Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, 36(4), pp. 133–140, November 22, 2010 Four New Species of Himalayan Prunus Subgenus Cerasus (Rosaceae-Prunoideae) Hideaki Ohba1,* and Shinobu Akiyama2 1 Department of Botany, University Museum, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7–3–1, Tokyo, 113–0033 Japan 2 Department of Botany, National Museum of Nature and Science, Amakubo 4–1–1, Tsukuba, 305–0005 Japan * E-mail: [email protected] (Received 15 Aug. 2010; accepted 22 Sept. 2010) Abstract Four new species of Prunus, P. topkegolensis H. Ohba & S. Akiyama, P. harae H. Ohba & S. Akiyama, P. taplejungnica H. Ohba & S. Akiyama, and P. singalilaensis H. Ohba & S. Akiya- ma, are described from eastern Himalaya. The four new Prunus are similar to P. rufa and consid- ered to belong to the same section. A key to distinguish the four new species and P. rufa is provid- ed. Key words : Bhutan, Cerasus, flora, Himalaya, Nepal, new species, Prunus. During the preparation of the treatment for cisae, of which the type is P. incisa. Except for P. Prunus (Rosaceae), sensu lato, for the Flora of topkegolensis the affinities of the four new Nepal (Watson et al., 2007), we became aware of species are uncertain. We like describe them as four novelties of flowering cherries in the Hi- independent species under such situations. They malayan region. These novelties are considered and Prunus rufa are distinguished by a combina- to be allies of Prunus rufa Hook. f., but different tion of several leaf, flower and pubescence char- from each other and from P. rufa and allied taxa acters, as shown in the following key. previously described from the Sino-Himalayan region. 1a. Petals glabrous; hairs on lower surface of The Himalayan species of Prunus were studied leaf blade white or pale brown and straight by Koehne (1913), Yü and Li (1986), Hara 2a. Calyx tube urceolate; leaf blade ovate, mar- (1962, 1968 and 1979) and others, however the gins sharply doubly serrate taxonomy of the genus is still insufficient, with иииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииP. topkegolensis numerous uncertainties including range of varia- 2b. Calyx tube tubular; leaf blade lanceolate or tions within species. Koehne (1913) classified narrowly oblong, margins mostly with sim- Prunus rufa, along with P. campanulata Maxim., ple shallow serrations ииииииииииииииииииP. harae P. hosseusii Diels, P. cerasoides D. Don, and P. 1b. Petals sparsely pubescent; hairs on lower sur- trichantha Koehne, into section Pseudocerasus face of leaf blade brown, crisped subsection Puddum. Yü and Li (1986) moved all 3a. Calyx tube 11–15 mm long; leaf blade 2.8–5 of them into section Serrula in the genus cm wideииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииP. rufa Cerasus. The new species, P. topkegolensis close- 3b. Calyx tube 7–10 mm long; leaf blade 0.8–2.7 ly approaches the Japanese P. incisa Franch. & cm wide Sav., which is characterized by doubly serrate 4a. Calyx tube tubular-campanulate; leaf blade leaves and an urceolate calyx tube. Recently, 2.6–5.1ϫ0.8–2 cm; lower surface of leaf Kawasaki (1991) established a new section, In- blade with dense crisped brown hairs 134 Hideaki Ohba and Shinobu Akiyama иииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииP. taplejungnica H. Ohashi, K. Iwatsuki, H. Ohba, Z. Iwatsuki, & 4b. Calyx tube tubular with slight constriction P. R. Shakya 720610, 19 June 1972, holo-TI, iso- near mouth; leaf blade 6.4–7ϫ2.1–2.7 cm; TNS). lower surface glabrous or with sparse brown Differt ex Pruno rufa Hook. f. foliis profunde crisped and straight hairs ииииииP. singalilaesis duplo-incisissimis, utrinque glabriusculis exclu- sio veneris subtus modearato supra sparsim pilo- 1) Prunus (subgen. Cerasus) topkegolensis H. sis, flores solitari cum calycem tubo angusti-cam- Ohba & S. Akiyama, sp. nov. [Figs. 1, 5a, 6a] panulato plusminusve constricto sub apicem. Type: E Nepal. Topke Gola, 3700 m (H. Kanai, Shrubs. Branches slender, spreading, those of Fig. 1. Prunus topkegolensis H. Ohba & S. Akiyama (H. Kanai et al., 720610, TI-holo). Four New Species of Subgenus Cerasus in Himalaya 135 present year glabrous, greenish; those of former differt. years glabrous, pale reddish purple. Leaves petio- Small trees. Branches and branchlets many, late; petiole 6–11 mm long; blade ovate to nar- those of present year glabrous, greenish; those of rowly ovate, 4.2–6.6ϫ2.1–3 cm at flowering, base former years glabrous, pale reddish purple. rounded to cuneate, margins doubly serrate, Leaves petiolate; petiole 6–12 mm long; blade somewhat glandular at apex of serration, apex elliptic, 3.3–5.6ϫ1.5–2.7 cm at flowering, base acuminate, lower surface with sparse to moderate rounded to cuneate, margins serrate or some- white or pale brown straight hairs near base. times doubly serrate, basal serrations, somewhat Flowers usually solitary. Pedicel ca. 13 mm long. glandular at