STUDIUM EUROPY WSCHODNIEJ UW, POLAND AND CENTRE D’ETUDES DES MONDES RUSSE, CAUCASIEN ET CENTRE-EUROPÉEN (CNRS-EHESS), FRANCE IN COOPERATION WITH THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES SCIENTIFIC CENTRE IN PARIS AND EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND IN PARIS have the honour to invite to THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INTERWAR PROMETHEAN MOVEMENT Caucasian Emigration in Paris 11TH OF THE PROMETHEAN SESSIONS XI The banquet given at the signing of the Caucasus Confederation Pact in Paris, July 14, 1934 PARIS 8-9.X.2018 EkslibrisEkslibris WłodzimierzaWłodzimierza Bączkowskiego.Bączkowskiego. Dewiza ruchuruchu prometejskiegoprometejskiego w otoczeniu hherbówerbów naronarodówdów prometejsprometejskich.kich. International conference Interwar Promethean Movement – Caucasian Emigration in Paris eleventh of the promethean sessions Paris Monday, October 8 5.00 PM Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Paris (1, rue de Talleyrand, Paris) Opening of the Conference Tomasz MŁYNARSKI, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Paris Rafał POBORSKI, Deputy Director, Eastern Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland Claire MOURADIAN, director, Centre d’Etudes des Mondes Russe, Caucasien et Centre-Européen CNRS-EHESS, Paris Jan MALICKI, director, Studium Europy Wschodniej UW, Warsaw Session I (5.30-7.00 PM) Moderation: David KOLBAIA Georges MAMOULIA, Centre d’Etudes des Mondes Russe, Caucasien et Centre-Européen CNRS-EHESS, Paris Newly Discovered Documents from the French Archives on the Promethean Movement and the Caucasian Prometheans Jan MALICKI, Studium Europy Wschodniej UW, Warsaw Tadeusz Hołówko and his Concept of Independence of the States of Eastern Europe and Caucasus towards the Bolshevics Participation in this session only for registered guests. To register – confi rm your presence by e-mail at [email protected] by October 4. Tuesday, October 9 9.00 AM Centre d’Etudes des Mondes Russe, Caucasien et Centre-Européen (CNRS-EHESS) (Salle du conseil EHESS, 54 bd Raspail, Paris) Welcoming of the participants Session II (9.30 AM-12.30 PM) Moderation: Georges MAMOULIA David KOLBAIA, Centre for East European Studies UW, Warsaw Sergo Kurulishvili (1894-1925) the First Georgian Prometheist Henryk PAPROCKI, Saint Grigol Péradzé the Martyr Chapel, Warsaw L’Activité de saint Grégoire Péradzé à Paris Zaur GASIMOV, Orient-Institut, Istambul Prof. Ahmet Caferoglu (1899-1975) entre la politique et la turcologie: le prométheisme académique? Salavat ISKHAKOV, Institute of Russian History RAN, Moscow North Caucasus and Akhmed Tsalikov 12.30 AM-2.00 PM lunch break Session III (2.00-5.00 PM) Moderation: Zaur GASIMOV Marek KORNAT, Institute of History PAN, Warsaw, Le Caucase dans la politique du gouvernement polonais en exil au printemps 1940 Aleksandra GRYŹLAK, Centre for East European Studies UW, Warsaw Overview of the History of the “Promethée” Journal Iurii CHAINSKYI, Institute of History UW, Warsaw The Creation of the Caucasian Independence Committee in 1926: Causes, Consequences and Challenges Mayrbek VATCHAGAEV, “Caucasus Survey”, Paris L’organisation « Caucase » de Haidar Bammate et le groupe prométhéen d’Ibrahim Tchoulik dans le contexte du mouvement prométhéen