Proposal under Demand No-07-3054-04-337-0865-21007'District Head Quarter Road for the year 2019-20 SI. Name of the Amount Name of the Work No. (R&B) Division (Rs. In lakh) 1 2 3 4 S/R to New Jagannath Sadak from 0/630 to Q/660km ( Such as providing 1 Puri 4.76 Cement Concrete pavement at Chandanpur Bazar Portion ) S/R to New Jagannath Sadak from 0/665 to 0/695km ( Such as providing 2 Puri 4.91 Cement Concrete pavement at Chandanpur Bazar Portion ) Construction of entry gate on approach to Makara Bridge at ch,23/80km of New 3 Puri 4.23 Jagannath Sadak, Puri S/r ro New Jagannath Sadak from 14/070 to 14/240 Km such as construction of 4 Puri 4.82 Toe-wall & Packing on right side Construction of Retaining wall in U/S of Ratnachira Bridge at 13/290Km of New 5 Puri 4.98 Jagannath Sadak 6 Puri S/R to Jagannath Sadak road {Such as construction of Toe-wall at 2/300 Km) 4.74 Providing temporary Bus parking at Chupuring & approach road to Melana 7 Puri padia Jankia Gadasahi near New Jagannath Sadak for the visit of Hon’ble Chief 2.57 Minister of Odisha on 20.02,2019 Providing temporary Helipad ground Jankia Gadasahi near New Jagannath 8 Puri 3.00 Sadak for the visit of Hon'ble Chief Minister of Odisha on 20.02.2019 Providing temporary parking at Jankia Gadasahi near New Jagannath Sadak for 9 Puri 2.41 the visit of Hon'ble Chief Minister of Odisha on 20.02.2019 Providing temporary parking at Kanas side & Gadasahi near New Jagannath 10 Puri 4.88 Sadak for the visit of Hon'ble Chief Minister of Odisha on 20.02.2019 Repair of road from Hotel Prachi to Hotel Blue-lily from 0/00 to 1/450 Km such 11 Puri 2.50 as Pothole, depression filling & Patch repair Repair of road from Hotel Prachi to Shree Lokanath from 0/00 to 1/900 Km such 12 Puri 2.51 as Pothole, depression filling & Patch repair Repair of road from Ganduachaura Chhaka to Shree Lokanath Temple from 13 Puri 4.01 0ЛЮ to 1/600 Km such as Pothole, depression filling & Patch repair Repair of road from Mochisahi to Railway Station Chhaka via-Jhadeswari 14 Puri Chhaka from 0/00 to 1/130 Km such as Pothole, depression filling & Patch 4.50 repair Repair of road from Old Sadar Chhaka to Jhaduani Library from 0/00 to 1/100 15 Puri 1.52 Km such as Pothole, depression filling & Patch repair Repair of road from Girl's High School Chakka to Marchikotaa chakka from 0/00 16 Puri 3.50 to 1/080 Km such as Pothole, depression filling & Patch repair Repair of road from Darjeepokhari chakka to Dolamandop sahi chhaka from 17 Puri 4.00 0/00 to 1/200 Km such as Pothole, depression filling & Patch repair Repair of road from Mochisahi to Shree Mandir from 0/00 to 0/800 Km such as 18 Puri 2.00 Pothole, depression filling & Patch repair Repair of road from Puri Balighai road to Talabania Parking place from 0/00 to 19 Puri 3.95 3/000 Km such as Pothole, depression filling & Patch repair SI. Name of the Amount Name of the Work No. (R&B) Division (Rs. In lakh) 1 2 3 4 S/R to such as preparation of ground and approach roa< 1 for the state level 20 Puri 72.62 convention at Maltipatpur in different stretches 21 Puri Atharanallah- Talabania Road S/R to 0/0 to 2/213 km 9.00 22 Puri Subash Bose Square to Acharya Harihar Square S/R from ()/0 to1/634Km 4.00 23 Puri Swargadwar to Baliapanda Via Bidhaba Ashram S/R fromO, 3 to 1/579 km 5.00 24 Puri Hotel Prachi to Hotel Blue LillyS/R from 0/0 to 1/450 km 5.00 25 Puri Hotel Blue Lilly to Sterling Resort (NH Junction ) Toewall from 0/0 toO/715 km 30.00 26 Puri Hotel Blue Lilly to Sterling Resort (NH Junction ) S/R fromO/ 3 to 1/360 km 6.51 Mochi Sahi Chhak to Railway Station Via Jhadeswari Ten iple.S/R from 0/0 to 27 Puri 5.50 1/756 km Budhan Chhak to Helipad Chhak via District Sports Complex S/R from 0/0 to 28 Puri 8.00 2/546 km Subash Bose Chhak to Puri Konark Marindrive Road (NH- Î16) Via Penthakata 29 Puri Chhak, PKDA Colony chhak, NCC Office, Achyutananda Ashram & Bhudhan 9.50 Chhak fiom 0/0 to 5/139 km 30 Puri Penthakata to Sanskrit University S/R from 0/0 to 1/500 km 5.00 31 Puri Badasankha to Railway Station S/R from 0/0 to0/7110km 4.00 