IMInD ,i:,h .' . I . i , • , , '1 , ;1 ests ercent. .. a or 1.1 • 'u crapPID ax ''''1. I'RESEN'rs OPERA INTERMEZZI -FAIR. ~ISIHG TEMPERATURE available al .THE, DAILY NEWS' 00 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1956 (Price !Ii cents) Charles Hutton & Sons Vol. 63. No. 183 , \ , ;col and ----- . ' 9 these ~ , Princess And The Perambulator In Ottawa ~ , , i ~ rew uggests crap 1 ; 5 and 7s ax, enta c em'e * * * .¥- ¥ Calls For New Conference OTIAWA (CP) _ Demands that gardly" and said it is based on' parting from the principle of the I of the tax fields to the central the federal government drop its "a surprisingly hard and uncom.\ past tax rental agreements which, gOI'crnment as an alternative to tax.sharing proposals and seck a promising attitude," . I !Ie said, sharcd the national. tax their present power to lel'Y the new agreement giving the provo 11 WE REACIIEII UUT I mcome so. that all CanadIa.ns taxes themsch·cs. If thcy choose inces more money came M5p,oG 'F' :II' . t il' 'd I could receIve the same socIal not to rent, thcy could collect from two opposition party lead. mance, mls er arm sal 'benefits. I their own taxes or have Ottawa ers. thc . government has }o"ne ~s far I Speeches of Ihe party spokes.: do it for a fee. OpposiLion lcmlcr Drew and as 1~ can go In ma~l11", tax con, men wcre made as the Commons! . Reduce Ihe federal Ic\'\"-in Social Credit leader Loll' both cess,IOns Lo t1~e pro\mccs. It hart opened debate on a gOI'ernment PI'ol'l'nces .. ' ~ II ' . hca\ v commItment for defence' . ,asses,Jne lelr 011 n said in the Commons th,lt a nell" S I resolutJOn preliminary to in~ro'l taxes-by 10 pcr cent of personal conference should be called with and other purposes, and 1I'~.1 Il~. duction of legislation to 1m·' income iax. ninc pel' cent of lax. thc prol'inces. 1 der pre.s.I\ll·~ to hoosl spend,llI.g. III plement the nell' proposals. : able corporation income and SU MI'. I)re\\' said the present plan.' prol'lRclal Ilehls 01 resJlnnslblhty" ' ..,. , i per cent of' sllcee"ion duties. ( 10 take effect next April, seems i He denied that plan is nig'II'·~,\ TO LhsS \H.ALTII\ pl'ol'incial collections did not rx· to be a "cynical butchery of thc: gnrdly. It 1I'0uid rC~lI~red fed~ral I he nel~ formula w.ould: : ceell the reduction, there woutd rnJ:'\('I:~~ (;II.\CE Sr.E SnAPr. OF TIIINGS TO CO)n:?·- I'arls. Franr('-~ra)'be a p;yel101ogM rould rCNI something Into the federal sy:te"!.".,It was "only an.; ~utlays o.f SG~OOO,~oo III the .r.lr5t , 1,. Prol'ld~ uncondlllonni equal.: inces rented the lax fieltls, Ih~ ES :~C:~t ;I'~l'r I'rin,'r;~ fir,lce (nee Kelly) Is gil'ing this baby carriage as she strolls in Ihe Bois De Bolognt', Parb. wi:h her ot~cr makesluft.. , ~~ar of 1(.' fJle.~ear term: Ihat!IZ.3tJOn pa~~ents 10 the .Iess, be no duuble taxation, If prOI" ., J'rinu' Hai!lirr of )tllnaco. Annll'ay, re~;;rdlcss of till glance, Princess Grace graccfully dodged I(UC~lionsl abuul a rhe ProgressJI'c ConWrl'atll'e \Iould be 20 PCI' cent mOle than wcalthy PNl'lnCCs baHd on dIrect ren'al pal'ments would equal th~ I:'i: !,."m tlir stork when ,he arril'Cd In Ihe French capital reccntly wilh Rainicr on I shopping trip. When Ihe ques· leader said a new confercnce,: under a continuation of present. lax yields-personal and corpora·' 100' ·0'd t" , t I .. I " t· x I ltd tit" t t . ..J re IIC lon, \\' I 1 mUntClpa represcnlatlOn" ,~. ren a agrecmcn~, ue 0 ex·. IOn lllcome axes am SlicceSSlon: ~;. pili. I'nJ1l'm (ir ...'r blushrd Ami replied gen:ly: "I'm afraid we didn'l starl Ihe rumors."-(lj\ I'hoto). should 1I'0rk o,at "a lasting solu.' plre next ~Iarch 31. The booit Iduties. The payments would mak~' 4, GUal'_ntee stability of pa~" ---_..... _------------ tion" for the sharing of tax fields' lI'ould amollnl to an average' up the difference in thc PCI' cOIpita menls e2unfb8rib"p'zO prodrlin among the Ihree lenls of govern. eight per cent increase in the bud· yicld of thOse taxcs betwcen the mcnt, to provinces. prnridin: men!.' : gets of prol'incial gOI'cmments. two wealthiest-Ontario and Bril· Ihat in no year would lhcy be ~lr.J Loll' lermed Ihe new frd. i CCl-' leader Coldwcll, hOll'el'cr. ish Co bij2 , . less than 95 per cent of the ""cr· Endorse Jap Plan eral offcr "unrealistic anrl nig.1 criticized Ihe gOI'ernment for de· 2, Prol'ide lor prodncial rrntal i a~e of Ihe two prcI·ioll.' )·e"r~. Nuclear Experimen~s "I',m Dumb But Not. Stupid" life?" another queslioner asked. Ry RASALD MACWRKIN Quickly, she an,;wered: "No, Ito\' E~~(I\'.