V '' .... - . jr.'-- ' ' . ; .... 4, - - jr , UA1L8 From tan Francises? alatnoula. Not. 10. , r ; ? For &an Francisco: ?a r:r. Xf&noa, j Nov. 8. ( From Vancouver: Niagara, Dec 1. im:?. - For Vancouver: v. - . ' . Niagara. Nov. 1. Erening Bulletin. Eat 1882, No. 314 22 PAGES: HONOLULU, teBEITQRY OP HAWAII, SATURDAY, .VOVKMBFJl fi, 1015.-- 22 PAGES. Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXIII. Na 7355 PRICE FIVE CENTS nnn'n " ' 01 no lll 'i . Hit. 3 . U i i'.i j 1 L3 u J u J Liu. o:::;:.i votes ran Martial Farewell 7 WAR LEADER TO SEE - i : BALKANS FIRST-HAN- D .r'"'rr,":;iir.p:inr'iT Retiring 1 I "N t " r r--i r rt rs fi yv n n o - i ' : -- i ili . ' 1 V W. n :v.l--JUd KitiU U it d V-- w .3 ! :! tOTi:E:: !!:.- i Request of Allied Powers Pos Tigers . Lack Punch and Allow sibly Will Be Complied With 7 ."en to OU'.-GARIA- V Houghton's Score RUSSIANS HURLED BACK ACROSS RIVER STRIPA fiS if Can Be Legalized ;: , - ; Touchdown By Rushing TAKE NISH AFTER HARD 'FIGHTING GER:.:w7 r.!ASSf.!EETiriGHERENEXT : !AH TIES PASS G!jRALTAH. AT- - CROWN BEATSYALE BY JUH' REACH f.'.EDITEnn WEEK TO REVOLT ea:: ;.::d sink Rumania FOMENT ONE LONE FIELD GOAL r thhee stealers influ. ENCED BY SUCCESS OF n- - TEUTONS - Revolutionists Would Raise y ,: ? ; t Cornell's "Big Red Team" Eas- - V Associated Press Service by Federal Wireless . Funds to Unseat Yu:n Shih - ? iiy Wins From Michigan;.- VV LONDON, England,! Xov. 6. Kai, Objecting to Monarch Lonl Kitchener, secretary cf y Other Cc'Jege Scores state for war, has left London for the Balkans, according to an an- .;,;. .; . 1 . ... ica! I. nouncement this morning in the- - London Post, which publishes w I ..t rAnoeiated Prezs by I7irelest fearal is aid ; e-T- to be an authoritative explanation of ABsociatea Pres by Federal WIrelesa . PRINCETON, ; N. :j Nov. he the situation. t t war minister has been called to the Near East by; s PC KING.' China, Nov. 6- - Sentiment Tl;ert chances forilrst honor on the fhe the In China l overwhelmingly In favor tndiron thia year were sent glimmer there; the important mission 'having to do with a out cf a return to the monarchical form of leg by the defeat today at the hands tiorf of policy, it;is said, and not unlikely it will be he who will i' government, ccordinj official an cf the Harvard eleven. Coach Rush, to t .' i. cide tho policy to. be pursued by the Allies in their attempt government the speedy mentor cf the Princeton to meet nouncement .made at - - cfTices receiving by mail A squad, had gathered Xoether, a strong the Teuton and Bulgarian offensives. , - t:?y, after M.'-ti',- -.' v. ar.3 itit;r. me rciurna or tne eiec team, and when the men took, the It is believed that a prolonged stay by Kitchener iu the B.ilknr.s ....',VVV2.; . J field thla afternoon, the odda were in or Italy or Greece will necessitate his resignation as war favor cf the loc;ia. men secretrv. Fi.'t::n cut cf eijhteen provincea vau;hton He would be unable to carry on the pressing duties of the office when . a Tine ccoupied a have rtturned a vcte In favor of a r snowed fjtack with mcr.arcy, It It announced.,' It la alio strong defense, a sd the Princeton team' action on so many fronts is proceeding simultaneously.. T ' stated ty csvernment efficlale that an 'V f: lead by captain ,aiicK although play Lord Derbyr now head of the active recruiting campaign, i; hat been made to Japan ing a good game, could: not forge suggested to succeed ex'taniticn ' to the war portfolio in the event that Kitchen r reason why China (Sid not. ac i ahead. 1 f-- '.. r cf the - finds himself uiable to' leave the Balkans for some time. Lord Deri v cede to the requett to pcitpone the The final score. Harvard 10, Prince .'-- held; p -.rl has a: electlont. A etirzt, however,.may te ton. number important public posts, among them be::. , ' 1900-1C0- made in the f!ar.a to return to the Harvard scored one touchdown financial. rocretary to the war cilice in V and he was n: :-- monarchy. : ; through the Tl;er line and also kicked secretary to Iord Roberts. ) From 1D03 to 1003 he was nostmaAt'..