Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org The W oter+ow n- Oak v i 11 Ztimee - Mi ddl ebu ry Week I y s Timely Coverage Of News fn The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfiefd County VOL. 22 NO. 1064 Subscription Price, $3.75 Per/Year Price 10 Cents MAY 29. 1968 State Rejects Plea: To Set Steele Brook Encroachment Lines Despite pleas that, action be de- layed, 'the State Water Resources Gilbert Christie Elected Commission has voted to estab- lish proposed channel encroach- ment lines along Steele Brook: Rd. To Head Local Chamber .in Watertown and. Waierbury. cers, Mr. Angrave, Francis R. The action was taken at a, meet- Gilbert B. Christie, of the Wa- ing of the Commission on May APRIL C1PULLO, right, president of the Watertown Chap- tertown Building Supply Co., was Kamlnski, of March's Paarmacy, H. Raymond SJostedt, of Water- 24,, 'the Town. Council was told ter of Future Business Leaders of America, was elected elected. President of' 'the Water- Monday by Chairmin Richard C. towa-Oakvllle Chamber of' Com- town Mfg. Co., and Atty. Sher- President of die State'Chapter at the recent State Conven- man ~ R. Slavin were elected to B'ozzuto. Mr. Bozzuto said he was tion at Central Connecticut State College, New Britain. At merce at Che fifth annual ban- going to write to the Commission quet Wednesday at, the West- the Board of Directors for three left is Lynn Simons, who was elected State Reporter. year terms. Hatiring directors once again to ask that It change bury Room. its decision, but, held out little George R. Angrave, of the Wa- were Dr. Wilbur Caney, John S, Ferguson, and Henry Seebach. hope that this could be accom- terbury Savings Bank, was elect- plished. Local Girl Heads State ed vice-president, and, Frank Mar- Guest speaker at, the banquet deill,, 'Of Heminway & Bartlett was Sixth, District Congressman The possibility of channel en- Mfg. Co., treasurer. 'Thomas J. MesJdll. The Qrio- croachment lines, or a flood 1 cos, of T'aft School, entertained. control plan, being established Future Business Leaders Prior to the election 'O* .offi- arose much more than a year Miss 'April Clpullo, president of Mr. and, Mrs. Matthew Cipullo, ag'O after complaints 'by resi- of the Watertown. Chapter of the 23 HJllcrest Ave., Cakville. dents along Westbury Park Rd. Future Business Leaders of Lynn, Simons, daughter of Mr. Christ Church Country resulted, to a meeting at. Water- America, was elected to the of- and, Kirs. Peter Simons,, 47 Rock- town. High School with officials fice of State President for the dale Ave.,, 'dakvlile, was elected m Oil from, the State Water Resources 1968-69 year, at, the recent Con- State Reporter. Commission and the State De- Watertown was awarded first, FQIT partment 'Of Agriculture. After necticut State Gun/Button of FBLA The annual Christ Church Coun- 10 a.m.f a Clothing and. B.ook at Central Connecticut State Col- pi ace In the public speaking com- try Fair planned rain or shine Sale, Country Store, Handicraft listening to the stories of pol- lege,, Mew Britain. Hitrty-one petition through the efforts of for Saturday, June 1, from 10 a.m. Booth, and a giant midway. Lunch- lution and flooding from the resi- members of the local Chapter Kathy Gilbert, a. j-inlor, who spoke to 5 p.m. will be' preceded by a eon will, be served to the Parish dents, the state 'agencies agreed attended. on "'Encouraging and Practicing parade according to Mrs. Robert. to make .surveys along .Steele Hall from, 1,1:30 to 2, and a snack Brook: to determine what 'they Miss ClpullQ is the daughter (Continued On Page 8) Benner and Mrs. Clayton Spencer, (Continued, 'On, Page 8) co-chairmen of the event. might do. 'The Oakvllle-Watertown Fife Sgt. DeBe ned i ct i s As a result, the state announc- and Dram Corps and, the Taft ed a Ifttle more than, a year' ago Highway Dept. Won't Ask School Band will march in the Being Assigned that. it. was proposing to estab- parade along with Sunday School lish channel encroachment lines, 'To Vietnam, Duty past which no buildings or 'Ob- Return Of Road A i •will start at 9:30' a.m.. from, Christ structions would be allowed, along Church and proceed down Wood- A committee of their friends the stream to, Watertown and Waterbury. The proposal,, once The State 'Highway Department paper streets., Joseph Zuraltls, ruff Ave. to Main, and then up and neighbors have announced a who owns property on French Main to the Green for the 'open- Bon, Voyage and Testimonial Din- property 'Owners saw where the is planning no action at 'this time proposed lines would be, brought to recover funds paid to Water- Mountain, had. contended that the ing of 'the Fair'. ner for SFC 'and Mrs. William De- 'The Fair will 'Offer a variety of Benedlctls, of Oakville, to be held town over the past 20 years or road, once was an accepted town (Continued On Page 15} more for' 'two local, roads which road and never has, 'been aban- attractions for all ages. 