,, ,, SENIOR OFFICERS '79 by Lisa Schwarz The senior officers of the had to pay. The _Senior Break­ activity. the National Honor Society and class of 1979 are to · be com­ fast was another successful Not only did the senior class the track team and is planning mended for their outstanding event. Due to the senior off leers work well for the benefit to go to Bucknell. Cathy Zoi is a accomplishments. for the benefit officers' efforts ·this year there of the senior class, but they member of the National Honor of the graduating class. The was no charge to the students worked extremely well with Dr. Society and is president of AFS. President, Toldd Rauch, heads and there was plenty of food for Hoffman who accepted all their She will be attending Duke a staff of Ka~n Sasser, Vice everyone. A welcome addition ideas and suggestions present­ University in January. Kit President; Kit Whyte, Secretary to senior souvenirs was the ed to him. When asked if there Whyte is also a member of the and Cathy Zoi, Treasurer. The senior mug. These personalized was anything the officers National Honor Society and four officers have been extreme­ ·mu·gs were inexpensive and wished they accomplished this plans to continue her education ly helpful in obtaining the most popular with everyone. The year their reply was, '' Every­ at the University of Virginia. improvements, and at a lower Senior Banquet, . which . was thing we wanted was passed - As a result of the worthwhile cost, of all actlvities_ connected usually held in the cafeterl~, Is the year has been great!" efforts of the senior class of­ with the graduating class. being changed to the more No doubt the efforts of the ficers, the class of 1979 has The first noticeable change appealing atmosphere of One officers have and will aid them enjoyed the best year ever. from prior years was the pur­ Park Avenue. The prom site in their future endeavors. Todd More seniors were involved in chase. of higher quality and was also changed for the bette~ Rauch has been offered a activities than ever before, and better styled T-shirts. .Not only and the price of the "after Leadership Scholarship for his as is known, participation is the did the color a_nd style satisfy prom" was reduced. As a participation in numerous activi­ most important element to a everyone but the class fund _paid matter of fact, they made it __ ties. He plans to attend the · unified senior class. $2.00 toward every shirt, thus possible for seniors to pay as University of Tampa in the fall reducing the price each student little.as possible for every senior Karen Sasser is a member of OPEN LETTER TO THE SENIORS TO THE GRADUATING CLASS Motor Inn South. Also, the OF 1979 class officers have attempted to As Senior Class Sponsors, we provide the class with opportun­ were asked to write a brief ities to benefit from the funds letter to the seniors. This letter they have earned during their could have taken many forms. high school years. For example, we could have When we work with each compared this year's class with graduating class, we begin the previous years. We thought year hoping that, while enjoying about that for a while and their senior year, the students decided it wouldn't be fair. realize they have responsibil­ Each class has Its own personal­ ities to meet. The success of ity and value systems. We the year is measured by the didn't feel our responsibilities Senior's willingness to cooper­ included evaluating a group of ate and work for the common young people. However. we do goals of the class. Most stu­ . feel we can comment on the dents have become involved and accomplishments of the Class of accepted their responsibilities, 1979. so the senior activities have This year's class officers have been successful. This positive, worked to make your senior constructive attitude has helped year one to remember. The to make our year a rewarding, most significant change involves enjoyable one. the Senior Prom which will now Jan Zahurak take place at · the Sheraton John D'Alessandro ESSAGEFROM CLASS PRESIDENT To my fellow graduates, . I'm sure you.all don't have to them to be. I wish you all the be told that It's been a long four best of LUCK. years. Our parents, f rlends and Sincerely, teachers have, for the most Todd Rauch part, encouraged and helped us. Class President 1979 For this, I ,think we are all appreciativ~ I know personally that as graduation nears, I find rnyseff looking back over the past years and thinking about the way all of us have shared so many experiences. I know that it might sound awkward, but if you really think about it, its true. I have learned and shared much with all of you, and for that I am thankful. I am glad that these years are over, but I'm, not so happy wHh the thought that soon we will all be going our separate ways. I do know .that I have matured and become a better person from knowing all of you, and I sincerely hope that all of you · feel the same. I .have tried to do my best as / your representative this year. I hope that I have been success­ Editor -In-Chief ......................... Charlotte Sutton ful. I think that we all will be leaving Upper St. Clair with Business ............................. Michelle Schneider memories that .will be cherished for the years to come. To all of Art Editor ..........