WEATHER Founded1880 Mostly Sunny Incorporated1905 High: 65 Memberof The Daily Winds:5 m.p.h. AssociatedPress The Cornell Sun "Ithaca's Only Morning Newspaper"' VOL.LXXXVII-NO.131 ITHACA, NEW YORK,MONDAY,MAY 10, 1971 12PAGES— TENCENTS FinancialCuts May Cone Busted Quietly on Quad European HitFemale Studies Currency ByPAULAGANTZ Despite financial support from the College of Arts and Sciences Adjusted and the State College of Human Ecology, the Female Studies Program isindanger ofextinctionforlack of funds. — "Coursesheavily dependonfunding," saidArleneRyan, executive Bonn, Germany (AP) directorof the program."If wedonot getmoremoney than what we The West German have already, we will have to either close the studies office or government decided abandonthe additionof newcourses,"she said. yesterday to let the mark Severalmembersof the administrationare currently working seek its own level on with markets a femalestudies committee to find the needed funds. Both private international money and public sources are being contacted, according to Richard to stem the flow of unwanted Saltford,anadministratorforsponsoredresearch. U.S.dollars. At the same time,the Swiss A letterrecently wassent by UniversityPresidentDaleR.Corson franc was revalued upward to the HelenaRubinsteinFoundation askingfor its"overallumbrella by 7 per cent in a move last support" accordingtoSaltford. night to ward off the flow of "We should hear from the foundation and other private sources dollars that produceda crisis thathavebeencontacted withina month,"hesaid. in international currency markets. Federal funds are also being sought, but answers from these I -tarWHktUuJ>M sources arenot expectedfor at leastanother two months.Until then LIKE A ROLLING CONE: This sample of modern architecture, a Chancellor' Willy Brandt said nodecisionregarding nextyear's coursescanbemade. wooden cone, has beendesigned by an unknown artist for the Spring in a nationwide television Arts Festival Students rolling on the arts quad have led to its address the German move did Additionalproblems are being createdby the resignationof Joy downfall not amount to an upward D. Osofsky, human development* revaluation of the mark. That theH wouldmakeGermangoodsmore no! Urges Demonstrators expensive and less competitive new can be made!Laird U.S. to Pay inworldmarkets. to Dean C.B VoiceProtests European Common Market human More Attention to Russia Phone Tax finance ministers, at an 'TheH Washington (AP) — Secretary Of overnight meeting in Brussels, Female notbe! Defense Melvin R. Laird said Germany yesterday the UnitedStates should focus its attention now on what "This is one way to make our gave West and other unlessa for! countries the okay to let their her Knapp "We!happens after Vietnam and what is needed to counter Russia's point to the government in the in!growing momentum. most basic terms, and that currenciesfloat. It is time, he said, to shift the dialogue from "why means money," said Prof. KarlSchiller, West Germany's the or possibly al finance minister, told a news temporaryappointment." Vietnamization"to "beyondVietnam" and to focus on "What's in JamesMatlack,English, aftera store us, securitystandpointbeyond conference here yesterday he The StateCollege Industrial! for from thenational Vietnam." War Tax Resistance expected Laird also indicated his back of enthusiasm for lifting trade demonstration at the Ithaca themark to increasein and Labor to! telephone valuetemporarily. sponsor a with!restructions withRedChina. company office His comments weremadein aninterviewwithU.S.News& World Saturdaymorning. Schillelr saidinastatementthe spring. One!Report. meeting telephone Central Bank "will cease its or appointments After at the two are! The Secretarysaid that while theUnitedStateshasbeentieddown company office on Buffalo intervention" in behalf of the also being according! dollar today. The Brussels toDean inSoutheast Asiasince 1965 Russia has beenable touse its defense Street, 13 tax resistersmarched resources toattaina position of "more orlessparityinthe strategic to Southside Community Center agreement, he added, waB "a academic!nuclear weaponsarea"and at thesame timehas goneforward with where they donated$62 that they compromise for which we all studies,!naval modernization and ground force modernization. Russia, he withheld from their telephone workedhard." has approached Senate!said has a"tremendousweaponsmomentum." Schiller emphasized the on Women to! Continued onPage8 compromise was important supporting! Laird wasaskedif wouldbe I becauseit meant there wouldbe a for U.S. the Female! no change of currency parity to trade Red ICornellLaw Applications within the Common Market and because it provided for a be! He widening of the markfluctuation the Senate! make a it IIncreaseFiftyPer Cent limit "from