page 2 ..................Opinion Have A Great Fall page 14................Senior Safety page 4 ..........................Weird News page 15............SRDA Menu page 5..................Health Read Our Op-Ed On Page 2. page 16.............Finances page 7...............Social Security & You page 18...............Senior Classifieds page 23............Light for the Journey Happy Halloween! page 22..............Fremont/Custer Menu SB SeniorIF YOU ARE 50 OR OLDER YOUBeacon SHOULD READ IT!! OCT., 2009 Vol. 28: No. 3 Established Aug., 1982 327 Consecutive Months! Social Security Cash Shortfall Next Year....... 1983, and is sure to create new pressures According to the CBO’s most recent ers retire. .......Will IOUs on Congress to make major changes that budget and economic update, there “Beneficiaries need to know whether the would raise taxes and cut benefits, warns will be a cash shortfall of $10 billion in government intends to continue paying Pay Your Bills? The Senior Citizens League (TSCL), one 2010, after recent forecasting in January their full benefits, and how that will be Alexandria, VA (September 22, of the nation’s largest nonpartisan seniors that predicted a cash surplus of $25 bil- done,” says Daniel O’Connell, Chairman 2009) A new report from the Congres- groups. The situation also is sure to prove lion. The summer report also forecasts of TSCL. Since 1983 Social Security has sional Budget Office (CBO) predicts a incendiary among retirees already un- shortfalls in six out of the next 10 years. received more in revenues than required cash shortfall in the revenues needed to easy over proposals to cut Medicare and Climbing unemployment is curtailing the to pay benefits. By law, Social Security pay the Social Security benefits of 51 mil- predictions that there will be no annual payroll taxes while enrollment is grow- revenues not immediately needed to pay lion Americans next year. This would be Social Security cost-of-living adjustment ing, as senior workers who lose their jobs benefits are used to fund other govern- the first Social Security cash crisis since (COLA) next year. turn to Social Security and Baby Boom- SEE “SHORTFALL” PAGE 3. RetireSafe To Senate: Stop Proposed Rationing RETIRESAFE to Senate: StoP Phillips. For seniors seeking the finest stressed. quality study done by the Centers for PROPOSED RatIONING OF in orthopedic or cardiac care, physician He continued, “Physician hospitals offer Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) HIGH-QUALITY HOSPItaL CARE hospitals are an obvious first choice,” the best in patient care, and rate far higher showed that patients rated physician hos- - MEDICARE NEEDS MORE Phillips said. “This outrage must not be than most of the big chain and so-called pitals 37 points higher than the national PHYSICIAN HOSPItaLS! allowed to stand, and Medicare benefici- ‘community’ hospitals they compete average, while another federal study of Washington, DC (September 24, aries must act now, before it’s too late,” against. Study after study proves that physician hospitals found the length of 2009) Today RetireSafe, representing he added. the smaller physician hospitals provide a stay was anywhere from 17 percent to 31 400,000 senior citizen supporters across “We need more of these out- higher nurse-to-patient ratio, more physi- percent shorter at specialty hospitals than America, called on the U.S. Senate, start- standing facilities to serve the growing cian control of hospital operations, and at their community counterparts,” Phil- ing with the Senate Finance Committee, millions of older Americans on Medi- minimal patient disruption during recov- lips stated. (More detailed information on to stop the proposed rationing of high- care,” Phillips emphasized. “Health care ery,” Phillips noted. hospital quality studies can be found in quality hospital care to Medicare patients. reform would deny our seniors access “A recent (August 2009) Consumer Re- the “health” section at consumerreports. “The health care reform bill now being to new physician hospitals, and put the ports study involving more than one mil- org or in the paper “Why America Needs considered in the Finance Committee ones we now have out of business,” he lion hospital patients nationwide, ranked More Physicians Hospitals” at seniorsfor- would deny Medicare beneficiaries access added. “Clearly the Finance Commit- physician hospitals as the number one cures.org.) He concluded, “Responsible to the best in hospital care by limiting the tee or the Senate should act to strike the hospital in 19 states, and near the top in Senators must stand up for better care, operation and growth of physician hospi- physician hospital limitation language the other states in which they operate,” and oppose the rationing of Medicare tals,” charged RetireSafe President Thair from the health care reform bill,” Phillips he pointed out. “One federally mandated hospital benefits at physician hospitals.” New Choices For 2010 