January 5, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5 administered to them by the Vice scribed to the oath in the Official Oath Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest President; and they severally sub- Book. the absence of a quorum. scribed to the oath in the Official Oath The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- The VICE PRESIDENT. The absence Book. tions. of a quorum having been suggested, the The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- (Applause, Senators rising.) clerk will call the roll. tions. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk The legislative clerk proceeded to (Applause, Senators rising.) will read the names of the next four call the roll, and the following Sen- The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk Senators. ators entered the Chamber and an- will read the names of the next four The legislative clerk called the swered to their names: Senators. names of Mr. MCCAIN, Ms. MIKULSKI, [Quorum No. 1 Leg.] The legislative clerk called the Mr. MORAN, and Ms. MURKOWSKI. Akaka Gillibrand Moran names of Mr. BOOZMAN of Arkansas, These Senators, escorted by Mr. KYL, Alexander Graham Murkowski Mrs. BOXER of California, Mr. BURR of Mr. CARDIN, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. Ayotte Grassley Murray North Carolina, and Mr. COATS of Indi- BROWNBACK, Mr. ROBERTS, Ms. MUR- Barrasso Hagan Nelson (NE) Baucus Harkin Nelson (FL) ana. KOWSKI, and Mrs. Dole, respectively, Bennet Hatch Paul These Senators, escorted by Mr. advanced to the desk of the Vice Presi- Bingaman Hoeven Portman PRYOR, Mr. REID, Mrs. HAGAN, Mr. dent; the oath prescribed by law was Blumenthal Inhofe Pryor Blunt Inouye Reed Faircloth, Mrs. Dole, Mr. Broyhill, Mr. administered to them by the Vice Boozman Isakson Reid LUGAR, and Mr. Quayle, respectively, President; and they severally sub- Boxer Johanns Risch advanced to the desk of the Vice Presi- scribed to the oath in the Official Oath Brown (OH) Johnson (WI) Roberts dent; the oath prescribed by law was Book. Burr Johnson (SD) Rockefeller Cantwell Kirk Rubio administered to them by the Vice The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- Cardin Klobuchar Schumer President; and they severally sub- tions. Carper Kohl Sessions scribed to the oath in the Official Oath (Applause, Senators rising.) Casey Kyl Shaheen The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk Chambliss Landrieu Shelby Book. Coats Lautenberg Snowe The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- will read the names of the next four Coburn Leahy Stabenow tions. Senators. Collins Lee Tester (Applause, Senators rising.) The legislative clerk called the Conrad Lieberman Thune Coons Lugar Toomey The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk names of Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. PAUL, Mr. Corker Manchin Udall (CO) will read the names of the next four PORTMAN, and Mr. REID. Cornyn McCain Udall NM) Senators. These Senators, escorted by Ms. Crapo McCaskill Vitter The legislative clerk called the CANTWELL, Mr. MCCONNELL, Mr. BROWN DeMint McConnell Warner Durbin Menendez Webb names of Mr. COBURN of Oklahoma, Mr. of Ohio, and Mr. Laxalt, respectively, Enzi Merkley Wicker CRAPO of Idaho, Mr. DEMINT of South advanced to the desk of the Vice Presi- Franken Mikulski Wyden Carolina, and Mrs. GILLIBRAND of New dent; the oath prescribed by law was The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is York. administered to them by the Vice present. These Senators, escorted by Mr. President; and they severally sub- INHOFE, Mr. RISCH, Mr. GRAHAM, and scribed to the oath in the Official Oath f Mr. SCHUMER, respectively, advanced to Book. the desk of the Vice President; the The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- LIST OF SENATORS BY STATE oath prescribed by law was adminis- tions. tered to them by the Vice President; (Applause, Senators rising.) ALABAMA and they severally subscribed to the The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk Richard C. Shelby and Jeff Sessions oath in the Official Oath Book. will read the names of the next four ALASKA The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- Senators. Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich tions. The legislative clerk called the ARIZONA (Applause, Senators rising.) names of Mr. RUBIO, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. John McCain and Jon Kyl The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk SHELBY, and Mr. THUNE. ARKANSAS These Senators, escorted by Mr. Mar- will read the names of the next four Mark L. Pryor and John Boozman Senators. tinez, Mr. NELSON of Florida, Mrs. GIL- CALIFORNIA The legislative clerk called the LIBRAND, Mr. SESSIONS, and Mr. JOHN- names of Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. HOEVEN, SON of South Dakota, respectively, ad- Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer Mr. INOUYE, and Mr. ISAKSON. vanced to the desk of the Vice Presi- COLORADO These Senators, escorted by Mr. HAR- dent; the oath prescribed by law was Mark Udall and Michael F. Bennet KIN, Mr. CONRAD, Mr. ANDREWS, Mr. administered to them by the Vice CONNECTICUT AKAKA, and Mr. CHAMBLISS, respec- President; and they severally sub- Joseph I. Lieberman and Richard tively, advanced to the desk of the Vice scribed to the oath in the Official Oath Blumenthal President; the oath prescribed by law Book. DELAWARE was administered to them by the Vice The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- Thomas R. Carper and Christopher A. President; and they severally sub- tions. Coons scribed to the oath in the Official Oath (Applause, Senators rising.) FLORIDA Book. