Published by the Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) No 29 24th August 1978 Sp ' Forecast of stagnation TUC - More wages, fewer hours STAGNANT output and rising in what may be a pre-election TO SECURE employment and Trades Union Congress, to bankruptcy of capitalism and to· improve conditions once be held this year in Brighton, the desperate need to tame unemploymenr for Britnin are 4 period? Marx always said the prospects for Britain ac­ that the basic problem of employed: these are the ob- commencing September 4th. the working class. cording to the latest forecast capitalisn1 is relative over­ jectives that will occupy the The Congress is now in a So there must be a remorse­ of the National Institute of production nnd here we see delegates of the I lOth Annual position to say "No" to in- less struggle against unenl­ Economic and Social Research. the Government deliberately Why not through adequate comes policy, unencumbered ployment and for the right to This prediction is based on trying to maintain a wage wages put enough purchasing ~y any vestige of the social work. But let there be no the same appraisal that the situation which is inimical power in the hands of the work- contract. Le.r ~nfettered col- illusions that this can be ac­ Treasury has arrived at - to industry serving the home ing class to buy all that Bri- Jecuve bargatmng proceed. complished by a shor1er "a slackening in the rate of market. tish industry is capable of There are some fatnt hearts working week. growth of disposable incomes Ever since the war the making? That would provide and pompous ..asses th~t t~.lk of The devious employers and and therefore in total output wl10le emphasis in Britain has a sound home-based economy the need for re~ponstble the Government say "If you next year:" In other words been to increase exports at and purely marginal external co.lle~ bargatmng. They get shorter hours you 'II have there will not be enough effec­ the cost of the home market trading could take care of the should remember that workers to take less money. " Rubbish. We want both. Neither fight rive consumer demand to keep out of balance of payments products which don't grow 0 never had the opportumty to home industry ticking over. considerations. An argu­ are not found here. r be "irresponsible .. " Workers should be a hindrance to the The sragnat ion and decline ment for wage restraint has The reason why capitalism hav.e never run Bntain. And other. Let not shorter hours is in part a result of the un­ been that low purchasing pow­ cannot even think of such a unul they do they have no al· be an excuse to neglect the precedented fall in real wages er at home would free more solution is that it makes no ternan ve but to fight bmerly crucial wages issue. over the last three years, not goods to go abroad to pay for provision for profits. Put like for every penny they can get. Down with 5 per cent. the other way about: Why imports we could perfectly that is there any worker in • There ts much talk of the Down with wage restraint. then is the Government so de­ well for the most part have the country who would vote 3;:,-hour week. Workers have So let the fight be princi­ termined to keep wages low supplied ourselves.' for capitalism by voting for always wanted more leisure pled, let it be conducted in­ that it is flying in the face of \Vh v don 'r rhev trv ti1C any capitalist party, be it and the demand is a worthy telligently and let us despatch the social democratic baggage whole labour movement perfectly obviou; soiution? Labour or Tory: one Which stands on its own merits. Some voices endea­ that says. "leave it up to the vour to mislead, however. Labour Government. ·· They say that a shorter work­ Some motions before Con­ ing week is the way to deal gress unashamedly declare with unemployment. This their loyalty to Labour. Oth­ claim is transparently false ers plead for a Labour with and should be denounced as an "alternative strategy" such. .Many motions make a "call" The Labour Government is to the Government. Many currently leading British capi­ want new legislation, many talism in the wholesale clo­ want Jegislation.amended. sure of British industry. Still the appeal to their rulers. This is the reason that unem- This must be little advance, coefll ployment is threatening to 110 years after the fitst TUC swamp us all - not because Conference. some are doing a bit of over Workers must accept that time. there is no salvation in the Furthermore, the closures Labour Gove;rnment or any are not a natural outcome of other capitalist government. new technology. Rather they It is the Labour government, arise from the economic egged on by the Tories, that continued on page 4 column 3 SUPPORT FOR ALBANIA All fratet:nal support