- us. • VOL, i. 1'()IYj'• '!'()\\':",.' 1:.\,'1) \\',', .. "'RII)r ,.,\\' , /.,,\\"'t' n\' :.,.,r I i ~O, l!l PUGET SOUND I " •. 11\1..... '" \110M \1".',,/ BRADS t1 W" 'INMAN, :0. S. JIILLEll TTIIK' •• , .. \r LAW 'II l'IUJl,,.un • \ III \t.!U&lI.II, I I',on T""II~IU•• ""'. T Head of Union l't. Town end 'VV.T. ~IIIPPING AND UO)nlI~~ION New Barber Shop. MERCHANTS I~ CWHO)I 1l0L::H; n ILI)I~O, ,Joseph lte Em'l'mos, AND DEALERS IN IV Sh:I\'lng. 1I11lr CUlling', ami Color­ Illg. llf)u~ III .',)'le. General Merchandise, Keep tOllst(wtly on Hanlt THE LARGE T TOCK OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS, Furniture, Lumber, Doors, Windows }jNICh' ,',lfLh'iml ofBClLDI.YO,Val rial And will Sell \\ --"~I I;" "''I'~,u:t " Port Town••nd, W. T. CHEAPER FOR CASH, rllt. "''':. I\'~"I I"'" rUTfl ~ I 'c.," Tha.n any House on PugetSollIld • _\ .l-....\~ .. ,'I .. II 1"."..\. I I _.'" t • I I f;ST~ '110_ ~t'" TAf •• Alj Hli " ..' • W. ,InN' 'h.. I .. fftC# Wells, Fargo &; Company's Express 1"1 • lift "'Ill ..... I·, bl.. I.... Ibmt "...." ~.~. aJ flU a"_ h II' .lo, Ill" I I not 11... ,., 'ft::.•• 11 ,... "I' r"rll ,. .n.... Our Faoilities for Purchasing in ",. ,..... All #1:' ' ....III11M aL lit"' '1 II,. fJl'ltw IW_ Mf'tIll..Ii~ ,Ilt''''''' at lI,j· the Leading Markets a.re I ".011 the a.1 "II I Of (ol."L •If r-tl ",.1"- _llh at"l flo Superior to any. Ib .... 1,( hi. ,nil'" U"... f'n :O-ltU\la,) .., lin...r"ll~d",,1 '.0 .,"..__ rt, -cr­ 8termlng, 1)/1 II I' fur It. un .."\IIf..,l.h. IIr. fou.",1 ,. '1'/11 v'r (//,,1 ,,,1,'(' IJrllllll1J fM~ u( II. "' .., ..In 1""'lt ""II","" ./1·1 ""pdll"'" III ~tWll'IIItt"1 t~. tl'lh,.." 1:-(0 .\:'-Il .,\I:W YORK 11Jl11'1.ti'~ U...~4 "",11 ..... 1 tt llnl 11111f' 'i. I~ "1)1~"",1 w"..,,1 111,,11111"1 tillr "11""'" _I, ,., .It fit /l/o"f 1,111/ 1',,1 lJI rOil"f. thun".... f"·b:.. .....,. hl'll A" It '1"04 .. 1 h' • 14 ,.. I ... < ...t· ,. I t:.~. tltulUI ~llltllal h)' lA~t,<l mer. • t".It .. ~ ...... ......... - I" \L\TElnl.\~ ,froln III. ~fo _ah ~I .VI,,"'"b""'"1 lliI l\' K.\TZ, r...1perluleudllll 01'1111 J'ur11lllp .,..1 filII • -!!!! Ito hTl.!'· ,,11<1 hid"'lm.lun)'in.lt ('l",,"Ulr,·, "'[lIlut:' Rnll. Til.. lIf'nl Il( the I.owl)', Cfment llllli (;rll.'"tl Walk. ',"EEKLY 1'1111 l:rtAt Ihun- an,1 ~l"rill!.: ('Jt·~. pnunf. ,I 1l1~lln Ih. UI Irlllll ("I'~rt hll"l .\ r"t1 Wlll~h IrUt r ~ ". ":'illlll~ I \ Int' .18\', three lor Illur WHk' "'::0, a TlI nlll,ke • walk uf cement lind IE' la', ,lun$: Ibull/4'lh••\ httihh' HUH! 111111'" future Ilome i, lillie Ull ,Ih' Ih,.1 L:alllin. ",iUt H<eme.lto hare no frlt'nll" In conuetl', »l\tCctd lufollows: Ili!