Football Dates Are Named for Georgetown.Gallaudet Tossers Defeat State HILLTOP GRID Garry Herrmann for STATE QÜINT Grandest Champion of Them «All UNCLESAMHAS Twin Bill· m Sa·*« Serie* MAJORS GRAB New "Daylight Bill" New York, .Feb. ?..Accordio» to Who Has Lost His Final Fight announcement made by Secretary NAMED Tha National Baa«ball Commis¬ LOSES AGAIN Heydler of the National League, DATES be A REAL NINE tonight, an amendment will of¬ sion haa come out Ih favor of tha MINORSTARS sj) "daylight bill." of Senator Calder, fered to th« league constitution of New York. In a »tatement to at th· opening meeting, February Five Games Will Be Senator Calder yesterday August Fourth Men in 12. which will permit a double- Played Herrmann, of tha National Com¬ Marylanders Drop Now Service Would header to be played in the asme Pace-Setting Pitchers Are mission, said that ha waa mailing Game to Gal¬ .erte· ia which a gsme is post- Here by Georgetown a copy of a bulletin to th« »ecre- Straight Make a Formidable mmetmi Fast Gobbled tary of th· Aasoclatlon of Profes¬ Under the pressent rule· such a Up by Big Eleven. sional Baseball Leagues In a move¬ laudet Five. Aggregation. double-header cannot be played be¬ Teams. ment to tata· cara of tha minor fore the second visit of the team League to the of Manager Lenta ?. Langte, of the leagues of the country In the day¬ LEAGUE city Its rivals. bill. INTERCQLLEGIATE If anyone »ugge«t» that there are Pace-setting pitcher» of Ihe minor Georgetown University footb»ll light STANDING. better ball club« than those owned team, ha· completed his schedule Teanu. W. I«. Pet. leagues have beet« gobbled up by Um have been by Charley CotnUkey and the Brush major« for the IMI carnpatgu aad a for 1318. Eight games George Washington. * ß 1000 heir«, do not brand him aa a fit . the m«nage- S 1 once-over oí the crew »how» that tha arranged by Hilltop rathollo University. .OK subject for the observation ward. NEW ORLEANS STAKE record Grover " aient while one contest Is pending Callaudat ; 1 .500 of Alexander tn win¬ NATIONALS TO TRAIN College. Uncle Sam, If he cboaa to be a mag¬ games the 1M7 and one open date appear· on the Maryland State. 0 4 .000 ning thirty during Ma. nata, probably* could a»«emble an LANDED BY HAUBERK ¦on was eclipeed by Erick Erica's«*»·, H»t. IN AGXlN Gam· next Saturday night.Cath- aggregation oí that would of San of the AUGUSTA «ra. playera Francisco, who won thlrty-oa· The Georgetown policy past §gß University George Waahing- glv· th· Whit« Sox or Giant» a »tiff New Orleans. Feb. 2..Hauberk won fea- In only a few »rame» during the «esson, wbll· Ala« « years playing It will be Auguita, Ga.. for the Na¬ ß University. engagement- tlie New Orleans Handicap »4.00" was winning thirty. The«· pitcher» . season contest« In W»«hing- early tionals this spring as the Old Fate In pitching »trength Uncle Sam'« stake, the flrat big race of the Fair were the one· In .ton haa been reversed aa five of Gallaudet College had an easy time only baseball «ha \ yesterday closed out with th· galaxy oí ball playera outclasses Grounds meeting, by four lengths from won thirty game· or more during the the eight game· luted will take commerce defeating Maryland State last night of crsck Eastern while chamber of of the llttl· at th· T. M. C. A. In the Intercol¬ any major league corps mount¬ Sasin, horse. Wsrsaw Mason. Krickaon will be with tha piece on the Hilltop gridiron town to return there for training. ing artista. Ernie Shore, of the was Hauberk led almost from in .' with the Mary- legiate League, 32 to 8. Gallaudet put third. Titrer· 191». the contest pending Arrangements have been made with Red Sox. Marvin Goodwin oí the the rise of the barrier. Phocion won Grover I>oud»>rmilk. of Columbua, I land-State College will also be play- to up the poorest exhibition of shooting of the Phil- the the Hampton-Terrace Annex Hotel baskets from the field that has been Cardinal«, Eppa Rlxey six-furlong sprint from High Cost »and Dixie Davi·, of Louisville, tied ajd her· If satisfactory arrange¬ take care of th« Nationals. lie» and Bad Pfeffer, Sherry Smith which was held at for the seen In the league thl· season. If prohibitive odds. winning record la tbe Amer¬ aient· «re made. By closing out this deal Griff has and Leon Cadore oí the Dodger» are High Cost proved s great disappoint¬ ican Association, both Two out of town game· will be they had sne easy chance In th· tint the