The Lesbian Avengers Fight Back wrong." The group debated whether their first action should be parachuting into Whitney Houston's wedding or fighting against the defeat of the anti-"Rainbow La misc sur pied la missancc et lr jittur dc l 'organrime (multicultural) curriculumn measure in New York City's Lesbian Avengcn &pub 1772jwgu 'h 1776fint lbbjctdc cet School District 24. (The Rainbow Curriculum was a New artt'cIc. York City public school initiative to teach children about muti-culturalism in a queer positive way.) Practicality It's time to get out of the beds, out of the bars, and determined that the latter would suffice. into the streets. It's time to seize the power of dyke Eight dykes distributed 8,000 bright green palmcards love, dyke vision, dyke anger, dyke intelligence, dyke on the Sunday of Gay Pride week in 1992 inviting strategy. It's time to organize lesbians, dykes, and gay women who and incite. It's time to get to- "want revenge and want it now!" to gether and fight. We're invis- call the Lesbian Avenger hotline. ible sister and it's not safe-not The initial recruiting palmcard was in our homes, not in the streets, designed as a filter to garner lesbian not on the job, not in the courts. activists from the lesbian popula- Where are the out lesbian lead- tion at large (Schulman 1994). Its ers? It's time for a fierce lesbian eficacy was proven when 50 women movement and that's you: the attended the first meeting. The first role model, the vision, the desire. action--greeting elementary school We need you. Because we're children as they returned to school not waiting for the rapture. We in September with lavender balloons are the apocalypse. We'll be your saying "Ask About Lesbian Livesn- dream and their nightmare. was extremely controversial and New York Lesbian Avenger proved to be critical in shaping the Manifesto, Summer 1993 profile of the Avengers. The mem- bership debated whether schools Each New York City Lesbian Avenger meeting opens with were neutral places for discussing lesbians and if intro- these words: "The Lesbian Avengers is a direct action ducing children to the Lesbian Avengers was to their group focused on issues vital to lesbian visibility and benefit (Schulman 281). As Schulman puts it, "we lost survival." They remind the members of the Avengers' some people and gained many more. But the debate purpose: to make it safe for lesbians to remain open about clarified that this was going to be a movement that was their identity and survive. This, as many of us know, is no not for everyonen (Schulman 281). easy feat in most parts of this country or this world. Despite all predictions to the contrary, the Lesbian For an organization begun almost four years ago, rumors Avengers' first action was a success. A kilt-dad lesbian abound regarding the origin ofthe Avengers. Some believe marching band played "We Are Familyn as 50 Avengers it as an offshoot of ACT-UP (AIDSCoalition to Unleash wore "I was a lesbian child" t-shirts and distributed the Power) without a focus on NDS; others thought it was a lavender "Lesbian Lives" balloons. Some parents allowed separatist move borne out of frustration with WAC (Wom- their children to keep the balloons; some forced their en's Action Coalition). In a June 1995 interview Maxine children to release them or to give them back. Whatever Wolfe, one of the six founders, disagreed, saying "That's the children did with the balloons, all of them heard the nonsense. We wanted an organization for lesbians to focus word "lesbian" and were exposed to lesbians as a group of on issues afkcting lesbians." fun-loving, musical, balloon-distributing folks. Granted, In the spring of 1992 the Lesbian Avengers were born in this is not characteristic of lesbians as a whole, but it is an East Village apartment in New York City. Six political certainly a more positive representation than a whispered activists (Ana Maria Simo, Anne-Christine D'Adesh, schoolyard joke. Maxine Wolfe, Marie Honan, Ann MaGuire, and Sarah Schulman) met to discuss starting a lesbian direct action Lesbian avengers believe in creative activism: loud, group, characterized by bold yet humorous actions. "Peo- bold, sexy, silly, fierce, tasty, and dramatic. Arrest ple are always saying that lesbians don't have a sense of optional.. .. Lesbian avengers don't have patience for humor," said Maxine Wolfe. We wanted to prove them polite politics. Are bored with the boys. Think of VOLUME 16, NUMBER 2 99 stink bombs as all-season accessories.. .. Lesbian aveng- World Wide Web, the Avenger handbook is world- ers are the 13th step. Lesbian avengers think girl readable and accessible for downloading, and the London gangs are the wave of the future. (Manifesto, summer chapter has a web page describing their actions. However, 