S1698 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 6, 2019 Peters Shaheen Van Hollen NAYS—46 est continuously serving Republican in Reed Sinema Warner Baldwin Hassan Sanders the Congress in U.S. history. Let me Rosen Smith Warren Bennet Sanders Stabenow Heinrich Schatz repeat that. Today, DON YOUNG has be- Whitehouse Blumenthal Schatz Tester Hirono Schumer Wyden Booker come the longest, continually serving Schumer Udall Jones Shaheen Brown Kaine Sinema Republican in the Congress—Senate or NOT VOTING—1 Cantwell King Smith House—in the history of the United Cardin Klobuchar Manchin Stabenow States of America. He was already here Carper Leahy Tester Casey Markey when every single Member of Congress The nomination was confirmed. Udall Coons Menendez was sworn in. Think about that. For Van Hollen The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Cortez Masto Merkley Warner every Member who has been sworn in, the previous order, the motion to re- Duckworth Murphy Warren in the Senate or in the House, DON consider is considered made and laid Durbin Murray Feinstein Peters Whitehouse YOUNG was here. In fact, according to upon the table, and the President will Gillibrand Reed Wyden Roll Call, there are at least 75 Members be immediately notified of the Senate’s Harris Rosen of the House who were not even born actions. NOT VOTING—1 when DON YOUNG came to Washington. Manchin That is an amazing achievement. f He has served Alaska and our coun- The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this try so well for 46 years that it was only vote, the yeas are 53, the nays are 46. CLOTURE MOTION right to feature him as the Alaskan of The motion is agreed to. the Week and to make a special Alas- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant f to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the kan of the Week poster with the young Senate the pending cloture motion, EXECUTIVE CALENDAR DON YOUNG and President Ford and which the clerk will state. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The many others and Don in uniform. We The bill clerk read as follows: clerk will report the nomination. just love DON YOUNG in Alaska. The bill clerk read the nomination of Congrats to DON. CLOTURE MOTION Where do we begin to talk about Con- Eric E. Murphy, of Ohio, to be United We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- gressman YOUNG and the enormous im- States Circuit Judge for the Sixth Cir- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the pact he has had on Alaska and Amer- cuit. Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby ica? Let me start in Central California, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- where he was raised on a small ranch. nation of Eric E. Murphy, of Ohio, to be ator from Alaska. He began the hard work of ranching United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth TRIBUTE TO DON YOUNG Circuit. young. ‘‘My dad was a good man,’’ Don Mitch McConnell, David Perdue, Roy Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, it is said, ‘‘but he believed that when you Blunt, John Cornyn, Joni Ernst, Alaskan of the Week time on the Sen- turned 7, you became a hired man.’’ So Lindsey Graham, John Boozman, Mike ate floor, my favorite time of the week he worked sunup to sundown. It was Rounds, Thom Tillis, Steve Daines, to talk about someone who has made a hot, riddled with snakes, and poison James E. Risch, John Hoeven, Mike difference in my State. As you know, ivy. When he was still young, his dad Crapo, Shelley Moore Capito, John and as all the pages know, I try to read him the book ‘‘The Call of the Thune, Pat Roberts, Jerry Moran. come down to the floor every week to Wild’’ by Jack London. Alaska sounded The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- talk about someone who is in Alaska really good to DON YOUNG. It was cold, imous consent, the mandatory quorum doing a great job for America, for their not hot, and there were lots of dogs. He call has been waived. community, for the State, and what I loved dogs. There were no snakes and The question is, Is it the sense of the believe is the best State in the coun- no poison ivy. Senate that debate on the nomination try. I know we can all debate that. After he got out of the Army in 1959, of Eric F. Murphy, of Ohio, to be Some of you might take issue a little the year Alaska became a State, he United States Circuit Judge for the bit with the characterization of the heeded the call of the wild and headed Sixth Circuit, shall be brought to a best State, but we certainly have some up the Alcan—much of it was still un- close? bragging rights on some elements