.•*«'•* BANK EEGISTER him* W"klr. Sat««<> M S»eoo.d-Olass Hatter at th« Post- [VOLUME L; NO. 52. —• oBce at Bed 8uk, M. J. aadei tt« lot dt Maxell f, M»». SKED.BANK, N. J./[WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20,1928. $1.50 PER IYEAR PAGES nephew, Raymond Fary, are the will also go to college. Harry THIRTEEN NEW TEACHERS CAPT. PATTERSON'S Will executors ot tho will. VISITING MODEL FARMS. SCHOOL DAYS FINISHED. Kruse will attend Rutgers, James A NEW CHIMNEY SWEEP. BOATS LEAVE RED BANK. Mrs. Mary E. VanBrunt of West VanNostrand will go to the Univer- WILL TEACH AT RED HIS WIFE AND HIS BUSINESS Long Branch bequeathed $G0O each ANNUAL TOUR OP MIDDLE- HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING sity of Pennsylvania and Kileen THE WORK IS NOW DONE BY SEA BIRD AND ALBERTINA IK Walder will enter Simmons college BANK NEXT YEAR. PARTNER GET HIS ESTATE. to thrco grandsons, Clinton Davis, TOWN AGRICULTURE PUPIL3. EXERCISES LAST WEEK, ELECTRICITY. i NEW WATERS. ' ' Irving Davis and Wilbur Davis. The They Left Monday .Morning on a m Boston. S.T.nN.w Teacher. Will ba In,the Mn, Patterson Named »• Executrix sum of $100 was left to her son-in- ThI. Year's Claia Wat the Largatt Anson Hoyt will make a trip The Holland Ftirnace Company Gets They Will be UseTby Grtnam U*aj' <! Junior High School and Six In ih« r—George W. Ogllvie LMVM Estate law, William Davis, and the same . Bu» Trip to Varioui Placet and in tha Hi.torr of the School—Ex- around the world. He will sail as a Contracts to Sweep tha Chimneys Between New York and Midland River Street School—No Changes to Hii Wife—Wills of Other Rw sum was left to Catherine F. Smith They Will Return Home Tonight ercitet Were Held at River Street cadet on a steamship and he will and Furnaces of Red Bank Schools Beach—-Familiar S'ghls Here Far in th« Other Schools. uidmti of Thl» Locality. of New York. All of Mrs. Van. i—PupiU Earned Trip. , School—Puplli Win Prizes.. leave, in a few days. - With New Apparatus. Fifty Years. Thirteen now teachers have been Captain William A. Patterson of Brunt's household goods were be Themembers of the agricultural The class of 1928 of the Red Bank The Holland furnace company of The steamboats Sea Bird, AlbMN '' engaged to teach in the Red Bank Mlddletown township, who died queathed. to her daughter-in-law, class of the Mlddletown township high school has completed its school "GANGWAY" FOR SWEEPERS. Red Bank, which has an office on tina and Midland Beach, which. XUfW public schools next year. All-the about three weeks ago, left a will Lily VanBrunt; and all the remaining high school at Leonardo left Monday life and it is now a matter of his- Mechanic street, has received a con- belong to the Graham line speratliMt'.' changes will take place in the junior -which he made in 1820. He left s property of every kind waa-be- morning on an educational sight- tory. Class night .e'xercises were Autos Must Get Off Streets in the tract to clean all the chimneys and between New York city and Mid- ."high and River street schools. The very, large estate. His will recites queathed to her son, John VanBrunt, seeing trip of. three days. They are held Wednesday night of last week Early Morning Hours. furnaces of the schoolhouses of Red land Beach, Staten Island, have Uft..., -present teaching staffs will remain that Miss Alice J. Brown of New and his wife, Lily VanBrunt, for. making the trip by bus and they are and commencement exercises took An ordinance passed ita first read- Bank. TJie work will be started in a their winter quarters at tie foot of * ' Jin-all the other schools.' ./ >, York: city had been his faithful sec- their use and profit as long as they touring various farm sections of place Thursday night.. The class ing at Red Bank Monday night pro- few days. Wharf avenue afte* having received '• ' In the junior high school Chester retary, assistant and business part- live and at their death it is to go to New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Dela- comprised over 100. pupils and was hibiting the. parking of automobiles The chimneys and furnaces will a thorough going over, -which con- on streets between the hours of t Wllhclm, of, Phllllpsburgi who /was ner for a. period of over ten years their heirs. John and Lily VanBrunt ware. They are expected home to- the /largest in the history of tho not be cleaned by begrimed chim- sisted of mechanical as well as holt director of Lafayette college band, and that her wisdom,' executive abil- are the executors. The will was night. •..:. school. The stage in the junior high three o'clock and six o'clock in the, ney sweep men such as are- called to and deck