Jazzletter P-Q ocrober 1986 P 5jNo;..1o . u-1'!-an J.R. Davis,.Bill Davis, Rusty Dedrick, Buddy DeFranco, Blair The Readers . Deiermann, Rene de Knight,‘ Ron Della Chiesa (WGBH), As of August 25, I986, the JazzIetrer’s readers were: Louise Dennys, Joe Derise, Vince Dellosa, Roger DeShon, Michael Abene, John Abbott, Mariano F. Accardi, Harlan John Dever, Harvey Diamond, Samuel H. Dibert’, Richard Adamcik, Keith Albano, Howard Alden, Eleanore Aldrich, DiCarlo, Gene DiNovi, Victor DiNovi, Chuck Domanico, Jeff Alexander, Steve Allen, Vernon Alley, Alternate and Arthur Domaschenz, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Donahue, William E. Independent Study Program, Bill Angel, Alfred Appel J r, Ted Donoghue, Bob Dorough, Ed Dougherty, Hermie Dressel, Len Arenson, Bruce R. Armstrong, Jim Armstrong, Tex Arnold, Dresslar, Kenny Drew, Ray Drummond, R.H. Duffield, Lloyd Kenny Ascher, George Avakian, Heman B. Averill, L. Dulbecco, Larry Dunlap, Marilyn Dunlap, Brian Duran, Jean Bach, Bob Bain, Charles Baker (Kent State University Eddie Duran, Mike Dutton (KCBX), ' School of Music), Bill Ballentine, Whitney Balliett, Julius Wendell Echols, Harry (Sweets) Edison,Jim_Eigo, Rachel Banas, Jim Barker, Robert H. Barnes, Charlie Barnet, Shira Elkind-Tourre, Jack Elliott, Herb Ellis, Jim Ellison, Jack r Barnett, Jeff Barr, E.M. Barto Jr, Randolph Bean, Jack Ellsworth (WLIM), Matt Elmore (KCBX FM), Gene Elzy Beckerman, Bruce B. Bee, Lori Bell, Malcolm Bell Jr, Carroll J . (WJR), Ralph Enriquez, Dewey Emey, Ricardo Estaban, Ray Bellis MD, Mr and Mrs Mike Benedict, Myron Bennett, Dick Eubanks (Capital University Conservatory of Music), Gil Bentley, Stephen C. Berens MD, Alan Bergman, James L. Evans, Prof Tom Everett (Harvard University), Berkowitz, Sheldon L. Berman, Leonard Bernstein, Bill Berry, J ohn'K. Fahey, William Falconer, Baldhard G. Falk, LQH. Gene Bertoncini, Beverly Hills Library, W.S. Bicknell, Ellen Farinholt, Art Farmer, Renee Farmer, Robert Farnon, Brian Birenbaum MD, Prof R.L. Blackmore (Colgate University), Farrell, Dick Fazio, Leonard Feather, Sidney Feldstein, Alan James F. Blewer, Les Block, Norm Blowers, Dick Bock, Charles Fell, John Fell, Bill Ferdinand, Allyn Ferguson, B.A. E. Bloomquist, Tom Boyles, Harald Bohne,'Francy Boland, Fernaeus, Sidney Fields, Clare Fischer, Truman Fischer, David Bondelevitch, Harry Boon (CKKS-FM), Tracy Borst, Richard Flohil, Med Flory, Gerald Flowers, John Foellmer, Bob Bowers, Jack Bradley, Brad Brakke, Jo-hn Bransfield, Bill Fogarty, Chuck Folds, John Richard Foy, Charles Frank Leon Breeden (North Texas State Univesity, ret.), Mark C. (Lakeland Community College Music Dept), Kevin Frank, Brennan, Teresa Brewer, Bernard Brightman, Richard Brill Robert Frank, Stuart Frederick, Carol _Frede_tte, lan MD, Lucy H. Briscoe, British Institute of Jazz Studies, Alan Freebairn+Smith, Don Freeman, Walter Friederang, James N. Broadbent, Judith Broadhurst, Broadmoor Jazz Club, Pope Friedman, Dave Frishberg, Dave Fulmer, Ernie Furtado, J Brock, Steve Brockway, Peter M. Brooks, C. Robert Brown, Fred W. Gagner, Albert J. Gallardo, William Gantt, Ernie Jim and Mary Brown, John C. Brown, Dave Brubeck, H.M. Garside, Daniel K. Gassner, Hal Gaylor, Dick Gehr, Russell