ROCKLAND GAZETTE ESTABLISHED IRtFl. 1 ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1R74.| I TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADYANOB: £bc $rcss is tbi ^rfbintfbfan £fbcr that globes tbe ©lortb at &too Dollars a ^car 1 SINGLE OOI’IKS PRICE FIVE CENTS. o l ew e r ie s V . 7.—N S . R O C K LA N D , M A IN E, TU E SD A Y , JU N E 12, 1888. N umber 22. I I SPECIAL SALE ABOUT TOWN. TRAMP. Th e Co u r ie r -Gazette By PORTER It JOI4ES. REVERE HOUSE, SATURDAY, JUNE 16th, An amusing ease of — AT THE— oversiitlit occurred recently H ER B ER T M. LORD, E d it o r . BOSTON, n a Maine court. There had been trouble between A MODERN PA PER. Neat Ropton find Maine, Eastern, F itchburg nnd Lowell depots, centres of busineps and places o F —O O O P © © o © BOSTON 5 & 10 CT, STORE adjoining owners of land Fortvthirii year...........of the — Rockland Guzette am usem ent. for several years, and a Fifteenth year.................of the .. .Rockland Courier number of ;lawsuits lied Remodelled, Refurnished, Newly Dec­ 2 GROSS OF George F, Tbormlyke remembers us with Two dollars a year in advance—$2.50 if paid at interesting .Scuttle, W. T. pnpers. resulted. About two years end of year; $1 for six months; 50 cents for three orated, and now kept on the The Republican State Convention meets In ago one of the parties or­ months’ trial trip. •:-CL0THING-> Portland today, anil our delegates left at 5.40 dered the children of the EUROPEAN PLAN 15Qt.StampedDishPans this morning by special train. other * from an orchard Entered ns second class mnil matter. Rooms nil large nnd comfortable; elegant suites, which was on the disputed with baths nttached; ample public parlors; gentle­ © O © © © © The City Cornet Band is doing fine work. men’s cafe and billiard-room added, and first-elnsa PERSONAL POINTS. in every respect They have latterly made rapid strides ahead. land, and, shortly nfter- wnrils, the Intter was served ROOMS FROM Ftl.OO A DAY UP. 2 5 c E a c h . Their outdoor concert Thursday evening was Mrs. Henry Smith left Wednesday for very pleasing. with a writ in a ease of J. F. MERROWk CO., Proprietors Pishon’s Ferry. 16-28 * I before less than 40c. This j Doughty, the alleged bigamist, who escaped trespass, his neighbor tieing STORE. Y O N L Y . the plaintiff. Supposing Henry Billings and wife of Boston ore oc­ from Ofllcer Despaux of Brunswick by jump­ cupying their cottage on the Camden road. ing from n moving train is supposed to have the case to have reference to I CHAS. F. WOOD & COMPANY. BOSTON 5 & 10 CENT STORE John Mallett and bride and Capt. .1. W. HOTEL ST. MARC, OPPOSITE THORNDIKE HOTEL, sought the Provinces in a boat. the orchard affair, flic defendant and his attor­ neys, without reading the writ, prepared their Day nnd wife were at Young’s Hotel, Boston, 434 Fifth Ave., New York City. Dr. D. C. Perkins of this city has been elect­ last week, ROCKLAND, . • MAINE defense and got ready for trial. When the ON THE AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN 20 ed one of the vice presidents of the Maine Hotnoepatblc Medical Society which hell its ease camu to trial and the plaintiff's lawyer read Calvin Smith nnd wife of Marlboro arc vlsft- PLAN. annual session in .Augusta last week. the writ, the defendant and ids lawyers were Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Special Rates From June to October. GET Sweetland. ^oWGRAPHSrWrOGRAPHS The steamer Rockland had about forty thunderstruck,the allegation being that defend­ J. ALONZO NUTTER, Proprietor. passengers out of Bangor Wednesday morn­ ant's dog had, oil a certain day,barked at plain­ Miss Carrie J. Jordan, from the office of the Formerly steward of Steamers Cambridge nnd Katahdin. 21-33 ing. She is becoming more popular every day tiff’s horse, which caused the said horse to run Montpelier, Vt.. Argus & Patriot, has been McLOON & CROCKETT, and is now doing a lirst-class business. away, smash the carriage and injure the plain­ visiting Mrs. H. M. Lord. tiff. Those lawyers now know what Is in a writ N O TIC E. Steamer Lucy P. Miller will sail from New The Sophomores of the M. S. C. celebrated The Joint Standing Committee on /Accounts nnd T H E M O S T before they open the defense against it. their ivy day in n very satisfactory way, last Claims of the City of Rockland will be in session York every Saturday for this city and up at the City Treasurer’s Office on the FRIDAY PHOTOGRAPHERS, river and will leave Bangor and this city every