Directory. Manchester

Directory. Manchester

DIRECTORY. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, &c. MANCHESTER.. Educational, &;e.,:Institations-conlill•ud. S"cretary, John DuOirld, E·se& chaq ben, 8 tir J<'X 1t Mllster, Jam~ .M'Cormick Ma•rou,Mrl!l ~·Connklr. lJWJ:NS COLLEGE-conlit~uec!. A •sistant 1\latroo, 1\1 i.s Swallo..- I!IUlOUl" l!lli:SSIOll'. [x.n. :r." ,!'I Music 1\l:rurtu, A rthur H •. gue PtUCTIC.lL PHYsiOLOGY AND HuToLOGT, Professor Arthnr G..~mgee, Schooln,as~r - K111rry OIIATKTincs, Pn.fessor John Thorburn, JI.D. J ' --- MATJ!:BI.I. MJtDIC.I. AND THEB.I.PEUTIC!!, Alexand.. r Somer•, II.B.c.s MANCHESTErt SCHOOLS FOF.. 'fH!. DEAF AND DUMB, UaoJrl J otm Leech, II,II. x.a.c.P. (London) OLD 'I IU. noan. Mt:DIUL J[rlli8PRVD&JICE .&ND PUBLIC H&.\LTD, Arthur Ran!om.,, Offic~!l 100 Kini•trrrt II.D. n . .&. (Cantllb.) . Patron, The Enrl of Derby ' PuCTIC4L 1\loRBID S:tsTOLOGY, Jnhus Dre•cbfeld, x.D. M.R.c.r. Patroness, The Counlesa of Derbyl 0 t'l'H .. LIJ(OLOG y. IJa nd Lutle, II.D. - l'resiclent, n. J. Le i•poc: P&&CTit'.l.~ CHI!IIIiTKY, P~?lesaor Henry E. Roscoe, P'. ···•· Tretuure•·, Oliver Hey wood llousr. I rnfeuor W. C. \\ilhawron,JI',ll.a. Hon.f>h)sieian, l\l. A. Eason Wilkioson DitllUliiSfii.\TOII. AND AssiSrAXT LKCTUKEH IN A:v.&.TOMY, Alfred H. Hon. Surgeon, Arlhur E. Sulr.litle Youn~, lLB . [P• ie•lley Hon. IJ.,ntisl, ltobert ll• oo"house DII:MO~•TilA.TOB AND '1\.~sr&T.A.l'OT LECTUKitK IN' PlfY!IIOLO~<Y, John Secretary, Jo,.,ph ::..unt, 100 Kini' atreet REGI&Til.&K, J. Holme lliicholsJn 1\laster, Andrew l'atm:wn Upper School Assistants, - llogg, (}, C, Goodwl'l, C, f'atu~non tAN C.:\ S H rRE I:S D EP£ I' DENT C'OL LEGE, - Wata.m and- 1\l'Candll,h WITHINGToN. 11\Tatron of the Upper School, l\I:Jry Ann Chairman, RtT Tbomi'IS Greeu, M:"· . l'eae"er of lnfan~. Mary Hrough •m Pr•oident and Profes•or of Na'"' 1 esta:neut Cntie1sm a.nd Exegeus and Col!rctor, R. c. sr., 0 ,.x, 4:; Blark.friars st Theology, lleY Professor Caleb Scott, LL.• Cl.Jairman uflhe House Ste ..·ardo,Charleo,Lister Professor of O.d 'fe;hment Ctiticiam and Hebrew, RPY A!exander Tbe electian uf Children i• held annually about Mmummrr. 1 hom•on, DoJ• A•aista.nt Tutor, ReY James l\1. Hod,son, X.&., an. Treasurer, Henry L~e M A~CHESTER ADULT DEAf AND DU !'dB SOCIETY, Sec•ehry, Rev John H. Gwyther, •·"'· (E•tabli•hrd 18~.) F1nancial S··crrt:uy, I.ta.:J.c Watts Esq. Beechlleld, Bowdon OPFICBS-6 .JOB.Iil D.