SkillsUSA championsSUMMER 2013 under pressure behind the scenes with celebrity chefs ready for internationals protect yourself from online threats ‘anything is possible’: focusing on an ultimate career Succeeding with Style A Career on Live TV CHAMPIONS AT WORK LEADERS IN FUNDRAISING Official Fundraising Partner of SkillsUSA Set your sales in motion and earn big today! Visit interstatebatteries.com/fundraising/skillsusa, email [email protected], or call 800.830.9011. ©2013 Interstate Battery System International, Inc. All other trademarks, product names and logos are property of their respective owners. | FUN0112-03 | LLD 1/13 SkillsUSA champions SkillsUSA’s Official Magazine bOarD Of DirectOrS 14001 SkillsUSA Way, Leesburg, VA 20176-5494 James King (Tennessee) 703-777-8810 Brent Kindred (Wisconsin) www.skillsusa.org Chris Arvin (Caterpillar University) Dave Milliken (Utah) Magazine Staff/Office Of PublicatiOnS Peggy Torrens (Kansas) Tom Hall, Director Gerald Tylka (Pennsylvania) Ann Schreiber, Associate Director, Communications Mike Cowles (SkillsUSA State Directors Association) Craig Moore, Manager, Web/Technology Jeff Johnson (Association for Career and Technical Tom Kercheval, Manager, Audiovisual Technology/ Education) Communications Kathryn Jo Mannes (American Association of Community Colleges) Office Of the executive DirectOr Scott Stump (National Association of State Directors Tim Lawrence, Executive Director of Career and Technical Education Consortium) Sandra Moore, Administrative Assistant Dave Camden (Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A. Inc.) Troy Dally (Lowe’s Companies Inc.) aDMiniStratiOn anD finance Russ Hoffbauer (State Farm Insurance Companies) Kim Graham, Director Nick Mastrone (Irwin Industrial Tools) Keith Ashby, Manager, Literature Services/National Joe Pietrantonio (Air Products) SkillsUSA champions online Center Melissa Wilson, Manager, Human Resources natiOnal StuDent OfficerS/aDviSOrS Visit the SkillsUSA Champions “e-zine” version Roxanne Hodge, Customer Service Representative HigH ScHool at www.skillsusa.org/champions/ to flip through Sergio Cavazos/Joe Valdez (Texas) articles, view videos and extra photos and get buSineSS PartnerShiPS anD DevelOPMent Mayokun Ojo/Bonnie Skinner (Maryland) updates. You’ll find archives of past issues, adver- Eric Gearhart, Director, Research, Analysis and Jonathan Irizarry/Yolanda Vázquez (Puerto Rico) tiser links, lesson plans for new issues, and more. Foundation Relations Teddy Shim/Aaron Rettler (Wisconsin) Chris Powell, Director, Corporate and Campaign Marical Ryan/Steve Williamson (Ohio) See even more champions on our frequently Development Kaila O’Farrell/Steve Medeiros, Amy Gendron updated website, www.skillsusa.org, as well as: Dave Worden, Program Director, SkillsUSA (Massachusetts) Championships Brian Bradley/Thomas Washburn (Georgia) Christen Battaglia, Program Manager, Corporate Natasha Osborne/Terry Krogman (Ohio) and Campaign Development Alyssa Erwin/Jackson Teagarden (Texas) Karen Beatty, Program Manager, Business Partner- Hans Rodriguez/Richard Fontanes (Arizona) ships and Development Volume 47, No. 4 Jim Kregiel, Program Manager, SkillsUSA college/PoStSecondary SkillsUSA Champions (ISSN 1040-4538) is published four Championships Ben Morris/Karl Hoffman (Washington) times per school year — Fall (October/November), Winter Jonathan Garcia/Daniel Jasso (Texas) (December/January), Spring (February/March) and Summer (April/ May) — by SkillsUSA Inc. at 14001 cOMMunicatiOnS anD gOvernMent relatiOnS Mary Kamuiru/Rhonda Castleberry (Tennessee) Tom Holdsworth, Associate Executive Director Craig Swanson/Kim Meeks (Georgia) SkillsUSA Way, Leesburg, VA 20176. Program Manager (Tennessee) Periodicals postage paid at Leesburg, Jane Short, Mark Roark/John Lee VA, and at additional mailing offices. Copyright 2013 by SkillsUSA. All rights eDucatiOn, training anD aSSeSSMentS aDvertiSing rePreSentativeS fOr SkillSuSa chaMPiOnS reserved. Nonmember subscriptions: Marsha Daves, Director Constellation Enterprises Inc. $15 per year (SkillsUSA members, $1.30 Heidi Walsh, Program Director, Programs and Grant 53 Main St./P.O. Box 508 paid with dues or affiliation fees). Management Cherry Valley, NY 13320 Niki Clausen, Associate Director, Training 607-264-9069 POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to SkillsUSA Champions, Shelly Coates, Associate Director, Conference Attn.: Judy Garrison, 14001 SkillsUSA Way, Leesburg, VA 20176. Management Services The names SkillsUSA, SkillsUSA Championships and SkillsUSA Stephanie Bland, Program Specialist Champions; the SkillsUSA: Champions at Work slogan; and the Ashley Ridgeway, Program Specialist, Conference SkillsUSA logo, emblem and slogan art are all registered trade- Management Services marks of SkillsUSA Inc. All rights are reserved, and permission must be granted by the national headquarters of SkillsUSA Marketing, MeMberShiP anD SaleS prior to any use. Kelly Horton, Director Judy Garrison, Senior Manager, Membership Services In keeping with a tradition of respect for the individuality Program Manager, Member Services of our members and our role in workforce development, Susan Trent, SkillsUSA strives to Patty Duncan, Program Specialist, Work Force Ready ensure inclusive partic- System and Member Services ipation in all of our pro- grams, partnerships and kanSaS city Office • 816-691-3827 employment opportu- Byekwaso Gilbert, SkillsUSA Program Manager nities. 