V„. ytm THE W I T H E R KET PRESS RUN roNOMt br V. S. Weather'BnMo, AVERAGE DAUiT CIRCUliATION New Havea OF THE EVENING UBRALP for the month of Janij^ry, 1027, Snow or rain and, wanner to> V] 4,966 nil^t. Sunday rain, wanner. MANCHESTER, C0?n^.i SATURDAY* FEBRUARY 5, 1927. (tJw ELVR PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XU ., NO. 108. Ciasslfied Adrertising on Page 6 BUPERSHERE To Close Dirty Shows CONN. CO. PROMISES As Public Nuisances IMPROVED SERWCE VOTE TO HGHI WAGE INCREASE New York Authorities, Disgusted With Stage AS GREAT BATTLE t Delay, Have Plenty of Law, WOMAN LOSES JOB 'I . ■ I Officials Tell Herald They THEN DIBS IN STORM They Declare. Montreal, Feb. 5.— Mrs. Eva Carpenters’ Demands For $1 Plan Drastic Changes Riedel, 57, was frozen to death Sun, Shanghais Defender, during the blizzard which has New York, Feb. 6.— Without without aeIa;Hng until an outraged swept this section for two days. a Day More WiD Be Op­ waiting any longer for the theater public sentiment demands sf^te Here— South Manchester censorship.” Her body was discovered partly to censor itself from within, the Hard Pressed in Conflict covered by a snow drift. She had posed— Budding Due For Mr. M c^ughlin said each police been dismissed from her posi­ Police GommUsloner and the Inspector would therefore be re- Line to Benefit— Main nflnded today "the hands-off-the- tion In LachIne, and altl^ough trict Attorney of New York County SUE PARISH PRIEST thinly clad had evidently faced Let-Up They Say. announced yesterday afternoon that theater policy Is over” and the In­ CH Eie FOR rr FOR LINKING NAMES. Street to Be Repaired. the blizzard in an effort to they would undertake the task for spector will be held responsible for Fall of Hangchow to Sonth- reach the street car which would the city, beginning today. closing any objectlqnable play in Building contractors in Man­ Hull, Que., Feb. 5.— ^Notwy take her home. She is believed Commissioner McLaughlin and his district as -"a public nuisance” , Crepeau and' Mrs. Julie Laver- to have become lost in the heavy chester and real estate. pperaVors District Attorneyl Banton separate­ defined under section 1530 of the Senator &niIL A n Is.Opr tiere today brought suits tor ^ em Forces Feared; Is Key A greatly Improved trolley serv­ snow storm. here who engavge in their' own con­ ly explained they were "in complete penal law as "anything, offending damages against Rev. Abbe ice la due for Manchester patrons harmony with the thought of Gov­ public decency.” Chaniberland, parish priest of during thecoming spring and sum­ struction work voted last night^.to Summary arrests will be In order To Shanghai and U st Bar oppbse the demand of fhe members ernor Smith, as reported from Al­ posed to Clasnfication Monte Bello. On June 27, mer, according to high officials of bany, in which the governor la the. Police Commissioner said, and 1924, Rev. Abbe preached a the Connecticut Company, who dis­ of the local carpenter’s union for a credited with believing sufflclant If prisoners are released on }>ail by* sermon during which he refer­ cussed Instances of poor service $1 a day increase in wages begin­ magistrates a policeman will. be. To International City; VETERANS OPPOSE ning May 1. Practically every law already exists for the elimina­ Measure; Few Friends, red to the “ scandalous” con­ with representatives of The Herald tion of offensive plays without de­ stationed' at the theater door to on Thursday'. The South Manches­ contractor and builder was present duct of the young bachelor and vising any further schema and inake sure the play does not open. the young widow. The plaintiffs British Cabinet Hesitates ter lines will heriefit by the sug­ and the vote was unanimous. Says Johnson. gested changes, but the local lines TRANSFER OF FUND Following the meeting contrac­ declare they had to leave town. as well as the Rockville branch will . tors told a representative of The Herald that they felt business con­ On Decision to Stop also feel the Improvements. ! Hartford, Feb. 5.—While Miss The Herald Is convinced, as a ' ditions. In Manchester at the pres­ CAUGHT IN ROLLER, EDGEWATE CROWD result of the conference with the 10,000 In State Will Fight ent time do not"warrant any kind Marjorie Cheney, representative COUNH NOTABLES Troops; Churchill De« officials, that the Connecticut Com- I of an increase. The builders say from Manchester, hurried this pany Is doing its utmost to give I they are unable to secure contracts SUFFERS FOR HOUR ARE AU CONViaED week to protest reports that she Is good service to Manchester patrons. Taking of Relief Work at the present rate of labor cost. nounces Soviets as Cause The change In headquarters of the The mills here have been on short "opposed to the City of Manchester TOnGHTDRYLAW local division necessarily caused schedule, and they cite this as a bill, Rep. Raymond A. Johnson, of considerable Inconvenience, but From Legion. reason for a let-up In general O fjrou ble. gradus” " *he difficulties are being building in Manchester. Vernon Farmer’ s Arm Pull­ Mayor and Cops Who Wink­ Manchester, and Senator. Robert J. ironed out. i .» I] ■ ■ No Demand for Building Smith,. of the Fourth District, Hartford Branch of Associa­ O.catly Improved Hartford, Feh. 5.