., , , , , ., .j , , , , , , " • " , " " . .~ - . • " . : . .' ,.' ;1-. '-----,-T- --- • Page Sixty-six PageSixty-seyeJ,l' TBB JEWISH P,OST Thursday, December 20, 1962 December 20, l.II6I! THE JEWI,SH POST Kobe community, without a rabbi, Best Wishes for a Happy to you all 1~~~~==:C~o=r=di;=:'a=l;""';:C;;:h=a=n=u=;k"'a=;h~G~r"'e"'e~ti;:ng=s~to~a:'illi=:o=u=r====~ a teacher, or school for the younger Friends and Customers I JOYOUS CHANUKAH GREETINGS TP ALL OUR I FRIENDS AND CUSTOIMERS generation? * * The Tenth an GOLD CROWN I went on to Hong Kong, many of \ By IDA, G. COWEN whose 50 Jewish families work in To reach the synagogue in Kobe, Pollock's Hardware one ·or another of the Kadoorie OLD DUTGH FOODS LTD. ., .' \ Japan, one climbs the hillside from BILLIARD LOUNGE family's far-flung ventures. But \ I ' , ! the port to reach Kitano-Cho, an ED HARRIS, Proprietor there is no feeling there of a 'com­ Phone SPruce 4-2561 OME time ago the play "The Tenth Man" was 'presented on Broadway area of attractive concrete homes Phone JUstice 2·5007' , Featuring. ·munity taking root alld planning S with great acclaim. The setting was a synagogue aruf the title derived with club house and swimming pool. 1407 MAIN ST. WINNIPEG 12 New Brunswick Gold CrowD Tables and Equipment for the younger generation. 1700 SARGENT AVE. WINNIPEG from the fact that the sexton had to go into the street Minyan hlinting. The synagogue itself is a large, ill Beautiful Modern Sunoundings r As hi Kobe, one winds up the I found this search for "the'Tenth Man" enacted in real life in communi- rather bare building contributed by "THE NEW TREND IN BILLIARDS" steep ,hillside from the waterfront ties such as, Kobe, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Rangoon ,and, Calcutta. I asked the Sassoon flUllily;, with 'one 'row You'll enjoy the game in our relaxing 'envwonment . , '. to reach the sYnagogue on Hong myself:' "Are these "Asian, communities dying?" ' 'of' seats around each . side of the 479 Selkirk Ave. , "" ,Winnipeg' Most .Cordial . Chanukah 'Greetings. to all . our F~iends and Patrons, ' Kong Island's Robinson Road. A , " . , building and the, reading desk in MR." AND MRS. K. fARMAN concrete building with two tow;ers, the centre. The community; num- ' From BERT and BILL MINUK and STAFF of ;;=:=====~::;;:~;:;=:~~:;;;;~;=;~;;;:;~~;======jJ. it was bUilt fifty years ago by the exfend Best Wishes for a Very Happy Chanukah to ail ·their bering 'fifty, is Sephardi, mainly , , JOYOUS CHANUKAH GREETINGS' I Sassoon family and its name, Ohel , . TO EVERYONE EVERYWHERE, THE SAME OLD ,WISH - having come from Singapore, Aleppo Relatives, Customers and Friends PARK REALTY CO. ·t h' d B f Y d Leah, honours a woman member A BRIGHT AND JOYOUS CHANUKAH and Baghdad to engage in the im­ P 00 of the family. At the Rosh Hasho~ah port-exportb-ade. 105 CIiruSTIE BLDG.,2!19¥.!