week. Ralph L. Blackington of this city wns EVENING preceding the lirst Monday of each A S OI.D MASON. curator. month, for the purpose of examining cla'ins against Wednesday for New York. This boat has fine the city. All bills must be approved by the party accommodations, and offers very low rates. Nearly every section of the country has a Secretary A. II. Whitford returned Thurs­ contracting them, and should be presented at said time and place, or left with the committee previous FOR 321 Central Block, - R oland, Me The sixty-second annual meeting ot the some time or other laid claim to having the day noon from a fortnight trip to Grand Rap- to the date above mentioned. New and Elegant Rooms all on one floor, only one Congregational churches of Maine will be held “oldest Mason" and now the town of Waldo in ids, Mich., where he attended the National W . A B A R K ER , ) 1 flight of stairs and fitted up with WM. II. SMITH, /Committee. in this city the 19ht,20th and 21st. The Maine Maine makes tlie claim. Mr. Richard Gay, of Convention of Y. M. C. A. workers, and 17 29 CHAP. E. WEEKS, ) All Improvements in the Photo Missionary Society will hold its eigbty-first thnt town, svas horn in the year 1800, nnd wa s reports u ver.g enjoyable ocension. meeting nt the same time. The prominent made a Mason in Union Lodge, of Union, l’rom the Rochester, N. H., Courier we take Y O U R M O N E Y graphic Art. clergymen of the state,with others from abroad, Mnine, in 1822. sixty-six years ago. He is in the following: “Dr. Young nnd wife will good health, mentally and physically, and en. Large Pky-light made after plans of Scientific Ex­ will participate in the exercises. A large at­ please accept the congratulations and best perience and capable of making all kinds of Single tendance is expected. joys the meetings of the lodge as well as in his wi-hes of their many friends. May their Quality amountslto little pictures, and especially Large Groups. We shall younger days. ' i r i d o t f T ' make Samuel Julian has added to our collection a Young lives be bright nnd happy for many years." Mrs. Young is pleasnntly remembered ^ S h a d e s Unless the price be fa Zulu assegai or spear, picked up on the battle­ ALL KINDS OP PICTURES field on which the Prince Imperial was killed, BELFAST’S llOOJI. here as Lucy Karl Brown, nnd her former as­ and finish them in First-class Style, such as Tin Belfast seems to be enjoying a season of sociates in T h e C-G. office forward tlieir best In a ll colors. The Art Shades are Decorated Low Prices are not Bargains types, Minnette, Card Victoria, Cabinet, Promo and an exact counterpart of the weapon with which he was slain. 'The spear formed a growth and prosperity, and many new build­ wishes and heartiest congratulations. and Transparent. AH Minetto Shades, Plain nade, Boudoir, Panel and Imperial, nil or Decorated, are unsurpassed in Beauty, Unless Quality is there. portion of the collection brought to Vinalhaven ings are in process of erection. The founda­ Highly Finished in First-class Style, A very impressive feature of the services nt Durability and Finish. Mounted on firs t- by a Mr. Penny, who lived in the Zulu country tions of the new and elegunt hotel, to be erected St. Mary's Catholic church in Biddeford, nt class Spring Poller ready to hang. -ALSO- for some time. in the rear of the postollice, are completed, and present, is the singing. For some time past COPYING ANII ENLARGING The B. & 11. S. S. Co. enters upon its daily await the settlement of n slight hitch in the Rev. Father Harrington has been giving tbe WANTED WE COMBINE THEM proceedings of the company. The hotel is to congregation instructions in singing tlie Latin AT ONCE. AT ONCE, 15 FEMALE I1KLP to from small pictures to any desired size, 1-4 to life summer arrangement the 13th inst, next Wed­ work in the Shirt Manufactory. From $3 to *T size nesday. The boats leave here about six p. m.. stand on the site of the old Governor Crosby services of th .> church and nt the Vespers Sun­ clear of board cun be made by indua'dima girl*. place, the Crosby residence being moved to the 15 J, II. SIMONTON. BY THE PLATINUM PROCESS. and arrive here about six in the morning. day evening the service was sung for the lirst rear. The situation is a very central and at­ time in public. The church wns crowded with These prints are absolutely permanent, acids are We’re always glad when the summer arrange- FOR SALE.
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