\LTO!II STREilT, .ll•istant Seer~tary Collector, \Villiam Webster, ~ Peel terrace, Old Trafford lli'BTITUTK, &ROSYKNOR BTRKET, OXFORD &T. CIIQRLTON·OK-MEDLOC&:, 111 &troo, Miss Buthtrf. rd (In connection with the Schools for tLe Deaf and Dumb, Old Traffor.l) Patron, The Bi•hop of Manchealer WESLEY-\N COLLEGE, Pr~sident, Hugh Birley, M.P. DIDBIII!RY. Cbapla•n and i::iecretar), Rev Geors-c A. W. Downil•l:' PresiC.rnt and Theologiral Tutor, Rev W, B. Pope, n.o. Treasurer, Oliver Hey wood Claasical Tutor, llev John D. Gfld, n Collector, R. C. Slonex, 45 Biackfri~<rs at Assiatarot Clnssical Tutor, A.. J. Trench, B.A. OJJJ KCTs--To contiuue the religiou• and aecular Instruction of the .bsistant Tu to~. Geor. • A. Henoett, B.A. Adult Deaf and Dumb in Mancbe•t .. r and the neighhourhood ; to usi•t Hou!r Governor, UeT William Jackaon iu o!Jtainin;: employment fur the Deaf and Dumb, and to provide an ill• l'ircretar:x ,Rev.John S. Ban!.. a terprder in cases ol dispute or misunders!anciin~ between them and their employers; to vi•It the lick, unemployed, and otlr .. n at their UKITED METHODIST FREE CHURCHES THEOLOGICAL h"mes, aud to grant pecun1Rry relief in ca•e• found to be reallJ INSTITURE. deserving. Cllli:SCII:liT B.ANGK, YICTOB.I.& PA.BK, li.USHO,MI:. Principal, Rev T •• omas Hacking --- MANCHESTER AND SALFOE.D ADULT DEAF AND DUl\fB ST. BEDE'S RO:\IAN CATHOLIC COLLEGE, ASSOCIATION, GOTHIC BOUBE, 23 P~BK I!ITREKT, CRIIRTHAY. ALE'IANDR.& PARK. Secretary, Superintendeut, and Treasurer, J amrs Herriot Rtctor, Re 1 Canon Thomas \Vrennall Vtce-Hector, ll ev J ames Huyes --- LADI~S' JUBILEE SCBOULS FOR ORPH.\.NS, Pnfecl of Studies, Hev. L. Casart~lli, M.J.. Proft"nors and •pedal lecturen-Uev J a me• :\1 oyes, 11 ev J<'raocis Zavier ~IIW Bll.IDGB IITRKBT, l'fRA"'OKWAYS, flrirbart, Rev Patrick Lynch, R"v W1lliam Hill, lleY Thomas OFFICE, 100 S:l!\'0 STaB.:S'P, ('r •s~ell, Rev C. M11rray Bro"'o", Rev HetiTy Form by, B.A. Cllarles tJ•Nllill, Eoq., F.C.s. Herr G. A. Oeoh, Waiter Huward St. Ruth, and Treasurer, G eorl(e Crossley {jeorge Suilb, E~q. 8ccrrt&U"y, 1-'r. d Scott M:atron, Helen M'Ktnnell BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL INSTlTUTIIIN, 8choolunstress, !\Jury C!arksoo IlB.IGllTO"' GROVE, .ll.lJSBOLM 11:. --- rresidrnt and Throlo~:ical Tu~r, Rev. 1-:dward Parker .MA~CHESTER AND S.A.LFOIW HAGGEU SCHOOL U~IO;:.;, Lecturer on Ecclesia_~tical History and Church Poh1y, Rev. Hy. Daws lD RELIGIOUS lNSTITUl E, COl!.PU.:tATIOZI ITni!P.T. 'Jutor in Clu~ics, Hl'brew, and :Uathea~aticg, Rev John Turn~• 101) Marshall, M . .