PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri„ Dec. 5, 1975 The weather Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high in mid 50s. Partial i®anrI|PHtpr TEum ing U m lb Today And Everyday clearing tonight, colder, lows in mid 20s. Fair, colder, Sunday, H e r a ld high in 30s. Manchester—A City of Village Charm Only 19 Deye ’til Chrlalmae MANCHESTER, CONN.SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1975 - VOL. XCV, No TWELVE PAGES PLUS WEEKEND PRICE: I im i ’.N CENTS I . News I U.S.-Philippine ties I summary | I I stressed by President Compiled from ^ S * • y . United Presi International MANILA, The Philippines (UPI) - Ford scheduled two meetings with dent, who has governed by martial President Ford today praised the Marcos during his visit. Major topics law since 1972. “unique relationship’’ shared by the were expect^ to be the future of Secretary of State Henry A. Philippines and the United States and I State I U.S. bases in the Philippines and the Kissinger accompanied Ford on the expressed confidence the two coun­ security of the Pacific in the Asian tour but will break off after tries’ good relations would continue. postVietnam era. Ford flies to Hawaii Sunday to return Specialising pieces of furniture make HARTFORD -State “I find it very significant that this A military bases agreement to Tokyo to brief Japanese officials OLD CIDER MILL - 1287 excellent Christmas gifts for visit to Pacific nations should con­ in FREE LOTTERY TICKET Republican chairman Frederik between the Philippines and the on the results of the President’s Main Street, Glastonbury. your loved ones. Have them clude here in the Philippines among Handcrafted REAL CHRISTMAS Trees - Dried floral arrangements. With $10 or Mort PurchOMl stripped now so that they can K. Biebel has announced a United States is up for renegotiation journey to China. MancAoMtr's Oldstt some of my countries’ best and Items... Tag and/or cut, Blue and Don’t Let A Straw doll Christmas ettabllihsd J'twiary StonI be re-finlshed In time for major drive to break Democrat and Marcos has said he wants the White Spruce at Stanley Tree decorations. Gift baskets, Christmas. Route 31, Coven­ control of the Connecticut oldest Asian friends,” Ford said in an Philippine sovereignty over in the FOR CHRISTMAS try, 742-8804. Farm, Long Hill Road, off Noisy Muffler jams, jellies and syrups. WE SUGGEST; arrival statement at Manila Inter­ new pact. Route 6 at Andover church. legislature in 1976. A special Tear gas grenade • CHARMS •PINS committee with a budget of national airport. Two of the most important Op«n Tues.-Sun. 10-5 PM 742-6438. Disturb Your • WATCHES • CLOCKS VISIT THE CARTWHEEL • BRACELETS $175,000 is being created to try “The years of common history American bases in Asia — Clark Air disrupts parties Thurs. & FrI. til 9 PM • GLASSWARE Dress Shop-Route 83, Talcott­ AVOID the traffic and call a Holiday! See ville, Conn, for your Christ­ which bind us together provide a un­ Base and a naval base at Subic Bay— RL 83, Talcottville % • DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT to elect GOP candidates to the at Boston hotel cab. 289-1555 - Four can ride RINGS and mas giving. Beautiful gift legislature, he said. ique relationship of deep understan­ are in the Philippines. 848-1788 as cheap as one. 289-1555. • WEDDING BANDS ideas or gift ding and trust which survives the test I certificate when A senior American official aboard BOSTON (UPI) — A tear gas ^MNiaWi«Bli«Ni«BWIIie ■NMM in doubt. of time. I am confident it will con­ Air Force One said during the flight grenade went off in a first floor BEA tinue for many years to come.” HARTFORD -Gov. Ella T. from Jakarta that the United States corridor of the elegant Copley Plaza Philippine President Ferdinand E. Grasso has signed bills would “have no problem” on the Hotel Friday night, injuring three Marcos, his wife and other Pilipino I SMAIir expected to cut $11.3 million sovereignty issue involving the persons and forcing the temporary dignitaries welcomed Ford, who NICNOIS mWCIESTER TIRE, INC. from the projected state bases, but must negotiate what a new evacuation of about 1,400 partygoers arrived in Manila from Jakarta, In­ budget deficit. One channels agreement will mean in practice. from ballrooms and a bar. I 295 Broad Street donesia, at 4 p.m. (3 a.m. EST) for a SONY 1 LOU at... 3 SAMia into state coffers all money Asked if the two leaders would dis­ A second unexploded device was Manchester, Conn. 23-hour visit. cuss the fate of political prisoners in found about 20 feet away in the 35- 1 REGAL MUFFLER over $7 million from the “Ins­ Ford said the past decade “has C LO C