AVESAOB DAILY OBOULATIOII for the Month of March, 1988 the „ THE WEATHER Forecaat ot U. ». Weather Bbmwi. ' 6,154 Hartford and Member of the Audit Mostly doody tonli Bnieaa o f Ctrenlatlaae •Ight; Tuesday fair sad not mnch change hi tem- pemtnre. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM (OtaeaUled AdvartialBg on . Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1938 (FO U R TE E N PA G E S) PRICE THREE C E N IR ^J DUST STORM AT SEA ^ FLORIDA’S VOTE OFF AFRICAN COAST Mine Dead Removed From Fiery Pit Washington. April 25 — (A P ) —Ever hear of a dust storm at TO TEST POWER sea? Well, the Federal hydro- graphic office did. FDR ASKS CONGRESS The steamer Telesfora de Lar- OF R M S E V E T rtnaga has Just reported she ran Into one off the west coast ot yi' Africa. It lasted for six days. "Hundreds of small birds that Early M a r y Expected To had been driven out to sea," said TO BAN EXEMPTIONS the ship s report, "came aboard to rest Hundreds more must ShoW Strength Of New have died due to exhaustion." * Deal In 1938; Pepper ON BONDS, Faces 4 Rivals For Senate BRITAIN Y iaO S Existing Exemptions On Go?r Washington, April 25—(A P )— 3 N A V A L BASES Here Are Highlights Florida's primary election contest emment Bond Issues A r i l for the Democratic senatorial nomi Of Presiden t *s Message nation may provide the first re^l IN IRISH PACT On Federal Empio) test of the Roosevelt admtnlstra- Washington, April 25 — (A P ) Uon’s popularity at the polla this * perpetual reserve of tax-exempt Pertinent phrases from President Wages Can Be Diminatrii year. The Florida Democrats will Spike And Bere Islands And bonds cannot exist side by side. ballot a week from tomorrow. Roosevelt’s message to Congre.sa on Primaries in Alabama and South ta.x exemptions: Expressions to recent judicial By Simple Statute. He DakoU win be held the same day, opinions lead up to hope that the Lough Swilly To Be Forti- Exempting the Income from Fed- assumptions underlying these doc- and two more—In Pennsylvania and eral bonds from state taxation and Oregon—will follow late tn May. trines are being questioned by the Clares; For Qmck A c t io ll exempting the Income from state court Itself and that theae tax Im- None of these, bowever, now ap- lied By Ireland; Mutna brought they were bonds from Federal taxation x x x munities sre not inexorable require- pears likely to furnish such a clear ments under the Constitution Itself teat of admlnlstmtlon strength aa Four hundred rescue workers from three sUtes has created a vast reservoir o f tax ^Aid Agreement Is Signed. xnino. worked on 30 minute shifts because of the heat "the b it are the result of judicial de- Washington. April 26.--, that In Florida. exempt securities in the handa of . cislon. James Roosevelt, son and aacre- the very, persons who equitably ' AP) — President R oos« y^; ' tary o f the President, announced In should not be relieved of taxes on asked Congress today to t*» Lon<ton, April 25..-fAP)—Neville their Income. TTierefore, It la not unreasonable Florida several weeks ago that "w. to hope that judicial decision may move "promptly” Ux exemp«v would like to see Senator Claude Chamberlain and Eamon De Valera, find it possible to correct It, The tions on Income from all fu toi^' Pepper returned to office. He did prime ministers of Great Britain NOYES TO REDRE A similar problem la created by doctrine waa originally evolved out government bond issues— Fod^- not define "we.” but Prealde.it and Ireland, today a l^ ed an an ee- CZECHOSLOVAKIA’S NAZIS the exemption from state or Federal o f a totally different set of economic Roosevelt never has revoked the en- went Intended to end old enmities taxation of a great army of State eral, state and local— ond on clfcumstancea from those which dorsement. Mtween the two countries and solve and Federal employees. now exist. It la a familiar principle all government salaries. Pepper Fights Four AS A P. PRESIDENT **]^'^* defense disputes WANT SELF-GOVERNMENT of law that declslona lose their Existing exemptions, h* Pepper, who has supported New agreement. It It la difficult to defend today the binding force when the reaaona aup- Deal measures. Is opposed for the portlng them no longer are pertin- said, resulted from judlclhl dis- continuation of either of these s nomination by Representative J. I***** ^ three naval bases rapidly expanding areas of tax ent. cisions and could be eliminatBd' Mark Wilcox; Dave Sholtz, former ^ p l k e IsiM d In Cork harbor. Bere Of Steps Down After 38 Years exemption. by “a short and simple statote*®- Governor; T. C. Merchant, weekly Corit and Lo„gh leader Sadeten Germans DAWES IS STRICKEN I, therefore, recommend to the whlch he predicted the courts ■ newspaper publisher, and Finley I^negal. These would be Oongreas that effective action be Men with great means best able would uphold. Moore of Lake City. fortified and equipped by Ireland. Of Jervice As Head Of to assume business risks have been promptly taken to terminate theae Wlloox has been a frequent critic —concessions o: encouraged to lock up substantial tax exemptions for the future, x x x Some advocates of endioff- of admInIstraUon policies. He op- agricultural products. Ireland wa ™«™»icnis Such IcglalaUon can, I believe, be such exemptions have c l a i i ^ ' portions of their funds In The Great News Serrice. enacted by a short simple statute. posed Wage-Hqur Legislation and ^ machinery exempt securities. Constitutional amendmenii, the Government Reorganization and defence supplies from Britain. The ending of tax exemption, be would be necessary becaoM of BUI, and waa an outspoken foe of (Anglo-Irish negotiations started cial; Presents Program. Former Vice-President Is I lay before the Oongresa the It of government aecuritles or of the Court Bill. Jan. 17 with De Valera eager for New York. April 25—(AP) — statement that a fair and effective judicial decisions holding tha Sbolts has been a New Peal ad- an accord which would Include a government salaries, is a mattor, Frank B. Noyea retired today as progressive Income tax and a huge Federal government could not vocate, and shortly before young "dth Northern Ire- not of politics, but of principle. Praha. Czechoslovakia, April 25. Operated On At Once; Re- president of the Associated Press tax state bonds, nor the stata Roosevelt endorsed Pepper said he land (Ulster) as envisaged by the new Jons^tHiiUon he promulgated f AP )— A demand for self-govern- with a lost "g ift” from the member- government Federal bonds. beUeved tee national administration WDuld take no part in the race. ment under Nazi principles for the ship—a pledge that the service Mr. Roosevelt said, howevuC port Condition As '‘Good.” would be rededlcated "to the cause Last week Sholtz charged tuat An-lrish Constitution 3,500,000 Sudeten Germans, most of that recent decisions indicatM’ (The constitution, having been of truth to the news.” the Works Progress Admlnlstratlou them living In a narrow border con- FORD UNION TO ASK the courts were following a d if- In Florida was loading relief rolls approved In a plebiscite by the for- In a speech prepared for the Upious to Greater Germany, faced New York, April 25 — (AP) __ AP's annual luncheon, Paul Bel- line of thought frott$ with political worker^, and tele- mer Free State electorate, went In- to ^ e c t Dec.. 29. declaring all Ire- the (Czechoslovakia government to- Roosevelt hospital officials dlseloseA lamy, editor of the Oeveland Plain that which produced the earl graphed WrPA administrator Harry day. Dealer, praised ' Noyea’ unbroken Hopkins that a "scandal” was de- land an Independent state. t ^ y that Brig. Gen. CharlH Gates FOR WAGE GUARANTEE Her rulings. Konrad Henleln, leader of tha ma- (On Fab. 10 the Northern Ireland Pawea, former vice president, who tenure of 38 years to tha presidency veloping. jority of Germans within CzecHo- now ended, and told him: The Prealdeat'a requeat fg^ government o f Viscount Cralgavon was taken suddenly lu yesterday, Offlciale Wife la WPA alovakla, at a party congreu at "Thla la not farewell. It Is not “ prompt” aeUon came aa a auiptias A t the same Hme Wilcox said he was riUurned to power In an elec- had operaUd on for "acute sup- tion which esssntlally was a vote Karlovy Vary yesterday made this purative appendicitis.” oven au revolr. We are to have In Return Each Employe Will to many legizlatort and oddad to against union o f the two Irelands the keynote of his program, ex- your counsel for many years more, the problema of adrolnlxtratloa lead- (Uonttnoed on Page Pwo) pected to be the text for Nazi ora- Dawes, who wUI be 73 years old TOere are several barriers between on A i ^ s t 27, came to New York but now Is as good a time as may era trying to reach adjournment h r tors to the campaign of the next ever come to tell you that the mem- LATE NEWS the latter pari of May. six-county Ulster and her larger UBIcago to attend the wedding Buy A New Car Every three weeks preceding communal bers of the Associated Press can Prior to receipt o f tha meaoag% neighbor—racial, religious and eco- elections. of Francis Warren Pershing, son of nomlc. Pershing, and never repay you for what you have xome Informed members ot Com- In many of the voting cqmmunl- so freely given us to the years of Two Years At The Same great had predicted It would .oMt ‘ SAYRE DEFENDS , British Parliament Muriel Bache Richards.
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