4 SkillsUSA Champions Summer 2013 asktim Keep Spreading the Spirit Executive Director Tim Lawrence has known SkillsUSA as a student member, instructor, industry partner and state director. Got a question? He can help. & I’m nearing the end ofQ my techni- Emeril Lagassea and Cat Cora. Kristina Q: cal program. How can I stay a part has built a successful career while still of SkillsUSA? It’s been great for me. having the flexibility to raise a family. Tim: In every SkillsUSA chapter, there’s The rear-view mirror often does show us a spirit of leadership, cooperation, service which experiences help us the most. and integrity that seems to be contagious. As you finish your program this year, This spirit comes from each of you, and don’t let SkillsUSA get too distant in your even out of school, you can still be “conta- rear-view mirror. Become part of our gious.” Your spirit can spread as others alumni network by visiting this Web page: follow a positive pathway in education, www.skillsusa.org/supporters/alumni.shtml. career, community and life. That way, you can still read SkillsUSA In this issue of SkillsUSA Champions, Champions magazine on a quarterly basis. you’ll read about something else that’s Joining is absolutely free, and it’s a great “contagious,” but not in a good way: way to stay connected! misuse of social media. Some students When I was an instructor, one of my feel genuinely threatened by something greatest joys was hearing from former that starts online. If you see cyberbully- students to know how they were doing. ing at your school, take a stand. Building Stay in touch with your teachers. Drop by awareness might be a good service project for a visit, send email, come back to help for your SkillsUSA chapter. I feel strongly your local program, or be a state confer- that we need a zero-tolerance policy for ence volunteer. Give back to the system being hateful in our digital world. that gave you something. You’ll enjoy Back to the positive, you’ll read about helping the students coming along behind our SkillsUSA WorldTeam heading to you, and this looks good on a résumé, too. Germany this July and representing Your contagious spirit keeps me going, each of you in 19 technical competitions. and it keeps this organization going. Let’s Follow their journey on our website at: keep spreading the good. I hope I’ll see www.skillsusa.org/compete/worldteam.shtml. you at our national conference in June. • You can also hear from a former national competitor who says the experience now Got questions about SkillsUSA or other topics? helps her keep calm in the high-pressure Email [email protected] or send a letter to world of television. Kristina Rice is a food the address on the facing page. Put “Ask Tim” stylist for celebrated chefs Wolfgang Puck, in the subject line or mail address. Summer 2013 SkillsUSA Champions 5 what’snew Building Conference Spotlight on Those Who Shun It ehind every great student is a great teacher, one who often B doesn’t get (or ask for) the credit he or she deserves. SkillsUSA’s Advisor Anticipation of the Year award recognizes some of these exceptional educators, and this year’s finalists are: Sharon Farrington (Region 1), Northeast Metro Technical In the Nation High School, Wakefield, Mass.; Darin rom June 24-28, SkillsUSA unleashes The Opening Ceremony will be punc- Nine (Region 2), Belleview (Fla.) High the penultimate National Leadership tuated by keynote speaker Mike Rowe, School; Cora Duncan-Foster (Region andF Skills Conference in Kansas City, Mo. host of “Dirty Jobs” on the Discovery 3), Breithaupt Career and Technical In 2015, the conference moves to Louis- Channel. The SkillsUSA Championships Center, Detroit; Jackson Tegarden ville, Ky., so now, more than ever, it’s time will feature the most contests ever (98), (Region 4), Brownsville, Texas; and to make those Midwest memories count. and the Awards Ceremony will spotlight Chuck Veloni (Region 5), Aberdeen Plenty of memories will be made during the nation’s top tier of skilled champions. (Wash.) High School. the celebratory Champions Night at the It may be the penultimate conference The 2013 Advisor
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