4 THE NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS Friday, January 29, 1954 Ronnie Meede, the Record Dealers youngBritishvocalist Andy Salmieri's American Air -mail whose gimmickisto be known as "The Directory SingerWithout A RAY ANTHONY BUYS BILLY MAY BAND BASIE FOR EUROPE Gimmick," hasjust recorded " What's The LONDON WeatherLike In OSCAR PETERSON, DIZZY GILLESPIE OPERATIONS Paris ?" accompanied NOCTURNE Records by Woolf Phillips and 18, KNIGHTSBRIDGE,S.W. I hisOrchestra,f o r SIAllane 7918 Melodisc. The tuneis U.S. POLL RESULTS TERRY GIBBS' FEM CAPTURE PopularJazz,Classical R L.P.s from the new French ITS beginningtolooklikeaShetold me thatshewillmakeby the great Ferdinand "Jelly Roll comedy film"M. battle to the death between twoseveral appearances on TV using theMorton, and at timesI would say Hulot's Holiday," and ofthestatesidegreat new RCA compatable colour system,thatEwellsoundslikethegreat * THE MUSIC BOX is being played at every entertain-which was recently given the green"Jelly Lord" himself ! The album is 37, GRANVILLE ARCADE, S.W.9 performanceoft Ii e ment unions-the American Guildlight by the Federal Communicationsa MUST for any good jazz library. (BID 7828). RECORDS, PHOTOS, picture'scurrentLon- ofVarietyArtistsversustheCommission. Since I doubt this label has foreign SHEET MUSIC don run. The new re- AmericanFederationofMusi- "Compatable" means that one candistributorship,Iwilllistthe com- cord (backedwith cians.Unlessbothpartiescanview the colour -cast program in blackpany'saddressasanother NME "Don'tTakeYour settle their differences, many actsandwhitewithhiscurrentset.service to itsreaders: The Windin' ROLO for Records Love From Me") was Colour TV setswill become avail-Ball RecordingCo., 368,LEA BRIDGE ROAD, launched at a cocktail will have to do without music 1 5207South LEYTON, E.tO, LEI 4067 The smart operators aretapingable soon, ranging in price from $700Kimbark Avenue, Chicago 15, partylastweek by to $1,200. That's a lot of money inIllinois. Will you please mention you London's LargestRecord Stockists French cabaret, TV music from records so that theyany language ! read it here ? and radio star, Helene won'tbecaughtshortinany Ihave already viewed a colour Cordet, seen here with eventuality. broadcast at RCA studios, and the Harry James announces that he has LPRECORDS Ronnie Meede. DinahShoreplaned in fromcolourmethodputsanyexistingagain added strings in his orchestra. POST FREE Hollywood for the Motorama ShowHollywood colour systems tip shame !He also says he will re-record two ALL MAKES SUPPLIED (automobileshow)inNew York.It's that good ! sides he made famous-"I'll Get By" SarahVaughan'sfirstsideforand "Cherry." L. & H. CLOAKE Mercuryis "Easy Come, Easy Go, Oscar "JAPT" Peterson in hospital 334, HIGH RD., S.W.16. STR 7304 Lover," backed by "This Is My Be-havingagangliononthetendon and at loved." sheath removed. The operation isa 93, GranvilleArcade, S.W.B. IN MODERNMOOD simple one, and Oscar will be well BRI 5941 WE'VE got a lot of modernistic generally known that "Lover Man" Biggest news of the week wasin time to make the projected tour. groundwhich must be by was recorded during a "live" session the announcement by Fred BensonI understand Charlie Parker will be covered soon.Our record pile, in at The Haig, the Californian niterie (Ray Anthony's manager) that Rayadded to the group for the tour. THE RECORD particular, is looming ever larger ! whereMulligan'sQuartetusually Anthony has purchased the Billy TheNightClubandBallroom MIKE worked during itsbrief period of May band ! The Billy May bandOperators'Associationcomesup But first,we'll take time out to with the resultsofitsannual poll. CENTRE clearupacoupleofcorres- existence. The other seven items were will continue to function and wilt BUTCHER studio jobs. befronted bySamDonahue,Winnersare:Ray Anthony(Best pondents'queries,both of them while Bob Dawes, who ledtheDance Band and College Favourite); Rdance Piano Co. raising points of probable interest We haven't got much space left to band since May's departure,be-Guy (what again ?) Lombardo, wins 28, BRIXTON ROAD (ir.Oval), to many readers. comes road manager. the"SweetBands"titleforthe S.W.9. Smith's basting is generally inferiorcover the London clubs and their umpteenthtime;RalphMarterie ALL THE LATEST RECORDS To John Halsharn of Brixton,itto that of his predecessor with therecent activities, but a few words of Went to the Birdland to see Count(Most Promising New Dance Band), canthereforepubliclybe revealedQuartet, Bob Whitlock. credit should be given to ... Basle, fortheitineraryofhis that the short play-off theme which and Tommy Dorsey (Favourite We Mail Anywhere ! "Lover Man" featuresguest -star The Bandbox,foritscontinuedEuropean tour, but he did not haveLeader -Instrumentalist). ends both sides of Vogue's secondKonitz