&, l'resil!ent, The Bishop of M ancbestPr Tr•aaurer~. W 1lliam Watson, Esq. l~rad!ord; George Shcpberil, Esq. Tr~a•urer, llichard L" .Mare, 8 York 1\ Bile up Secretary, J obn Booth Secreta. in, Re" J. Harvey, Bury; Rev .A~ E. Green in!!, Ogdeu, uear ·--- Rocbdale Col!elror, R. Prince, Welcon streer, Leeds MA.i\CHE3TRl~ DI8TlUCT WAREHUUSE\JEN A~JJ CLEltK~' CJP.PHAN ~CHUUL8, MANCHESTER NEW COLLEGE (LONDOS). Cll.ADLK liVLllll:, 38 BloRTON .&RC&DV, HUiCBEirE!l. A.uhtant Seerrtary, Edwiu W. Mu.rsball I OPP'ICE, 88 IIO&L11:1' ITREKT. • Presi,Jent, John Rylanrl11, Eaq l'r•·a.~urer, Uerbert Pbilips MA:.VCHESIER COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS, S<·cretary, Samuel .MubbOLt I!Tll:ItrFO RD llO.&D. Trnllee•, I' he Uran and Canon• nf 1\Iancbeater MA!SCHESTI:.R SOCIETY FUR PRU}IO ri~G l'H E Hon Secretsry, Rev Canon Woodhouae, 11. ~. EIJUC.\TIO;:.; OF THE POOR, H~d MB.l!tl!'l', Rev Ben Winlield, B,A. l!!econd Master, Rev J, S. Vesey, M.~. 40 .l'OilN D~LT.>:"l &TREEr. Third Master, Charl~s Jones Tret!surer, John Willialli ~1a.clure Fonrtb Mastrr, F. Baxter Smith Subacript•on TrPa!UT• r, Het but B1r:ey Scitnce Mast~r, the Mastrr Ageut, J amed R. llur.uw !'rench !tlaater, Mons. Podevin German Ma'!ter, Herr Ra.drmacher MANCHESTER DIOCESAN llOARD OF EDllCAl'IO~, flrl!lwing Ma•ter, Pder Monk:~ 4.2 JOlllf DALT0lf Slli.KET. PboD'>I!raphic 1\fll.ltrr, H. llailey \\'a ker, J'.!l.~. Mu1ie .M al!ler. Henry Stev~ns S<!eretary, Re"Y. Thomas Alston Drilllmtructor, Sa•oud lllitcbdl (8tk Hu•san) ACADEMY FOR MUSIC,-- LANGUAGES A.:-<D- AKT. HESSBAW'S BLIND ASYLUM, C.UlLTON CHAMBERS, 18 liT. A.Nll liTHEII:T. Tll.A.,FORD. ULD ll.t.IT&B!Io Patrona, 1'hr Earl or Derby and Lord i';gerwn of Tatton !Mr. EJwa.rd Hecht, pianoforte Pres•dent, Robert N'erdham Philips, :u. P. Mr. J. M. Bentlry (M us. Bac.), voice aod pianof. rt.D Viee-Prll'!id .. nt, B. St. J. B. Joule Mr. J. Kendrick f'yne, Mr. Alinton Pyua. organ T~•Enrer~ and Bankers, Lancashire and JYorltshi1'8 B,_nk Li:nitl'd, li •rr S. J a why, Yi<J.m Kin~ atrett :'llr. R. Thook;. v olonc-e:Io Chaplain, R .. • William Henry Ro;:rers, M ..t. :'\ ( r. p; dd ock, ll ul.e lion. l'hy•icien, Frank Ren:oud Rl'v. J. H. Hill, •.A., clas:d!;l'1En;ltth. m tih~tmat:DI Solicitor., Mater, Heelia 11< Co J\-!mn. le Peton, t·rench An.iitan, Dr Cromptou and l'hilip Goldschrnidt H err H. K• •PI'• U· I mB.ll Hon. nriot, Hobert Hrook bOUIII o .. 1 Mr. J. Macmahon, llrt Hon. Oculiat, R. H. I'll' Keartd Burl{eon in Ordinary. Thomas Melior llou. '3ecre'ary1 W. H. Holloway. 1-n 217 .

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