en France Closing debate (5.00-6.00 PM) Moderation: Claire Mouradian Participation in this session is opened without registration. In,Q&DXFDVXVDIWHU2FWREHUUHYROXWLRQDQGWKHWXUPRLORI Caucasus, after October revolution and the turmoil of World War:RUOG:DU,WKHLGHDRIWKHQHHGIRUXQLW\OHDGWRWKH I, the idea of the need for unity lead to the creation of TranscaucasianFUHDWLRQ RI Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Democratic Republic Federative in April 22Republic 1918, withLQ$SULO8QIRUWXQDWHO\DWWKDWWLPH “Transcaucasian Sejm” as its common parlia- mentaryWKHLGHDGLGQ¶WODVWDQGYHU\VRRQWKUHH7UDQVFDXFDVLDQ representation. Unfortunately, at that time the idea didn’tFRXQWULHV last and SURFODLPHG very soon three WKHLU Transcaucasian LQGHSHQGHQFH countries 'HPRFUDWLF pro- claimed5HSXEOLF their RI independence: *HRUJLD 0D\ Democratic Republic 'HPRFUDWLF of Georgia (May5HSXEOLFRI$UPHQLD 0D\ DQG'HPRFUDWLF 26, 1918), Democratic Republic of Armenia (May 28, 1918)5HSXEOLFRI$]HUEDLMDQ 0D\ and Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan (May 28, 1918). The7KH newly QHZO\ established HVWDEOLVKHG republics UHSXEOLFV didn’t GLGQ¶W get JHWtoo much WRR PXFK time toWLPHWRHQMR\WKHLULQGHSHQGHQFHGXHWRWKHH[SDQVLRQ enjoy their independence, due to the expansion of the BolshevikRIWKH%ROVKHYLNVWDWHLQ\HDUV)ROORZLQJWKH state in years 1920-1921. Following the occupa- tionRFFXSDWLRQRIWKH*HRUJLDQ'HPRFUDWLF5HSXEOLFE\WKH of the Georgian Democratic Republic by the Red Army in5HG$UP\LQ)HEUXDU\0DUFKDQGWKHHVWDEOLVKPHQW February-March 1921 and the establishment of the Bol- shevikRIWKH%ROVKHYLNUHJLPHDFURVVWKHZKROHRIWKH&DXFDVXV regime across the whole of the Caucasus, the idea ofWKHLGHDRIXQL¿FDWLRQDURVHRQFHDJDLQDQGZLWKUHQHZHG unifi cation arose once again and with renewed vigour inYLJRXULQpPLJUpFLUFOHVLQVRIDUDVRQHRIWKHUHDVRQV émigré circles, insofar as one of the reasons for the po- liticalIRUWKHSROLWLFDOFROODSVHRIWKH&DXFDVLDQUHSXEOLFVZDV collapse of the Caucasian republics was seen as the Noe Ramishvili absenceVHHQDVWKHDEVHQFHRIXQLW\EHWZHHQWKHP of unity between them. (1881-1930) The7KH Caucasus &DXFDVXV Confederates &RQIHGHUDWHV Committee &RPPLWWHH (CCC) &&& was ZDV cre- atedFUHDWHGLQ,VWDQEXOLQ2FWREHUZLWK¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUWIURP in Istanbul in October 1924 with financial support from Poland 3RODQG LQWKHIUDPHVRI(in the frames of the pro- metheanWKHSURPHWKHDQPRYHPHQW DQGZDVMRLQHGE\UHSUHVHQWDWLYHVRIW movement) and was joined by representatives of the politicalKHSROLWLFDORUJDQLVDWLRQV organisations of Geor- gia,RI*HRUJLD$]HUEDLMDQDQGWKH1RUWK&DXFDVXV$WWKHVDPHWLPH Azerbaijan and the North Caucasus. At the same time, in Paris inLQ3DULVLQ2FWREHUDQG October and November 19241RYHPEHUUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURPWKH&DXFDVXVGHFLGHGWRFUHD representatives from the Caucasus decided to create a union WHDXQLRQRIWKHWKUHHof the three Caucasus republics&DXFDVXVUHSXEOLFVLQWKHIRUPRIWKH&DXFDVXV&RQIHGHUDWLRQ in the form of the Caucasus Confederation. In,Q 1925 the WKH Caucasus &DXFDVXV Committee &RPPLWWHH in Paris LQ 3DULV addressed DGGUHVVHG the CaucasusWKH&DXFDVXV&RQIHGHUDWHV&RPPLWWHHLQ,VWDQEXOZLWK Confederates Committee in Istanbul with an offerDQ R൵HU to create WR FUHDWH a united D XQLWHG Caucasus &DXFDVXV