\~ down ~cf.llre the UN disarmament 1 "We consider that the question I Dcpu ei,%. S. Grushetsk>', who LONDON (Reuters) - Marilyn . (,\1' I _ The SOI'ict comnllSSlOn meeting in Ncll' York I of Ihe prohlbilion of atomic and, introduced the resolution, said not pessimistic - iust realistic." l\Ionroe, thc toast of Britain since Question: ."Can you cook?" ~I(lnltay endorsed a Indian • Yugo,lav proposals for, h~'drogcn weapons ean be sepal'· the Japanc~c people were the she arrll'ed here on Saturda)" ir,1m .iap1nc;r le)(islators banning tests. Cnnada also toolt! atcd from the general problem of firsl victims of Amcriean tests at said Monda),: "To be frank, I'm Answer: "I would like to learn to cook, It is a wonderful fcmin· pul:3mrll:, :111 Ol'er the a similar \·iell'. ! disarmamcnt, can be dccided Uikiozi" really thc dumbest - but I like ,ine thing to he able to cook for . m:,'~ for an ('lid to tests I I'RST iH'EECll . ' . i~d.ellcndently and not made con· i Il~ said lise of the atomi,e b?t."b to think I'm not so stupid as Ihey I the people around whom you .; "('~P"~" , Sllep'll .' I \1' I' fl"l dlttonal on the general Icret of I agamst Japan was "not Justtftcd say .. I : 15 oz. .; . k f F I 01 S speen as I1S 1" t "Sh'l . I 'b milit .. ·t· ~1'I't . t' live," ! C"O~ Ila' '" 'rn ,I trr or. t th S rem Soviet II took' armamen s, CPI ov sail, y ary neeessl~. , II arts lC iiolding her fourth press confer· I "Now that ~'Oll am marricd to lb;',r; Dn::tri ~1JepihJ\' lold 0, c' mllPV ,e '101 to' , e I ! Shepilov spoke after tbc parli· I ,Japan could havc been forced to ence in three days, she was being " .. Iocr1 fr0 l 0 I .IS or·' d I t '1 I t 'th t th' b b . ~!r. lIIiller is there any chalice of ~·.1!/m(' SOllel. nr par.. ., t ..1..' th I I If' ament approvc an oppea 3!' I callI II a e WI ou \~ ar nnc quizlcd at London's Savol' Hotel L el"n mInts er mon anc a la I'! )'0111' raising a family in tite next ,!.'It r.,:1. .. ,,, \l'as wilhng.' I n a dressed to other par laments to· wcapon, •. by movic critics and magazine I~c tot, hut I'ollict not' ago. join with the Soviet in demand.! (Gl'llshetsky's statements lI'ere reporters on he} bid to break fel\' years?" c "I certainly hllpc to, It i~ the ,1;:1C~:I'n! fJllm the United II He told the 1,300 pal'liamental'y in~ an ent! to the arm~ race anti i similar in tone to a Soviet broad· Ihrough the intellectual barrier. ~r Brita;n dele"ates a;:rcement on an end 10 swifter progress toward disarm·l cast heard in .Japan last month Her new husband, playwrighl most important thing." r~;:cd ~ .1!r, anll nritain I nllcl~ar tests couhl be reached h)' ament. ! saying t1wSol'iet Union tried in Arthur Miller, Was nol with her. t" 1n a~rcement on :my one of thrce methods: Within: FmST V.CTI;\IS ,~I'ain to pcrsllade the United He was elsewhere conducting ne. WORK AGREES WITH IT goliations about a Bitish produc. I "You 'hal'e a marvellous figllre. ~Ut:Crtr :C'I, IJnlc,l~ it Is the framewnrk of Ihc United Na, 'I "It welcomes the unity of I'iell's: Slatcs from dropping A bombs on pm 01 ~n orcr.all cli5arm. Jlons; b~' thrce.parly agrcement between the ,Iapancse Rnd SOI'iet: ~,lgasaki and Hiroshima. Harry lion of one of his pla~'s. Did you do anything to !!ct it that r!;~ ~'Jhiut to rontrols which olher nation.; could join I peoples on this questi~n and ex· i '~'I'uman, prcsi~lent of the United At Marilyn's side, as she purred way - diet or exercise?" . D. w'n. latcr: separate statements from presses the hope par\Jamcnt~ 01' Slales at the hmc. has called the answers gibly into a microphone, "I didn't do anything to get it was British actor Sir Laurencc Ihat way," said Miss , II'r"r:'n pI,lI'er! took I' each government declaring it wasi all countries support this )1051·1 broadcast "propaganda" with not ~Ionroe, Olil'ler, with whom she will star looking down at herself reflect· 1';:.1,), in turning banning nuclear tests.
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