Volume XIII, NO. 7 Flagler College, St. Augustine, Florida . January 31, 1983 c~iZket Saints' soccer coach Bob Moullin {left) proudly displays his Florida Coach of the Year to come 82/83 Award. Players Aldyn Royes and Mike Deluliis· hold the NAIA District 25 .trophy and Jon Brunson (kneeling) hold~ the Bo b Wilso n Trophy. After their vic­ torious season the Saints will play e X hi bit i On game S th r OU g h OU t th i S semester. to Flagler - (Flagler photo·by Guy Olney) Cricket, the hallowed sport of England, · Australia and the West.Indies is finally to find its way to St. Augustine. Jv1oullin voted Coach of the .Year With the increasing number of Englishmen (and women) at Flagler, and interest in the game, plans are under way to Saints' soccer coach, Bob Moullin was voted District 25 hold a cricket match one afternoon this semester. · Coach of the Year for 1982 by the District 25 coaches, at The Saints also received the 1982 Bob Wilson award; an For the uninitiated, cricket is an 11-man team ball~ me the end of the Saints' successful season. Moullin was award for outstanding team sportsmanship and character. which originated in England and spread to the colonies. awarded a certificate and nominated for area coach of the This was given by the Central Florida International Soccer Baseball owes its origins to cricket. year. _ - Officials' Association. Organizers, soccer coach Bob Moullin and Gargoyle Moullin picked up a second award when he was voted While Moullin was honored to receive these awards he editor Fenella Burns plan to involve the soccer and - coach of the year by the Florida Intercollegiate Soccer said, "I couldn't have done it without the players, they baseball teams in the match, and it is hoped that students, Coaches Association. After receiving this award he had to win the games. A coach needs good players to receive faculty and members of the community will attend. The coach the All-State first team. these awards - these are their awards as well." date has been provisionally set for March_2 6. Non-Ptoftt Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID St. Auvuatin&Florlda ii,;;-;~~--------- -, · Pwmit No. 14. I Calendar. ... Letter. -..... Editorial,. page 2 f I photo features ....... ... pages 6 ~nd 7 ..... pages 8 and 9- I I Sports ...................... · · · · · . · · · · · · · · page 10 I .-.C>--.c,--.c,--.c,--.c-------~---~--,. .. _ Page 2, The Ga oyle, Jan. 31, 1983 Editorial i·=·: .... :;,::-::: ............ :.: ..........................: ...... : .... ::::::::,:,:::::.:-:-:._.·:-:-:-:-:_:-:_:-:-:.:.::_'._. \ .:~ --- -··.:,·-·.-.---,(~ ---=-----··.····, Hello! ·. Do you_have a~y comm~nts or suggestions about Fla~e~ Welcome back to a beautiful spring semester in the Sun­ College? Sornethmg you ,need to get off yoUE chest? • , Calendar shine State -,- 50 degrees, wind and rain! Then put pen to, paper and write to the "Letters t0 the I _hope you all had a good vacation, my Christmas was Editor" page. _ great. London was fun and not too cold. But now we all Letters must be signed and we .reserve the right to edit of events have to get back to studying - always difficult after a long any material submitted. Please address ·material to "The break! Gargoyle" and put it in the Information Services box\ in the piailroom. · · · · · · FEB. 1- This semester The Gargoyle is undergoing some changes English Major's night and improvements. As it is now required of journalism students to participate in the newspaper, there will be a :-:-:·:·.-.-.-:·:·:---.-.:.:.:--------.-.-.-.-.-.-.----------:.:.,jjlllif).:'-:-:-------:---:---:-:::-:::-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:::-:::::-:::::::::;-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:::-:-:-:·:-:::::::·:-:-:-:·=·:·:·:·----:·:·:::·:::::;-::::::::: greater variety of features involving extra-curricular ac­ FEB. 2 - tivities and off-campus events. · Spirit, 8 p.m., West Venido Room. There are some exciting on-c_ampus events planned for this semester. February sees the start of the regular season FEB.-3 - for men's and women's tennis and baseball and a season of Letter to Men's tennis vs. FJC home. exhibition games for the soccer team. Other important dates to note in February are Friday 4, the last day for FEB. 4 - schedule ,changes, Monday 14, St. Valentine's Day and the Editor Men's tennis vs. Palm Beach C.C. home Saturday 26, Special Olympics. 