— More than The contractors believe that the which includes Manchester, were Shanghai, Feb. 5.— Hard pressed town is now well supplied 'with ed Into Com Husker; ed at Rnm Landing Face by the ever advancing Cantonese Two dispatchers are now employ­ 10,000 veterans living in Connecti­ equally sure they were against the ed in the directing the trolley traf­ buildings and say there will be no tion Against Amendment blit stubbornly contesting every fic, and this alone helps to keep cut are opposed to the proposal to demand for more homes or stores Had to Use Saw. Federal Sentence. bill. foot of ground. General Sun Chuan- the cars running on schedule. transfer administration of the State for some time. They can see no *T am not opposed to the hill,” Fang, governor of Chekiang prov-» Strange motormen? and conductors Soldiers’ Relief Fund from the immediate demand for new con­ Miss Cheney declared. "Residents Is Organized. ince, is waging a determined battle are learning the new runs better struction, and feel that any In­ today for continued control of American Legion to the Depart­ His arm caught between the rol­ New York, Feb. 5.— ^Henry Wis- of the town which I represent, in and the service to Hartford Is now crease in the cost of construction town meeting, voted in favor of the Shanghai— and the coveted mil­ nearly perfect. ment of State Agencies and Institu­ here would not only be detrimen­ lers of a corn-husker, Wallace H. sel, mayor of Edgewater, N. J., and lions of revenue collected China’s tion, according to leaders of veter­ Thrall, well known Vernon farmer • proposal, asking at the same time Hartford, Feb. 5.—^Names of The matter of connections In tal to the contractors but to the tkree members of his police force it be subjected to a referendum chief seaport. Manchester, at Depot Square and at ans here. The American Legion it­ carpenters as well. who lives near Ogden’s corner on dozens of men of the highest prom­ Although he was reported to the Center, will never be satisfac­ self, with 8,700 members. Is united the road tb Rockville, writhed in are awaiting sentence following vote at a town election.” The carpenters in making their Senator Smith, while declaring inence In the affairs of Hartford have been defeated in fighting yes­ tory until the Cross Town and under Kenneth C. Cramer, of Weth­ demand say that the cost of living agony fAr nearly an hour Thurs­ their conviction, along with ten terday in the neighborhood of Yen- ersfield, department commander. In day afternoon while he waited to that as a legislator he cannot ex­ and Hartford county appear in the Green lines are allowed to go "on has n?H decreased and that there other defendants. In United States chow, Sun continued to resist, and their own,” the officials say. A opposition. be released. It was necessUry to press his opinion, particularly since list of membership on an organiza­ is a higher wage scale elsewhere District court last night of con­ he is chairman of the Cities and today Is rushing up reinforcements shorter running time between In addition, department officers in this state. saw through the thick rollers. The tion to combat federal prohibition, to bolster bis faltering line. South Manchester and Hartford say, members of other organiza­ fact that the machinery was rusty Boroughs committee which- will Ck>sts Lower, They Say spiracy to conceal and distribute the formation of whicji is announc­ The outcome of the battle is of will be necessary and then the wait­ tions and former soldiers without and the bolts badly bent, according consider the bill, admitted that per­ The contractors at their meet­ contraband liquor. ed by Lucius P. Robinson, presi­ great importance to the foreign, ing periods at the Canter will be affiliations are satisfied with the to Dr. E. H. Metcalf of Rockville, sonally he is opposed to the meas­ ing last night said that none of The convicted men were all con­ dent of the Hartford County Bar residents of Shanghai, because with cut down. Legion’s administration o f the fund them were interviewed by the car­ made it impossible to release Mr.
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