Being the Onlie True & Mostlie They said it couldn't be done. Well, it Accurate Mappe of the Fantastyk has been done, proving them wrong once again. After years of research, cunningly and Magical Dyscworlde 'contrived in as many minutes, the Discworld has its map. It takes full account of the historic and much­ documented expeditions of the Discworld's feted (or at least fated) explorers: General Sir Roderick Purdeigh, Lars Larsnephew, Llamedos Jones, Lady Alice Venturi, Ponce da Quirm and, of course, Venter Borass. Now travellers on this circular world can see it all: from Klatch to the Ramtops, from Cori Celesti to the Circle Sea, from Genua to Bhangbhangduc. The great cities of Hunghung, Pseudopolis, Al Khali and, of course, Ankh-Morpork are placed with loving care upon this world which is carried through space by Great A'Tuin. I S B N 978-{)-SS214-324-0 £9.99 Devised by 9 11~~lll~~1111111Ijljll~11 TERRY PRATCHETT www ter r ypratchett co.uk & STEPHEN BRIGGS COVER ILLUSTRATION BY STEPHEN PLAYER 'De Chelonian Mobile' Also by Torry Pratchotl Strata - The Dark Side of the Sun The Unadulterated Cat (illustratod by Gray Jolliffo) The Carpet People - Truckers - Diggers - Wings Only You Can Save Mankind - Johnny and the Dead Johnny and the Bomb - Nation Tho Discworld Sories The Colour of Magic - The Light Fantastic - Equal Rites Mort - Sourcery - Wyrd Sisters - Pyramids - Guards! Guards! Eric (illustrated by Josh Kirby) - Moving Pictures - Reaper Man Witches A broad - Small Gods - Lords and Ladies Men at Arms - Soul Music - Interesting Times - Maskerade Devised by Feet of Clay - Hogfather - Jingo - The Last Continent TERRY PRA TCHETT Carpe Jugulum - The Fifth Elephant - The Truth Thief of Time - The Last Hero (illustrated by Paul Kidby) &.. STEPHEN BRIGGS The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents (for young roaders) - Night Watch - The Wee Free Men (for youngor readers) Monstrous Regiment - A Hat Full of Sky (for younger readers) Going Postal - Thud! - Wintersmith (for younger readers) Making Money The Science of Discworld(with Ian Stowart and Jack Cohen) The Science of Discworld II: The Globe (with Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen) The Science of Discworld III: Darwin s Watch (with Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen) The New Discworld Companion (with Stephen Briggs) Nanny Oggs Cookbook (with Stophon Briggs. Tina Hannan and Paul Kidby) The Pratchett Portfolio (with Paul Kidby) The Discworld Almanak (with Bernard Pearson) The Unseen University Cut-Out Book (with Alan Batley and Bernard Pearson) Where s My Cow? (illustrated by Melvyn Grant) The Art of Discworld(with Paul Kidby) The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld(compiled by Stephen Briggs) The Folklore of Discworld(with Jacqueline Simpson) The Streets of Ankh-Morpork (with Stophen Briggs) ~ The Discworld Mapp (with Stephen Briggs) A Tourist Guide to Lancre - A Discworld Mapp (with Stephen CORGI BOOKS Briggs. illustrated by Paul Kidby) Death s Domain (with Paul Kidby) TRANSWORLD PUBLISHERS I NEE D E D A M AP 6 1- 63 Uxbridge Road , London W5 5SA A Random House Group Company w \Vw. rbooks.co. uk THE D1SCWORLD MAPP A CORGI BOOK: 9780552143240 I said there would never be map the Discworld. First published in Great Bri ta in a if Corgi edition publi shed 1995 Th is is it. Copyright © Terrtgfratchett/ Stephen Briggs 1995 Well . .. I wasn 't quite as emphatic as that. But Discworld is a registered trademark Ankh-Morpork is ™ Terry & Lyn Pratchett I did worl)' about the 'map first, then chronicle the Black and white illustrations by Stephen Briggs saaa ' school iffanta sy writina· A map should be if Map artwork by Stephen Player Discworld Mapp design © Terry Pratchett and Stephen Briggs somethina that is, in some material way, already Terry Pratchett and Stephen Briggs have asserted their right under there. Drawina the wiaaly river and the pointy the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the mountains first bifore y ou actually build the world author of this work. A CIP catalogue record for this book is the preroaative only ifaod s. is availabl e from the British Li brary. As the novels in the series were produced, it This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, became obvious that the Discworld is now already by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior there. People send me maps if it all the time which consent in any form of- binding or cover other than that usually look pretty much like the sketches I have in whi ch it is published and without a similar condition , including this condition, being imposed on