6 / jutteraT W . 1 SCRIPTA I /v ^ 1 m a a £ t | ^ 7 \J\ VOLUME 16 NUMBER 66 . Washington, Thursday, April 5, 1951 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT DONE at the City of Washington this second day of April in the year of our CONTENTS PROCLAMATION 2921 Lord nineteen hundred and THE PRESIDENT [seal] fifty-one, and of tfie Independ­ àrmed F orces Day, 1951 ence of the United States of Proclamation Page America the one hundred and seventy- Armed Forces Day, 1951____ ___ 2953 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES fifth. OF AMERICA H arry S. T ruman EXECUTIVE AGENCIES a proclamation By the President: Agriculture Department WHEREAS the armed forces of the Dean Acheson, See Animal Industry Bureau; En­ United States, having dedicated them­ Secretary of State. tomology and Plant Quarantine selves unselfishly to the service of their, [F. R. Doc. 51-4138; Filed, Apr. 4, 1951; Bureau; Farmers Home Admin­ 8:57 a. m.] istration; Production and Mar- country, are now fighting and dying on keting1 A* Administration.a J ,v , , foreign soil in defense of the principles of freedom which this Nation has cher­ TITLE 6—AGRICULTURAL CREDIT Alien Property, Office of * Notices : ished since its birth; and Chapter III— Farmers Home Adminis­ WHEREAS it is appropriate that we Vesting orders, etc.: tration, Department of Agriculture Ikert, Mrs. Lilly____________ 2995 dedicate one day each year to paying Keteisen, Ernest J________ 2995 tribute to the armed forces and to ren­ Subchapter B Farm Ownership Loans P art 311—B asic R egulations . Krautheim, Richard________ 2994 dering homage to them as the defenders Wiikens, William and Bar­ of our people, our Nation, and our demo­ Subpart B—Loan Limitations bara Marie Leonti ne_____ 2994 cratic way of life: AVERAGE VALUES OF FARMS AND INVESTMENT Yoshizumi, Yasumasa______ 2995 NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. LIMITS; MICHIGAN Animal Industry Bureau TRUMAN, President of the United States For the purposes of title I of the Rules and regulations: of America, do hereby proclaim Satur­ Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as Rinderpest, and foot-and- day, May 19, 1951, as Armed Forces amended, the average value of efficient mouth disease, prohibited and Day; and I invite the Governors of the family-type farm-management units restricted importations; for­ States, Territories, and possessions of and the investment limit for the county eign cured or cooked meats the United States to provide for the cel­ identified below are determined to be from countries where rinder­ ebration of that day in such manner as as herein set forth. The average value pest or foot-and-mouth dis­ to honor the members of our armed and the investment limit heretofore es­ ease exists__ ______________ 2955 forces. tablished for said county, which appear Army Department in the tabulations of average values and As Commander in Chief of the armed investment limits under § 311.30, Chap­ Rules and regulations: forces of the United States, I direct the ter III, Title 6 of the Code of Federal Personnel; decorations, medals, Secretary of Defense and the Secretaries Regulations 13 F. R. 9381). are hereby ribbons, and similar devices; of the Army, Navy, and Air Force to mark superseded by the average value and the miscellaneous amendments_ 2957 the designated day with appropriate investment limit set forth below for said Civil Aeronautics Administration ceremonies, and to cooperate with civil county. Notices : authorities in suitable observances of the Michigan Organization and functions___ 2975 day. Commerce Department County Average Investment I also request my fellow citizens to dis­ value limit See Civil Aeronautics Administra­ play the flag of the United States on tion; National Production Au­ Armed Forces Day, and by fitting exer­ Gogebic_________ $10,000 $10,000 thority. cises to demonstrate their recognition of Defense Department (Sec. 41, 60 9tat. 1066; 7 U. S. C., 1015. Inter­ the gallantry, sacrifice, and devotion to prets or applies secs, ß, 44, 60 ßtat. 1074,1069; See Army Department. duty of the men and women of the armed 7 U. S. C., 1003, 1018) Economic Stabilization Agency forces. Issued this 30th day of March 1951. See Price Stabilization, Office of. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ > [seal] Charles F. Br annan, Entomology and Plant Quaran­ unto set my hand and caused the Seal of Secretary of Agriculture. tine Bureau the United States of America to be [F. R. Doc. 51-4053; Filed, Apr. 4, 1951; Proposed rule making: affixed. 8:49 a. m.] Beetles, white-fringed'________ 2972 2953 2954 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Page Federal Reserve System Securities and Exchange Com- Page Rules and regulations: mission— Continued Real estate credit (Reg. X ): Notices—Continued Participating share in coop­ Hearings, etc.