·" I . • . " EMIGRANT LAKE " ~ ( " , . "" . "RESOURCE" MANAGEMENTPLAN Emigrant Lake Resource Management Plan Oregon u.s. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Pacific Northwest Region and Lower Columbia Area Boise, Idaho Vancouver, Washington In Cooperation with: Jackson County Roads and Parks Services Medford, Oregon September 1995 Boise Idaho ".p Ar•• o o u G L A T . H J A o \ s s ') U 50 MILES A L F N A "i7"ER LOCATION MAP 10 15 20 $ EMIGRANT LAKE SCALE IN MILES 4:5 O~..-IOO-·~5 JANUARY, 1970 DRAWING NO. 941/82001 Abbreviations and Acronyms ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation AIRFA American Indian Religious Freedom Act ARPA Archeological Resources Protection Act BECA Bald Eagle Conservation Area BEMA Bald Eagle Management Area BEMP Bald Eagle Management Plan BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs BLM Bureau of Land Management CFR Codified Federal Regulations cfs cubic feet per second County Jackson County FEA Final Environmental Assessment ESA Endangered Species Act FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact JCCP Jackson County Comprehensive Plan NAGPRA Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NHPA National Historic Preservation Act ODFW Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife OEF Oregon Eagle Foundation ORV Off-road vehicle OSMB Oregon State Marine Board OSP Oregon State Police Reclamation Bureau of Reclamation RMP Resource Management Plan SCORP Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer SOSC Southern Oregon State College TCP Traditional cultural properties USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Table ofContents Page Chapter 1 - Introduction and Background INTRODUCTION .............................. 1-1 PURPOSE .................................. 1-1 ORGANIZATION OF THE DOCUMENT ............... 1-2 POLICY .................................... 1-2 LOCATION AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AFFECTED AREA .......................... 1-3 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT ........................ 1-4 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT .................. 1-4 AGENCY COORDINATION AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS .. 1-5 Agencies ................................. 1.5 Indian Trust Assets ........................... 1-5 Environmental Justice . 1-6 Chapter 2 - Existing Conditions CLIMATE AND HYDROLOGY ............................. 2-1 EMIGRANT DAM AND LAKE .............................. 2-1 WATER QUALITY ........................................ 2-3 TOPOGRAPHY AND SOILS ................................ 2-4 VEGETATION, FISH, AND WILDLIFE ....................... 2-5 Vegetation ............................................ 2-5 Fish .................................................. 2-7 Wildlife .............................................. 2-9 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES ............... 2-10 Federally-Listed Species ................................ 2-12 Federal Candidate Species ............................... 2-14 State-Listed Species .................................... 2-17 CULTURAL RESOURCES ................................. 2-17 Overview ............................................ 2-18 Current Integrity ....................................... 2-21 RECREATION ........................................... 2-22 Area ofInfluence ...................................... 2-22 Emigrant Lake Park .................................... 2-23 North End Park ........................................ 2-23 Dispersed Sites ........................................ 2-27 Off-Road Vehicle Use .................................. 2-31 Table ofContents Page ESTHETICS ............................................. 2-31 Noise ............................................... 2-31 Visual Resources ...................................... 2-32 LAWENFORCEMENT ................................... 2-33 LAND USE ............................................. 2-35 Grazing Leases ........................................ 2-35 Adjacent Land Use ..................................... 2-36 Utilities .............................................. 2-36 OPERATIONAL COSTS AND INCOME ..................... 2-37 Chapter 3 - Issues, Constraints, and Opportunities CONCERNS AND ISSUES ........................ 3-1 CONSTRAINTS . 3-2 OPPORTUNITIES . 3-2 Chapter 4 - Implementation Actions PLAN DEVELOPMENT .......................... 4-1 BALD EAGLES ............................... 4-3 CULTURAL RESOURCES ........................ 4-3 FISH AND WILDLIFE .......................... 4-4 VEGETATION (INCLUDING WILDLIFE HABITAT) ....... 4-5 ACCESS CONTROL ............................ 4-5 PUBLIC INFORMATION . .. 4-6 TRAIL SYSTEM ............................ .. 4-7 RECREATION SITE DEVELOPMENT .............. .. 4-8 North End Park ............................. 4-9 Dispersed Sites . 