LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD. VOL. 11-NUMBER 63. LONG BRANCH, N. J,, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1912. 8 PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS A NEW_ARCANUMITE MOONSHINERS WIN GAME H. Norman Ho/t Put Through Myster- LIVELY RED BUNK They Defeated the West End* Thta 25 DROWNED WHEN ies of Bed Council, No. 984 Morning by the Scora of FRANK DALTON. WELL Thursday Night 14 to 13. At Thursday night's meoilng of Red The first baaelnall Ka,mu of the sea- Bank Council, No. 984, Royal Arcanum, son in this vicinity was plttyod ( LINER COLLIDES WITH held In tbe council room fn tlx* llimicv morning between the Moonshiners building in Broad street, lied Hunk, nud tho Weat Ends. The .Moonshiner* KNOWN HOTEL MAN. Henry Norman Hoyi, of Oakland Will Be Held Tuesday Night fn won by the score of 14 to 13. It was street, that place, was put through th** a very interesting game all the way mysteries of the prgatiization. Five Borough Hall, From Seven through. The batting honors of the BARK AND SINKS new Applications for membership were game were captured by Harry Zuker- Until Nine O'clock. iner and Allie Solkawitz. CALLED TO REST received, and investigating commit- tees were appointed by Regent Harry The Moonshiners were A. Solkawitz, What promises to be one of the pjteher; J. Landa, catcher; Harry All Aboard Rescued After Officers Had With Pis- L. Martin. most spirited fipp department elections Proprietor of Brighton Avenue Hotel Prominent in Red Bank Council received a fra- Zukermer. 1st base; II. Swteky, &I ever held in the borough of Red Hank c; A. Kismen, 3d base; 11. WCIBB, ternal visitation from ton members of will tnke place next Tuesday night tols Held Crowd Back In Rash For Boats Coronal Council, of Keyportj at, the BhprtBtop; H. Landa, left field; p. at the Borough Hull, la Monmouth Greenburg, center field; and A. Rosen, Board of Trade, Secret Societies and Episco- meeting. At the close of the; seseipii, street, that place. T1H> polls will open right field. The West Knda were J. But Casualties Occurred When Small refreshments were served in the ban-at seven and elobe at nine o'clock. Cattennch, pitcher; . W. Lawrence, pal Church, Sick For a Long Time. quet hall, after which a social hour There are two candidates for chief, catcher; 1*. HtneB, 1st hoBe; J, Qona- wtig spent, playing dominoes and plu- forte, 2d Mae; F. MacCiivthy. 3d base; Boat Capsized ocbJe. The visitors- returned to Key- F. Alden, left fieUl; H. Hrown, center Was In His Sixtieth Year. port on the last car, at twelve o'clock. field; and U Van Ilrunt, right field. London, March 16.—Twenty-five The annual domino and pinochle Frank hititmi, fur many years iden- are reported drowned off tournament of Red Bank Council will Miss Mabel Conell Hostess. titled with the hotel huiinesa In this Knit Bourne today when the Rente' be started at the next meeting, on BB Mabel Conell, of Montnoiith city, died nt 4 o'clock yesterday after- sula anil Oriental Ltner Oceana sunk LAY CONFERENCE Thursday night, March 28th. The street, Red Bank, entertained ft few noon ui inn IMIHH' in Uriflfaton avemu* utter colliding with the German Hark tournament will continue about ten of her friends Thu ruday evening at He had ix't-u :wi-i<iiiHly ll| during tho Plsugua. All aboard were rescued weeks and suitable awards will be dis- lior home. Tho ovonlng was pleasant- past live weeks, auftcrins from a com- but the lose of life occurred when a tributed lo the victors. pltntition of dlHotiM's. At ttmes ho small life boat, capsized. HONORS MR. BENNETT ly spout In playing panics and having JIT RED BIK Y. Ml A. seemed lo Improve, Lftt it was only a general nodal time. Refreshments Tho Oceana sunk an hour alter a wetro Horvpd and souvenirs were dis- temporary, as he would relaspse into hole was rammed In the port Bide. It tributed. The affair broke up at about ;t fume of »eml<ooneek>UEin»8Si He bad carried five million tlolfai* In specie LOIIQ BrailCl) CUltOr 10 eleven o'clock. Will Be Served at Headquarters been unconscious fuUy tweuty-four and was bound for Bombay. The hours prevfouB to pit«eing out. weather was clear and the cause of Represent New Jersey Con- Monday Night By Ladies' Five years ago Mr. Haltuu was crit- the accident is unknown. ically 111. lie suffered from nervous- Most of the Oceana's passengers ference at Minneapolis. MAKES BIG till Auxiliary. ness and hettrt trnuble, supponed to were in their berths and n panic fol- JUMSON BEBEKAHS ii-f. e h. •> ii wanted hy an an to mobile At the meet i the Laymen's A banquet