April 13, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2467 While our libraries hold the materials, it is Whereas senior guard Mike Lupati was Congratulations to running back our librarians that often hold the key. Librar- named to the Senior Bowl and as an All- DeMaundray Woolridge, a senior, who ians are the caring and accessible individuals American and Outland Trophy finalist for was named a co-MVP of the game. best college football interior lineman; Woolridge carried Idaho with 126 rush- who lead us on that adventure to knowledge. Whereas teammates visited Saint Luke’s Lady Bird Johnson once said, ‘‘Perhaps no Regional Medical Hospital to visit with chil- ing yards and two third quarter touch- place in any community is so totally demo- dren patients as part of the Humanitarian downs. cratic as the town library. The only entrance Bowl outreach; and Congratulations are also due to wide requirement is interest.’’ Libraries reach across Whereas University of Idaho supporters receiver Max Komar for making the barriers of age, ethnicity, and income to offer look forward to seeing the team build its game-winning touchdown catch, which a world of learning, discovery and access to promising momentum next season: Now, was his only reception of the game. millions of Americans each year. therefore, be it Komar was the leading University of For those who are trapped in the digital di- Resolved, That the House of Representa- tives— Idaho receiver and offensive player of vide, libraries are on the front line in providing (1) congratulates and commends the Uni- the year during the regular season. computer and Internet access free of charge versity of Idaho’s football team for winning Congratulations to quarterback Na- and the resources on how to properly use that the 2009 Humanitarian Bowl in Boise, Idaho; than Enderle, a junior, who threw for technology. and 240 passing yards and four touchdowns, I am especially proud of our many Dallas (2) recognizes the achievements of the including the epic game winner. Public and School Libraries. In addition to players, coaches, students, alumni, and staff Enderle finished the season with the standard library services they offer events to who were instrumental in helping to secure seventh best passer efficiency rating, benefit the community, including everything the University of Idaho’s Humanitarian Bowl and was named the team’s most valu- win. from classes of song and reading for infants able player. and their parents to tax preparation for senior The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Last but not least, congratulations citizens. They are truly committed to the peo- ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from to offensive guard Mike Iupati, who ple of Dallas, their well-being, and their access California (Ms. CHU) and the gentleman was the team’s offensive captain and a to learning, and I commend their service. from Tennessee (Mr. ROE) each will consensus All-American selection. He I am a proud supporter of National Libraries control 20 minutes. is the first University of Idaho player The Chair recognizes the gentle- Week and thank all of those individuals who to receive this honor since 1957. Iupati woman from California. serve inquisitive minds both young and old in is considered one of the top prospects GENERAL LEAVE our nation’s libraries. available at his position in the 2010 Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I request 5 Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I NFL draft. legislative days during which Members yield back the balance of my time. The outstanding players and coaches may revise and extend their remarks Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I urge passage at the University of Idaho produced a and insert extraneous material on of House Resolution 1222. great turnaround season, and their ac- House Resolution 1041 into the RECORD. I yield back the balance of my time. complishments are a testament to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentle- their skill and perseverance. The sup- question is on the motion offered by port of students, alumni, and fans the gentlewoman from California (Ms. woman from California? There was no objection. helped bring great pride to the school. CHU) that the House suspend the rules Finishing the season with a winning and agree to the resolution, H. Res. Ms. CHU. I yield myself such time as I may consume. record and a bowl victory will only 1222. push the team further as fans look for- The question was taken. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the gratulate the University of Idaho foot- ward to a successful 2010 season. Mr. Speaker, once again, I congratu- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being ball team for their victory in the 2009 late the University of Idaho football in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Humanitarian Bowl. Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, on that I de- On December 30, football fans nation- team for their success. mand the yeas and nays. wide witnessed a thrilling game as the I reserve the balance of my time. The yeas and nays were ordered. University of Idaho Vandals defeated Mr. ROE of Tennessee. I yield myself The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the Bowling Green State University such time as I may consume. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Falcons to win the Humanitarian Bowl Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support Chair’s prior announcement, further title. Both teams showcased their of- of House Resolution 1041, congratu- proceedings on this motion will be fense talents, but when the final whis- lating and commending the University postponed. tle blew, the University of Idaho edged of Idaho’s football team for winning out a victory over Bowling Green State the 2009 Humanitarian Bowl in Boise, f University by a score of 43–42. Idaho. CONGRATULATING UNIVERSITY OF The bowl game featured plenty of of- On December 30, 2009, the University IDAHO FOOTBALL TEAM FOR fense as the two teams traded touch- of Idaho’s football team won the 2009 WINNING HUMANITARIAN BOWL downs in one of the most exciting bowl Humanitarian Bowl in Boise. The Uni- Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I move to sus- games of the season. The game was tied versity of Idaho Vandals ended their pend the rules and agree to the resolu- and less than a minute left when Bowl- outstanding season with a victory over tion (H. Res. 1041) congratulating and ing Green scored a go-ahead touch- Bowling Green State University. The commending the University of Idaho’s down. With only 28 seconds left in the Vandals won the game in the closing football team for winning the 2009 Hu- game, the University of Idaho pieced seconds to take a 43–42 victory for their manitarian Bowl in Boise, Idaho. together a 66-yard game-winning drive, second Humanitarian Bowl. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- and capped it off with a dramatic two- Head coach Robb Akey led the team tion. point conversion, going for the win in- to victory and to its first winning sea- The text of the resolution is as fol- stead of a tie and overtime. son since 1999. Senior guard Mike lows: In the past 3 years, head coach Robb Iupati—and Mike, I apologize if I mess H. RES. 1041 Akey has challenged his athletes to be- that up since he is an Outland Trophy Whereas the University of Idaho’s football come better young men both on and off finalist—was named to the Senior Bowl team won the 2009 Humanitarian Bowl in the field. In 2009, the University of and was named an All-American and Boise, Idaho, on December 30, 2009, its first Idaho earned a winning record for the Outland Trophy finalist. The contribu- bowl game in more than a decade; first time in 10 years, along with a spot tions of this outstanding player and Whereas Coach Robb Akey led the team to in the Humanitarian Bowl. The team coach were a large part of the Vandals’ significantly improve its win-loss record to closed the year with the second bowl success this past season. While athletic 8–5 this past season, the first winning record victory in school history. The only success is what brings us here today, since 1999; Whereas the University of Idaho beat other time they appeared at the bowl we should take time to highlight aca- Bowling Green University 43–42 after suc- game, they defeated the Southern Mis- demics as well. cessfully executing a nail-biting 2-point play sissippi Golden Eagles in the 1998 Hu- The University of Idaho was founded in the final seconds of the game; manitarian Bowl. in 1889, and it is the State of Idaho’s VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:40 Apr 14, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13AP7.018 H13APPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H2468 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 13, 2010 flagship institution. Located in Mos- CONGRATULATING BOISE STATE I rise today to congratulate the Boise cow, Idaho, it is the State’s oldest pub- UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL TEAM State University football team for lic university and the State’s land- FOR WINNING 2010 FIESTA BOWL their victory in the 2010 Fiesta Bowl. grant university. University programs Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I move to sus- On January 4, football fans were are organized into 10 different colleges, pend the rules and agree to the resolu- treated to a much-anticipated game be- which have graduated Olympic medal- tion (H. Res. 1042) commending the tween the Boise State University Bron- ists, NFL coaches, CEOs of Fortune 500 Boise State University Broncos foot- cos and the Texas Christian University companies, and, of course, Congress- ball team for winning the 2010 Fiesta Horned Frogs.
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