EC A TP H OI L IP C H A C HN U R CY H Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25, 2021 recently passed away from Covid-19. Our thoughts and prayers FROM POPE FRANCIS are with Don Romagnuolo, his family, friends and brethren, as well as the parishioners at Casamari. Requiescat in pace. NEW BLESSEDS OF CASAMARI Dear brothers and sisters, On April 17 in the Abbey of Casamari, Simeon Cardon and five companion martyrs, Cistercian monks of that Ab- bey, were proclaimed Blessed. In 1799, when French soldiers with- drawing from Naples sacked churches and monasteries, these meek disciples of Christ resisted with heroic courage, unto death, to defend the Eucharist from desecration. May their example spur us to a greater commitment of fidelity to God, even capable of transforming society and making it more just and fraternal. A round of applause for the new Blesseds! During the French invasion of the Kingdom of Naples in 1798, Napoleon’s Grande Armée installed the short-lived and widely unpopular Parthenopean Republic, a treacherous Franco- Jacobin satellite state propped up with French bayonets. Though Sicily remained in control of the Bourbons, the brutal conquest of the Neapolitan portion of the Kingdom was violent and bloody, and as so often is the case with anti-Bourbon his- torians, the abominable crimes of the Republic receive little to no attention in comparison to the loyalists’ reprisals. Among the many atrocities committed by the so-called “enlightened” conquerors, was the massacre of six Cistercian friars on May 13, 1799 at the Gothic Abbey of Casamari, bor- dering the Papal States. Following the capture of Naples, a band of French men-at-arms returning northward came upon the ancient Abbey. Welcomed by the prior Simeon Cardon, a Frenchmen who only a few years earlier fled the revolutionary atrocities in his homeland, the soldiers sacked and desecrated the church in hatred of the faith (Odium fidei). As Cardon and the five other friars attempted to recover the Consecrated Hosts strewn across the sanctuary floor they were shot and murdered in cold blood. After the departure of the soldiers, the martyrs were interred in the Church by the surviving monks. Closed by Napoleon in 1811, the Abbey recovered with the restoration of the Bourbons. Suppressed again by the Italian State in 1873, it was stripped of its assets. Amazingly, the Cis- tercians did not abandon the abbey and it continues to be a popular religious destination today for tourists and pilgrims alike. On a sad note, Don Eugenio Romagnuolo, Abbot at Casamari, Page 2 Epiphanyparish.com FR KATHLEEN PHILLIPS CELEBRATING OUR FAITH HOMEBOUND OUTREACH SACRAMENTS SCHEDULE Homebound Outreach Mass Times We are trying to stay connected with Incense is used at 9:30am Sunday Mass. All Ministers have Glu- our parishioners who are home- ten-free Hosts. 7:30 am Sunday Masses are Broadcast on Face- bound due to the pandemic or age- book at Epiphanyparish.com Drive Up Communion is available related issues. Sundays till 8:30am (Canopy). Note: 8:15am School Masses are currently closed to the public due to the Pandemic. If you have a family member, close neighbor or friend who is an Epipha- ny Parish member who would may benefit from a friendly phone call or Sunday, April 25, Fourth Sunday of Easter assistance with Flocknotes, our 4:00pm Jerry and Nancy Overby online communication tool, please 7:30am Bill Cunningham let us know. 9:30am Tom Krause 11:30am Harry and Irene Vitzthum With their permission, please call the parish office at: 309-452- 2585 x 2 or email: [email protected] so we can reach out. Monday, April 26, Easter Weekday 7:00am Tony Wolters Tuesday, April 27, Easter Weekday 7:00am Thad Sutter 8:15am Clara and Issa Benyamin Wednesday, April 28, Easter Weekday 7:00am Marg Dentino 8:15am Eugene Michels Thursday, April 29, Saint Catherine of Siena 7:00am Chuck and Steve Penn 8:15am William Sweeney Friday, April 30, Easter Weekday 7:00am John Loebach Sunday, May 2, Fifth Sunday of Easter 4:00pm Tom Krause OUR DEARLY DEPARTED 7:30am Kathy Albee 9:30am Edna Mae Arnold GRANT ETERNAL REST, O LORD! 11:30am Harold Hoeferle Darrel Carlson, husband of Joan, Confession Times and father of Rebecca. 