Committee. &RPPLWWHH7KH The nego- tiationsQHJRWLDWLRQV that followed WKDW IROORZHG over the RYHU course WKH of FRXUVH a year RI conclud- D \HDU edFRQFOXGHG with the ZLWKcreation WKH of FUHDWLRQ the united RI WKHCaucasus XQLWHG Independ-Caucasus enceIndependence Committee Committee (CIC) in Istanbul &,& LQon ,VWDQEXO15 June RQ1926, whose-XQH members ZKRVH included PHPEHUV Emin LQFOXGHG Mehmed (PLQ Resulzade 0HKPHG and5HVXO]DGHDQG0XVWDID9HNLORYIURP$]HUEDLMDQIURP Mustafa Vekilov from Azerbaijan; from the North CaucasusWKH 1RUWK – &DXFDVXV the grandson ± WKH JUDQGVRQof Imam Shamil, RI ,PDP Seid-bek 6KDPLO Shamil6HLGEHN6KDPLODQG$OLNKDQ.DQWHPLUIURP*HRUJLD, and Alikhan Kantemir; from Georgia – Noe Ramishvili± 1RH 5DPLVKYLOL and Nestor DQG Magalashvili 1HVWRU 0DJDODVKYLOL. Soon however, 6RRQ dueKRZHYHUGXHWRWKHSRVLWLRQRIWKH7XUNLVKOHDGHUVKLS to the position of the Turkish leadership, which did notZKLFKGLGQRWZDQWWRDJJUDYDWHUHODWLRQVZLWK0RVFRZ want to aggravate relations with Moscow, the deci- sionWKHGHFLVLRQZDVWDNHQWRWUDQVIHUWKHFRPPLWWHH¶VZRUN was taken to transfer the Committee’s work to Paris. TheWR3DULV7KHQHJRWLDWLRQVZHUHVWDUWHGDQGIDFLOLWDWHG negotiations were started and facilitated by Polish outstandingE\3ROLVKRXWVWDQGLQJGLSORPDWDQGSROLWLFLDQ diplomat and politician Tadeusz HoTadeuszłówko, involved+RáyZNR in promethean LQYROYHG LQ policy SURPHWKHDQ towards SROLF\Ukrainians WRZDUGV and Caucasian8NUDLQLDQVDQG&DXFDVLDQQDWLRQV+HZDVDVVDVVLQDWHG nations. He was assassinated by terrorists inE\DWHUURULVWLQ 1931. Tadeusz7DGHXV]+RáyZNR Hołówko On2Q July -XO\ 14th, WK 1934 in LQ:DUVDZWKH Warsaw the UHSUHVHQWDWLYHVrepresentatives RIof (1889-1931) theWKH&RPPLWWHHRIWKH,QGHSHQGHQW&DXFDVXVIURPWKH Caucasus Independence Committee from the nationalQDWLRQDOFHQWUHVRI*HRUJLD$]HUEDLMDQDQGWKH1RUWK centres of Georgia, Azerbaijan and the North Caucasus&DXFDVXV signed VLJQHG the WKH CaucasusCaucasus Confederation Pact,Pact whichZKLFK was ZDV supposed VXSSRVHG to WR be EH established HVWDEOLVKHG ULJKWright after DIWHU the WKH liberationOLEHUDWLRQ of RI the WKH Caucasus &DXFDVXV from IURP the WKH Bolshevik %ROVKHYLN yoke. \RNH In order,QRUGHUWRSUHYHQWWKH.UHPOLQIURPDFFXVLQJ:DUVDZ to prevent the Kremlin from accusing Warsaw ofRIEUHDFKLQJWKH6RYLHW3ROLVKDJUHHPHQWRILW breaching the Soviet - Polish agreement of 1932, it wasZDVGHFLGHGWRVWDWH%UXVVHOVDVWKHSODFHZKHUHWKH decided to state Brussels as the place where the documentGRFXPHQWZDVVLJQHG was signed. After$IWHU the WKH pact SDFW was ZDV signed, VLJQHG the WKHquestion TXHVWLRQ arose DURVH of or- RI ganisingRUJDQLVLQJ a united D XQLWHG centre: FHQWUH a prototype D SURWRW\SH of the RI future WKH IXWXUH gov- ernmentJRYHUQPHQWRIWKH&DXFDVXV&RQIHGHUDWLRQDQGLQWKH of the Caucasus Confederation, and in the meantimePHDQWLPH an DQ operational RSHUDWLRQDO administrative DGPLQLVWUDWLYH ERG\$Wbody. At the WKH Promethean3URPHWKHDQ0RYHPHQWFRQIHUHQFHLQ3DULVLQ-DQXDU\ Movement conference in Paris in Janu- aryDQG and )HEUXDU\ February 1935 WKHthe Caucasus &DXFDVXV Independence ,QGHSHQGHQFH MehmedMehmed EminEmin ResulzadeResulzade Committee&RPPLWWHH was ZDV discontinued GLVFRQWLQXHG and DQGthe Caucasus WKH &DXFDVXV Con- (1884-1955)(1884-1955) federation&RQIHGHUDWLRQ&RXQFLO &&& ZDVFUHDWHGLQLWVSODFH
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