Bryant, Ray Bryant, George H. Buck Jr, Larry Bunker, Brian George, Emanuel Gerard, Terry Gibbs-, Garnet Gibbon, Gary ‘Burke MD, James Butler, Mary Butterill (CAPAC), Dan H. Giddins, Anthony C. Gilbert, Mark P. Gill, John Birks Byars, Richard P. Byrnes, Norman D. Byron, Gillespie, David A. Gilmore, John M. Gilmore, David Gitin. John P. Callanan, Jay Cameron, Edgar Cantwell, Dave James E. Glynn Jr, Ken Glancy, Peter Goddard, Bob Godfrey, Caplan, Frank Capp, Armand Caputi, John F. Carroll, Benny Robert Goerner, Ralph Gold MD, Mort Goode, Jerry Gorby, Carter, Mike Carubia, Oscar Castro-Neves, Diamond Bob Gordon, Robert Lee Gordon, William Gottlieb, William Centofanti, Jules Chaikin, Leland H. Chambers, John K. A. Gracie MD, Graphics, Lawrence Grauman Jr, George Chance, Mrs S. Chapin, Thomas A. Chapman, Emile Charlap, Green, Cyra Greene, Sid Gribetz, Gene Gressley, (University of Ray Charles, Russell B. Chase, Don Chastain, Enrique Vecino Wyoming Department of Music), Ralph Grierson,‘ Merv Chavert, L. Blake Cheney, Robert J. Chinello, Cincinnati Griffin, Paul Grosney, Dave Guiney, Public Library, Homer D. Clark, James A. Clark, Natalie Robert Haber, Robert C. Hafenbrack, John Haines, Daniel Clark, Paul Clatworthy, Peter Clayton (BBC), Steve Clover, W. Hale, Charles M. Hall, Fred Hall, Dr. Gene Hall (Stephen F. Frederic S. Cohen, Robert P. Cohen, RobertiCoh1meyer, Austin State University), Maurice A. Hall, Jeff Halsey (Belleville East High School), Jim Coleman, James Lincoln (Bowling Green State University), H. Robert Hampson, lan Collier, Joyce Collins, Louise Collins, Howard Colson (BMI), Hanks, Michael Hanlon, Bill Harbach, Jack Harcourt, Joe Tom Colwell, Richard Conger, Arthur L. Connell, Bob Harnell, Richard C. Harpham, Bill Harris, Gene Harris, Roger Connolly, Willis Conover (Voice of America), Lin Cook, W. Harris, James L. Harrison MD, Max, Harrison, Don Richard Cook, Robert A. Cook, William L. Cook, David Hartford, Gayle Hartwig (Wartburg College), Alan Harvey, Cooper, Lou Cooper, Owen Cordle, Dale l. Corning, Jack Jane Harvey, Jean Hauser, Lester G. Hawkins, James Hay, Cortner, Diane Cosgrove, John Coulson, Harry Crane, Roger Eddie Hazell, John E. Heaney, John Heard, Richard H. Crane, Edgar D. Crilly, Bill Crow, Doug Cumming, Bryan Heilbron, George Heinel, Luther Henderson, Bonnie Herman, Cumming, ‘_ _ Woody Herman, Mathias C. Hermann, Ruben Nano Herrero, R.H. Dallas, Meredith d'Ambrosio, William R. Damm, Bob Hester, Jim Heymann, Charles L. Hiatt, Dale Hibler, Stanley Dance, George E. Danforth, Lynn Darroch, Arthur Delores Hicks, Eddie Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hillman, 9°°PY"l9N1$3byGoneLees Don Hill, Jack Hill, John W. Hillyer, Abby Hoffer, Carl R. Norman, Walter Norris, Rodney North, Hogstrom, Morris S. Holbrook, C.J. Holditch, Stanton Oberlin College Library, Larry O’Brien, William Hollingsworth, Andrew Homzy (Concordia University), Mr. Offenkrantz MD, Robert Offergeld, Claus Ogerman, Kenneth and Mrs. William Hood, Harry Horning, Lawrence Hootkin Ohst, Monte Oliver, Helen O‘Connell, Ted O’Reilly (CJRT), MD, Jose Hosiasson, Dr. Leslie Hough, (Archives Tim and Georgina O’Rourke, William Orenstein, Tom Owens Department, Georgia State University), Bob Houlehan, (El