'DOCUMENT RESUME ED 206 847 \ CE 02994 TITLE 1400--The Veterans' EducationalAssigt;;CeAct of 1961. Hearings before the Subcommitteeon ' Education, Training and Employment of theCommittee \.,on Veterans'' Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety'Seventh Congress, first Session (March 17,19, 1981)'. Vol. I. INSTITUTTON \Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. House \Committee on Veterans' Affairs. REPORT NO House-UT-97-7 . ___PUE,DkTE -------81 NOTE I39p.; Not available in papercopy due to stall print. For a related doquientsee CE' 029 933. EDRS PRICE `t1L,,gp01 PlusPostage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS ' Access to Education ArmedForces; *Federal Legislation;Financial Support; Hearings; Higher Education; Labor Turnover;*Military.Personvet; Military service; Postsecondary Education; Recruitment; *Student financial Aid; TuitionGrants; Veterans; *Vdterans Education IDENTIFIERS Congress 97th; *Veterans. Educational Assistance Act -:- 1981, . ABSTTECT- lr . This document is the first volume ofa transcript of hearings before a U.S. House of RepresentativesSubcommitt e of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs concerning 'proposedH.R.1400--the Veterans' Educational AssistanceAct of 1981. The Proposed Educational Assistance Act isan updated GI Bill, which wld provide the following educational benetits: 80 percentof college/tuition'up to $2500 plus k$250 -living allowancefor 36 months for, three years' military serviceor two'years' military service plus four 'ears in the active ReserVe or National Guard;a two-for-one savings plan for educatioAal benefits for career military personnel;an educational', leave-ofi-absenceprogram; and transferability of educational;benefits to a spouseor.schildren for career militarypersonnel with 16, or in %some cases 12, years of service. The" benefitsare structured with the goal of increasing military service enlistment'sof high s6hool graduates and retention of experienced middle-levelpersonnel. Pros. and cons of H.R. 1400"s 'provisionsare discussed during the hearings by .various Senators and Representatives,Defense Depaitment ,representativeb, and high ranking officers'of.thebranches of military service. Their or,71 testimony,as well ,as their prepared 'Statements, are included inthe document. (KC) O ****************7o*******44**.******************************************* I. ReProductions'sqpplied WEDRS are the best thatcan be made * ____A ' 'from the original document. :* C*********************************************************************** . .4 S se H.R. 1400---THEVETERANS' EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE ACT OF1981 o '41 HEARINGS BEFORE THE .. SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION, TRAINING,.AND EMPLOYMENT OF THE COMu Y E-0-N-ALEIFERVINS,'AFFAIRS HOUSE OFREPRESENTATIVES I oi NINETY-SEVENTHCONGRESS FIRST SESSION. a MARCH 17 AND MARCH 1-9.1981 Printed for the use of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs^ Serial No. 97-7 Vol.1 U.S. DEPARTMENT CIFEDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OFEDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES , INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproducedas received from the pefonor organuation opgmatintirt Minor changes have been madeto improve reproduction quality Points of view or opinionsstated in this docu went do not necessarily represent official NIE position or policy U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING.0FrICE 178432 0 . WASHINGTON 1981 A Ip /1 COMMITTE5)0N VETERANS' XFFAIRS G V RSONNY1 MONTGOMERY, Mississippi, Chairman DON EDWARDS, California JQHN PAUL HAMMERSCHMkt, Arkansas GEORGE E. PANIELSON, California MARGARET M HECKLER. Massachusetts JACK BRINKLEY, Georgia CHALMERS P WYLIE, Ohio RONALD M. MOM, Ohio ELWOOD HILLIS, Indiana ROBERT W EDGAR, Pennsylvania TENNYSONsGUYER, Ohio SAM B HALL, JR., Texas HAROLD S. SAWYER, Michigan DOUGLAS APPLEGATE. OW GERALD B. SOLOMON, New York MARVIN LEATH, Texas JIM JEFFRIES, Kansas WILLIAM HILL BONER, Tennessee BOBMcEWEN, Ohio "."';" RICHARD C. SHELBY, Alabama JIM DUNN, Michigan DAN MICA, Florida CHRIS SMITH. New Jersey THOMAS A DASCHLR, South Dakota ALBERT LEE SMITH. Alabama BOB STUMP, Arizona . DENNY SMITH, Oregon PHIL GRAMM, Texas AUSTIN J. MURPHY,Pennsyinia BYRON L DORGAN, North Da aa MACK G FLEMiNG, Chief Counsel and Staff Director I SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT ROBERT W. EDGAR, Pennsylvania, Chairean DON EDWARDS, California MARGARET M HECKLER, Massalusetts MARVIN LEATH, Texas CHALMERS P. WYLIE, Ohio fi WILLIAM HILL BONER. Tennessee HAROLD S. SAWYER, Michigan THOMAS;A,DASCHLX South Dakota J JEFFRIES, Kansas PHIL pRAMM. Texas NNY SMITH, Oregon 40, .)t 1 4 CONTEN S March 17. 1981 Page H.R. 1400The Veterans' Educational Assistance Act of 1981 a STATEMENT BY COMMITTEE MEMBERS ChrirmanEdgar ... , 1 WITNESSES Montgomery, Hon. G V.. a Representative in Congress from the State of Mississippi .... 3 Prepared statementof Congressman Montgomery , ... 