—Continued erative development (Int. Public Service Co. of Okla­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, 3 0 )________ ______ _____ 2969 homa __________________ 2993 and days following official Federal holidays, State and municipal pro­ State Department by the Federal Register Division, National grams---------------------- -— 2969 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ See German Affairs Bureau. ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ General Services Administration Territories, Office of thority contained in the Federal Register Notices: Notices: Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Delegation of authority to Sec­ Executive order of Governor of amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ retary of the Interior with re­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Guam relating to quarantine mittee of the Federal Register, approved by spect to disposal of power regulations------ _—-------- ;— 2974 lines____ l— -------------------- 2990 the President. Distribution is made only by Treasury Department the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ German Affairs Bureau Rules and regulations: ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Notices: Bureau of Accounts; deposit of The regulatory material appearing herein 2074 is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Purchase and sale of securities. public moneys and payment which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Transfer between foreigners of of Government, checks; mis­ to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as blocked DM balances located cellaneous amendments------- 2955 amended June 19, 1937. in area of Federal territory- 2974 U. S. savings bonds— ------------ 2956 The F ederal R egister will be furnished by * Series E : mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 interior Department per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Delegation of authority to Secre­ Maturing; options open to advance. The charge for individual copies tary with respect to disposal of owners____________ -— 2956 (minimum 154) varies in proportion to the power lines (see General Serv­ Offering_________________ 2956 size of the issue. Remit check or money ices Administration). Series F and G; offering------ 2956 order, made payable to the Superintendent See Territories, Office of. Veterans’ Administration of Documents, directly to the Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. G. % Interstate Commerce Commis­ Rules and regulations: There are no restrictions on the republica­ Servicemen’s Readjustment Act; sion loan guaranty, miscellaneous tion of. material appearing in the F ederal Notices: R egister. Applications for relief: amendments; correction------ 2972 Conduit or pipe from New Wage and Hour Division Orleans, La., to Pensacola, Notices: Now Available Fla—_------ —------- ----------- 2990 Learner employment certifi­ Freight, all, from Chicago and cates; issuance to various in­ St. Louis groups to Texas.. 2991 dustries __________________ 2987 HANDBOOK OF EMERGENCY Iron cans, old, from New War Claims Commission Orleans, La., to Chatta­ DEFENSE ACTIVITIES 2991 Rules and regulations: nooga, Tenn-------------------- Appeals; hearing procedures— 2972 Iron or steel, scrap, from Mil­ March 1951 Edition waukee, Wis., to Hamilton, Published by the Federal Register Division, Ontario------------------------— 2990 CODIFICATION GUIDE the National Archives and Records Service, . Liquors, malt, from Terre A numerical list of the parts of the Code General Services Administration Haute, Ind--------------------- 2992 of Federal Regulations affected by documents Soup mix from Texas ports to published in this issue. Proposed rules, as 92 PAGES— 25 CENTS points in Texas—------------ 2991 opposed to final actions, are identified as Syrup, flavoring, from Balti­ such. more, Md., to Canton, Ohio. 2991 Order from Superintendent of Documents, Title 3 Page United States Government Printing Office, Justice Department Chapter I (Proclamations); Washington 25, D. C. See Alien Property, Office of. 2921 ___ !____ ______________ 2953 Labor Department Title 6 See Wage and Hour Division. Chapter III: CONTENTS— Continued National Production Authority" Part 311 (2 documents) — 2953,2955 Rules and regulations: Title 7 Farmers Home Administration PaS® Copper and copper-base alloys, Chapter III: Rules and regulations: use (M-12)_______________- 2957 Farm ownership loan limita­ Iron and steel, use (M-47)_— 2968 Part 301 (proposed) —________ 2972 tions; average values of Nickel (M-14)---------------------- 2963 Title 9 farms and investment lim- Price Stabilization, Office of Chapter I: Notices : Part 94____________________ -- 2955 Michigan--------------------------- 2953 North Star Woolen Mill Co. ; ceil­ Title 31 Puerto Rico___________ _— - 2955 ing prices at retail (CPR 7) — 2989 Chapter II: Federal Communications Com­ Production
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