which the cabinet on and!on the we already I has drawnitsconclusions." Interests! theSoviet and I This year has seen an unparalleled increase in the number of Switzerland was told of its be! the for I applicationsfor enrollmentin the CornellLaw School. The increase nation's decision in a special on by the Senate on!the warcomes II of 50 per cent over last year is attributedlargely to an apparent television'address by President Thursday make beliefamongmany applicantsthata legaleducation is the best way Rudolf Ghaegi, who explained to effect social change, according to Donald M. Sheraw, assistant that this was the only step deanfor admissions. possibleundertheconditions. Artists Celebrate Black Life Preparation to deal with such great social problems as urban The dollar flow into blight, civil rights, ecology and poverty weremost often cited by Switzerland has totalled $1.3 applicants as reasons for wishing to enter the legal profession, he billionduring thepastsix weeks, said. fueling an inflation that was Sherawexplained there hasbeen asteady increase in applications already running at 5.9 per cent during thepast tenyears,butnothing tocompare to thisyear's. during thepast12months. "Needless to say, the competition for the 155 to 160 openings for Several governmentministers next fall'sfirstclassis keen," said, rather he ContinuedonPage8 as the up! economy a steady! female minorityI to! BigRedDefeats Bruins SherawIInKeyIvy Tilt The squeeze has! Lacrosse propelledstudents applying! ByPAULKAYE law seniors! — SpecM.1*TVCaracll DallySm futures! Providence,R.I. "Write about the boys; they deserve it." A clear than theymight!superb display of skill and inspiration by the Cornell lacrosse team earned those words fromCoach Richie Moran as the Big Red beat Continued on Page 8 Brownby 12-4before1500 raucousBruinfans. The Ivy League showdown was the crucial game on Cornell's calendar.The victory virtuallyassures the Red of at least a pieceof Sun to Set the Ivy title.Brown's league recordis now 5-1; Cornell's is 4-0 with Sun readersand advertisers only Dartmouthand Princeton, the two weakestteams in the loop, are reminded that with this left toplay. issue, The Sun begins its last The Big Red's play waspractically flawless Although Brownheld week of publication for the all thestatisticaledges, theCornelldefense wasimpenetrable spring semester. A special Brown's star attackman.Bob Sealise, was held scoreless for Uve SOUL BALLET Dancers leap into motion in a ballet segment of "To "seniorissue" of TheSun will firsttimethisyear by juniordefensemanBill Ellis.Ellis wasallover All Things Black and Beautiful.' presented last weekend by the appearJune 4. hisman. neverallowinghimtogetoff a goodshot. Cornell I ,United Black Artists at Continued on Page12 2 Monday,May10,1971 The DailySun Cornell * Mariner 8 Fails Martian Mission SjSni [_!____£_ DRD T^S— — wLnE&A_\ Cape Kennedy, Fla. (AP) investigation turns up. But hope liftoff. The second stage of the iVHELOMSTPRICES'" "We're heartbroken," a space was expressedthat if Mariner 9 Atlas-Centaur rocket tumbled \_\w2iT_lk AMERICA yesterday is launched, it will be able to out of 92 miles abovethe !I J J agency official said as control WM WEARENOT A RECORD investigatorssought areason for perform some functions earth and plunged with its P^^HI Mil CLUB THERE ISNO 8 originally plannedforMariner 8. payload into the Atlantic Ocean _%***___ I IFiM 'I the failure of theMariner Mars ~l_ U OBLIGATIONOFANYKIND. shot and crews prepareda twin 900 miles southeast of Cape m. I"\* II 9, launching $53.6 Kennedy. craft, Mariner for The first half of the ALL MEHtHANOISE GUARANTEED FACTORY FRESH-ORDERS SHIPPED SAME DAYRECEIVED. billion project to is lost," came |* | May18. orbitMars with "The mission IVY DISCOUNTRECORDS A TAPES /Plssss send me We lollowingrecords , Mariner 9 could be delayed, two satellites failed Saturday the terse announcement from E. 78 St., N.Y.C, N.Y. 10021 / "(50% oH list pries J depending on what the night less thanfiveminutesafter thelaunchcontrolcenter. 1250PLEASE CHECK ROX FOR PREFERENCE OurPrlca Llat Ow Prlca 1 Several days maybe required IWaadstack Two (2 LP's) 04.94 8.88 4.94 nCklcaga/Chlcaga 111 12 LP's) _j Sabbath/Paranoid D2.44 4.99 1.48 cat For Tlllerman to pinpoint the cause of the Black Stevens/Tea TheBisquits __ Emerson Lake A Palmer D2.49 4.94 2.49 Three Dog Night/Golden —__j failure, study c Carole King/Tapestry G2.49 4.94 2.49 " Fifth Dimension/Love Lines Rogers Mildly Optimistic but initial of radio _ D2.44 4.99 2.44 Partridge Family/Up To Date Bread/Manna *> data indicated a fault with the 5 Eltan lohn/Frlandi G2.99 5.94 2.99 "Brand Funk Railroad Survival <"» Bloodrock/Bloodrock 3 D2.89 5.94 2.49 Ooors/L.A. Woman _ Centaur'sflight controlsystem.
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