that paved—in a brandnew Plymouth Fury. The yeas and nays are mandatory make us the most unique State in Alaska would never be the same. under the rule. America. For example, right now, the He fought forest fires. He owned a The clerk will call the roll. Iditarod, the Last Great Race, is under- skating rink for a short time, but the The senior assistant bill clerk called way, with 52 mushers and their dog BIA school needed a teacher in Fort the roll. teams—up to 14 dogs—barreling for Yukon, way up in the Interior on the Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the well over 900 miles across the State of Yukon River—a place he still, to this Senator from West Virginia (Mr. Alaska toward Nome in some of the day, calls home and has a home there. MANCHIN) is necessarily absent. most harsh, difficult, and rugged ter- In fact, he jokes that he is the only The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. rain in the world. That is just one of Congressman who uses an outhouse CRAMER). Are there any other Senators the many things that makes us unique. when he goes home. Anyway, he went in the Chamber desiring to vote? We have the Iditarod, the Northern to coach and teach fifth grade. He be- The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 53, Lights that dance in the sky, commu- came a trapper, a gold miner, and a nays 46, as follows: nities that still hunt whales to feed tugboat captain. Eventually, he met their villages, which they have been [Rollcall Vote No. 38 Ex.] Lou, his wife, who stayed by his side doing for centuries. We have the most for 46 years until she passed in 2009. YEAS—53 fish and the longest coastline. As a Now he has found another partner in Alexander Fischer Perdue matter of fact, our coastline is longer Ann. Thank you, Ann, for continuing Barrasso Gardner Portman than the rest of the lower 48’s coastline Blackburn Graham Risch to share him with all of us. Blunt Grassley Roberts combined. We have the tallest moun- DON, with Lou’s prompting, caught Boozman Hawley Romney tain in the world, and we have a moun- the political bug. He served in the Braun Hoeven Rounds tain of a Congressman named DON State House in Alaska. He served in Burr Hyde-Smith Rubio YOUNG. the State Senate in Alaska. He learned Capito Inhofe Sasse Cassidy Isakson Scott (FL) Usually, Alaskans of the Week are re- some good lessons there; namely, that Collins Johnson Scott (SC) served for people who aren’t so visible, his time in the State Senate taught Cornyn Kennedy Shelby Cotton Lankford who aren’t legends, who maybe are him that he was more of a House guy, Cramer Lee Sullivan doing something in their community where bills move fast, where elections Crapo McConnell Thune that not a lot of people are noticing. are right around the corner no matter Tillis Cruz McSally Today, March 6, 2019, I couldn’t resist what, and where the action is. Daines Moran Toomey Enzi Murkowski Wicker because DON YOUNG, the Dean of the Along the way, they had two wonder- Ernst Paul Young House, has officially become the long- ful daughters, which to DON are still VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Mar 07, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR6.001 S06MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE March 6, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1699 the most important things in his life. the new Congressman, debated one of was DON YOUNG. We ended up on the Then Lou talked him into running for the smartest guys in Washington, same committee together, not the En- Congress, and with the help of people Henry Kissinger, in front of President vironment and Public Works we serve like my wife’s grandmother who was an Ford on whether the Magnuson-Ste- on today but the Merchant Marine and avid Don Young supporter, he began to vens Act, which would transform our Fisheries, which has a lot of the same introduce himself to a wider audience. fisheries, should be vetoed. Kissinger jurisdiction as the Environment and Due to a tragic airplane accident argued it should; DON YOUNG argued it Public Works Committee. that took the life of then-Congressman should not. Well, guess who won that So I remember going to Alaska with Nick Begich, DON YOUNG was appointed debate on Air Force One. Legend has it him and a bunch of our colleagues and to his seat in 1973. He won the next spe- that at the end, Henry Kissinger and just going through Prudhoe and just cial election, and because he has been DON YOUNG met for a martini after the seeing all kinds of places around the so effective for our State—he passed debate DON YOUNG won.
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