Newel K. Whitney Home Kirtland, Ohio, United States of America Newel Kimball Whitney and his wife, Eliz- abeth Ann Whitney, were converted to the gospel in November 1830 in Kirtland, and baptized by Sidney Rigdon. When Joseph and Emma Smith initially moved to Kirtland, they stayed with Whitney’s for several weeks before moving to the John Johnson Farm. History of the Church relates the arrival of the Prophet into Kirtland as follows: About the first of February, 1831, a sleigh containing four persons drove through the streets of Kirtland and drew up in front of the store of Gilbert and Whitney. One of the men, a young and stalwart personage alighted, The restored Newel K. Whitney Home Photo courtesy of Fred E. Woods and springing up the steps walked into the store and to where the junior partner was standing. ‘Newel K. Whitney! Thou art the man!’ he SOURCES exclaimed, extending his hand cordially, as if 1 to an old and familiar acquaintance....’I am Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Joseph the Prophet,’ said the stranger smiling. Saints, 7 vols., introduction and notes by B. H. Roberts (Salt ‘You’ve prayed me here, now what do you want Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1932-1951), Ch. 13, footnote. of me?’ The Prophet, it is said, while in the East had seen the Whitneys, in vision, praying 2 Ibid. for his coming to Kirtland.1 Before missionaries arrived in Kirtland, the Whitneys are told to ‘Prepare the Whitney’s had prayed unto the Lord to know to receive the word of the Lord’1 how they might receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. They were told to “prepare to receive the word of the Lord, for it is coming!”2 It was at the Whitney home where the “Now there dwelt in Kirtland in those days Prophet Joseph Smith healed a sister by the name disciples who feared the Lord. And they spake of- of Elsa Johnson from having rheumatism in her ten one to another; and the Lord hearkened and arm which resulted in the conversion of Elsa and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written her husband. Also while living in this home, Jo- before him for them that feared the Lord, and that seph Smith extended a call to Edward Partridge to thought upon his name. be the first bishop of this dispensation. ‘We had been praying,’ says mother Whitney, In 2003, The Church of Jesus Christ of ‘to know from the Lord how we could obtain the Latter-day Saints restored the Newel K. Whitney ‘gift of the Holy Ghost. My husband, Newel K. Home. Whitney, and myself, were Campbellites. We had been baptized for the remission of our sins, and 2 Newel K. Whitney Home, Kirtland, Ohio, United States of America believed in the laying on of hands and the gifts of the conversation turned on the subject of super- the spirit. But there was no one with authority to natural gifts, such as were conferred in the days of confer the Holy Ghost upon us. We were seeking the apostles. to know how to obtain the spirit and the gifts be- Some one said, ‘Here is Mrs. Johnson with stowed upon the ancient saints. a lame arm; has God given any power to man now Sister Eliza Snow was also a Campbellite. on the earth to cure her?’ A few moments later, We were acquainted before the restoration of the when the conversation had turned in another di- gospel to the earth. She, like myself, was seeking for rection, Smith rose, and walking across the room, the fullness of the gospel. She lived at the time in taking Mrs. Johnson by the hand, said in the most Mantua. One night—it was midnight—as my hus- solemn and impressive manner: ‘Woman, in the band and I, in our house at Kirtland, were praying name of the Lord Jesus Christ I command thee to to the father to be shown the way, the spirit rested be whole,’ and immediately left the room. upon us and a cloud overshadowed the house. The company were awe-stricken at the infi- It was as though we were out of doors. The nite presumption of the man, and the calm assur- house passed away from our vision. We were not ance with which he spoke. The sudden mental and conscious of anything but the presence of the spir- moral shock—I know not how better to explain it and the cloud that was over us. We were wrapped the well-attested fact—electrified the rheumatic in the cloud. A solemn awe pervaded us. We saw arm—Mrs. Johnson at once lifted it up with ease, the cloud and we felt the spirit of the Lord. Then and on her return home the next day she was able we heard a voice out of the cloud saying: to do her washing without difficulty or pain.” ‘Prepare to receive the word of the Lord, for it is coming!’ SOURCES At this we marveled greatly; but from that 1 moment we knew that the word of the Lord was Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 vols., introduction and notes by B. H. Roberts (Salt coming to Kirtland.” Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1932-1951), Ch. 17, footnote. SOURCES 1 Edward W. Tullidge, The Women of Mormondom (New York: Tul- lidge & Crandall, 1877), 41. Visitor Information Address: The Healing of Elsa Johnson1 7800 Chillicothe Road Kirtland, Ohio 44094 “Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, and some other Hours of Operation: citizens of this place [Hiram], visited Smith at his • Monday through Saturday home in Kirtland, in 1831. Mrs. Johnson had been • 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM afflicted for some time with a lame arm, and was • Sunday not at the time of the visit able to lift her hand to • 11:30 AM to 7:00 PM her head. The party visited Smith partly out of cu- Note: During the winter, closes at 5:00 PM riosity, and partly to see for themselves what there might be in the new doctrine. During the interview Newel K. Whitney Home, Kirtland, Ohio, United States of America 3 Admission: • Free Further Reading Resources D. Michael Quinn, “The Newel K. Whitney Fam- ily,” Ensign, December 1978, 42. Orson F. Whitney, “Newel K. Whitney,” Contribu- tor, 1885..
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