to you anEl courageous Albanian people on Ch1na's anti socialist aid withdrawal. Your se)f reliance, Back in 1969 demonstrators urged TUC t>xccutives to reject L:1bour's "In Pl:l.ce of Strife", the blueprint defeated Russian machination and will frustrate new Chinese for the Industt;al Relations Act which the l:1bour mo,·cmcnt [inally dtstroyed .. The Labour Government's ploys. Revolutionary greetings. current opposition to collective bargaining is even more vicious an attack on trade unionism Central Committee, CPBML. pag e l. THE WEEK An act of aggression against Socialist Albania IN Zimbabwe, police fired into a crowd of striking mine workers ON JULY 29, 1978, the Central Committee of the Pa1·ty of Labour and with Chinese :.;.;:p. killing four blacks and injuring five the Government of Albania sent a letter to the Central Committee of the Differences and misunderstandings c:m arise among various parties at the country's largest copper Communist Party and the Government of China. The letter denounced and states, even when they have rel:ltions of close friendship. No matter mine. Police opened fire early on the cessation of aid and loaos to socialist Albania and rejected the at- which side ls to blame, the clearing up of such differences calls for the second day of a strike by at - tempts made tn the Chinese l\linistry of Foreign Affairs' note of July 7, negotiation, and all the more should this principle apply to socialist most the entire black work- 1700 1978, to blame the unilateral breaking off of all trading agreements and countries and communist parties. On a number of occasions the Party force :it the l\langula mine, owned the withdrawal of Chinese specialists on Albanian ingratitude and saba- of Labour of Albania has followed the correct policy of constructive by the South Africa-bnsed Messina tage of economic nnd military coope.rntion between the two countries. and comradely criticism when differences arose with the Communist Transvaal Development Company. In the Chinese note, China's aid to Albania is presented as the deci- Party of China. Is there no limit to the crimes of sive factor in Albania's development. But the decisive factor has in In all such cases, the Albanian Party put forward its criticisms in the Smith regime? fact been the resolute, persistent and heroic work and struggle of the a frank and fraternal marmer, while maintaining outwardly, as far as Albanian people, under the leadership of the Party of Labour of Albania, the enemies of socialism were concerned, a position of complete for the construction of socialism according to the Leninist prind.ple of solidarity. In the period leading up to the sudden cessation of aid, the * * * * * * * * • * * self reliance. Chinese leadership refused ~ategorically to enter into any consultation The Albanian letter points out that the people of Albania, their Party with Albanians whatsoever. NEARLY two years ago, THE and Government, have always fought for the strengthening of friendship, The letter reminds the world that once the Communist Party of WORKER carried an article re- fraternal cooperation and mutual aid between Albania and China. They China was against Tito and the Yugoslav brand of capitulation, under the porting on the destruction of the have always appreciated China's aid, considering it an expression of name of a new kind of 'socialism', to capitalism. Now the Chinese British shoe industry, pointing to the Chinese people's internationalism, from one socialist country to leadership makes a pilgrimage to the shrine of anti-Marxist "self- the activity of the British Shoe another, serving the general cause of revolution and socialism in the management socialism 11 just as Khruschev did back in 1955. Tito's Corporation- owners of True world. At the same time, Albania has never considered its friendship Yugoslavia has not changed. It is still the premier revisionist country Form., Freeman Hardy Willis, with the people of any country as a means of economic profit and it has of Europe, the birthplace of Eurocommunism and the first member of Manfield, Dolcis, Saxone and permitted nobody to regard economic aid as an investment by which the socialist bloc to sell out to US imperialism. Who then has charged! Lilley and Skirmer. It pointed out views can be imposed from outside. The Party of Labour of Albania sternly w3.rns the Chinese leadership that the BSC was profiting from When the Party of Labour of Albania defended the Communist Party "Your uniting with Tito now and the suspicious allinnces you are trying destruction by importing cheap of China from the revisionist attacks of Khruschev at the Bucharest and to piece together in the Balkans pose a great danger to the peoples of {£2.
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