\ ••INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. NEUTRAL IN NOTHING,, TOL. TI, NO. 41. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, APRIL, 6, 1899. WHOLE NO. 801. • • • • • • • i Che Election. Swrwd Rj$ swck OBTON HII.L, Pres. ^Lowell til W. A. WATTS, Cashier LOWELL REPUBLICAN CANDI- A BOWNE TOWNSHIP FARMER'S DATES ELECTED WITH CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. tlx TWO EXCEPTIONS. A KCSPONHIHILITY Plating Fred Blakeley Believed to Be of Utt* $100,000.00 Vergetmes and G rattan Democrats sound Mind. A Works. *. Elect Their Men. M Gummeroinl nnd -——— J Fred Blakely, a rich Bowne town SHvitiRH DepurtnientM t- ship farmer, was arraigned in Justice 1^ Lowell towns hip elected the entire Intereat paid on time 2 Cowan's court Monday, charged with Few Days Only oertitioates. i I nm now propared to do all ) Republican ticket with the exception starving his slock. Last Friday sev- Bank. ;o partnerB—P. II.Qll- I ^ kinds of Fine I'lnting in Quid, ^ ofS. P. Hicks for justice and W. H. eral neighbors called upon Humanu kiiy, Asa Stratton, Or I 'jf Silver, Nickle, Copper, Royal 8il Murphy for highway commiasioner, Agent Randolph and urged an invest •on Hill. W. A. WtUs, *. ver Metul. otc. —We will sell — E W. Bownue, R 8. j ^ Mako Watches, Jewelry, J-j M. N. Hine and C. R. O'Harrow, igation. It was found that Blakely had Wil*on. jc Tableware. Bicycles, etc, like new. (v neglected to care fur hii* aheep uniil HILL WATTS Democrats, being elected to those of- their dead carcasses were strewn over « CO. DRUTLS Bold ON Grsud 2uinch oven Cook Stove $8.00. RapidB, Dctmit and I A.N. GIBBS. K fices. the entire farm. His cows are mere Ltwtll. Klok. .lewett's Triumph Range regular $10.00, now $27.80. New York Following is the township vote; shadows and three of his horses were Jewell Steel Range $,Ja.OO. found down in mud and water and uu. • • • • • • • j I Supervisors, F. N. White 430, C. Wood Cottage Stoves from $4.50 up. 1 9V*- ^ Bergin, 319 able to stand up. Every animal vu- Clerk. C. G. Stone 438,8. F. Ed- ible on the farm was found in a starved condition. monds 297. We are getting every thing ready for some very pleasant Blakely was brought before the Treasurer, D. T. Bush 384, R. surprises for our customers in new goods and attractive prices. Van Dyke 366. court Saturday and promised to feed We are now ready and out after trade. Highway commissioner, W. H. and care for the stock if he were al- Murphy 281, C R. O'Harrow 464. lowed to. He wept in court and said In Bicycles aid Bicycle Sundries we are the people. School inspector, Fred W. Hinyon he knew he had done wrong. He was GEN. OTIS 412, Willard M Hunter 312. sent home and informed that if he did Member Board of Review, A. S. not feed the stock he would be arrested. REMEMBER we have BICYCLES from $82 up. Otr Ajaa Wheel this year at $30—More of these wheels being used Houghton 412, Chas Winks 319. Sunday word was brought to the pros- in this section than any other make. They always give satisfac- in the lead. So is the Ameri- Constables, Benj Morse 369, Frank ecutor that the stock had not been fed, Pickard 346, Lincoln Djgert 405, and Monday Deputy Sheriff Provin tion. For High Grade we have the Cleveland line—absolutely can Steel Fencing and for the Chu. Yeiter 332, Chas. D. Blakeslee and Humane Agent Randolph made the best wheel on earth, Runs easier, Lasts longer and gives bet- 390, D. V. Demck 339, W. D. Cbat- a trip to the iarm. He was urged to ter satisfaction than any other wheel. next TEN DAYS will sell terden 392, N. P. Gardner 341. feed the stock, but in a careless, indo- lent way that indicated the man was On the state tickets Grant, rep., Builders Hardware, Steel Goods, Refrigerators, Gasoline American Steel Fencing at the feeble and imbecillic in mind, he said ^ I got 400, Bark with, dem., 256. and Oil Stoves, in fact, every article for Spring Trade has been that he intended to feed them but at old price as I bought before the The vote on candidates for circuit purchased by us before the recent advance, consequently we are Iv co jrt judges was: Woloott419, Per- night or in the morning would do. ^advance^an^vvil^ive^ou^ in shape to give you the best there is in it. kins 374, Adeit 291. He seemed indifferent lo the fact that For school commissioner, Chapel animals must eat to live. Randolph benefit. We wish you to bear in mind always that you are here to got 394, Herman 261. and