EXECUTIVE FOCUS: 2006 SECURITY ACCESS CONTROL • ANTIVIRUS • CONTENT FILTERING FIREWALLS • INTRUSION PREVENTION • PATCH MANAGEMENT SECURITY GOVERNANCE CONTENTS 3 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 ACCESS & ID MANAGEMENT CBR examines the impact that remote working and broadband connectivity have had on the demand for identity and access management technologies. 14 KEY PLAYERS 17 ANTIVIRUS CBR investigates the advanced methodologies and strategies that antivirus software, appliance and service vendors use to ensure their customers remain uninfected. 22 KEY PLAYERS 25 CONTENT FILTERING While attempts to eradicate spam appear to have had some effect, other email and content-based security threats have ensured that content-based threat management has stayed on top of the security agenda. 30 KEY PLAYERS 33 FIREWALLS CBR tracks the evolution of the firewall market into multi-function devices, and beyond. 38 KEY PLAYERS 41 INTRUSION PREVENTION The move from intrusion detection to intrusion prevention has prompted a wave of acquisitions and new product developments. 46 KEY PLAYERS 49 PATCH MANAGEMENT Patch Tuesday may have made patching Microsoft systems a more regular occurrence, but that does not mean systems administrators can relax in-between. CBR reports on the importance of keeping systems up to date. 54 KEY PLAYERS 57 SECURITY GOVERNANCE The vast complexities of compliance look daunting, but in the context of IT the issue comes down to matters of reporting and of governance. 62 KEY PLAYERS 64 COMPANIES A-Z AND INDEX 2006 • CBR EXECUTIVE FOCUS Advertisement Feature TRUSTING IN SECURITY The industry continues the journey “towards greater trust and confidence in computing. Ed Gibson, Chief Security” Adviser, Microsoft UK Four years ago, Bill Gates announced wide issue. As a result Microsoft is and code can be properly identified the launch of the Trustworthy working with industry and govern- and held accountable for their action. Computing initiative within Microsoft. ments to establish trust in a connected This accountability could take a num- It signalled a dramatic shift in the com- world. Nonetheless, we see it as our ber of forms, such as damage to per- pany’s mission and strategy, ensuring responsibility, as an industry leader, to sonal reputation, expulsion from a that building a trustworthy computing offer a framework for taking secure group or even conviction for a criminal ecosystem is a top priority. computing to the next level. Let me act. share some of the vision that Bill Gates Back then the most common security outlined at the 2006 RSA Conference There is no one piece of software, or threats used to be email worms, remote with you. single company, which can deliver this. unauthenticated attacks and denial of It has to be the result of federated service attacks. Today we see criminals The elements of a secure computing efforts between all members of the – and l do not differentiate them from ecosystem are four-fold: developing a industry. Microsoft is working with those in the real world – trying to trust ecosystem; driving engineering industry partners, sharing best prac- exploit new varieties of social engi- for security as an industry responsibili- tices and engaging with security neering, botnets and rootkits. Hackers ty; building simplicity for users; and, forums around the world in order to are taking advantage of software vul- providing a fundamentally secure plat- have a global view of the problems and nerabilities faster, and trying to infect form. solutions. Microsoft is part of a group computers before users have a chance developing what we call the Identity to install updates. Metasystem, an open and interopera- Developing a trust ecosystem ble architecture for protecting users’ The relentless criminal drive to profit identities. from manipulating IT has created an Trust is crucial to a productive comput- unprecedented threat which demands ing ecosystem. Millions of network the whole IT industry takes a new interactions are occurring every day Driving engineering for security as an approach to security. Rather than where people have limited or no infor- industry responsibility implementing security on top of sys- mation about the identity or trustwor- tem elements, the infrastructure has to thiness of the individuals, devices and The second element of the framework be ‘fundamentally secure.’ In short, software code on the other end of the is engineering for security across the security that’s built-in, not bolted-on. connection. It is where a breakdown of IT industry: security by design, security trust occurs that security risks begin. by default. One of the many initiatives Criminals do not care what operating we’ve been working on at Microsoft is systems or applications are being used, The ‘trust ecosystem’ will be an envi- the creation of an overall process that which makes IT security an industry ronment where those people, devices engenders thinking about the various threat models, and understanding what spent driving business value from IT. and disrupt company and government code to write and what privileges that Where you have many points of inte- computer systems – will find Windows code has. Some of this involves build- gration and management, you also Vista a more difficult platform to ing new tools that can do deep analysis have the potential points of failure. IT exploit. However, we also know that as of the code, and even prove its proper- professionals need their jobs to be eas- we are not the keepers of technology, ties. This is the Security Development ier, and developers need security con- criminals will be attempting to break Lifecycle, getting developers to write scious interfaces that enable them to through the walls, just as criminals fig- the security architecture as one of the write far less code. Home users need ure out new ways of breaking into first things they do. security that’s just done for them, auto- homes or banks. Thus, we will remain matically. ever vigilant and will continue to Specifically, at Microsoft, we require ensure our customers receive regular our internal developers to attend Microsoft has been making a number updates as the computing environment ongoing training in ‘writing secure of technology investments to achieve evolves. code’, with mandatory security this. We’ve built on the success of processes and security ‘checkpoints’ at Service Pack 2, which increased by an Not to be forgotten is the importance every stage of the development order of magnitude the resistance of of ensuring that people are equipped process. This new process, which was Windows XP to attack. The Windows with the relevant security knowledge. used for Windows Server 2003, result- Vista platform has been developed Microsoft has trained over three quar- ed in a 56% decrease in the number of with the highest attention to security ters of a million IT professionals and security bulletins compared with and will be the first client-based oper- developers on security best practices, Windows Server 2000. ating system to go through the and more than four hundred Microsoft Software Development Lifecycle that I employees hold Certified Information To protect against evolving security mentioned earlier. It will also include a Systems Security Professional (CISSP) threats, we’re building technologies number of security features such as a status. Microsoft is also a founding that provide layered defences against two-way firewall, User Account member of Get Safe Online, the UK’s malware, spam, spyware and phishing Control, BitLocker Drive Encryption first Internet security awareness cam- attacks that are secure by design, and and a new version of the Security paign for the general public and small by default (no action required by the Centre that will continually monitor business. user to engage security features). your security settings and tell you if We’ve also made important strides in your system is not in a secure state. These examples are the latest deliver- providing straightforward services and This is by design and default – turned ables of our vision of Trustworthy tools that enable customers to config- on. Computing. As an industry we face ure their systems correctly and keep numerous challenges in creating a trust them up to date. Microsoft's Windows AntiSpyware will ecosystem, but the rewards in doing so also be included in Windows Vista and are many. Business will be able to con- Significant progress has been made on be available as a standalone download tinue to embrace technology as a vital improving base level security across for customers using Windows 2000, tool for productivity, intelligence, com- organisations, and for individuals. Windows XP and Windows Server merce and communications. New Through Microsoft initiatives there 2003. We have renamed it Windows opportunities and competitive advan- have been 263 million downloads of Defender and expanded it to detect tage will emerge, especially those com- Windows Service Pack 2, 75 million and remove rootkits, keystroke loggers panies that can embrace the technolo- downloads of Microsoft’s Anti- and other forms of malware. Already gy that provides a secure computing Spyware Beta, two billion downloads Windows Defender has helped remove ecosystem. of Microsoft’s Malicious Software tens of millions of spyware packages Removal Tool, and over three billion for more than 25 million users. Microsoft is committed to making spammed messages a day blocked in products more secure, more reliable Hotmail. and more protective of user privacy. Providing a fundamentally secure The aim is to ensure that people are in platform control of their data, and Microsoft is Building simplicity for users; and, pro- cognisant of its critical role in provid- viding a fundamentally secure plat- Besides its technology investments and ing public safety, national security and form industry partnerships, the final element economic prosperity. I look forward to of Microsoft’s vision is through build- introducing you to our continued With the dramatic increase in criminal ing fundamentally secure platforms, developments in the future.
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