Y + t+ LEGI~L/~T[VE ~ [ .....'~Y ' C~'. 77/7~ Agreement reached in ferry rued V CO WR raP) - A rotating strikes woud stop No details of the, McKesrecommendeda3~," The. corporation said overtime, but under the salary Would be $1,267 a of opposition from some tentative agreement was and normal sailings would agreement were released, month contract with .in- Wednesday its wage bill McKee settlement, wages month, and dishwashers dissidents who wanted a full reached early today between resume by this afternoon, ereases of eight per cent in would increase by $8.6 would be' more than 154 wouldget 11,323. Machinists. the British Columbia Ferry Mrs, Mathlason said no each M the first two years million under ,McKee's million, Including $3.5 would earn 11,993 and senior strike. The rotating strikes Cocp. and the ~,700-member date has been set fur a ' Earlier, the~.,709.memher and two per cent in tha final terms, mlllionforoverUme, chief engineers on the apparently were designed to B.C. Ferry and Marine ratifleationvote, butsaldthe uniou voted 55 per cent to three months. The unian had largestvessetewouidbepoid • avoid as similar con- Workers' Union.. union committee is reject contract terms been asking for nine per cent ~,906.. frontation that prompted the unanimously recommending recommended by industrial in each year of a twoyeer It said wages now total The cOrporation said that government to invoke Union la'eeldant Shirley acceptance of the latest inquiry commissioner Clive contract, more than 145 million, in. under such a settlement, a The union began rdtating essential services legislation Mathleson said that the offer. McKee. eluding $3.5 mlll~, for parking lot attendant's strikeaFridaynight, inspite two years ago. TERRACE-KITIMAT . RUPERTSg VAGE STEEL LTD. & BOULE DEPOT Seal Cove kl., Pr. Runoff + Beer,- pop .am e, ,d i/I al+d 624-5639 r,+ra+,,s.C. , WE BUY c0pplr, brass, Ill lolals, 'Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m.dallyexvept Sunday .. "' Frl.tlll9p.m, Thursday, O~)bar.ll, ltTf) 20C Volume. No.., batteries, etc. Call IS - We are • .. +, ...... ,_, , open M0n. through Sat., 8 a.n.-5 p.m. ii New Remo resident fears flooding ByDONSCHA~_FER_ have the work munity's plight getting StevePalaposkl, whotold ifitdoos, assess what can more to do with the danger, because the rain way along the river, as Herald Staff Writer requisitioned, some •attention in Vic- him that highways was be done about it. strong tidal system of the which would contribute far as you can drive in a Residents of New Rome "All that isn't really torla at least. Howard authorized to do Both Jones and Skeena river tluin with a greatly to the level of the day," be said. "The only are worried that they helping us, though,"- says he spoke to Ben emergency work in such Erickson feel that the lowering of the actual river hasn't let up despite real stand is on my are in for a repeat of last Jones said. "What.we Marr, deputy minister in situations. Palaposki said river does present, an volume of water in the the lowering of the level. property, and that's too year's flooding of the need is help now, because the Department of the the ri~,er's level had emergency, and if Zymaeerdriver~Hesays Erickson speculates far down to do any good." ZymacordRiver. it won't be long before the Environment. He says dropped since noon to something is notdoneto that if the tides are strong that the problem was When a watershed is .. Dave Erickann, who~ river goos over thebanks Marr assigned an about 181nches below the prevent the erosion of the enough to push logs up caused by the logging of logged excessively, farmland is immediately again." engineer, Hugh Porter, to hank bank and to raise the the Skeena for several the Zymacord's water- nothing holds the water adjacent to the river- Erickson called MLA call Erickson and explain Palaposki said that a level of the bank at least miles, then they are shed, which he says is hack on the land, it all hank, is also worried that Prank Howard, who took the ministry's respon, team will go Out to the temporarily there will certainly strong enough covered with merely :flows quickly into the the Zymacord will time out of his busy sibilitles in the matter, river sometime today to surely be more serious to affect the level of the .brush for almost the :river, and in times of completely erode the schedule to make several Howard says he also determine ff the river flooding. Zymacord. He feels that entire length of the river. iheavy rainfall, flooding of hank next to his land, and phone calls which called the departinent of really does present an Jones feels that the the river still presents an "There isn't a decent .lower levels is the forge a new path ti~ou~ resulted in the corn- hlBhwa~'s and spoke to emergency situation, and rapid decline in water is immediate flooding stand of timber all the inevitable result. the community skeens unless some ~ ~'~i ~ measures are taken : immed/ately to correct ,~ +. the erosion problem. • +, ,. .. :~ .,,:~:~,..: MILLS HEAD Wiflle the Skeena river ,,~+.