former heaver· winning laett» put a new punch Into spring train¬ or among major ment. ty-five gome·. Both pitcher» will am played, theae coming late in No¬ half they must have had fifty who are In the service. FIRST it* Hill- ing as the Nationals will be the first were not hard-luck RACE.Tliree-yearcild maidina: with the St. Loui« Broa-tie this year. vember. On November 16, the team in the ot the who more. They «hots, Behind the plate Uncle Sam la a and onrhalf furlongs Golden Soldier. JU. Herb to history game but came nowhere near 3 « Thormahl.?,. of Baltimora. I topper· will journey Haverhill. «.ill train in one State and live in an¬ either, they bit weak, having Hank Gowdy as 'Tapirai. to 1, to S. S to 5, »on: Marc l'or-, signed with the to battle the Tufts eleven, going through tb« hoop-. | ?a (Hunti. I to 1. « to 5. 2 to 6. ssseoad; Yankees, aad Harold Mas·., other. Hampton-Terrace Annex Hotel the only former star who Jumped 'Thompson, of Toronto, who baa en- while on Saturday. November 23. They did little better in thl· respect to the Red, White and Blue Lea¬ Barajet, 112 IHoaardl, 3 tn 1. 6 ? S, J tas 6. ' Is situated at North Augusta. S. C, third, «rime. 19". Laburnum Faraaa. llsted. led the International the University of Detroit svili be In the second half, with the exception Harris of the Indians or Gain¬ HI. Laeagu« and Is about (our miles from the of Sanders, who five double gue. j Famosa. Lady Moore. Own ito· O Neil, and in lwiT. Thompaon would have bee« . plsy«d »t Detroit. put point¬ er of the Red Sox can the Chief South Atlantic League Park. scoreboard. guard Oabourn alao ran. a National thi» year had not Un. la The big geme of tb« year will Fox ers upon the Wlllman. first sack with ability. At second SECOND l*ACI^Tbre»>Tst»r<4d· and upward Sam The Old closed out this deal who one of the best shots on the signed him. be played with the Carlisle Indian«, vesteniay with Chester and Is base Jack Miller oí the Cards or six finiong». CerUssrrock. to» (Otattk). S to Í. 4 Carmen HilL oí at the Hill¬ Loylesa Buff and Blue team, blew shot after 10 I. I to 5. tran; I «111. MS Binnlngham. lead. on Thank»giving Day H. H. Bell, of the chamber· of com¬ Barry of the Red Sox would be Bag rHojnpbrtcsl er in tbe Southern top. shot both from the field and fifteen- stationed. Maranvllle of the Brave· 4 to 1. ? to 5. 4 to 6, aflcond; London Girl. 1«! League, will b« merce of Augusta, who were visitors foot had twelve chance· to (Cooperi, « to 1, S to 2, « to 5, tiiird. Time. with Pittsburgh In 191«, and Cincin¬ Navy la not listed to meet the here. mark. He haa the shortstop position cinch¬ nati has The advance squad of pitchers «cor· from the most of whlct« 1:14. LittU Menard. btonybrook, BVmarksb». grabbed Snipe Coaley of Hilltoppera. but it is believed that snd fouls, ed, while Bate» of the Athletic» Baby Col·. Boi «nd alao In the catchers will leave here on were of a technical but waa Minti, Betssl, Ajera Dallas. Texas League. Conler th« date of Saturday, October 12, March while nature, and Leonard of the Senatore are rsa. was one oí the ha« been held the blue 9, the balance ot the only able to land four of them. THIRD BACK.Three remarkable busher« open by squad will hike South about tbe 17th available for third. rear-olda and tspsrard of the year, having won twenty-one and gray for the Middies. The The Maryland Staters fell down The outfield would also be ex· claiming; ax furioaga. Srorrptl, ill (Grotb), 3 or 18th. In their defensiv· work to 5, 1 to 3. oat, won; Ls-ndora, 106 ICoilhsa). 4 straight games and pitched a ao-rua. schedule opens with Randolph- miserably ceptionally »trong. Baby Doll Ja- no-hit game while it Macon College here on September against Gallaudet. In the games cobson of the Lewi» ts 1. ? to 1. «»en. eecowi; Fonctincnatr». Ill doing and Brown», Duffy (Boland), I « L I lo Ì. I U S, third. Time. Cincinnati had aleo drafted Car. 28. which will be followed with a played with George Washington and Chick Shorten of the Red Sox 1:141·. CATONSVILLE PREPS universities It was their Confiacation. Rio Brarua. Joe !>.. penter, of Grand Rapids, Onteal battle against the strong Davidson Catholic and Leslie Mann of the Cuba are Ctsarler McFerran, and Mac al«o ran. Vir¬ defensive playing that kept League king, but turned him back. College, from South Carolina. BESTED BY GONZAGA strong among the outfielders In service.
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