· NOTRE DAME AVE. , r. c or ' or s Marille Supplies, Boat Repairs, Motor, Boats evening service, there wa's a large 360 Dufferin 'Ave. Phone JU6-3104 Winnipeg Mr. Moshe, one of the communal Canoes and Rowboats for Rent congregation listening to a blister- Phone WHitehall 2-0243 'INMAN MOTORS LIMITED " lel!ders, came along to the Friday . Winnipeg, Man. Trailers, Available with Boats. by Day, Week or Month ing sermon, taking it to task for not F. MIROSH, Prop.' contributing sufficiently to chari- sevennight servicechildren, I -,attended all below with Bar- his tr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lIEARTIEST CHANUKAH GREETINGS TO YOU ALL MAIN STREET SOUTH, Opp. C.N.R. "Station Mitzvah age. We waited for the ' Phones: JU 2-5507 - Res. JU 9-6735 table causes and f9r irregular at- For Your Dining ,Pleasure- It's required ten men. Three more ar- Chanukah Greetings to all our Jewish Friends and Clients Foot of' Pritchard Ave. Winnipeg 'tendance 'at Sabbath services. The ' rivals - brothers ,- who were to . ~~~~~:~=::=::~~~~~~~~~~:==~ nextstart morningat. eight serviceso'clock. wereI was due there to , '~CheVl'Olet and, Oldsmobile Headquarters" recite the kaddish,· came in.. Still '- but not ten men. At last a min- there were not' tenraen present. 'William ,,'M. 'Hurley & Co. ~ Winnipeg's Finest DowntownRestaurant_' yan was completed, bl.\t the congre­ . LICENSEb PREMISES . , Someone' went outside to look for JOiYOUS CHANUKAH GREETINGS gants were far fewer than 'at the Relax in a Continental. Atmosphere Entertainment Nightly. 'PHONE WHitehall 3-1471 another , Jew., Finally the service CH:ARTERED. ACCOUNTAN'rS previous everung, Many were I;llick Specializing in Steaks, Seafood and Chicken began. What of the future for' the PhoneWHitehaU 2.6353 ,Sa Gre@"SpaD, at bu,siness. BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON A, Joyous Chanukah to au our The service was uninspiring and . 'COMPLETE $1.00 Jewish Friends and Patrons GLAZING SASH DOORS some of those "called up" could 302 Montreal Trust Bldg., 218 Portage Ave. Pl'ivate Banquet Room Available . hardly read the blessings., N'ever­ JO~OUS CHANUKAH GREETINGS Paints and Builders' Hardware , . 571 Portage Ave. Phone SPruce 5-5831. for Reservations The Avenue Winnipeg Manitoba' , theles~, I learned~, there was a good Just West of C.B.C. Bldg, Eleetrlc, Phone JUstice 2-6209 . OPEN DAIl:, Y EXCEPT SUNDAYS Gla,mour Girl' H,ai,. Slyling .. Repa;r SpedaJist8 , , We are open Xmas Day and New Year's'Day . Best, Wishes to all our Friends '. 536 BROADWAY ,JOYOUS CHANUKAH GREETINGS Freepa,rking at North Star ,Station across the road , Winnipeg. MaiL. and Customers for a Very 305 Selkirk, ' Ave. Happy 'and Joyous ' SpeciaIizingm Phone,. S,Pruee 5·6638 ' , . • , SPruce 4-0215 Chanukah " , .' Hair' Colouring ,. Razor Haircuts The Tile House Ltd. Best Wishes for II Joyous Chanukah to all our Friends and Custo~ers .• ,Pe'rmanents .' WE WISH A VERY BRIGHT AND JOYOUS CHANUKAH CHAN'S , TILE OF AIL TYPES TO,.. THE JEWISH.. PEOPLE EVERYWHERE OUl' Sil!cere.Good Wishes for th~ .' for WALIJS 8l).d iIilLOORS, .' I' 417Yz Selkirk Ave. Chanukah to our Jewish Friends CAFE' 'Phone JUstice 2-7964 IlUi * * and Customers in the Iii " We specialize 'in everYuung for , Leo Voyage~r ,Motel Phone WHitehall 3-4655 , I' , W.AI:lI.S, lF1LOORS. 'and COUNTER TOPS I"." Bl!llding Trades , I' , , WINNlPl'!G'S ,FINEST FIVE STAR GOVERNMENT ADOLPH'S SERVICE STATION , , A FULL PRICE RANGE IN CARPETS . '. RATED MOTEL (BEST WESTERN)' 426 Main S1. - mtJ', All Work Guaranteed Winnipeg Manitoba Alfred & Salter SINCERE CHANUKAH GREETINGS Du~ham-Bush ol'fiatuanl Room . Phone JUstice 2-8565 ! (CANADA) LIMITED 1310 MAIN STREET , , PHONE JUstice 9-0075 Business Men's Luncheons - Private Parties • paONE GLobe 2-2605 Mo~t Cordial Chanukah Greetings I Joyous Chanukah Greetings to allQur Jewish