucose and water.
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