K tant Lottery’’, an estimated $10 the Philippines, the official nodded, room Trinity St. wing of the hotel. A 2 Corner of Broad and seen remarkable changes in the R A D IO \ HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8d)0 to 5:30 million, and the other puts saying Ford will present his view of hotel spokesman said fire doors Center St. dishw' world around us,” he said. human rights to the Philippine presi- • 24 Hour Alafm f 646-2112 Thursday 8:00-8KI0 — Sat 8-1 sales tax remittances to the prevented the stinging gas from Automatkalv state on a monthly basis for an spreading to other areas in the hotel. O oM O ff b c h Day » KitchenAid Two guests were overcome by the Al Sam* Tinw $•! estimated saving h-3 million in • lo r PhoiM Jock interest charges on short-term gas and a firefighter suffered minor • Muminattd Nunwnib • General Electric borrowing. chemical burns, police said. All were • FM/AMWIth{o«yTo : ^ odA e/ ^ ARCO 0 Syitom treated at nearby hospitals and • Frigidaire TIRES Bicentennial quilt released. “I think it was just some wise guy Bullets marks pock police cruiser 6 4 3 -1 1 6 1 who wanted to cause a little bit of Patrolman Gary Benson points to one of the spots on his cruiser excitement. We have no reason to Regional on display Sunday struck by bullets at 4:30 a.m. today. The circles mark two other For A Practical Gift Think believe it was anything else,” said hotel spokesman Robert Weiss. places were bullets struck. (Herald photo by Dunn) PEARL s Of Us For Tires As a contribution to Manchester’s Also, Althea McCartan, Nancy ) t» BOSTON —New England Bicentennial observance, 33 women McCurry, Celia Murphy, Willa 649 Main St., Manchester SHOCKS • FRONT END • DISC BRAKES Council President Edward J. - ■ l> of the recreation department’s Nolan, Ruth O’Brien, Mary Patter­ Tel. 643-2171 BALL JOINTS • COMPLETE EXHAUST King says the region’s financial program, working at the West Side son, Janet Pickral, Linda Reynolds, recovery is being hurt by an AND OF COURSE OUR TIRES AND Rec under the direction of Mrs. Sharon Scorso, Amelia Smith, DAYS TO anti-business climate. A “vocal MANCHESTER PARKADE FREE MOUNTING Beatrice Sheftel, completed a 35- Virginia Smith, Helen Socha, minority” has been dictating Gunman attacks patrolman NEXT TO FORBES AND WALLACE CHRISTMAS block quilt over a seven-month Charlene Willette, and Jeanne policies which result in loss of period. Each of 34 squares portrays a Wright. By MAL BARLOW shot strike an officer. Four of the One man fired a shotgun at him, jobs and economic damage to cultural or an historical building or The Manchester Historical Society Herald Reporter persons firing the guns are at large, bursting the cruiser’s windshield. the needy, he said, citing the area in town. The center square is will be responsible for custody and including the man who shot today. The men escaped into the w ^ s . opposition of environmen­ Today at 4:30 a.m. someone fired the town seal. care of the quilt. Upon request it will Patrolman Gary Benson, 29, said Jan. 16, 1974, a man suspecfed of Relatives Visiting For The Holidays? talists to an oil refinery in the five shots at a Manchester Police of­ Several designs were drawn by be loaned to responsible community ficer as he patrolled in the Parkade he was on routine patrol in the burglarizing apartments in the End Your Transportation WorrieSa.. region. Presidential Village off Center St. Robert Sheftel. Roberta Johnson organizations for exhibit. It will go shopping area. Parkade. He made a run-through met Sgt. Calve in a stairwell. He completed four blocks. Laura on display tomorrow at the Cheney It marked the fifth time in recent checking the rear areas of the stores. Dillon Leasing Corpa fired at Calve. Calve threw his Quitadamo arranged the order of Homestead. years guns have been fired in anger Just before 4:30 a.m., he began a RENT-A-CAR 319 Main St., Manchester Door Granada walkie-talkie radio at the man as he 4 Pinto Sedan 4 Door Torino 4 Door,^ Maverick National squares, put them together, and (See page four for picture) at Manchester Police. Not once did a second run-through, making sure he Phone 643-2145 sewed the strips and borders. The did not set up a pattern of checks that leapt over the railing onto him. name of the creator appears in her could be calculated, police said. He That man was arrested and WANTED TO BUY - An­ WASHINGTON -T h e Senate square. had no reason at that time to suspect charged. But he later escaped police tiques, Lamps, Dolls, Clocks, THOUSANDS of Christmas early today passed and sent to Oil Paintings, Furniture, Most Gifts from $2.-$5.
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