- . • ,~: ~~::' through the effects of the -~ ' QUITS JOB fall rains, the Zymacord Mills Memorial Hospital has been hit with two is dramatically higher ~:~,~ high-level resignations in the last week. Dr. than usual, according to Larry Day, regional pathologist, resigned Erickson. It is running , , earlier this week, and Wednesday, John Allen, very quickly and is very hospital administrator, gave his resignation to muddy, and at noon . ~r Wayne Epp, chairman of the hospital's board of yesterday had risen to directors. within four or six lnchers Day would not comment on the reasons for his ~. the top of the• bank. -- resignation. He did, however, admit to having 'According to Erlckson, second thoughts about leaving the hospital in last year's floodereded : ~ .r- : light of what he termed "recent events." Allen had no comment on the reasons for his resignaU~.. ~i , .... ....... ........... which had been con- " ' There have been a number of key resignations shm¢ted~eare agate serve .... ~ : ~ :,d at the hospital in recent months, but personal saa possible alternate J reasons were given.' for all of them. route to the Kit- ',...... '=.,..~=- ~umKalum Mountain Ski " - '.+ " ;~ Hill. This road now ends + " • + abruptly at the river's ..........• "~.~ ~ ' ,....... ":+~ : ~ Bennett staff edge, and Erickson feels ................. that the hank could erode .. .......++: .... ; :,'..... 1 ,~ further this year and .... " ...... +..+:: '~: " ~+~ .... ' +. +" + . + ,~,~.1: ~~ : '" ++ .1 . " " +~ in on trickery could possibly make a =+~+";++:,+~ ~::+,:+.:L+.,~+...... ' :'++++:.... +-~ ,+, • + +~ VICTORIA (CP) -- A with false signatures. Kelly new eheunel in order to , :~nior member of Premier resigned Tuesday over the avoid the meander which "+~ ............ " N.B/ll Bennett's staff was scandal. forces it to bend around+ ~+~i:-o~:i . +~+~:,?:+ .... ", '+ :`+....... involved in authorizing As well, a former member the community of New +.i.+.!:+. :~:.~.,++~++ ""~+' '+ . rl--'+++~?' " +~4 + + distribution of "dirty tricks" of Bennett's staff has been mmo. + +< +•+ + :+ ....... tapes, Social Credit party reported to have resigned his Another Remo president Lea Keen said current government Job and resident, Rick Jones, ~ " :"+' '+~!~://'/~+/++~ =,>'+~:al"....~!:!i'.~ Wednesday. a second researcher who says that there have been ........+++ ++:: : +:+~>+ :~-~ Keen said most of the 170 speaks on the same tape as two surveys done by the !,/~+ .+.,:,~.+ .:. ~:~,,:~+~++ , tape cassettes made at a Kelly is in for a meeting with • Vancouver party seminar, party officials when she water rights branch of i were distributed at an returns from a European the ministry of en. Youn David Eriekson points out the high water in the Zymacord River election rally last April in vacation. vlronment, and yet Kamloops following a Keen said the decision to ~thing has been done to daelslon to roleane them by release the tapes rested with correct either the Cold war may the party's general election Campbell and other com- flooding or the erosion ____ UNION FILM Carter committee, chaired by Dan mittee members. He made Campbell, his commente following a ~oblem.earing ofAalde two fromlog jams the be heating up Campbell was a cablnot meeting of provincial Soured SHOWS HERE to visit minister under the formor directors which absolved the which obstructed the flow government of the late W. A. party of any responsibility in CFTK-TV will present a film enUtled "The the "dirty tricks affair." of water after last year's WASHINGTON(AP.) -- sta~ department gathering Struggle Continues" on Monday, Oct. 15, at 5 C. Bennett, the current flood, the water rights The Carter administration Wednesday that the Soviet Canada promier's father. Campbell was unavailable p.m, OTTAWA (CP)U.S. Presi- for comment. 'l~le have not made a eaye the Unlted States would Union may be tempted to dent Jimmy Carter will visit He now is tho premter's move to alleviate the not hesltstetoretallate with declare war unless the This film deals with the Canadian Union of executive director of inter. Keen said elected party Postal Workers battle against what they feel is Ottawa Nov. 9-10, Prime officials were not respon. problem, nuclear weapons in the event NATOallies match the So- Minister Clark said today. governmental rolatinns, al- ofaSovletattackonWsetero vlet buildup of nuclear • repressive government legislation, and is being though he took a leave of ab- sable for taping the 1978 Jones said that the Europe. weapons in Europe. Clark told the Commons Bayshoro sessions and never broadcast Monday to mark the occasion of the that Carter will address a sence during the provincial community took up a In a speech reminiscent of His speech tothe Atlantic jailing of CUPW's president Jean-Claude Parrot. election campaign so he heard the recordings before joint session of the Senate they were distributed.
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