initiativeinbooking thefullTedithimself. He promised to give us Gerry Mulligan LP (LDE.030) isa throughout, andifyou're While I was inthe midst of this looking for a sample of truly mag-Heath Band on a return engagement,first-hand news of it when and ifitcolumn, Catherine Basic called and A. V. EBBLEWHITE Mulliganorginalentitled"litter thus ensuringalong, long lineofbecomes available to him. ALDGATE, Chaos." nificent aito playing, here itis.But gave me the itinerary of the Count 29/31., E.C.3. maybe you'll agree that in this in-customersatthe box-officelast Saw TerryGibbs' new Quartet T.I. ; AVEnue 1400 Golders Basic tour. Only date given was for And toEricJonesof stance Lee's flow ofideasistooSunday. whichfeatures Frank De Vitothe opening at Oslo, Norway. Other RECORDS & SHEET MUSK Green, we can confirm that the tullefacile,tooglibforfullemotional The Flamingo. for having a piano(drums);BillCrow(bass);Misscountries inthe tour -which isbe- of "Turnstile," heard on this samesatisfaction. that can be heard more than threeTerry Pollard (piano) and, of course,ing promoted by Richard Strangerup, From BACH to BOP platterofGerry's, was indeed TerryGibbsonthevibes. SEND US YOUlt ENQUIRIES "featured quite a lot by the Johnny feet away from the stand, and resi- Missof Denmark-are:Denmark,Fin- No such criticism can be levelleddent pianists as good as Dill JonesPollard doubles on the vibes.Theland,Belgium, Monaco,England, Dankworth Seven round about and Derek Smith to play it. vibe duet by Terry G. and Terry P.Scotland, Wales, France, Spain, 1950."It was known as "Goldrush"againstthe Konitz contributionto is a show -stopper !You'll be hearing in those days, however, andit had"Sextet," however (the sixth person The LondonJazzCentre,for Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Luxem- a lot about this gal . .. man, whatbourg, North Ireland, Ireland, BENSTED'S Corner,Ltd. then already been waxed for the firstcredited must be Gerry's band -boy !)restoring this columnist's faith in thedrive 1 Gibbs found her in- a small time by Mulligan himself with a Kai-and the spell of three -horn counter-ambitious intent of London jazzmen, Netherlands,Austria, WestGer- Do you have any difficulty in point, and providing him with a ycarful ofDetroit bistro and offered her a con-many, Yugoslavia, Greece, European obtaining your L.P. records ? Winding -Brew Moore group. whichfollowsLee'ssolo tract pronto ! Turkey and possibly South Africa. musical pleasure in less than a fort- chorus onthisone,knocks your We can supply, post free, in night. Dave Brubeck, who is due in N.Y. The subject of Mulligan certainlyreviewer right out 1 guaranteed condition. The remaining performances range Studio'51,forpersuadingtheon March 11tells me he has a new CharlieBarnettlikes to tell about seems to be taking up almost an in- man "sitting' in" on the"skins." 209, UXBRIDGE ROAD, W.13. ordinate amount of space inthesefrom really excellent to super -relaxednational press that jazz, as opposed his eight -year -old son's roping ability. Tel.: EAL 0379 "Makin' Whoopee") to merely to the scandals which sometimes sur-He's Joe Dodge. It seems Charlie was dozing while first"Modern Mood" columns of fair the youngster was watching the Roy ours.But we are nevertheless keep-(an uninspired "I Can't Believe...").roundit,can beeminentlynews- POPULAR MUSIC CO. ingourpromisetoreviewtheBut in case our comments have notworthy. This writer rarely goes head overRogers' TV show.Before Barnett Quartet's third Vogue LP here andmade itperfectly clear that the set Fabulous Feldman's, for the eye-heels over any LP. (I'm SENT byawoke,hisson hadtied him up (Acton) Ltd. pow. is well worth buying, we'll add twocatching qualities of its classified ads.many, but never like this). The newcowboy fashion. .but good ! In 33, CROWN ST., W.3.ACO 4732 12in. LP 103 by Windin' Ball Re-fact,ittook Chuck 15 minutes to Records (all labels), Sheet Music, And after dealing with a couple ofemphatic words.GET many, many years of ear - Instruments Incidentally, it does not seem to becatching offerings. cords is the MOST ! AsI told youopenthefirstknot !Meanwhile. distantly related 78 r.p.m. couplings a few columns back, I'm a modernistjunior went into the kitchen and was next week-one by Gerry's "New by choice, but I am not biased. Thisheard to say: "Mama, will you tie For Records in Wallet...m{1cl Sounds," theother devoted tothe LP is by Don Ewell, one of the bestmy shoelace ?It's loose again!" Chet Baker Quaetet-we'll be free to "two -beat" 88'ersit's been my DizzyGillespie'soperationisa , Wally for Wireless embrace other, entirely non-Mulligan- pleasure to hear. success. He will have to take it easy 233, Whiteehapel Rd., E.1. BUS 2990 esque topics. The Windin' Ball LP 103 featuresfor a while while he acclimatises
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