•............................... Pam Heil you, I sincerely hope your futures are everything you want Layout Editor ...... : ......................... Lydia Fraser Senior Activities by Stephanie Zanardi Sunday, June 3 will set the mony.) Of the three churches, stage for an evening of senior the minister of one church is ,recognition during the bacca­ asked to choose a layman from laureate ceremony . This even­ his church whom he feels would ing will consist of music from be an inspirational speaker for Mr. Gielas, a senror soloist the students. The guest may chosen by Mr. D' Alessandro, a speak on any topic he chooses guest speaker to recognize the however, usually it is a message graduating class. of personal dedication and in­ The school policy for selecting spiration. the guest speaker is done on a During the ceremony, the rotating basis of the five families and friends will be churches in Upper St. Clair. It seated in the wing sections of has been the school policy in the the auditorium and the seniors past and it continues to hold in the center section. The that only the churches in Upper guests will stand as the class of St. Clair are represented during 1979 files in and out at the the baccalaureate and commen­ beginning and end of the cere­ cement ceremonies. Because of mony. Although this is not a this, not all religions are repre­ mandatory ceremony, bacca­ sented; however, if the school laureate is the beginning of the asked other churches outside seniors' step towards gradu­ the community, other organiza­ ation and its popularity through­ tions etc. would want to be out the years has increased until represented and problems last ,ear almost the entire I would result. (At the time of aud~ ~ this printing it is not yet known· torium was filled with expectant which three churches will be students and parents as they part of the baccalaureate cere­ watched the approach of a new mony and which two will ue part stage in life. To be a class valedictorian at valedictorian much conskfera­ of the commencement cere- Upper St. Clair High School, a tio.n until these last few semes- 1 student must receive a 4.0 ters when they began to work Year-To-Date Quality-Point­ much harder to achieve a 4.0 on Average. The sstudents that their report cards. Up until that have met this qualification for time, they had aJways just done SENIOR TEACHERS the 1978-1979 school year are their best. These students have Cheryl Bruno, Debbie Clark, managed to maintain an A Terry McGuire, Keith_Pernlcano average and still partidpate in OF'79 and Eric Reichenbach. They all • activities such as student feel that they have worked hard council, colorguard, and foot­ SENIOR TEACHERS to achieve this status and they ball. As a class, we should all believe that the effort . has admire these indlviduals1 t Their been worth it. Eric and Cheryl achievements should serve as agreed that they had never Math Department Chairman, examples for all of us, illustra­ Mrs. Deanna Baird owes much given the thought of being a ting the rewards of hard work of her expertise in her subject, Mr. John K. DeBlassio, a native and dedication. German to the time she spent of Hendersonville, PA., is truly studying at Johannes Guten­ a veteran of the academic world berg University in Mainz, West having attended Pitt, Indiana and Related Arts-Bus·iness stu­ '' Enthusiastic and competitive'' Germany, and the fact that her University of PA., Miami U., dents. After her first year at is how Mr. William McMaster, favorite activity is traveling to and the University of Oklahoma. U.S.C: she describes her stu­ a 12th year phys. ed. teacher, Germany. She finds her seniors He describes the class of '79 dents in 2 words: "They descrlbes the. class of '79. He "intelllgent... very socialty asd ''friendly and capable of sparkle! has also found the development oriented,'' but laments that making good contributions to of the senior elective program they "rarely did more than what society." However, over his 14 very interesting.
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