inspections. morning. • The penalty is not to ex- 'will teach general science and will ity arid advice ha>d rendered -most made in 1925 and tho witnesses The'agricultural class has 25 mem- school auditorium was not big mind, when the words "chimney' With the departure this ipring direct the high school band. Ho valuable assistance' in accumulating were Dr. C. Fred Csrr and Sarah bers and with them is their instruc- enough to accommodate the entire ceed $25 or ninety days in the coun- sweep" arc mentioned. The work from our wharf of the Sea Blrd^ will succeed Mies Agnes Hoovens, his property. He bequeathed to her J. VanGelder. ' tor, Frank Poston. The members of class and for this reason the exer- ty jail. The object of the ordinance will ,b.e done by electricity and the arid Albertina the river loses boat*' who will be married.v William Sine- the sum of $1,200 to be Raid to her -Henry.Michael Dolan of Avon, in the class are Daniel Bohn, Clifford cises were held in the River street is to clear the paved streets of au- soot and other dirt and refuse in the which for fifty years have endeared1 . hart of Stewartsville, New Jersey, annually during her life and'in a a will which he made January 8th, Compton, Herbert Eigerirauch, John school auditorium, which has a tomobiles in the wee, small hours of chimneys and furnacea will be themselves to thousands who have. will teach business training'a'ndwiii codicil to tho will mado in 1927 he 1926, bequeathed all his property Hicks; Thomas Jennings,' Harold larger stage. Every seat in the au- tile morning when the street sweep- sucked out in much the same man- made the pleasant trip down the bay; coach the school football team., He bequeathed to her also all of his in- to his ,wife, Mary E. Dolan, and Jelm, Edgar Laytpn, Pierce Leon- ditorium was occupied. ing machines are used. ner that dirt is taken out of car- and up tho beautiful Shrewsbury to played center on the Lafayette col- terest in the Patterson-Andress named her as executrix, Lillian V. ard, Philip Matthews, William Mol- At the class night exercises the pets and rugs by a vacuum cleaner. Red Bank. The skippers of craft il%', lege football team. , company of New York city, together Hampton and'Samuel Y... Hampton zon, Harvey Phillips, Charles Pat- stage was decorated in green and In sharp contrast with the re- New York harbor who" have recog- Leroy Baker, who was leader of with'all shares .of stock in that com- of Avon witnessed the will. terson, Warren Palmer, James Red- white. A crescent was suspended galia worn by the old-time chimney nized these well known boat* by the glee club at Lafayette, will teach pany-which he might own at the Charles B. Poland of Bradjey field.Melvin Ryan, Paul Schlichting, over the heads of the graduates and PUPILS SAVE $33,403.14, sweep is the plain cap and clean their names in large, attractive let- English in the junior high sehool. time.of his death. His family home- Beach ordered a tombstone costing Herbert Cole, Herbert Brett, Rich- in the hollow of the crescent were overalls of his successors, the me- ters on the sides of'tho wheelhouse, He will take the place of Miss Flor-- the numerals "1928." The girls in RED BANK SCHOOL CHILDREN will also mias their familiar 'sight. stead, known as the John H. Pat- $1,000 Eet up above his grave in_C_al- ard .Campbell, Joseph Darling, Hen- HAVE THAT SUM IN BANK. chanics Operating the suction ap- enee'MuIford of BrldgetonV Thep- tenon homestead: property, River- vary cemetery of Asbury Park. He ry Eigenrauch, James Kennedy; the class wore white dresses and the paratus. There is no soot or dust In renovating tho boats this year dore Bixler..of - Lebanon, Pennsyl- side .drive at Red Bank, he be- left his home in Bradley Beach to Roger McCormack, Adolph Molzon boys blue coats and white flannel on their garments. They .come on vania; will succeed Miss Bernadette The School Bank Was Started these namoB on the wheelhouse, queathed to his wife, Ella DeBevoiso his wtfe Elizabeth as long as die and Bradford Hitter.' trousers. One of the features of Three and a Half Years Ago and the job on an automobile truck on which appeared in letters nearly fix Hannnn as teacher of commercial Patterson, for" her use during her should live and she is also to re- The first stop made by the class the exercises was a sketch of a which is mounted'a forty-horse pow- arithmetic Ho is a graduate of All the Public School Children feet high, have been replaced by the- Iifo and at her.death the property ceive the income from a'fund of r.nd their teacher was at the Walker- scene in Paris ten years hence.
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