4-10 OTHER ITEMS .............................. 4-12 IMPLEMENTATION ........................... 4-12 11 Table ofContents Page Attachments A-Public Involvement B-Existing Rules and Regulations for Emigrant Lake Park C-Bald Eagle Management Plan D-Bibliography Tables Table 2-1.-Emigrant Dam and Lake Data ...................... 2-2 Table 2-2.-Five-Year Fish Stocking History at Emigrant Lake ...... 2-8 Table 2-3.-Special Status Species ........................... 2-11 Table 2-4.-North End Park Facilities ......................... 2-24 Table 2-5.-North End Park Annual Use ....................... 2-25 Table 2-6.-North End Park Fees ............................ 2-38 Table 4-1.-Near-Term Implementation ....................... 4-13 Maps and Illustrations Water Surface Level Map ........................... " follows 2-4 Vegetation Map .................................... follows 2-6 Buttercup Distribution Map . .. follows 2-16 Existing Recreation Use . .. follows 2-22 North End Park .................................... follows 2-24 Important Habitat Map ............................... follows 3-2 The Plan . .. follows 4-2 111 Chapter 1 Introduction And Background Chapter 1 - Introduction and Background INTRODUCTION Emigrant Dam was constructed by private interests in 1924 and enlarged by the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) in 1958-60 for irrigation, flood control, and other beneficial purposes as part of the Talent Division of the Federal Rogue River Basin Project. In 1968, Jackson County (County) entered into a 50-year lease agreement with Reclamation. This agreement is to develop minimum basic recreation facilities and to manage the 1,467 acres of water surface and Federal lands that surround Emigrant Lake. Since that time, the County has developed 100 acres at the north end of the lake. Other areas have little or no recreation improvements. Recent population growth, coupled with an active tourism industry in the Ashland area has resulted in increased use and conflicts among recreationists and between recreationists and nearby residents. Increasing recreational demands on a relatively small body of water and a limited land base have resulted in natural resource degradation and financial difficulties for the County in operating and maintaining recreation facilities. Until recently, no coordinated management plan had been prepared which clearly set goals, objectives, policy, and priorities related to such uses or could guide decisionmaking and resolve conflict. In 1991, Reclamation and the County entered into a joint planning process to provide management guidance for the Federal land and water resources at Emigrant Lake. PURPOSE The purpose of this resource management plan (RMP) is to serve as a long-term decisionmaking document guiding future management, use, and development of these lands. Through an extensive data gathering and public involvement process Reclamation and the County developed the following goals for the RMP based on the following issues identified by the public: • Determine the most appropriate uses for the Reclamation/County-administered lands around Emigrant Lake, considering the use of the adjacent private lands. 1-1 Chapter 1- Introduction and Background • Explore ways to enhance and protect natural, recreational, and cultural resources on these lands. • Identify long-term management programs that address public health and safety, fish and wildlife, and recreation. • Identify opportunities for County management and operation to be financially self-sufficient. ORGANIZATION OF THE DOCUMENT Chapter 1 provides a background that includes the purpose, scope, and public involvement process pursued in the preparation of the Emigrant Lake RMP. Chapter 2 describes the natural, recreational, and cultural resources of the Emigrant Lake area. This resource inventory is a compilation of the full range of existing conditions that may affect resource management. Chapter 3 discusses resource opportunities, constraints, issues identified during the planning process, resources that require protection or enhancement, areas where certain uses are in conflict, and recreation demand and needs. Chapter 4 describes the plan including goals, objectives, management actions, proposed implementation schedule, lead agency, and potential funding sources. POLICY Reclamation, working closely with the County, will provide a broad level of stewardship to ensure and encourage resource protection, conservation, and multiple use. Management practices and principles in accordance with existing Federal laws, regulations, and policies are to be applied for the protection of fish, wildlife, other natural resources; cultural resources; public health and safety; public access; and outdoor recreational opportunities. These practices and principles will be followed to help accommodate the increased
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