/ THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. * LOOK! 7 MONDAY. APRIL 13. 193.3 B-17 ¦ A l«5o Butler • Bonded M H STUDEBAKER Champion I RADIO-TELEVISION for only $995! PROGRAMS Lustrous H black cherry. 4-door sedan M with cltmatlzer and dr- V « froster A ONE • OWNER 1 Radio Today Monday, April 18, 1953 car—beautifully TV CUT-RATE ¦ cared for 1 REPAIRS ¦ T.V. V Lee D. Butler, Inc. P.M. WMAL 630 WRC 980 WWPC 1260 WOOK 1340 WEAM 1390 1450 WTOP 1500 Day——Night——Sunday An. site it«a»«n»hi» tatm. f 1131 gist ST. N.W WOL J ;N Star Km M»ws; Eli B*k Wtlff Diehard lata* Dinner Music News; Sraat News; Jacks** CiblMS; Botin Earl Gadwln 1210 BaadstaM Music tar Yta » ” Milt Grant Curt Massey DU. 7-2366 •• Bergman-, News Rows, Malady •• :3B Shtf.l. Batter Sasftl Hear Fiesta Tin* News; McDaaaid ALL WORK GUARANTEED 6:l* • " “ ? DCKITAI111 I 0 Extra, News , »*3 3-Star Best la Bands News Thomas ft j® |u| tawed SERVICE Batten News Symphoaatta Fultta Lewis, Ir News; Masic Earl Harbaagb News; if ONE-HOUR ; |lL||l ’’ ’’ Croat Beulah I L - " W Elmer Gaels Bend: Bergtf Enchanted Hen Milt Greet iunier Mist 1 P.M. 'til 10 P.M, " ” » •• » N.W. :3t Leas Banter News; Beatty Gabriel Heater •• j, statferd 2131 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. ” " ’* 7:IS * •• •• :4S *'i News One Man's family Newsreel; News ", GLOBEp News Edward Marrew INC. Dl. 7-8173 IbT Heary I. Tayln Railraad Haar Ray Marta* Shaw News; Masic Earl Harbai«h St. Mary's “ Naveas Suspense Services " " ” Electronic Engineering B————9—R——BBl Outh, Sherman Butler fu Van «•• a Cirdta Macßaa Music * red Murray jiffyt ;]| " " F Mac ™ * Record Stop Voice t« News, 12M Club i • flrestaae Cactus Matt Request Grade* *nd moet " ” Talent Sends other h~ 8:19«<» Rise Unity Vltwpeid "", HEAT “Hard-to Sterens Willis Clearer News Milt Grad Arthur Godfrey M-.GAS -Remove”/ 41 Sherman Bdler Telephone Han Hairy; Club News; Biwl Cactus Matt News;" Lawt RidirTtoatei Vote and Ctapyn Goldfish " " IWMnJREPAIRS, PARTS etaiu. ffS J Retard Shop Etit Riu* Willis Biwl Wymaa MfHfVliPfl ” ” Jackson Law* Jaaa » " fob ** :ll Concert Studie Band at America Newsi Rauadap Adventures d Dick Haymet * Hi fai -H 1 ” " ’’ " " ” 9:15 “ " :4S Reparttrs Rtundup the Falcaa •• •• furnaces b heaters ISf :tf Hews as Tamarraw Diaah Store Edwards News; Bawl Chamber — Fraak es Freak Edwards Bab Hawk Skew VIRGINIA j 3A. V-3036 E. L. 'A F-33F6 fe imp j A:ls Frank and Jack Wards in the Nitht Heart d America Goldfish Bawl Cammerc* Max Remick " " POE Frank News; Juvenile Mews-. Massty ” " News; |1 B* a|a*d)A 0213 Geornta Ava. N.Vt |||:3h News, Inin Jacksaa Lawn Percy Faith Formerly IT " ” " ’ /-/ IZZ Year* with Gai •> » erne mama Ctmoaev i4S Fraak aad Jack Deliaaaeacy SSM Massty Lullaby Irai* JA. iI Call far Oar Law FHcw - tlB Haws; Sparta Haws; Sports SSOO Massty Hews; Spirit**!? Newt-, Trua News; Lawe Tinight a.m. to p.m. " World Call 9 9 SEE 1 ” Spirituals Lullaby <| | :15 Tkt Nifhtwatchmad Naur if Dreams Ivaaint Tran Jacksaa Law* Wash Unite- Spt* f |:3t Jerry Street -Lee Oeytou News; Messey Public Service Buddy Klimt " " Meeidiil American Service Center AII I ” " |«5 1100 Messey Hccsc Party "J* " » Eddie Callaher P c 12:00 The Niibtwatchmae News; Mnsic ISM Messey News; Party