Medicare Supplement Insurance Denver, CO. Buying health tially purchasing a Medicare Supplement currently enrolled. However individu- insurance can be one of the most confus- or who are changing companies. To date, als who want to change coverage have a ing and frustrating events for individuals insurance companies have offered stan- guaranteed enrollment for the new Me- regardless of age. The task does not be- dardized plans A-L. All plans sold in digap plans. Current Medicare beneficia- come easier as one qualifies for Medicare. Colorado offered the same benefits. For ries who choose to exercise their “Trial For some individuals, it can be even more example, Plan F was the same regardless Right” for the Medicare Health Plan be- confusing. Most individuals who turn 65 of the insurance company. The variation tween now and June 1, 2010, and who are eligible for Medicare Part A and B. In occurred with pricing and service. have gone off Medigap will not be able to addition, although voluntary, individuals Next year, insurance companies re-enroll in the original plan. should enroll in Part D as well. will no longer sell Plans E, H, I and J to The Center for Medicare and Medicare Part A covers hospital- beneficiaries new to Medicare. A slightly Medicaid Services (CMS) will be mail- ization, nursing home care, some home as out-patient hospital visits, cancer different version of plans A-D, F, K and ing notices to Medicare beneficiaries re- health care, and hospice care after the in- treatments, and emergency room visits. L will continue to be sold, with the main garding these changes. Individuals who dividual pays the deductible. Part B cov- Medicare Advantage plans may also of- change in these being the addition of Hos- receive a letter from Medicare explaining ers physician services, labs, x-rays, out- fer additional benefits such as vision and pice co-insurance to the Part A, and the the new Medigap plans and enrollment patient hospitalization, emergency room dental care. removal of preventive health care cover- rights and options who have questions visits, ambulance trips, and durable medi- Most importantly these plans age from Plan F and In-Home Recovery can call 1-800-Medicare or 303-333- cal equipment as well as many preventive often offer a coordinated care model in from Plan D. 3482. services such as flu shots, mammograms, which the care is managed and undupli- Also beginning June 1, 2010, in- To learn about these and other prostate screenings, cholesterol screen- cated services are eliminated. Individu- surance companies will have the option changes, join us at Medicare Monday on ings, and more, however, Medicare Part als who use a Medicare Advantage Plan to begin offering two new standardized November 16, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am A and B do not cover all of the costs. Part usually (unless they enroll in a Private Medigap plans, M and N. Coverage for at five locations in the Denver, Pueblo, D covers prescription drugs. Fee For Service Plan) are required to use both of these plans will be similar to the Colorado Springs, and Grand Junction. After an individual has enrolled the services of the network. This can be new Plan D, with M having a 50% co- Experts from Medicare will be available in Medicare, the beneficiary should select an advantage for people who are having insurance for the Part A deductible and to share information and answer ques- either a Medicare Advantage plan (Part difficulty identifying a physician who ac- Plan N having a coinsurance of $20 for a tions, as well as many of the health plans. C) or a Medicare Supplement to cover cepts Medicare. physician visit and $50 for an outpatient For more information, call 303-333- the deductibles, co-payments, and co-in- The findings of the National emergency room visit. Individuals who 3482. surance that is not covered by Medicare. Committee indicate that 80% of Medi- have Plan F will continue to have the Eileen Doherty, M.S. is the Executive According to the National Com- care beneficiaries are enrolled in original most comprehensive coverage of Part A Director of Senior Answers and Services mittee to Preserve Social Security and and B deductibles, co-payments, and ex- and the Colorado Gerontological Society. Medicare with a Medicare Supplement. She has more than 35 years of experi- Medicare, approximately 20% of the Individuals usually purchase a Medicare cess charges by the providers. ence in gerontology in administration, population is enrolled in Medicare Ad- Supplement to cover the costs not cov- Medicare beneficiaries who are research, training and education, and vantage Plans. These plans usually of- ered by Medicare for Parts A and B. already enrolled in a Medigap plan will clinical practice. She can be reached at fer lower monthly premiums but require Medicare has recently announced not see any changes in coverage. The 303-333-3482 or at [email protected].
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