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- will read the names of the next three GEORGIA tions. Senators. (Applause, Senators rising.) The legislative clerk called the Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk names of Mr. TOOMEY, Mr. VITTER, and HAWAII will read the names of the next four Mr. WYDEN. Daniel K. Inouye and Daniel K. Akaka Senators. These Senators, escorted by Mr. IDAHO The legislative clerk called the CASEY, Ms. LANDRIEU, and Mr. Mike Crapo and James E. Risch names of Mr. JOHNSON of Wisconsin, MERKLEY, respectively, advanced to ILLINOIS Mr. KIRK, Mr. LEAHY, and Mr. LEE. the desk of the Vice President; the Richard J. Durbin and Mark Kirk These Senators, escorted by Mr. oath prescribed by law was adminis- INDIANA KOHL, Mr. Kasten.., Mr. DURBIN, Mr. tered to them by the Vice President; Richard G. Lugar and Dan Coats INOUYE, and Mr. HATCH, respectively, and they severally subscribed to the advanced to the desk of the Vice Presi- oath in the Official Oath Book. IOWA dent; the oath prescribed by law was (Applause, Senators rising.) Tom Harkin and Chuck Grassley administered to them by the Vice The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority KANSAS President; and they severally sub- leader. Pat Roberts and Jerry Moran VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:55 Jan 06, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05JA6.002 S05JAPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with SENATE S6 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 5, 2011 KENTUCKY RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Mr. MCCONNELL. I move to lay that Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul LEADER motion on the table. LOUISIANA The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority The motion to lay on the table was Mary L. Landrieu and David Vitter leader is recognized. agreed to. MAINE f f Olympia J. Snowe and Susan M. Collins INFORMING THE PRESIDENT OF FIXING THE HOUR OF DAILY MARYLAND THE UNITED STATES THAT A MEETING OF THE SENATE Barbara A. Mikulski and Benjamin L. QUORUM OF EACH HOUSE IS AS- Cardin Mr. REID. Mr. President, I have a SEMBLED resolution at the desk and ask it be re- MASSACHUSETTS Mr. REID. Mr. President, I have a ported. John F. Kerry and Scott P. Brown resolution at the desk. I ask it now be The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk MICHIGAN considered. will report the resolution by title. Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk The legislative clerk read as follows: MINNESOTA will report the resolution by title. A resolution (S. Res. 3) fixing the hour of Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken The legislative clerk read as follows: daily meeting of the Senate. MISSISSIPPI A resolution (S. Res. 1) informing the The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob- Thad Cochran and Roger F. Wicker President of the United States that a jection, the resolution is considered quorum of each House is assembled. MISSOURI and agreed to. Claire McCaskill and Roy Blunt The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob- The resolution (S. Res. 3) read as fol- jection, the resolution is considered MONTANA lows: and agreed to. S. RES. 3 Max Baucus and Jon Tester The resolution (S. Res. 1) reads as NEBRASKA Resolved, That the daily meeting of the follows: Senate be 12 o’clock meridian unless other- Ben Nelson and Mike Johanns S. RES. 1 wise ordered. NEVADA Resolved, That a committee consisting of Mr. REID. Mr. President, I move to Harry Reid and John Ensign two Senators be appointed to join such com- reconsider the vote by which the reso- NEW HAMPSHIRE mittee as may be appointed by the House of lution was agreed to. Jeanne Shaheen and Kelly Ayotte Representatives to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that a Mr. MCCONNELL. I move to lay that NEW JERSEY quorum of each House is assembled and that motion on the table. Frank R. Lautenberg and Robert Menendez the Congress is ready to receive any commu- The motion to lay on the table was NEW MEXICO nication he may be pleased to make. agreed to. Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall Mr. REID. I move to reconsider the f NEW YORK vote by which the resolution was agreed to. HONORING SENATOR MIKULSKI AS Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten E. SHE BECOMES THE LONGEST Gillibrand Mr. MCCONNELL. I move to lay that SERVING FEMALE SENATOR NORTH CAROLINA motion on the table. Richard Burr and Kay R. Hagan The motion to lay on the table was Mr. REID. Mr. President, I have an- NORTH DAKOTA agreed to. other resolution at desk. I ask it be The VICE PRESIDENT.
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