3:00pm Saturday in the Parish Hall. Please enter from the Corridor and depart out the South Door onto the Parking Lot. Adoration Chapel News Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament has returned to the St. John Paul II Chapel: Monday to Friday: 7:30am to 6pm. Epiphanyschools.org April 25, 2021, Page 3 FROM THE PRINCIPAL PARISH UPDATES GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY CATCH UP HERE Dear Friends, Epiphany Youth Ministry The fourth Sunday of Easter, this year High School Youth Group meets on Sundays from 6:30-8 pm in on Sunday—April 25, 2021, is designat- the Parish Hall. Join us this weekend for games, a speaker, and ed as Good Shepherd Sunday. Our pas- discussion. We will be OFF on May 9th for Mother's Day. tor, Fr. Eric is, in a sense, our local good shepherd and the faculty, staff and stu- Junior High Youth Group (grades 6-8) meets once a month to dent body would like to take this oppor- play games, share faith, and grow together in our journey to- tunity to thank Father Eric and his un- wards Christ. The next Junior High Youth Group is Friday, May wavering support and guidance of 21st from 7-8:30 pm. Epiphany Catholic School. To receive Youth Ministry updates, join our Flocknote group or We are so very blessed to have a pastor email [email protected] to be added to the who is an example of how to lead with humility, focused on the email list! mission of evangelization. His vision, commitment to excel- Emmaus Days lence and the pride that he has for our students and facilities radiates down to everyone associated with our school. Emmaus Days is a summer program for young men sponsored by the Diocese of Peoria. By providing an exciting, spiritually “Pastors offer spiritual leadership and vital support for schools enriching environment, we help participants become more in their parishes, helping them succeed in their mission to edu- aware of God’s presence in their lives and get excited about cate students in an atmosphere of faith and academic excel- living their faith. Register or find more info lence,” said Kathy at comeandfollowme.org/emmausdays Mears, Interim Presi- dent and CEO of the Designed Program National Catholic Epiphany Parish is offering the "Designed" program this Education Associa- year on Sunday May 16 in the parish hall. tion. How these The program will provide information regarding puberty words so describe and sexual development as God designed it. It is geared Father’s role in the towards students in 5th through 7th grade. The sessions life of Epiphany Cath- will be from 1-3 pm for the girls and 3-5 pm for the boys. olic School; the list of It is encouraged to have a parent or guardian attend with examples of this sup- the child so they can be aware of what is being taught. port would far ex- The speakers for the events are: Dr. Wayne Manness, Dr. ceed my column’s Kim Marshall-Harmon, Mrs. Karen Herzner and Mr. Paul allotted space. Rayburn. There is no cost for the event but space is lim- Thank you Father Eric ited so registration is required. If you would like to regis- for all that you do for ter, please email Karen Overby our school. at: [email protected] by April 30. May the Lord bless Parish Outreach your week, (St. Vincent de Paul) Orlando Lopez email is out- Mike Lootens [email protected] If you find yourself in seri- GO KNIGHTS!!! ous economic need due to the pandemic, St. Vincent de Paul and Epiphany Parish want to help. Email Orlando Lopez at Parish Outreach. Page 4 Epiphanyparish.com NEW PRINCIPAL PARISH CONTACTS THE SEARCH IS OVER Parish Office School Office (309) 452-2585 (309) 452-3268 Epiphanyparish.com Epiphanyschools.org We are pleased to an- nounce that we have Parish Staff Fr. Eric Powell (Pastor) hired Mrs. Jennifer [email protected] Kamradt as the new Prin- 309-660-7860 cipal of Epiphany Catho- lic School. Deacon Mark Cleary (Baptisms) [email protected] Mrs. Kamradt currently Cindy Myers, Kara Esker (Pastoral Team) serves as a Library Media [email protected] Specialist in the Cham- paign Unit 4 School Dis- Kara Esker (Youth, CCD) trict. She previously [email protected] served as a K-8 Music and Library teacher at West Lincoln Domine King, Joyce Tellman (Office Staff) Broadwell School in Lincoln, IL, and prior to that, she [email protected] served in the Rantoul City Schools in Rantoul, IL. Angie O’Connor (Parish/School Books) Mrs. Kamradt earned a B.S. in Music Education from Illi- [email protected] nois State University in 2003 and a Master of Music Edu- Sean and Jennifer Stevens (Music) cation from the University of Illinois in 2005. She also [email protected] completed a Post-Baccalaureate distinction in Library/ Media Science from Illinois State University in 2014. Fi- nally, she received a Master of Educational Administra- Cover Painting: The Resurrection of tion from Illinois State University in 2018. Christ is a 1611-1612 by Peter Paul We are excited to welcome Mrs. Kamradt, where she will Rubens, now in the Cathedral of continue to foster the spiritual development, academic Our Lady in Antwerp. The panel depicts he Risen Jesus triumphantly excellence, and commitment to Christ-like service, which emerging from the tomb, surround- has been the hallmark of a Catholic education at Epipha- ed by frightened Roman soldiers.
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