-l' 0 l'~tl ..ii' en 11(',1, In tht' r'lut'C "(,,,h;cll "Ill" f lit r 'h'cr, lie no,II,I, llllnd ,,!III ..· .... tile l\lIrI,l. 'A", run mrr b~ ""et'lde lin ~rllluHI furlhe P.. thW"y,jXUrei~hti~ lilt "10 ,. t'urt'l,l:u nll'd 1'1 '"1lict', hut Illl' Ohl.l 'ir"li"l II't'Que IIn,1 (Mall.' illJ'uretl. M' III dllpth, lI.MI if Ihere I. lin", 'n "" i Editor uti Propritlor Ihe "\\fln.· nllllie 11& tol MIl('. hut the . gu of Jlwbl ALLEN WIll u,lt'll..lt'l J:nplle,1 lhe uthl'r 111·1t1,IJ l,~' \I. I'llil 1\1l11lo~I('h "\('T him \\111 10" thll4lf h'rlll' 11,,,1 h,'('n in IIH- h''''llitKI fur. '4lcll, , "Jlltr il"nclillll helll'ltth Ih",- pllh 'I II< .tru~I(It!, 1I~"lIlrl,lli""and drllill~hn"ltlllCllii'I"longlhtlceDir;IID n...... Ulltl1l1 ct!II",1 t" IIfl"r hi"lhli:hllt'I.,lllI'UI"d,f,·",. He,lllet'1 ho'll1llJo'"t III-""n Illd I ~"ttlr,l f'l'"ndlt··~ Ih~ ,o~li TIIl'lIhl .."rlllll'IIl..•. ,,1,I('h hl' .1,1" n \l.Ltli It III 1111' h"l ri't'r I· 11Il1I'h fill uled loy hUlflll" Anti lutlk1l11l n' "nd f.lrI'lrO,c!alh·tl tIl fnllt lk'lu'" WIlIIDil. el'll frOSt II. tllm "I llie 111"".10811 \tIY 'lulell) ~~1I11 !>malltr j:llmf'. a11l11'-i1l181o: null "Ill nn,1 ~,k .1",uI 1111ll nil "''''li'e all "rlll1l/", urelJ htlve Ihu 11011 Inll II~IlroJ ~~ I h' ph' ~1I ..lf. Illl.I~II,d .. ,Ill, ar" C,Inft'l\lnl( It jlll,I. lIItal "1-:,,,"1 Hh.rkd l..r \.In. "I 1111' lIu.l.un Ill' lI"t'lIre'.llII'lrh t lIIbllf'~M.",I, "1Il1 .. "uld 1Io·.lk. ThclI 11!1 Ihll excaValion thl'te go" I, I ~I' .,11 to}' Iht! rulti 11....,11 '1\1ll... llllr) .\I"lIIt Ihi. 111111' I n'ltift',l A H'Cltlld Ihy{·"'·" Thu'I!,I"y' aj:il he ""Ihl'd,1 11lI~ .. t'rnll'lll~~lll'n•.\flt'rlll thl'('1I11e lucile Il~P "i1h t.roken Milne hri k U ,Ih "lit LlII~ \111'''. b, It.t ..h1 [1"1,1&"" m"n.llr "'IUlllly I.,rlj,:hlflll in "IIJlc"r loy l·.. ltll~el \It I.,.. ~I, thlit h", "lt~ I" h"I'11111l11Y' ,,11loM~" l.rln\:ln,4' ""llIl'thillJ,:, If n'l IJllt4, "r I'lher nJleo 1I1111~rial~, "nl'lllUutlld l"niJ• Tllp ." ';;:I"~'" an' .tr.:"". 1111."tt" 111" "n,· Ilhl rt·f,'rl\'tJ 101.1l1''Il;:h Illm.,'lflnrt·a~lnt'll. I" 11,,,''''I,,III,n,,, nhlrellu,n &11 alllllo:. 1.1l~1 .......k,.Jtlrll It ,I'f'" II filmly: IhcolllYllo two iQthta , IIJ~ \IIJ II' tu,... h.. nll' ,.,. .. bit. n,.1 ,,·.. 11, \'''ldeDII, lIf I' ,!llf.. t\ul .I"·CI\", lie .. ", 'I\llnln: llml Ihe t~Il' fOn hid. tllruugh the ll\lr~l' 1,,111 hlnl Ilillt Hill" IUIlI "" of Cnn('fell', IIllHle of Hl'('o IllIrl.llf CUI. ,.' "ad II.