-- - One re-o- rt It that a rc;.fit may be i Seal from the, touchdown. The Crim- made tw:t the ccancll cf.ilite legalize son also ran the score up to 10 points field-Princeto- the p::',-:r;me-nt In case It it decided ty kicking a goal from n to char;; the Cate. - lacked the punch shown 'in pre? I ?1 ,0 vlous games and couloT.not oross the Harvard goal' line, their six points t ) J r.:uc:i orrosmo;i here coming from two. kicks from the feld. to FLAf: of i.:o:::ncnY Crirr.son played ragged at timet; but r thtlr. tack feld managed to, score a , touchdown although the signal, work V.'hra tbe cews ves first received waa poor. This is Harvard's, fourth .LONDON, En-lan- di' Nov. G.Aftcr thredays cf hr.rd -- t the had taken ; i hrre revcluticr.is straight victory over the Tigers, . Bal'.-irir- .r.i :;-- asil-s- t Yu;n CMh-Ka- i andbombardment of the. fortifications, the have tt to rtbel . fc f THE PRODACLE: LINEUP - ; t;.e r.cr.archy a, local rr.eraLers ed in capturi" h; ;' ; .; . ': pi' I .i . tti ' Kitchener cf, .m. ng .:'.!;v.-ardf- i i v. - rv,arJ to tlziior.zl pcirty , , cr-.vdi- s :: i tte i j The G r:r y:'-- . i l.i r. Princeton Position Harvard t ' , c 1 to r: to to l!.? ' ..'.-....- and-are-takin- - :'. :3 Uzis tezi V,Soucy "" " TO v.tot pri v.'. hen IIlghley......i..,l.e, ' .ti'calie.r.c. r. vc' :t!cr.ary rcrty with Quarters . McLean, , . .GUman CXO ,c' i i A pum raised .it I! a! recent .'engigc :.:er.t they captured rl . Vri:rh:r. larre vs Nourse. l.g. , . rV.Coweu i I nth of Ocoe, bu ,"ThTr".tr:; rX BrJjrriau invaders, 4r.' " ) : , V :.t r ;. I 'ffivca r '. Serbia iiil their rasp. ;. HcrT"., . V. -- Dadman icrs i the 1 arty ia thia .rJg..", p'p fl iCai-Jma- L - vi7,.L;vr'o n. .'..'."Z'.rA : ;i '."y ".Parsons , c:tv. ' . ; Coolidge - s Brown r.e .'. '; t: CJ.-:z- cf . , Q.b: . ; . Wilcox K iiLlili CI Click. ...J; .. ,wi iiJ.ii ...2 t : : v. ill a r.ass . cll Tlbbott. l . .V.!.hri. , 1 . ;;V Whitney r.-.- .1: 3 prcstr.t tituatioa Shea ... :rJi.; . .... .v:.r:: King c:.:.... ..I 3 in cLcursed, end efforts ." IIav;ciiia Dcpartn::nt; E:cortcd tckTrancport Driggs ... Lb. ; . .' . , ; Brahan will te 1. .i is to raise a large sura to head-quar- forward to the National Tarty t: ANN ARBOR.' Mich- - Nov. .'Cor rs in Local Chi-Lfs- e his staff and the line officers who the reptile' nell, marched down the "field against i ': LONDON, England, Nov! 6. Making their way p.vt t! t.I.o have lived ia the southern surrounded him today just before he .; offi- foliowing cablegram from . CARTER'S FAREWELL, ' boarded Logan, Gen. was the Michigan team. n Ferry field this The fenses and lookouts' of Gibraltar, German 'submarine's have j art cf Chir.a that the citizens 8 GEN. the Carter - receiv- rt. hcive - ' afternoon and r scored at wilt. Yost cial German sources has been ! H r; visibly effected by the parting. He " ' " : - ?. of the rcpnh'.ic will never ree to v M had a of men out Injuries ed ' ': the Mediterranean and sunk two French and one ltn.li.in lan, H "I want to say goodby to the IX said but a few words to each and as number with the and according - "German Heaoquarters Report, Nov. One of the crews is missing. The others, taking to bo.it ?, h tt many people here who have been soon as farewells were said joined but. the big Red team showed that it to tl cir Ftatcr.icnts, Dr. Sun Yat Sen S 6, The Germans have conquered the . my my year on Xt Mrs. transport. Mrs. would be taken into consideration for ceeded in reaching safety. will be the next president of 'the .Chi- tt friends during Carter aboard the Wol Serbian town of Varvarinlmprisoning Xt army St Carter, an auto leading honors hy crossing the nese Re rut lie. Oahu. both those in the and came to the boat in more 3CC0 They ' -- verine goal line on many occasions. .than Serbians. have - tt in civil life. I am sorry to leave tt mobile with several friends, while Gen. ALGIERS, 'Algeria, Nov. 6. The steamship Sidiferrr.c!. Michigan, pierce also got, in , fighting touch with the f give up my was to by could the Ithacans' ' IT' j f tt Honolulu and to work tt Carter, escorted ' the boat been by a German submarine which succeeded in p.is.ir.,; r '"T - ones, "Yost Bulgarian army which had advanced sunk rr - r ; defense but when the in- officers and troops. X Ger-ma- ' here. has been tt ns tt It the "most Cornell to the vicinity of Krivlvir. The altar. - - ' ' my ca-- v ' eleven went across the line r tt teresting experience of tt Rode With Successor. ; show- taken Kralievo and east of - for a touchdown.
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