Patrons and Friends "BURROUGHS JOYOUS CHANUKAH GREETINGS' , to the Jewish Community Business Machines Ltd. Manufacturers of 1855' PEMBINA HWY. FORT GARRY Co/umIJia Coffee. Shop , HEATING & AIR , , . ' House' of the Pizza and Espresso (:offce . ADDING MAcHl"~'":', . - . CASH REGISTERS . CONDItiONING DeSAINE' . , CALCULATING AN]) ACCOUNTING MACHINES Atlas B@alty Co. Special Business M~n's Lunch Monday thrOugh Friday DATA PROCESSING MACHINES OUR MOST CORDIAL CHANUKAH GREETINGS MOTORS LTD. EQUIPMENT • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT' I , . CESAR GIANA, Owner BUSINESS MACHINE SUPPLIES ~, I', ., Sobering Auto Electric • REAL ESTATE .• BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES , Open 10, a.m. to 2 a.m. SALES AND SERVICE • . Sunday 12 Noon to Midnight SALES, AND SERVICE' , • INSURANCE ' , • MORTGAGE LOANS For Reservations Phone WH 3-2719 Complete Tune-up Service , . Phone.s: WHitehall 2-5929-- WHitehall 2-7636 , Phone SPruce ~-0311· Phone WHitehaU2.8269; , , , Tessler's .Iron and Metal Co .. 302" Edmonton St. Winnipeg , Parts • Tires • Accesseries 504 - 272 MAIN ST. 461 MAIN ST. (opposite City Hall) WINNIPEG IMPORTERS and' EXPORTERS 1381 Portage Ave. Winnipeg, Man. White Rose Petrolciun Products Winnipeg· Manitoba BARRY TESST ,ER, Managei' Phone CHapel 7-3041 Sincere] .... ',' We .wish all our Jewish Friends and , JO~OUS CHANUKAH GREETINGS . , " . Phone rust.ee 6-%764 Joyous Chanukah ,Greelin.gs Customers a Very Happy Chanukah I Cor. Marion & Des MeurORS • A Finer 'Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service Joyous Vhanukah Greetings to . :lite GOOD EABTH" CHARLES and SUTHERLAND AVE. WINNIPEG· ST. BONJ;F'ACE· MANITOBA . For Discriniinating People '. aU our Patrons ,and Friends ' . ' Winn;'pegLaundry '& " We appreciate your ge~e~~ ~J. , patronage enjoyed since our ·BESTAlfllilNT Henry Brothers. Dry Cleaners , recent opening Where the East and the West meet in the way of food JOYOUS CHANUKAH GREETINGS TO YOU ALL PhoneSPrucc 4-4555 WINNIPEG'S NEWEST at its very beet. DELICATESSEN Real Chhi.ese F~od • Good, Old American Meals • DeIici~ Sea Food mOM 'l'Blil ~ AnD S"l1AI'F OF 969 SHERBROOK STREET WINNIPEG Specializing in Gaily Colored, Air Conditioned Dining Room a ~ull line of delicatessen products ,WE INSIST ON 'I:,HE BFST Knis.4es - Chopped Liver - Herring Open 12 Noon to 2 a.m. Our Best Wishes for a Very Happy Chanukah \ Famous Blue Label Products 1422 Main Street Phone JUstice 9.4366 to You All Manischewitz Borsht Gefilte Fish DICKSON MOTORS LTD. Sandwiches put up t!, take out "There's' No Better Place for Service" Delicious Tasty Bread, pastry and fancy loaves fresh daily Our Best Wishes for a Joyous Chanukah to all our We feature cakes for all occasions Jewish Friends and Customers , , ' now ib Pepli - Sargent Electric & TASTY BREAD & , . POITIAC BUICK CADILLAC VAUXHALL TOP QUALITY MEATS - - - PHIL'S DELICATESSEN For those who think· young I Radio Co. Ltd. PHlli ROSENBLAT, Mgr•. RED and BLUE RIBBON BEEF THE. BEST IN EVE~Y PRICE CLASS , Ideally locat~ at comer ' ~ - C. G. ANDERSON Grant Ave. and Niagara St. Pepsi-Cola Canada Ltd. Phone SPruce 4·3518 SERVICE STATION: Broadway at Sherbrook • Phme SU.... 3-«93 Phone 489-5023 NEW :~INNIPEG KOSHER .MEAT.ARIET !. , MAIN. m.DG.: Portage at ~ui:by • Phone SPruce 2-2541 , '.
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