1993) computers have not superseded conference calls for na- tional communications because not everyone is or can Loud, bold, and fierce: these words characterized the afford to be connected electronically. subsequent actions of the New York "mother chapter." Although the New York chapter serves as the founding Following the passage of the anti-gay Amendment 2 in chapter, no control is asserted over chapters in other cities. Colorado, the Mayor of Denver visited New York City to During 1993, five chapters flourished, each band ofdykes promote tourism and investments. An anonymouslesbian coming up with more outrageous and creative actions. In fixed the Mayor's schedule to an Avenger, enablingAveng- San Francisco, CA Avengers roasted hotdogs at a "Bobbit- ers to dog Mayor Wellington Webb's every step, keeping Q" to call attention to domestic violence during the the press focused on Colorado's Amendment 2 to Webb's LorenaIJohn Wayne Bobbit trials; in Austin, avengers displeasure. Eight Avengers broke into the Regency Hotel dumped a 3-foot pile of horse manure near a Baptist dining room during the Mayor's breakfist chanting "We're church marquee which said "Don't be deceived, homo- here! We're queer! And we're not going skiing!," circling sexuals commit the most heinous crimes in American; the the room three times with placards before they were Lansing, MI Avengers rented a plane and flew a "Lesbian booted out. At the end of the Mayor's visit he complained Avengers are Here" banner over the Michigan State that he had come to New York City to talk about tourism Homecoming football game. The London chapter pro- and investments but all anyone wanted to talk about was tested the lack of immigration rights for lesbian and gay Amendment 2 and "Boycott Colorado" (the national partners by going to Heathrow Airport's Terminal Two boycott to protest the amendment). The extensive pro- and pretending to be physically demonstrative "passen- tests generated bad press in Colorado and in New York. gers" and "greetersn until they were chucked out. (This Due to pressure from the national boycott (and a little occured on the day the Immigrant Rights Petition was help from the Avengers), the amendment was eventually launched.) Meanwhile, New York Avengers adopted the overturned. image of eating fire in their chant "The fire will not Other New York chapter activities during the first two consume us: we take it and make it our ownn as a symbol years were building a shrine and holding a four day vigil of their fearlessness and to take back a symbol of hatred for Hattie Mae Cohens and Brian Mock, a lesbian and a used in firebombings against them. They also traveled gay man who were firebombed to death in Oregon; down to Tarnpa, FL to protest the firebombing of lesbian holding a torch parade down Fifth Avenue to protest the PWA (person with AIDS)Dee De Barry's home. The New murders; protesting Self magazine's trip to Colorado York City chapter also sponsored a "Freedom Ride" to during the boycott. Avenger protests afTected all of their Lewiston, ME to work against the anti-gay referendum targets' senses: they set off stinkbombs and plastered with local activists. Later, members of the subgroup Civil "Homophobia Stinks" stickers in an Army recruitment Rights Organizing Project traveled to Idaho to work center, the Catholic archdiocese's lawyer's ofice, and St. against the anti-gay ballot measure there. Patrick's Cathedral; serenaded anti-multicultural curricu- lum leader Mary Cummins at her home; waltzed in Lesbian avengers scheme and scream. Think actions Central Park and Grand Central Station and handed out must be local, regional, global, cosmic. Lesbian aveng- Hershey's chocolate kisses proclaiming "You've just been ers think closeted lesbians, queer boys, and sympa- kissed by a lesbian!" on Valentine's Day. thetic straights should send us money. Believe direct Soon Lesbian Avenger chapters began springing up action is a kickin the face. (Manifesto,summer 1993) nationally and internationally. By the summer of 1994 there were chapters in 30 cities across the United States A folk-wisdom adage about direct action groups posits and one in London. Chapters were founded by women that their lifetime is three years before they become who called the New York Avenger hotline and asked for ineffective and die out. The number of actions in the New information or advice in forming their own groups. They York chapter in late 1995 and early 1996 was lower than were sent a copy of the Lesbian Avenger Handbook (subti- in the first two years. Other chapters share the problem of tled "A Handy Guide to Homemade Revolutionn) and activist burnout and seek to replenish their membership were on their own.
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