Provin then endeavored to make buy, We are here to sell. Yours for 1899 business, On the proposed amendments the the stock comfortable, placing straw R. B. BOYLAN. township voted 218 no to 185 jes on under the horses and covering them circuit court, 180 no to 151 yea on with blankets. Blakely having shown state printing office, 197 no to 161 no disposition to care for them, was ar- yes on judicial, and 252 yes to 148 no rested. The case will be heard next on bridges and culverts. Friday. KLARK & KLARK, Blakely is wealthy man, owning a HIGHWAY APPUOPRIATIOKB VOTED. large farm in Bowne, a half interest in The iollowing highway appropria- a farm near Lowell and one at Green K-K-K-K HARDWARE. tions were ordered. lake. The family also owns a block 1150 for road from lower Grand on West Fulton street, where Blakely liver bridge to town line. War luvestigaticii. did business some time ago. He also $75 for road south from F. Yeiter's draws revenue from other rented prop- Ping' get* a Puff for Pingree Shoes from the Front. to Alex Blakeslne's, erty. It is the opinion of the officers Lansing, March 28. Th.e war fond investigation still drags on. Geo. $150 from lower Grand riyer Galvanized steel tanks for stook White was recalled to the stan tonight. A peculiar incident occurred at that the man's poor conception of how UULLIFORD MORSE hrHire west to town line. watering. Call and see them. a recent meeting of the committee. Chairman Phillips produced a letter stock should be cared for is due 850 from Farland^s s. w. cor. to N. HASH. from his son, who is serving with the 35th Mich. Vols. Mr. Phillips with to a defection of the mind, as from a Marriage of a Popular Young Low- McBride's school house. his osoal spirit of fairness so necesHsry to one occnpying a judicial po- commercial point of view he was the ell Couple. The best 40c tea in Michigan a sition, proposed to read o few extrac -»reflecting on the matter under in- 175 Ered M irse's cur s w to Mat- Bergin's for 35c. Try a pound and vestigation. The other members of 11 (committee insisted (hat the en- loeer by the cruel acts.—[Grand Rap- At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. thew Hunter's. ifnoi satisfied get your money b.ack tire letter should be read, and lo and oehold Younu Mr. Phillips said the ids Democrat. ^75 Blbkeslee's w line to £d. Gulliford, latt evening, occured the Pingree Shoes he got at Island 1 ake outwore three pairs of the kind This is "straieht goods-'" 254tf Lewis' cor. wedding of their daughter, Anna M., irsued by the United States. Died of His Injuries. C»H atBehl'scity bakery for bak- Pingree Shoes are sold only by $50 U.'B. church e to Hall plaoe. to George B. Morse. er. go ids and '.r nches. s» Willis I. Gibbs died at his home in $50 West of Mono Lake school Rev. L. N. Pattison lied the knot house. Cascade, Monday, April 3, at the age Genuine home-made bread "like in his most approved style and con' J. E. LEE & CO., ^ $50 North of Moive Lake school of 20 years. Funeral services were mother makes" st Bush's bakery. gratulalions were tendered by a house. if held at Ada at 10.30 ibis morning, throng of guests estimated at from $50 Win. T. Condon's e to Kere- 'WWWWWWWWWW conducted by Rev. Mr. Bennett. 200 to 300 in number. kas. Mr. Will Kopf, cornetist, played < 7. ^50 Between sees 4 and 5 from riv- Willis received mortal injuries from the wedding march, accompanied by er road to John Engle'i n line. a falling tree only a week before his ' Miss Floy Morgan on the piano. •fti $75 to repair culvert in District No. death. Gueais from outside were: Mr. an i 21 on n line township e of S. Brais- Mrs. Will Gulliford of Allegan, and ff ted. MANILA LETTER. Misses Lillian Walker. Lena Talbot, Jl $100 to improve roads in District Christie Lloyd, Lottie English, Jennie No. 36. Private Bert Colvlu Writes to an Miller, Stella Meade and Mr. Dun $75 town line road n of James Old Friend. Miller, all of Grand Ranids. Green. Silwwc, 1 • Manila, P. I., Feb. 20, '99. Retreehinents were served, and the I S50 s of £. Stinton. O. W. Stanton, Fallassburg, Mich. company broke up near the midnight $50 to operate stone cruaber in 100 Watches Dear friend:—I received your letter hour. D.dtrict No. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Morse will make their today and was very glad to hear from VERGKNNES, GBATTAN AND CAS- home in this village.
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