News, Train News; Lswe Music ~7il Dawi" ™ | j - ANORAMI • . Radio Tomorrow Tuesday, April 14, 1953 Drakes VISION J I^9 A.M. WMAL630 WRC 980 |WWPC 1260 WOOK 1340 WEAM 1390 WOL 1450 WTOP 1500 “AUTO RADIO” Bonded Linings Guarantttd ;M News; Gibheis News; Reed Art Brtwi News; Special News; Special Crawford News; Salute J ” " Gaarit Jim Gikhens Bah Reed Uptaw* Special Cemmuters’ Special “ " Mark Evans SALES, REPAIRS milt ’’ ’’ :3I News; Gihkois " ” EviiS; News; Brawn " " ¦ ” News; Evans AND INSTALLATION AS LOW AS $15*50 6:11 ” " " " KB :4S Music—Weathar Art Brew* Mordng Spirituals Dale Crawley Mark Evans One of the few places In town Mt ¦ HI liVm, >OG News News: Reed Art Briwa New*; Spirituals News; Special News; Crawfard News; Evan j ” ” wher. you can driva in for JL Jim Gibbons Bnk Read Rhythm Special Commuters’ Special Gaarit Crawfard Mark Evaas SEE FOR " ” ” " " ” prompt, dependable mrvice. :30 News; Gihhans Voice of Wasbiaitan Weather; Special News; Mahaeey 7:11 ” " BRAKE SERVICE ;41 Music—Weather News Art Brawn Dale Crawley News Rsualup Suadiai Drivin Saleservice st. :0i News; Gibbeas World Reaadap Art Brown News; Rhythm Piaehreek Praises Weather; Crawford Worif”News Radio 11909 m n.w st. 3-2066 Music—Sports Bah Reed ” ” Rhythm Special " " George Crawford Eddie Gallaher '¦ n. j. Ava. a o st. N.w. Li. <-1614 | 611 Md. Ave. S.W ME. 8-6232 :30 News; Gikhens News; Reel Evens; News; Brews Unity Viewpawt Commuters’ Special “ ’• ” •• ot 6th & independence Av*. 8:11 “ " :45 Gibbeas; Bob Brewa; Heater Rhythm Special ”; News Crawfard; " CRIME MOVES OUTDOORS —And, in the spring, so does News Reed Devetiees :•# Breakfast Club News; Reed Art Brew* News: Rhythm Diane Cameron News7~Berger News es America- Ralph Bellamy, ivho plays Detective Mike in ” " " Barnett WTOP- Dee McNeill Boh Reed M. Persons Rhythm Special Gene Berger You’re the Up TV’s “Man Against Crime’’ series on Wednesday nights. :30 » •• Kitchen Club News; Brewa ’’ " " " " " Elinor len -9:11 " “ " " :4i " Victer Lindlahr Art Brnwn ", News " " Nancy Dixnn - :0b My True Story Welcome Travelers M. Q. Ford News; Music Diane Cameron Nevis; Berger Godfrey Shew ippq ’’ ’’ ’’ “ Viewing TV 4 A:l* ” Streets Music Shop Morning Worship Gene Berger " " IU 3* Whisperieg Streets Double or Nethieg Evens, Newsi Ford ” " Musical Salute " " " " ” " ’* " “ " ” :45 A Girl Marries M. 0. Ford ", News " " :SS Sherman It Fair News; Stop Tiday's News; Godfrey Shew Ttauble? Rich Vs Betler Strike Ladies' Up Taief Crawfard ”’’ “ ” Fair, Evans Music Shop " " George Crawford ** ” Hero of 'Space Patrol' Lists ” " :3D News; Butler Phrase That Pays Guee* (or a Midday '-pirituai* •• ¦ Grand Slam ” ’’ n:li ” * " " ;41 Sherman Butltr Boh Hope Doy Rosemary ~ i Marital Status as 'None' P.M. _ nyitj^syjjW. :bb Ruth Crane News, Tarnahene Curt Messey Time News; Musie News; Tunes News News; W. Warren " Osgeod Baukhage; Shop Ample Parking By Hal Humphrey < , a *):1J ”; Cracker Nancy Music Music Tsday's Top Tunes Milt Grant Aunt Jenny in Rear of Stare ” ” ” ” |/:3I Bach to the Bible Hazel Market Musical Salute George Crawford Helen Trent HOLLYWOOD. gotten pretty well acquainted,” " " ” " “ " •• •• Prompt Delivery NA. 8-5721 :4S Here’s Archer Prize Perty our Gal Sunday Lyn Osborn, better