the do odled over the y ears. Th ey sometimes aet thinas subsequent purchaser. wrona· Th ey ciften aet a lot if thinas riaht. Addresses for Random House Group Ltd companies outside the UK can be found at: www.randomhouse.co.uk Anyway, I needed a map. Readers are perceptive. The Random House Group Ltd Reg. No. 954009 Th ey notice little details. if a journey that takes The Random House Group Li mited supports The Forest Stewardshi p someone three days in one book takes someone else Coun cil (FSC), the leading internationa l forest certifi cation organisati on. All our titles that are printed on Greenpeace approved t wo hours in another, harsh thinas aet written. Irony FSC certified paper carry the FSC logo. Our paper procurement is employed. Besides, cifter eiahteen books, the world poli cy can be found at www.rbooks.co.uk/ environment has either aot some sort shape or somethina has Typeset by Falcon Oas t Graphic Art Ltd. if Made and printed in Great Britain by Victoria Litho Limited aone wrona· 468 10 9 75 3 On ce aaain Stephen Briaas has aone throuah the books and the files if notes, and then spent a MANY MILES terrible amount if time apparently moving cut-out ACROSS TORTUOUS TERRAIN ... continents around on a big circle if paper. Afier an earlier map, The Streets of Ankh- Morpork, was published, people asked me if this I thought this was going to be easy. jossilization if the imagination will prevent juture It was the word Jantasy' that led me astray. stories. Well, London and New York have been Tolkien and his descendants apart, jantasy land­ scapes are not known jor their precise cartography. mapped jor some time, and still seem attractive as locations jor novelists. There will be more Discworld East if the Sun and West if the Moon is not a stories, I hope. The only difference is that now I'll point on a map. Over the Hills and Far Away is not a recommended AA holiday route. have a map riference. This map possibly isn't the way things are. But it In jact the area within a thousand miles if Ankh-Morpork, the Disc's premier city, wasn't too is one if the ways they could be. difficult. It has been paced, ridden, flown over or dropped into by so many Discworld characters TERRY PRATCHETT, November 1995 that, as with the map if Ankh-Morpork itself, the mapping was just a matter if patient note-taking. As jor the greater picture ... well, I thought there'd be nothing to it. Slap down a jew additional continents. Fretwork some fjords. Sprinkle on some cities, steppes and jorests. Jot down the traditional features that Terry Pratchett rifers to as 'the good old wiggly river between the pointy mountains', paste on the names, and I'd be home and looking jor a clean towel. In fact it took a lot more time than that . .. I showed drcift # 1 to Terry, who looked at it jor some time and said 'Do you know what a rain H ERE BE DRAGO NS ... shadow is?' This was new to me, who took Rciffia AND HERE ... AND HERE ... instead if Geography. I was aiven a short lecture on mountain ranaes and prevailina rain-bearina winds, which aently led up to the Jact that I'd put If the first question an intelligent species the Great Nif, the driest place in the world, in what formulates for the universe at large is 'Why would have been a velY larae swamp. are we here?' the next one must be 'Where is I spent some time readina up on the subject until here, exactly?' I could bore people on the subject if Plate Tectonics Many bold explorers set out to discover the and even knew what a drumlin was. This is the distant reaches of the Discworld. Several of result. I've tried to make it all work. them returned. Even so, I'm not sure that everythina on the Exploration is, like geography, a highly Discworld would quite pass muster on Earth, but personal craft. It assumes that 'here' is since the Earth has not travelled on the back if a important and everything else is a sort of turtle Jor at least a thousand years there are sub-place whose main function is to be a long bound to be some loopholes bia enouah to drive an way away. elephant throuah. It must also be done by professionals. All the Discworld books up to Interesting Those distant places may have people in Times have been used Jor the mappina process (as them who think they know where they are, a result if the first drcifi; if Interesting Times an but they are mistaken; simply turning up on entire continent had to be shifted a couple if a log raft 20,000 years ago, or wandering hundred miles Jor the sake if one line, but that's across the dried-up sea bed during an Ice nothina to us Plate Technicians).
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