and social time will be acrideiit, when he WUB thrown down Audience In Spite of held at thfi Red Bank Y. M. O. A., In ;m enibankmtfiit while an rm»tt» to Mouniouth street, that place, Mouilay Xew York. He tiwiUally recovered escape. OfUneris at pistol points Park, Harry P. Bennett, of this city, Weather Attend Closing Num- EIGHT YEARS OLD night, Cor the purpose of discussing forced the gallon* back and got the was honored for (lie ^ocouu time by plans and completing arrangements passengers into tlic boaia. being elected one of the five laymen ber of Lecture Course. (tir the twelve-hour campaign to be to represent the New Jersey Confer- Sea Bright Lodge Celebrates held In the near future to r&itui $5,000 Mita Wiederholt Entertains. at the meeting of tlu; (ioneral Confer- Ooapite the inclement weather lust Oliver G. Frake, for the benefit or the association. The SH Ida \VieUt»rlioU, of Shrewsbury, once to be held at Minneapolis next evening, a lnrg<> and appreciative au- Candidate For Chief. With Fine Entertainment dinner will be nerved. In the gymnas- entertained a "baker's dozen" of May. A second Moumouth county dience greeted the Whitney brothers, Oliver G. Frak«, the well-known con- ium on the M'COIHI Huor of the a«nn- young frieods at her honiojj) Syca- man elected wits William Child/ of who gave the lrtsi number of the Pop- Followed By Spread. rjiition LtulldluR under tho auHplceu of tractor and builder, a member of Un- 1 more avenue, that place, last night. I lied Hank. ular Course entertainments under tin; ion Hose Company; and Louis J- Tet- the ladles auxilitiry, The evening was pleasantly spent in auspices of the Long Brunch Ttueh- KuiMKon Itehelvuh Degruc I^Higu, No. This "$B,00i nainpalgn11 will be un- Mr. Bennett was specially honored 1 ley\ the "bike" dealer, H member of ^jjiitying games, singing and having a at the Ball! mum Convention four era association. The program pre- Independent Kire Kiigiuo Company, 41, I. K O. F., (tf Sea nrlght. colebrat- der the direction of nine teamti, com- good time generally Refreshments ago, being appointed on several Beiited wag an oxeccllent one, con- l-'erdinannand IL. WWte, of Liberty HotO ed Ltl cigluh Hiinlv<>rHary ai Ikiwaer'n poKed of ton men each. .During the were served as a seasonable hour, ii.ill last MfftlU. The progrum includ- sisting of the best of muLic from the Com paany; , lu t !!*•> only cuudidaU; for t wel vc- hours tlio tiiembora at t ]io,»« German cum posers, Old HfUgUsi] and first aaaistant chief, liut there art two ed recitationa, nniatt; and Hflftft follgw- teams will get busy and endeavor lo •Overseer Manion on Boston Trip. American writers, Kaeh number was candidates for second Hostetant chief ed by ft tempiIIIK collation raise the. reciuired sum. Th« procui>da Overseer of the Poor Frank J. Man- announced and explained in order Owing to the Hturin. nianj" qt tU« vjll go toward the current cxpttnsoH Arthur Jeffrey, of Kelief Fire KiiKi'>*> 1 son, of Oakland street, lied Dank, will tbat the audience might more fully oe> Company, aud J. Oakley Cooper, of vfHJtors wen: unable to b« pr««t?nt nod of (lit UHHiK'iiJfJon. / leave tomorrow for a few days' pleas- Joy its reHdltion. avi'Mink Hook and Ladder Company. take iwtrl lu the huppy eelebratton. A lai'Re banner will be hung acrotiuj ure trip to Boston. The work of Ut$fle brotherH, for own The five fire companion of the bor- There was a lar^e tUtendance, how- Broad street, tc-nr MeciianUt street, brothers they are, was ol Ihe finest ough will each be represented at the cvRr, in uplte m the t*lorni. aud a most. lied Hank, ami the. public will be in- Boys' Club at Sea Bright. quality, and every number was en- election by one' member, who will . pffUHiiiK iJtv>t.'runi \vnn rtitdered. formed of the progress of the cam- Frank Dutton. Several ybung men of Sea Bright tored and hi «om« instances answer- check off the voters from his respec- ' The lodgi; is an ontKrowth of lieu- paign hour by hour, when the suinB hut. H«v«r i<-KiLiiutti his slrengtb, and have organized a club to be known as ed \o more than once, but always very tive company as they vote. Thf.uo lah tti-bekah Degree Uidgti. ot this raised will be, posted. / life graduully lost his old time desire the "F. H. IV They have fitted up a gracefully. Besides the music, sev- eity. It iuia made rapid strldea, with The iliite for thiit cam pain it will eral selected readings were given by members of the board of elect Ion will i" 1m active. He hail to ba'oatitious ' clubroom and hold weekly meetings.
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