Camino Community College), Dougal W. House, Elliot Horne, Marceil E Howells, John Chan Parker, Walter W. Parker, John Parker Jr, Michael Howker, Fred Hughes, Bill Hunter, Jack Hunter, Frank Parks, Ralph Parsons, Jerry Patterson, Lamont Patterson, Hunter, Dr. Leonard Hural, Ron Hurston, Curt Peoples, Robert Perry Jr, Joey Petrovich, Bob Petteruti, lnstitute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers, Walter looss. Martin Cedric Phillips, Nat Pierce, Jim Plank, Henry Pleasants, lsherwood, Dale lssenhuth, , Ogden Plumb, William Politis, Charles Portney MD, Dr. LeeJeske, Ron Jessop, Carl Jefferson, Willard Jenkins, J.H. Isadore Portnoy, Bill Potts, Mrs Arden Powell, Rodney Johnson, Elizabeth Jones, Ernest Jones, Max Jones, Don Powell, Willard Pratt, Alan N, Press, Roger Price, Jerry Printz, Jordan, Karen Jordan, Bert Joss, Ralph Jungheim. Gerald E. Proctor, Gene Puerling, Allen Kahn MD, Nancy Reed Kantor, Eddie Karam, Lloyd Queensborough Community College, Kaplan, Harold S. Kaye, Helen Keane, John Keeling, Roger Mark A. Rabin, Doug Ramsey, Dana Randall, Robert B. Kellaway, Gene Kelly, Maurice Kessler, Harry Kiamopoulos. Raverscroft, George Rappaport, Philip Rappaport, Gretchen‘ E Edith Kiggen, John Kinyon, Earl L. Kirkman, Alan Ravenscroft, John Reeves, Norm Rehm, David R. Rehmeyer, Kishbaugh, Art Koenig, Howard Kopet, Raymond Koskie QC, Dean E. Reilly, John L. Renshaw, Michael Renzi, Alvino Rey, Catherine Koulouvaris, lrwin Kove, Jackie and Roy Kral, John M. Reynolds, Dave Richardson, Joseph G. Riley, Jennie Ladd, Mark Ladenson, David Lahm, Fran Sheldon P. Riley, Kathleen Rogers, Terry R. Rogers M D, Peter Landesman, Michael Lang, Michael A. Lang, Rene Langel, G. Rompon, David Ronin, G. Perry Ross, Ric Ross, Jimmy David Langner, Karen Lanham, Barry Larkin, Bill Larkin, Rowles, Norbert Ruecker, Pete Rugulo, Howard Rumsey, Julius LaRosa, Dick Latham, Arthur Laubich, John Tony Russell, Lawrence, Stella Lawson, Leon Leavitt, David Lees, Philip lra Sabin, Grover Sales, Bill Salter, John Schreiber, David Lees, Gary Le Febvre, Linda R. Lehmann, Dave Leibman. Selvin, Richar Schiavi, Lalo Schifrin, Tom Schmidt, John E. Michael Leonard, Frank Leone, Julie and Bill Lester, Malcolm Schneider, Myron C. Schiffer, Bob Schillin, Morris Lester, L.M. Letofsky, Peter Levinson, Bobby Lewis, John Schonhorn, Roger Schore, Alain Schremmer, Mary Schwartz, Lewis, Cal Lewiston, Library New South Wales State Alan P. Schultz, Bobby Scott, Tom Scott, David Scrivens, Paul Conservatory, John Lissner, Barry Little MD, Ralph Seay, Todd Selbert, Richard Seidel, Bud Shank, Hal Shaper, Lodewick, John Lofton, Daniel Logan, David S. Logan, Arnold Shaw, Artie Shaw, Beverly Shaw, Kathleen T. Shaw. Jonathan C. Logan, Mike Longo, Joe Lopes, Charles Lourie, Peter Shaw, Don Shelton, Seth Shenfield, Sahib Shihab, Gary Mundell Lowe, John S. Lucas, Thomas D. Lucas, Tom Luddy, M. Shivers (WUNC University of North Carolina), Robert Bruce Lundvall, James J. Lynch, Percy S. Lyon, Shuttleworth, Ben Sidran, Kirk Silsbee, Nathan M. Silverstein, Mark Macaulay, Gerry Macdonald, John Maclver, Dave Robert Silverstein, Matt Simek, Dan Singer (BMI), Josef MacKay, John G. MacLeod,
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