apex apex acute to acuminate, lower Calyx tube urceolate, ca. 7 mm long; lobes trian- surface with sparse to moderate white or pale gular-ovate, ca. 2.5 mm long, with sparse pale brown straight hairs near base. Flowers usually 1 brown crisped hairs, margins entire or serrate. or 2. Peduncle obsolete, pedicels ca. 2–2.7 cm Petals white or faintly pink, erect at flowering, long. Calyx tube 6–10 mm long; lobes triangular- suborbicular, ca. 5.5ϫ3 mm, glabrous. Style ovate, 1.9–2.6 mm long, with sparse pale brown exerted, apically glabrous. Fruits and seeds straight hairs apically and densely so basally or unknown. glabrous, margins serrate. Petals suborbicular, Other specimen examined. E Nepal. Topke 5.1–7.8ϫ2.7–5.9 mm, glabrous. Style exerted, Gola, [alt. 3700 m] (H. Kanai, H. Ohashi, K. basally pubescent, apically glabrous. Iwatsuki, H. Ohba, Z. Iwatsuki, & P. R. Shakya Other specimens examined. Bhutan. Tzato- 723384, TI). gang–Dotanang, 2500–3200 m (H. Hara, H. Since preparing the flora of the Jaljale Himal Kanai, G. Murata, H. Ohashi, O. Tanaka, & T. (Ohba and Akiyama, 1992), we noticed this flow- Yamazaki 21720, 27 May 1967, TI). W side of ering cherry at Topke Gola in the most interior Thrumse La, W of Sengor 27 24Ј 91 00Ј, alt. ca. village in the Mewakhola valley. It appears to be 3600 m (A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2573, 7 a shrub with numerous slender branches. The July 1979, TI). leaves with their double sharp serrate margins, Prunus harae is known only from Bhutan. The are similar to those of the Japanese Prunus incisa specific epithet honors the late Professor Hiroshi Franch. & Sav. Hara of the University of Tokyo who organized a Prunus topkegolensis differs from P. rufa in research team to study of the flora of Bhutan in having deeply doubly serrate, glabrous leaves ex- 1967 (Hara, 1971) and who collected this cherry. cept for the pilose nerves on both surfaces, and solitary relatively small flowers with an urceolate 3) Prunus (subgen. Cerasus) taplejungnica H. calyx tube. Ohba & S. Akiyama, sp. nov. [Figs. 3, 5c, 6c] Type: E Nepal. Mechi Zone, Taplejung Distr., 2) Prunus (subgen. Cerasus) harae H. Ohba & Chairam–Andha Phedi–Dorongden, 3520 m (S. S. Akiyama, sp. nov. [Figs. 2, 5b, 6b] Noshiro, S. Akiyama, & N. Acharya 9261245, Type: Bhutan. Nala–Dou Lam Kengchow– holo-TI). Tzatogang, 3100 m (H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. Pruno rufa Hook. f. tubo calycis 7–10 mm Ohashi, O. Tanaka, & T. Yamazaki, 26 May longo, foliis ellipticis (non lanceolato ellipti- 1967, holo & iso-TI). coque obovatis) 0.8–2.7 cm latis differt. Ex affini- Petalis glabris, pilis foliorum subtus ablibis vel tate Pruni singalilensis H. Ohba & S. Akiyama ferrugineusculis, et erectis ex Pruno rufa Hook. foliis magnitudine 2.6–5.1ϫ0.8–2 (non 6.4–7ϫ f. statim dignoscenda. Ex affinitate Pruni top- 2.1–2.7) cm, subtus dense pilis crispulis ferrug- kegolensis H. Ohba & S. Akiyama tubo calycis ineis obtectis divergente. tubere, foliis lanceolatis vel anguste oblongis Shrubs. Branches slender, spreading; those of margine non profunde serratis simplicibus bene present year glabrous, greenish; those of former 136 Hideaki Ohba and Shinobu Akiyama Fig. 2. Prunus harae H. Ohba & S. Akiyama (H. Kanai et al., 26 May 1967, TI-holo). years glabrous, pale reddish purple. Leaves petio- pedicels 0.5–2.8 cm long. Calyx tube tubular- late; petiole 4–14 mm long; blade elliptic, 2.6– campanulate, 7–10 mm long; lobes triangular- 5.1ϫ0.8–2 cm at flowering, base rounded to ovate, 2–4 mm long, with brown crisped dense cuneate, margins serrate, with a gland at apex of hairs, margins serrate. Petals white, suborbicular, each serration and one gland on margin on either 5–6ϫ3–4 mm, with very sparse brown hairs. side at base, apex acute to acuminate, lower sur- Style exerted. face with brown crisped dense hairs near base. Other specimens examined. E Nepal. Mechi Flowers usually 1 or 2. Peduncle 1–2 mm long, Zone, Taplejung Distr., Topke Gola–Sewaden Four New Species of Subgenus Cerasus in Himalaya 137 Fig. 3. Prunus taplejungnica H. Ohba & S. Akiyama (S. Noshiro et al., 9261245, TI-holo). (M. Suzuki, N. Acharya, S. Akiyama, H. Koba, S. Noshiro, & K. R. Rajbhandari 9263165, 29 S. Noshiro, & K. R. Rajbhandari 9240136, 17 May 1992, TI); Ghunsa–Charmalung–Kharka– May 1992, TI); alt. 3290 m (M. Suzuki, N. Rampuk Kharka–Ghunsa, alt. 3740 m (S. Noshi- Acharya, S. Akiyama, H. Koba, S. Noshiro, & K. ro, S. Akiyama, & N. Acarya 9263201, 7 June R. Rajbhandari 9263087, 17 May 1992, TI); 1992, TI). Wolangchug Gola–Tamur-Yangma Khola junc- Prunus taplejungnica was collected in hilly tion–Cheni Kharka–Thasa Kharka, alt. 3240 m places around Taplejung, Taplejung District, (M. Suzuki, N. Acharya, S. Akiyama, H. Koba, Mechi Zone. The locality is geographically close 138 Hideaki Ohba and Shinobu Akiyama to the type locality of P.
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