'There Tuesday, June 11, .at 7:30 p.m. at apparently are private, rather doned. will 'be an Auction starting .at ' (Continued On Page 8) than, public. Robert Giordan, The roads to, question are Plea- Chosen To Design sant 'View Ave,, south of Short St., to Qakvllle, and French 'Moun- Official Town, Seal tain Rd., off Lltchfleld Rd. Robert Giordan, of 70 Edward A, spokesman, for the Highway Ave., has been chosen 'from, among Department said this week, 'that six artists to prepare a, 'design town, officials contacted, 'the de- for an 'Official town, seal, the Town, partment April 8 to' Inform 'them Council was, told Monday. of the two roads and ask they A committee consisting of Town be removed 'from., the- list of ' Council Chairman Richard c. unimproved roads for which state Bozzuto, Mrs. John. Wynn, John aid funds are paid each year. Korls, Muriel Gustne and Town 'The spokesman said the' last Manager Alia F. Muglia, picked. list of roads was prepared, at one of five designs submitted the start, of 'this 'Calendar year, 'by Mr. Giordan which, with some and the two roads "Will betaken modifications, will be 'developed off the next list. into tie town's 'first seal. Mr. Muglia said he hopes, to have "The" Public Works Committee 'the seal, ready to be placed on the of the Town Council has agreed cover of the 'Town, Report, for 'that some work should 'be 'done 1966-67, which still has not gone on Pleasant 'View to provide re- to the printer. The Council, with, lief for 'the one: resident at the the three'Democratic Councilmen end of the road, who finds it tn opposition, voted Monday to almost: impossible to drive 'to transfer $2,100 from tie contin- and from, ^ his home. Just what gency fund to 'the Item for' 'the work will be done has not been town, report to cover 'the cost of decided. printing,,, which Mr. Muglia placed at $3,500. He said the report, At Monday's meeting of "the AM ERIC Al^* FIELD SERVICE Club officers at 'Watertown High School for the 1968-69 sea- much changed from What 'he called Council 'the committee said It son were elected recently and are pictured with their faculty advisors. The new 'Officers last year's lack-luster report, has found nothing to' Indicate will have many responsibilities in the 1968 summer dance program, starting: in July. Lett will, be printed by Heminway that French Mountain Rd. ever to right, first row. are:-. Miss Barbara Barnes, advisor; Elizabeth Kusaila, secretary; Kris- Press, which was awarded the was an. accepted, 'town road, and, tine Lombardo, president; and .Susan. Kirk, treasurer. In the back row are advisors Edward job through negotiation rather recommended 'that 'the street be Flaherty and Mrs. Chick. Cichette. - considered with other so-called (Continued, 'On, Page 16) Property of the Watertown Historical Society Page 2-Ttwm Times (Watertown, Conn.), May 30,1188 is under way to make available watertownhistoricalsociety.orgproposal 'were Mrs. Edwin .Hlers- tor mm a section of the fair winski, 'Mrs. Allen Pterson, Mrs. • grounds .not previously employed Charles F. Woodward, Mrs. Ed- lor fair use. The 'Completed ward ^Spencer Jr., Mrs. John project Is expected 'to provide' Traub, 'Mrs. Frederick Wohlers, space for auto .parking... Plans - Mrs. 'Dana, Shaw, Mrs. John. Wal- lor this year's fair include Ini- ters, Mrs. .Robert Adamson and tiation of a free shoWe-bus .serv- " Mrs. Emery Merrill,. ice from parking lots: to Jalr ac- Coming events, at the Federated, 1 tivities due to the constantgrowth 'Church include sponsorship'by the of 'the area used, for tte fair. .. .Afternoon, Women*' Association Directors of tte fair 'have also of the Simsbury Light Opera Com- voted- to increase size of Its „ pany's presentation of Gilbert and building and grounds committee! Sullivan's "Trial by JUry" to 'be' by adding as - members Paul seen an,d heard In, Bellamy 'Han. Woike, Titomas Kelley, Ames on - June 7 .. • Children's Day Is 'to be observed, in, 'the' Fed- (CoatiKied On' Page 1} erated Church June 9,, with all departments of the Church School presenting some aspect of their 'work. .,. There will be a baptism service tor Infante and children and parents of children to be bap- ICE CitEAM STOtt '.. tized at the time are asked, to' Straits Turnpike, Watertown contact: the pastor, the Rev. Fran- cis Hawes. Weekend Special Retirement from duties on be- half of tte "Bethlehem Fair by two Friday, Saturday & Sunday workers, each of whom has serv- .
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