• ok! ,I,.. k lill..! In tIle t oU.I!C 111111. , ~tl'l'Ol"" Olro\lIl,lo( 1I1t1Il.ll "n Ihe 1II1llvIIlllrlIe I II ... hl'T Io{'r"Alit I\t Hllaw•• lUll' i,I.,1 Ii 'tIM..! ellllle,· III ..,}ud 1101'11, lh,' tlllnKe 'w" WlIlt· Wlln:l, fretl froUl .alill, 'n"U 0'"lie W. If 111\0 11.llll. on lbe .. 111<10'" _Ill. IIml unl,"" hi, .,,111_,· "'ere ,111111"".. 1, hHme I'lr him "I"'re hf' "'mid h ..e' lu ed "roulld IntlJ:t'r IluIIIIIIIUII1. IIl1d riulIlly !,JUI III r"I1I1'lli Innrtllr. mado "f eflill "'lulrl JI".' n:ly n,lIt Ihe 'jlher. TIll' IJr.t pel'lce. ~IllirlJ; lIull ntlltle lUI l'1'''luelll "·k,,,1 if hr ..tlul,1 g.. in. lie hn,1 IIt't'll IKjrlion.; 01' Itn-elldll,· temctlllllld II ~ Tlit' d, .. ,ltd Iv"ltA It'll, repl~, I"lll"n~' n~ \~hllf! III lht' I"".a, ull lhe IAl!"'S l,'w"'n nlllll_Ier' 1l,",IOll'nl nf the "."an," hall 'IIJ III;': : lIulted tinn' lIt'f'I"', hilI 1"'11 Ill· lint! mixed 4uitll thin. 'Illl, I, to III .t~ lI1tl hi .. t'n(,IIlY,~, I 1IolWl "'1'11 plclllt·J "'1 nlllIll ttl r~u. in Ille ri~J1 piAN', be· "'Il~. n'flm~11. BllI.I·, pnl" lind wl'.. k IIn,1 rltllllued dU"1I 1I0lilihu U"vtl .nd Illor. lliJ II II I II'I _.. I .. IiUSt': 1 \ltl:t llt'llig ha"I·,lrl'cli h., Ihe elllltc!.lt',I, l'pent'll hI ert'll III "'"nllt'T lit Illr lue Iholl'uKhly well V"ckcd !tnt! I, TIJ .. marlin t<ulldt b" ". -I. 1'1' I I III urn It fllrl' • ItI" l'U II pn'"11!'C . '" L k .. IL f h 1'·1 II I 0 . I"ftltkill":: I ,I..·.i!l'tl that hill lllUlqueliQ!( AlII~rlellol. ht'J rlO e Ihelr tre.tlll" .ij:ht uf the L,.'y. 11M t "re t! fUI LtC... curllunte lllJ,fCller. olJ ffn"ugh mOT. I" And .. n ,tIt~· lonl.' tile .unlll1(r br'''/tI J" !hftulJ I,.. JlslurlH!tl..\n41 It \t.M. The wllh nl~' IIl.'oPi<'. Mrld "'IIell I ro·e Ill.lliUd ,,110 it '4'''-'. Ihe &Irlllgcr lItot clo I' til hi, tl'r 1-, lleel1~,lto jllJt co:!t IhCl patllcletor I. -1,1_1'C'1 Oil lu'l'c It) locndf!d Ir..... , I nl'~'(',lIIll'r found hllll. and "'ent in fur. f~lllll:hl. n"l 1t~"inH Ihelll. lIul. f'lr nur f.ce Itnll lobherl: ~,rll.ve.1 ~IH! fill thll ,!llce. IoclWftll thelll. thtr tht' door, all tortr..d o'er hlllc of thr 'lrey. /\ ""I tie, ~he nlt!!1 IIghl A~ Ille brat peuple till U!lilllUI nf '·lIil1y. Clln ~'nl\ forJ:I.e Il (ellcr! We lht IIUllilling cual II 1Il11,lll 111'11 Celllellt ."ths W\th a ,.tlt uf t1.rk·:trll!en I,.lle, I (ri~hlflll Ilmi I h",1 ev'" I.... fore ,.,ilneued Ihe urlh. Ihey JlUfllllc,1 me like II ,lug, "'11:t nllll lighlinl[,llIlIl I '11'11 111I1I~ tnn mllrlAr "f uoe parI of cel.lIeut with lhreo ., 1.1.., I 11I11.ket old. who.;:! «\lIth b 101t! lH."~· ..ell t ....·nlh·ius: crelturel!. imlllll.lillle. a~d ,,'nul.) h"'e IlIln).;' 1Il11 .
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