Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1995 Daily Egyptian 1995 2-13-1995 The Daily Egyptian, February, 13, 1995 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1995 Volume 80, Issue 95 Recommended Citation , . "The Daily Egyptian, February, 13, 1995." (Feb 1995). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1995 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1995 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Inside: Men's hoops keeps tie.for lst in MVC ~ith weekend'win, agai_nst Sycamores -page 16 February Mon d,o JI·.-:,,.. 1995 -1. e Daily Egyptian 1·- L:,'.'· Southern Hlinois University at Carbondale Vol. 80, No. 95, 16.pages SI UC student 2nd i·n line fo·r Miss USA By Kellie Holies :ind interview r:"<'-..r.w,_,-.,,-,.., ents ,hnuld allow their adult chil­ celchri1y appearances traveled 10 Gi,s Bode D.iih• E~v1i1i.1n Rc11ol1l'r calt:'!!Oric~. dren to li\'e at home and whether Tex:is for the mnional compe1ition, Her strnple~s. Hillary Clinton should change her The pageant was broadcast on After a week-long competition in while gown ilnagc. CBS s1:11ion KFVS-12. which also Snulh Patlrc lslantl. Texas. an SIUC with fe:11her­ Holmes. along with Smith and carried a local commercial Holmes ,tudcnt walked awav with the sec­ lined lrain and Moalder. :u?recd Clinton should not made for Southwes1ern Exposure. ond runner-up title iti 1hc Miss USA long. dark hair ch.mge her~imagc to try and appeal 182.'i W. Main. a tanning salon in Pacc:mt Fritlav c,·cnim?. made her a more to the puhlic. and helievecJ Marion. Nichole Htllmcs. a ~20-vear-old ,t:111cJou1 in the :icJult children should he allowed to Rohin Stcllm. owner of the salon. junior in communic:ition, from compc1i1ion. li\'e with their parents. sai<l Holmes has been tanning at lhe Cus says, A-con­ Holmes· con- _ _,_.,.__..... .= ·Marion. was named Mis, "I live wilh my parents and salon since the opening two years stant smile, a slant smile and Nichole Holmes Photogenic early lasl week and 1hcy'rc \'cry supponivc of all I cJo:· ago anti the conuncrci:il helped her strapless dress lnul!h made her she said ... I don·1 think they're and the business. placed 1hird in lhc pageant behind and a high opin­ the first runner-up. New Yor!,;"s l'l!em down-to-canh and friendly 10 read,• 10 kick me out \'Cl ... ..This was Nichole's first actual Shanna Moaklcr and Miss USA. a crowd of parents. celebrities aml H;ilmcs. a gr.icJuaic of John A. production line.I she·11 probably do ion of Hillary Chelsi Smith. ofTex:is. well-wishers. Logan College. ·won the Miss more for us:· she· said ...The Clinton­ Holmes competed with 50 As a finalist. Holmes answered Illinois title in Novcmhcr in sounds like women in swimsuit. evening gown pop questions about whc1hcr par- Shnumburg anti after sc\·cral RUNNER-UP, page 8 a winner to me. MICH411 I. 01smi- 1in 0111\ £,,,,.,,., I Love Your Heart': Pnrtici11m1ls i,m,ll'l'd in llu• "Ltll't' Your Hearl" ru11/wnlk lnke offfi1r (I Jit•t-lllill' rl/11 S1111daJf nftam11.m ill frim/ 1!{ P11llin111 Hn/1. Tl!,• rat,' mi, >/'<lfl,orc,i l•lf flu• Riv,•r to Ritw Nmmt·rs Cl11I> 1111d 1~(/i:mi dtlit•r II fi;,c-milc rw1 or n two-mik wnlk across rnmpus. Inside RA s collaborate with U of Memphis Two SIUC buildin~s 10 By Dustin Coleman MacKenzie. who headed the pm­ receive renovations D,1ily [~\'f)tian Rt•pmll'r Advisers tour campus facilities gram. said the Univer,-ity of from plan approved by left Sunday morning. din:il!.. -d by the Residence Life Staff Memphis wa, the ideal school 1,,r SIU trustees. In an cffon 10 cxd1an2e itleas and The \'isilors spent Saturday morn­ of Thompson Point. :md hc~<lc<l by the exchange progmm bccau-c it i, compare opemtiun,. ,c~·cn rc,icJcnt ing in a discussion session with the Jim MacKenzie. compar.1blc in si1.c and enmllmc111 toSIUC. page 3 acJ\·iscrs and two a,~btant area coor­ RA ·s fron1 Thompson Point and Melenzic. head resident at Feltz dinator, from the Uni\'ersit\' nf ,-pent tile rest of the day touring Hall in Thompson Point. said every­ MacKenzie ,aid the gmup from 1'1cmphis. i.penl 1he weekend ~\•i1h Thompson Point. Brush Towers. thing wenl bcuer lhan cxpcctc<l. the Uniwrsi1y of Memphi, ,c•emcd Sports ,1aff members of Thompson Point University Park anti the SIUC cam­ .. It was a huge success:· he said. like a group that they could tr.itlc The rc,i<lcnt adviser, from pus. "Evervthin!! went off better than we Saluki women's 10- l>kmphis. arri\'1.-<l Friday night and 111c exdiange pmgram was coor- thought we· would:· EXCHANGE, page 8 minute run in l st half end!