April 17, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H1627 Mr. RODRIGUEZ appeared at the bar of READY TO BEGIN DUTIES AS NEW So I say to my colleagues, I will be the House and took the oath of office, MEMBER OF HOUSE OF REP- here representing the 28th Congres- as follows: RESENTATIVES sional District of the State of Texas, Do you solemnly swear that you will (Mr. RODRIGUEZ asked and was and I am looking forward to working support and defend the Constitution of given permission to address the House with my colleagues. I will try to hit it the United States against all enemies, for 1 minute.) running as quickly as I can. Muchas foreign and domestic; that you will Mr. RODRIGUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I gracias. bear true faith and allegiance to the know my colleagues put this function f same; that you take this obligation together just for me; right? QUESTION OF PERSONAL freely, without any mental reservation Let me first of all introduce my wife PRIVILEGE or purpose of evasion, and that you will and my daughter. I want to ask them well and faithfully discharge the duties to stand up. Carolina, my wife, is a Mr. GINGRICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to of the office on which you are about to teacher, and we are real proud she got a point of personal privilege. enter. So help you God. Teacher of the Year in San Antonio The SPEAKER pro tempore. (Mr. The SPEAKER. Congratulations, you last year. KOLBE). The gentleman from Georgia are now a Member of the U.S. House of My daughter, Xochil. And my daugh- [Mr. GINGRICH] is recognized for 1 hour. Representatives. ter, Xochil, is a 14-year-old. I also want Mr. GINGRICH. Mr. Speaker, I am f to recognize some of the other mem- standing here in the People's House at the center of freedom, and it is clear to b 1145 bers that have been real supportive, and I ask them to stand up for me me that for America to be healthy, our WELCOME CIRO D. RODRIGUEZ today. House of Representatives must be (Mr. GONZALEZ asked and was given Let me just briefly thank my col- healthy. The Speaker of the House has permission to address the House for 1 leagues. There is no doubt that I am a unique responsibility in this regard. minute.) here with mixed emotions. I had the When I became Speaker of the House, Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, as the pleasure of being in high school when it was the most moving day I could dean of the Texas delegation, it is a Congressman Tejeda was there, in the have imagined. It was the culmination pleasure and a very great honor to in- same high school in Harlandale. I had of a dream. Little did I know that only troduce to the House our newest Mem- the pleasure of being in classes with 2 years later, I would go through a very ber, the gentleman from Texas, CIRO D. him when we were in Saint Mary's Uni- painful time. RODRIGUEZ. versity. During my first 2 years as Speaker, Not long ago, many of us mourned I also had the pleasure of being in the 81 charges were filed against me. Of the the tragic passing of our esteemed and Texas House when he was in the Texas 81 charges, 80 were found not to have loved colleague, Frank Tejeda. Yet, I Senate. And I have had the pleasure of merit and were dismissed as virtually think Frank would be happy to know working on a variety of projects with meaningless. But the American public that his work will be carried on by an him. And we all mourn the loss of Con- might wonder what kind of man has 81 individual like CIRO RODRIGUEZ. gressman Tejeda. charges brought against him? Like Frank, Representative Today, I am also humbled in having Under our system of government, at- RODRIGUEZ has quite substantial legis- been elected to this body. I know that tacks and charges can be brought with lative experience; and like Frank, he is my colleagues probably felt the same impunity against a Congressman, a lifelong resident of the city of San way I feel now, coming in, kind of in sometimes with or without foundation. Antonio. The gentleman also has that awe. It has not hit me yet. But I do Some of these charges involved a col- same deep commitment to the commu- want to thank all my fellow colleagues lege course I taught about renewing nity, that same attachment to the peo- for allowing me to come in today and American civilization. ple that he serves, and so I think we allowing my family to come in. I am a college teacher by back- have in him a most worthy successor. I do want to just indicate a few ground. After years of teaching, it CIRO RODRIGUEZ served in the House things. As I ran for office, one of the never occurred to me that teaching a of Representatives of the great State of key things, one of the basic principles college course about American civiliza- Texas for 10 years and was an honored I have always had, when I ran for the tion and the core values that have and valued member of that body right school board 12 years ago, and I spent made our country successful could be- up to the time of his departure for to- 12 years on the school board when I ran come an issue. However, as a pre- day's swearing in. He was dean of the for the legislature, was that education caution, I received the Committee on county's delegation and served with is key. Standards of Official Conduct's ap- distinction on many committees, most I know President Kennedy once com- proval in advance for teaching the particularly those that were related to mented, in this same body 35 years ago, course, and I accepted no payment for public education. on the importance of human develop- teaching the course. He began his community service ment, the importance of recognizing Nonetheless, the course became em- early. He was an educational consult- the individual, and in being able to do broiled in controversy. The most sig- ant and he performed social work deal- whatever we can to enhance the qual- nificant problem surfaced not from ing with the problems of substance ity of that individual. I have always teaching the course but from answer- abuse and mental health concerns. He worked from that perspective. ing the Committee on Standards of Of- served on the local school board for 12 I want to continue to work on that ficial Conduct's inquiries. years before being elected to the Texas principle, that as far as I am con- Before the 1994 election, the commit- legislature. cerned, as we move on to the next cen- tee asked questions, and I submitted a Mr. Speaker, CIRO RODRIGUEZ brings tury, what is going to be the strength letter in response. The committee to the House a deep knowledge of his of this country is going to be its peo- agreed that this letter was accurate. community and long-seasoned experi- ple, and we need to invest in ourselves Later, I hired a law firm to assist me in ence in the House of Texas legislature. and in our people. With that, come the answering additional questions coming He brings to this House not only this investment in human development and from the committee. A letter developed knowledge and experience, but a heart investment in education and invest- by the law firm became the heart of filled with compassion and a soul filled ment in training. the problem. I signed that letter, and it with energy. He is ready to hit the I want to take this opportunity to became the basis for a later, longer let- ground running, and I feel certain that, say it was a big honor for me growing ter signed by an attorney. I was deeply beginning today, all of us will be find- up in San Antonio and having as my saddened to learn almost 2 years later ing that he is indeed a valued colleague Congressman the gentleman from that these letters were inaccurate and and a very, very promising Member of Texas, Congressman HENRY B. GON- misleading. the House. ZALEZ. And for him to have given the While the letters were developed and I am very pleased and highly honored introduction, I just want to thank him drafted by my former attorneys, I bear to introduce and welcome our newest very much. I have always admired his the full responsibility for them, and I Member. hard work and his dedication. accept that responsibility..
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