MARCH, 1966 VOL. II, NO. 2 HSUS Raiders Hit Two Maryland NOTICE Dog Dealers., Rescue Sick., Injured The Humane Society of the United States offers a reward of $1,000 Dogs Bound for Medical Research for information supplied to any humane society leading to arrest Massive, late January raids against two Maryland dog dealers were and conviction of any wholesale launched by HSUS field men as the Society's continuing war against cruel dealer in dogs or cats who know­ and unscrupulous laboratory animal suppliers entered its sixth consecu­ ingly buys stolen animals. Other tive year. The raids followed undercover investigation of dog suppliers humane societies are authorized in the state and were carried out with the cooperation of the Maryland to publicize this reward through State Police. newspapers, radio, posters, or bul­ First hit was a Dachau type concentration camp for dogs operated by letins to members. dog dealer Lester Brown of White Hall, Md., a supplier of animals to research laboratories who was con­ victed of cruelty to animals in early 1963 on charges brought by The Humane Education Spans Nation HSUS. The raid was staged under As Publicity Reaches Millions the direction of HSUS Field Service Di­ rector Frank McMahon working closely Humane education on a massive scale pets can end up in experimental labora­ with Capt. Thomas S. Smith of the was the most important outgrowth of tories. A well illustrated article in the Maryland state police. The raiding recent HSUS anti-cruelty activities. It February 4 issue of Life was especially party included a veterinarian and rep­ is estimated that more than 100,000,000 effective in exposing the kind of cruel .J;esentatives from Life magazine. people were reached through national holding "facility" used by many dealers More than 100 dogs were found in magazine, television, radio and news­ and the profiteering motive that stimu­ various stages of deterioration. Many paper publicity. Mail now piling into lates greedy and unscrupulous dealers were sick, injured or starving. One fe­ HSUS headquarters shows that a sub­ to increase profits by starving and neg­ male dog, which had recently given birth stantial percentage of these people heard lecting animals. to a litter, was discovered frozen to death or read about cruelties in the procure­ The same general issues were demon­ in a box. The veterinarian, Dr. Richard ment of animals for research for the first strated on The CBS News with Walter F. Faber, diagnosed at least fifteen ani­ time. Shocked public response strongly Cronkite program in late January. The mals as being so emaciated that they indicates that remedial measures at program was telecast in two parts and would have to be euthanized. Water and all levels of government will receive added significantly to the nationwide cattle entrails being used for food were stronger support than ever before. coverage of cruelty in research animal frozen and, in some cases, partially Most of the publicity centered on lab­ supply. rotted. oratory animal dealer operations and, in Pageant and Popular Dogs magazines Brown was charged with 29 counts an area where literally billions of tax devoted feature articles to the same sub­ of cruelty to animals, each charge carry­ money are devoted to medical research, ject while Associated Press and United ing a possible maximum penalty of $100 the incredibly uncontrolled and hap­ Press International reports on HSUS (Continued on page 4) hazard system in which stolen family (Continued on page 5) Stiff Slaughter Battle Despite a deliberately contrived Rep. Poage Sponsors N·ew Bill, Secret HSUS Agent Investigates "shoddy" appearance, and dubious hack­ Certain in Two States, ground history of legitimate business in Schedules Hearing as Dealer Lab Animal Dealers, Gathers research animals, the HSUS undercover Swift Action Needed agent was able to apply for a contract to Proof of Wholesale Cruelty supply animals to .the National Institutes Legislation Moves Toward Victory Bills requiring the use of humane of Health. He was interviewed and an slaughtering techniques for food animals For almost six months The HSUS has and festered with thousands of flies. idealistic set of standards suggested to Despite the opposition of research­ fourteenth Washington legislator to have been introduced in the New York been secretly investigating dog dealers " . About 200 dogs on prem­ him that he knew, from HSUS investi­ oriented organizations, proposed Fed­ sponsor such legislation. and New Jersey legislatures. Similar and other laboratory animal suppliers to ises. Most had separate dog houses gations of NIH suppliers, were not being eral legislation to regulate dealers who It is believed that Representatives legislation introduced in previous years establish the extent of nationwide traffic to which they were tied by a very followed even in slight degree by most supply animals to research laboratories Poage, Long, and Minshall were influ­ has been successfully