> Redbird win streak, 92-68, Saturday. O.J. and race: Le~turer talks Foulks unfit page 16 By William C. Phillips Ill acJmined a 1en- imponant the black community not to stand trial Dail\• Eflypli,1n R!.'1l0rter cJcncv for vio• be misled into believing thal lcncc: m remain Simpson·s tlefcnse team is taking By Rob Neff Wi.!ather on acti\'C dutv ·• up 1hc banner to light p..1lk-c brutal- D,1ily EA~•pli,m Rt'f}Orl,•r A nationally-known e,pcrl on ,he said ...Al ity. Today Tomorrow mcc and gentler i,sucs l..1itl differ­ worst. (LAPD) .. They arc acting on behalf of ' A judge ruled Friday that 11 ence;. of mce and .sex iml\1 he n.-c­ determined that only one black penmn. O.J. Carlxmdal~ woman charged in ~ ngni1-C<l if people of color life 10 rise a man who Simpson:· she saitl. the lire tlca1hs of eight children in the Mruggle against discrimina­ expressed hos- Thal is why the is.,ues concerning who were lei\ alone h unlit 10 tion. tili1y towartl Fubm,an arc likely 10 be droppt.'1.1. stam!trial. · ~.•.g Kimberly William, Crenshaw blacks and she said. "'- ii Camillia Foulk,. 25. viill Srn>w Cloudy lectured al the law school auditori­ Latinos wa., Iii Kimberly "'lberc are numerous hurdles 10 now be placc<l under the ·~'iire High of 28 High of35 um Thurs<lay nigh!. rcla1ing issues to cany a badge Williams be leaped in order to pro\'e its rele- of the lllinni~ Dcpanmcnt nf of mce and gender 10 the ,itualions - and the Crenshaw vance to the cusc:· ,-he said. Menral Hcallh_ and Dcvcl11p­ of OJ. Simpson and Anita Hill. power of life or She said those jurors invoh·ecJ in inen1al Oi!>atiililici,. which will Index During the lecture. Crenshaw dis­ death thal comes with it:· the Rodney King ca.'iC w~rc willing have the option nf trcatinl,! cussed the position of Los Angeles "'The district auomcv·s office ha~ 10 acquit officers videotaped heat- Foulks either on ;m in-p:11kn1 Opinion ....... p,1Re 4 Police Departmcnt·s Detective to grapple with its pasi insensi1M1y. ing a suspect.· · · · : . , o~'.out0 pati.;:i:it ll:}.,i~. ~ ·. ; ; ,_. Classified ...... p,1Rf' 9 Fuhnnan in the OJ. Simpson c-JSe. to racism in a cnsc that arguably ha.~ · .. II b unlikely tlial spccu_l~tion' Comics ....... p,,ge 13 "At best. the Police Dcpanmcnt linle to do with it:• ~he said: , . .. - , :. , . : .... · penniuc<l a dissatisfic<l officer. who Profe~~gr C::rcnsh:iw:-jlaid his······ ·-~.:-.-.£RENSHAW;plige:8'' ..,_...,.,,_;.--...;..;...;...._...... __-'--.,. Da11yJgyptimt Monday, February 13, 1995 ,, ~ \\st e/e ) -:HairSl:!Jfists- ? " HEADLINERS SALON I) FOX EASTGATE MAU. 4'~7J. - 26'1U 702 World E. WALNUT• Sweetlieart S'PECIPU, Cl.lNTON ATTEMPTS TO SHORE UP PEACE EFFORTS - WASmNGTON-Prodded by President Clinton nt a Blair House meeting, Buv one. Get one Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization Sunday pledged to make half price new efforts to put their foundering peace accord back on track and agreed L,, that "t11ere can be no turning back in the Arab-Israeli peace process.~ Arriving directly from church services, coatless on a frigid afternoon, the O>?res 2/14195 president sought to use the power of his office to shore up a Middle East peace process stalled by terrorist attacks against Israel that lhe PLO has been unable or unwilling to prevenL . SMOKERS AND Campus Shopping Center MEXICAN ARMY EXPERIENCES FIRST CASUAL TY - NON-SMOKERS Carbondale, IL NUEVA POZA RICA, Mexico-The Mexican army fortified its pc,i­ Be Paid For 529-2031 tions in· 11 towns that were strongholds of the Zapatista National Liberation Anny on Saturday, and authorities confirmed the first army 1. Research Participation casualty, a colonel apparenlly gunned down in an ambush. Thiny heli­ 2. Quit Smoking Research 16¢ REPRINTS copters, three combat airplanes, 30 light tanks and 32 armored cars were deployed to the rebel territory in the souchem stale or Chiapas, a Call SIUC Smoking Research Program between 10 am & 5 pm :t A\u,O~s1 spokesman for Mexico•s National Defense Secrelarial said. Pilots who 453-3561 453--3527 J, I flew over said they saw troops advancing nonhward from a staging area at the fonner neutral zone of Guadalupe Tepeyac. NEED REVOLUTIONARY PARTY AHEAD IN MEXICO POLlS­ MEXICO CITY-President Ernesto Zedillo's party faced its first elec­ Take a Seat ••• TO toral test since the onset in December of a national economic crisis, as the ADVERTISE'I' central slate of Jalisco voted Sunday for a new governor and mayor of the state's capital, Guadalajara.
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