known as ! Lyn confesses. ~ :0B Paul Harvey, News Here’s Archer M. 0 Ferd News; Spirituals Earl Harkaugh News; Berger Road of Life Cadet of the “Space ” " “ ¦ Happy It's suspected that they also Leap Year Prize Party Aftereeee Spirituals Gene Berger Ma Perkias 1 " ” " " Patrol'’ TV and radio programs have dates together and ;30 Friend it Need Evans: News: f*rd " » » Young Dr Maioae now " " ¦ 1:11 " " « “ " leads a life that would put a then when they are out of uni- :41 ¦" Dugout Chatter ", Nows Guiding Light monk to shame. form, of TIT Harold’s Hoast Here’s Archer Baseball News; Party Earl Harkaugh Newsl Grant Secand Mrs. Burtoe course. Moser probably " “ " :3I look to This Day Washingtee Oancieg Party Jacksaa Lewa Perry Masai Under the heading. Marital takes a dim of this prac- " " " " " ” view -.01 News; House Dave Garreway vs. Nora Drake ” " " prepared biog- " " Status, in Lyn’s tice, but has refrained thus far :41 House; Cracker Kukia, Free, Ollle Boston News Brighter Day - raphy, there the “none.’ taking any - is word from dire measures TlB Sherman Butler Life Beautiful Baseball Newsr Party Earl Harkaugh News; Lowe Hilltop Heust ‘ Silver Spring’s The usual form in such vital to stop it. " " Bead es life Washington Dancing Party Jackson Low* House Porty ” ” " " " statistics listings is to point out 30 News; Butler Pepper Yeueg vs. Nat Allhrigbt “ plenty ” " “ of “Actually, I consider myself 3:11 " " that the person involved is either :4S Butler; Cracker Right to Happiness Beste* News Creshy; Cullee Largest pretty lucky,” Lyn says. “Out- and Most Modern “single,’’ or “di- Ot Jerry'sTreng Backstage Wife 126* Club News; Perty Nat Allhright News; Greet Mark Evaas ] “married.’’ " side of a small part in the movie ’’ Stella Dallas Willis Conover Oancieg Party “’’ Milt Graat ” ” 3-Day Delivery Service vorced.” ” ’* “ " " ” “Up Front,” being Cadet Happy :30 News; Strang Yeung Wilder Brnwn News; 1260 Club George Crawfard 413 ” " " In Cadet Happy’s case, how- has been about my only acting I :«S Jerry Strong Woman in My Hense Willis Cantvei ”; News Mitt Grant Evans; Rokort Q. ever, the word "none” is more job. , | 90 Jerry Strong Just Plain Bill .Sergt. Prestni News; Porty Nat Allhright : Nows; Grant Gallaher Matinee • " " " s appropriate. Not only does he " Page Farrell !" Dancing Perty Milt Greet “ " jFrant *’ j’ “What would I do if I leave " " " " bear very little similarity to a 30 Shermaa Butler |Lerenze lones .Shy King I” the Town 5:19 " " ” " " iCircle this show, you ask. Well, I guess :49 |Docter’s Wifn ”, Brawn Hi-Way Sperts; Kaufman Gallaher; Cechrin BUM human on ‘ Space Patrol,” but 1 i I 'Smarts ' I’d just run an ad in Variety j Lyn Osborn in private life he * DRY CLEANING-LAUNDRY as which would space [ plane read, ‘Have ” exists on a which would ship—will ” Today Monday, April 13,1953 8220 Georgia Ave. JU. 9-4050 bore even an elderly mollusk. travel.’ Television FM Stations / (Copyfight 1953, Mirror Enterprise* P.M. |WNBW (Ch. (Ch. 5) iWMAL (Ch. 7) WTOP (Ch. 9) BfRC-FM—53.5 Me., Channel 238 jOllLil—Li/ living AHEAD! The reason for Lyn’s Syndicate.) :DB IFoetligkt Theater .Wester* Tales Family Playhouse Early Shew 5:30 a.m.
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