6 Meyer, Gen. Edward C., Chief of Staff, U.S. Army .... 11 .Yerks, Lt. Gen. Robert, Deputy Chief ?f Staff for Personnel, Department of `the.Army e .. 14 Prepared statement of General Ye 15 Zech, Vicedm. Lando W Jr., Dap, ty Chief of Naval Operations, Depart- ment of the v 1 - 16 Prepared state t of Admiral Zech 17 Iosue, Lt. Gen. A. P , Deputy, Chief of Staff for ManpOwer and Personnel, Departznent of the Air Fe-me ', 18 Prepared statement of General louse 18 Bronars, Lt. Gen Edward J., Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower. U S Marine Corps 19 Prepared statement of General Bronars.' - -1 2r- acipkewartipear Adm. W. H., Chief, Office of Personnel, U S Coast Guard 22 Prepgred statement of Admiral SteVarN, -,,, s. 23 Armstrong, Hon, William L , a U S. Senator from the State of Colorado ... Prepared statement of Senator Armstrong.... ) 46 March 19, 1981 H.R. 1400The Veterans' Educational Assistance Act of 1981 , STATEMENTS BY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Chairman Edgar 57 -Prepared statement of 'ebairman Edgar 58 Wylie, Hon. Chalmers P., a Representative in Congress from the State of 59 . Ohio . C. WITNESSES . Whitehurst, Hon. William G., a, Representative in Congress from the State of Virginia. s 60 Prepaied statement of Congressman Whitehurst ........... ... ......... .... .... ..... 62. Warner; Hon. John W., a U .S. Senator from the State Of Virginia 63 65 , Prepared statement of Senator Warner Stone, Hon. Rollert, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower,g Reserve Affairs, and Logistics ''76 Prepared statement of Secretary' Stone 78 IV Page Boorda, Capt. J' Michael, PrincipalAssistant for ManpoWer and Reserve Affairs to the Assistant Secretary ofthe Navy . Prepared statement of Captain Boorda 80 . 82 Mtis, Hon Joe F, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower., Reserve Affairs and Installations . ... Prepared statement of Secretary Meis 84 85 Nith, Robert S., Director of Personneland Training; US Departihentof S ansportation. Prepared statement of Mr Smith 86 87 Kane, James P, assistant general counsel, Veters' Administration Prepared\ statement of Mr Kane Y09 .. 110 SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL SUBMITTEDFOR THE RECORD Charts Federal student assistance funding i68 Non-prior-service accessions. Percent high school diploma graduates Percent mental category I and II 120 Male HSDG supply/accession statistics 120 (USAF) . 121 Recruiting changes (Army) . ... .. Three GI billscomparison of participation . 122 rates ... 135 Total veterans trained under Vietnamera GI bill as of April 1981... Veterans in training as of April 1981.... -105 ................ ...... 135 Letter Wilson, Rufus, Acting Administratorof Veterans' Administration,to Chairman 1 ontgomery re technical analysisof and comments on H.R. 1400.. Statements: 4 130 Heckler,on Margaret M , a Representative in Congress fromthe State of, Massach usetts. Bennett, Hon Charles E., a Representative 117 Florida. in Congress from the State of ,. .. , . Questions and answers. Chairman Edgar ....... 117 to representative of the Armed Forces.. 123 5, P H.R. 1400-THE VETERANS' EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1981 TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1981 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EMPLOYMENT, COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS, \ Washington, D.C. The subcommittee met, pursuant to actfournment, at 9.01 a.m., in room. 334, Cannon House Office Building, Hon. Bob Edgar Achain man of the subcommittee) presiding. Members present. Full Committee Chairman G. V. (Sonny) Mont- gomery (ex officio), Representatives Edgar, Leath, Daschle, Gramm, Sawyer, Jeffries, and Denny Smith. OPENING STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN EDGAR Mr; EDGAR. The Subcommittee on Education4 Training, and Em- ,ploybient will come to order. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is the first day of 4 days of scheduled hearings on H.R. 1400, the Veterans' Educational Assistance Ad of 1981. The bill, introduced by the chairman of the full committee, Rep-, resentative G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery, of Mississippi, calls for a new GI bill education and training program for the All-Volunteer Force. However, I would like to state -at the outset that the purpose of the hearing today and subsequent hearings on March 19, 24, and 25 will be to also review the entire nature of the benefit of the/GI bill, both historically and within the context of the present nee& of the All-Volunteer Forte. Among the 50 witnesses who will be testifying Over t- hese 4 days are leading experts from the military, from reserve and active duty associations, veterans organizations, representatives from the edu- ,cation community, and leading experts In the field of recruitment and retention within the Armed Forces. ,We will also be hearing from several Members of Congress who will .present outlihes of similar' GI bill proposals
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