'Last day for schedule changes. The first weekend ·in March is Parents' Weekend, when To The Editor: there 's always a full program of sports, a drama produc­ This morning, at 3 o'clock we had one of our infamous FEB. 5 - tion and numerous opportunities for parents to discover "fire drills." As a group of us walked back to our rooms, a Women's tennis vs. r.A.U. home. how you really spend your time at Flagler! At the end of student, standing in the doorway of her room, looked at Men's basketball vs. Webber home March it is hoped to hold a cricket match at Flagler Field. us and said, "You were fools to go down." Soccer coach Bob Moullin, baseball coach Glenn Aspin­ What really happened this morning was rumored to be a 7:30 p.m. wall and I are .organizng a game between the soccer and malfunction of the fire alarm system. Though this has hap­ FEB. 7 - baseball teams. It'll be a lot of fun, especially if you've .· pened before, I feel that we should participate when the Circle K, 7:30 p.m., P-1. never seen the great English game of cricket played before. firm alarm goes off instead of taking the risk of it being the Watch The Gargoyle for details! real thing and possibly the loss of a life . SGA, 8 p.m., P-1. April brings Homecoming and Alumni weekends and, One day, while walking back from class, I heard one stu­ Women's basketball vs. Edward Waters, before we know it, finals and the end of another school dent say triumphantly to another, "I solved the problem home, 5 p.m. year. of my smoke alarm going _off whenever I smoke. I turned Men's basketball vs. Edward Waters. A new regular feature in The Gargoyle.will be a topical the battery backwards in the smoke detector." . ' home, 7:30 p.m. greetings/ messages/ personal section. The next issue, It's a real shame that people are unwilling to participate February 14, will of course provide the opportunity for in a fire drill bee~... ,, they wanno sleep or because they're FEB. 8 - readers to send Valentines greetings. Messages must be afraid of being ~-=-e1, in their pajam~. Women's tennis vs. D.B.C.C., home. sent clo The Gargoyle and put in the Information Services It's also a pi~y that when we are provided with smoke Women's basketball vs. St. Leo, home, box in the Mailroom. The deadline for Valentines detectors; some students feel inconvenienced by them and greetings is 4:30 p.m. Thursday February 4. turn the battery around. 7:30 p.m. Let's hope the weather improves soon! All I can say is - I wonder who the real fools are. · Fenelia J. Burns - Editor. FEB. 9 - Desiree Dederick Spirit, 8 p.m., West Venido Room .. FEB . .11 - Men's basketball vs. Nova, home, We're No.1!-Intramural football 7:30 p.m. FEB .' 12 :.__ Women's -tennis vs. Broward C. C. home Armory Dance. FEB. 13 - Women's tennis vs. FIU, home. FEB. 14 - St. Valentine's Day. Circle K, 7:30 p.m., P-1. SGA, 8 p.m., p:1. THE GARGOYLE An Official News Publication of Flagler College St. Augustine, Florida 32084 EDITOR: Fenella J. Burns FEATURE/ASSIGNMENT EDITOR: Kevin McKillop ADVERTISING SALES: Eilleen Keener &Patty Scott The victorious girls intramural football cham­ Linda Cook. (Front row, left) Lori Yourell, Jen­ pions. (Back row, left to right) Anne Furry, nifer Wetzel, Patty Waslowski, Debbie Tapley, Terry Kenny, Jeanne Baillet, Linda Evans and Carol Mori.n and Jodi O'Barto. ADVISOR: Joanita M. Nellenbach . Flagler College photo Three ·faculty;promotions Three Flagler professors have beeri promoted and were honored recently at a recejption in the President's Dining Room. Those promoted are Dr. Winona Schulte, pro­ fessor of education; Dr. Jerry Noloboff, associate pro­ Final production fessor of psychology; and William Kearney, assistant pro­ fessor of mathematics. Beginning her Flagler career in 1968, Schulte teaches ~a hit social foundations of education and methods of teaching science and social studies in elementary schools. She By NORA STROOP oversees placement of student teachers in the schools where they will serve their internships and she and other Two lonely elderly wo~en, abai'idoned-in a rest home _ Flagler education teachers visit them in their classroom by their families, steal an even older man (who is ·in a situations to_monitor thei1' progress. · coma) from the men's ward. Their attempts to take care of ~ . I him and to hide him from the nurses set the stage for Schulte received her doctor of education degree from the . Megan Terry's "The Gloaming, Oh My Darling," the University of Florida in 1974. Her bachelor's and master's Flagler College Theater Conservatory's final fall degrees also are from the University of Florida. production. She also has taught fourth and fifth grades at Moseley : The play which ran Dec. 9-11 at the Government Hous~ Elementary School in Palatka. : Theatre, _was directed by senior Mark Hunter. In her free time, Schulte enjoys traveling and then Though confusing at times, "The Gloaming, Oh My creating slide programs about the places she and her hus­ · Darling" revealed the reality of loneliness and old age ' band, William, visit. He is an engineer with Georgia through humor and some confusing but intriguing Pacific in Palatka. .dialogue and action.
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