opposed by a mi­ in research animals, uncover evidence of short chain ( 3 to 4 feet long). dealers. A dealer who had previously is making promising progress and pros­ enced to introduce their bills by the tre­ nority of packers and Jewish organiza­ the cruel conditions under which many About 25 to 30 dogs were chained been charged with cruelty to animals pects are bright that an effective bill like mendous publicity generated by HSUS tions despite the enactment of such leg­ of these animals are kept, determine the to stakes in the ground where no was then suggested as having an "ideal the Resnick bill, H.R. 9743, will be exposure of cruel conditions under which islation by the Federai government and number of stolen pets channeled through housing was present . no food setup" which Hogan might like to see enacted this year. animals for research are kept. The pub­ 18 states. such dealers to research institutions, and was observed. The ground around and use as a guide. licity, centered around the HSUS raids Representative W. R. Poage of Texas, A stiff battle is expected in New York develop testimony for presentation to the dog houses was covered with In revealing Hogan's investigative ac­ described elsewhere in this News, Chairman of the U. S. House of Repre­ and New Jersey if the bills introduced Congress for remedial action. feces. Many . were sick and tivities, HSUS President Oliver Evans prompted an unprecedented flow of in­ sentatives Subcommittee on Livestock this year are to be passed. Already, The undercover investigator, Declan starving.... emphasized that enough dealer opera­ dignant and protesting letters to Wash­ and Feed Grains which is considering tremendous pressure has been applied Hogan, was equipped with a suitable ". On the porch at this time tions were involved to preclude the pos­ ington urging support for the Resnick this legislation, has now introduced his to N.Y. Assemblyman Max Turshen and vehicle, provided with proper creden­ were crates filled with pigeons, sibility of separate action against each bill, H.R. 9743. These new developments own bill, thus giving a powerful boost Senator Kenneth R. Willard, sponsors of tials, and turned loose as a potential stacked about five feet high. Along­ one. He said that the extent of cruelty provide an unusual opportunity for hu­ to early action by Congress. The Poage The HSUS supported bill in their state. buyer and seller of dogs, cats and other side . were others loaded with uncovered could not he effectively elimi­ manitarians to make their wishes known bill, H.R. 12488, is substantially differ­ The Turshen and Willard bills, Assem­ animals for research. He was thus· able wild raccoons. The raccoons had nated without Federal legislation and to Congress, according to HSUS Presi­ ent from bills introduced earlier. While bly Intro. No. 1598 and Senate Intro. to work his way into the devious under­ no difficulty reaching across the Hogan's documented testimony before dent Oliver Evans. generally good, it will need strengthen­ No. 940, would protect more than 98% world of wholesale dealers in laboratory pigeons' crates, clawing them to Congress is expected to exert powerful "The scheduling of these additional ing amendments which The HSUS in­ of all animals slaughtered for food in animals and obtain valuable inside in­ death and even devouring them influence upon legislators considering hearings gives real promise of enactment tends to propose at the next Congres­ New York. formation that would otherwise have while some were still alive. " the Resnick hill and similar legislation. of an effective law," Evans said. "Letters sional hearings. The amendments will been unobtainable. In some cases, the of support are tremendously important The campaign in New York urgently ensure that the Poage bill, if enacted, will information has been used as a basis for now both to an individual's own Con­ needs the help and support of all hu· effectively stop cruelty in the procure· cruelty charges against specific dealers gressmen and to Chairman Poage. Mr. manitarians there. Letters in support of ment of animals for medical research. but much of it is being kept confidential Poage should be congratulated upon his the Turshen-Willard bills should he writ­ for testimony in favor of remedial legis­ Chairman Poage has also scheduled support of remedial legislation and asked ten immediately to individual Assembly­ lation at the Congressional hearings on Congressional hearings of testimony for to give serious consideration to the Res­ men and Senators and to the sponsors March 7 and 8. and against his bill. They are slated for nick bill, H.R. 9743, as well as his own. themselves. March 7 and 8 before the Subcommittee Humanitarians should not forget that In New Jersey, Assemblymen John W. Without disclosing important details on Livestock and Feed Grains. The first Congressmen Poage and Resnick are the Davis and Joseph J.
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