32 Puri Gandua Chaura Chhak to Shree Loknath Temple S/R from 3/0 to 1/6860km 8.00 Sarvodya Nagar School to Ashutosh Ashram via Mangalc Mandir & Ply Gate 33 Puri 7.00 Santoshi Eng Medium School to Gundicah Vihar Road S/R ram 0/0 to1/118 km Dena Bank (NH-316) to NCC Office ( Railway Crossing ) /ia Sidha Mohaveer 34 Puri 9.00 Temple Road & 3 Bye lanes from 0/0 to 2/772 km Town hall chhak to Shree Jagannath Temple via Mochi iahi & Dolamandap 35 Puri 6.00 Sahi (S/R from 0/0 to 0/9520 km) Hostel Chhak to Grand road via Govt Girls High School & Marichikot Chhak 36 Puri 5.00 (S/R from 0/0 to 0/9860km ) Jatiababa Chhak to Narendra Kona & Bada Dadanda leacing to Shree Mandir 37 Puri 4.00 (S/R from0/0 to1/096 km) 38 Puri Road from Chaitanya Statue to Srimandir via Balisahi S/R from 0/0 to 1/205 km 10.00 39 Puri Road around Shree Jagannath Temple S/R from 0/0 to 0/7! 5 km 4.00 Road from Dolamandap Sahi to Darjeepokhri Chhak via L ibanikhia chhak S/R 40 Puri 5.00 from 0/0 to 1/221 km Road from Gandua Chaura Chhak to Bidhaba Ashram via Manikanika Sahi, 41 Puri 5.00 Harachandi Sahi & Goudabadasahi S/R from 0/0 to 1/600 kn Road from Grand Road to balakrushna Mohanty Ch iak via Chudapati, 42 Puri 5.00 Jhaduani Library and old sadar Thana ChhakS/R from 0/01) 0/836 km Road From Masanichandi Chhak to sri Jagannath Tern; le via Mrkandeswar 43 Puri 9.00 Sahi, Bhabani Club & Gosala 0/0 to 0/926 km Road From Masanichandi Chhak to sri Jagannath Temfle via Mrkandeswar 44 Puri 5.00 Sahi, Bhabani Club & Gosala S/R from 0/0 to 0/985 km SI. Name of the Amount Name of the Work No. (R&B) Division (Rs. In lakh) 1 2 3 4 Road from Ladies Hostel to Sea Beach via Panthanivas S/R from 0/0 to 0/244 45 Puri 3.00 km Road From hotel Gandhar to Sea Beach via Sankar International S/R from0/0 46 Puri 2.00 to 0/179 km 47 Puri Road from Z hotel to Sea Beach via Sea PalaceS/R from 0/0 to 0/206 km 3.00 Road from Sonar Gouranga to Sea Beach via Sea PalaceS/R from0/0 to 0/184 48 Puri 5.00 km 49 Puri Road from Nandi House to Sea Beach via Pink HouseS/R from0/0 to 0/170 km 5.00 50 Puri Road from D.I.C Chhak to Sea Beach RoadS/R from0/0 to 0/235 km 5.00 Road from Chakratirtha to dalmia House via Nilachal ICE FactoryS/R from 0/0 51 Puri 3.00 to 0/2170km Road from Balighat chhak to Gopalpur PWD Road via Kundhei Factory S/R 52 Puri 5.00 from 0/0 to 1/377 km Road From Gundicha vihar Road Bacj Side of Gundicha Temple to Rly Gate & 53 Puri 5.00 Two Bye Lane S/R from 0/0 to 1/154 km Road From Binoba Nagara to Kumbharpada outpost with bye lane from 0/0 to 54 Puri 2.00 0/559 km Road From Penthakata Chhaka to Sunargouranga temple front lane Road via 55 Puri 5.00 Prasad Babu ICE Factory S/R from 0/0 to 1/430 km Hatisala Chhak to Puri Satapada NH-316 via Mangala ghat S/R from0/0 to 56 Puri 5.50 1/285 km 57 Puri Zilla School Chhak to Youth Hostel Chhak S/R from 0/0 to 0/471 km 4.00 BNR Hotel to Balakrushna Mohanty Chhak via Zilla School S/R from 0/0 to 58 Puri 5.00 1/109 km 59 Puri Puri Satapada NH-316 to Kapileswar road S/R from 0/0 to 2/500 km 3.00 60 Puri Puri Satapada NH-316 to Kapileswar roadToe Wallfrom 0/0 to 2/500 km 20.00 61 Puri Improvement to Bliguali to Malatipatpur bypass road S/R from 0/0 to 4/180 km 8.00 62 Puri Samajajpur L/C to Tulasichaura S/R from 0/0 to 3/200 km 5.00 63 Puri Malatipatpur (NH-316) to Puri-Konark road S/R from 0/0 to 7/200 km 15.00 Malatipatpur (NH-316) to Puri-Konark roadTOEwall from 5/100 to 5/200 &5/800 64 Puri 15.00 to6/0 km 65 Puri Biraharekrushnapur to Baliguali road ( S/R from 0/00 km to 6/00 Km 9.00 66 Puri Sakhigpal-Algum road (S/R from 0/00 to 10/039 Km 15.00 67 Puri Jaypur to Sarangajodi road (S/R from 0/00 to 6/800 Km 12.00 68 Puri Biranarasinghapur-Siruli road (S/R from 0/000 to 12/00 Km 19.00 69 Puri Biranarasinghapur-Siruli road (Toe Wall from 8/600 to 8/800 Km 10.00 70 Puri Siruli-Dobandha road (S/R from from 0/00 to 7/00 Km 8.00 71 Puri Siruli-Dobandha road (Pot hole from 2/00 to 6/00 Km) 10.00 72 Puri Siruli-Dobandha road (Toe Wall from 2/220 to 4/00 Km) (300 Mtr) 15.00 73 Puri Madhipur - Mulishai road (S/R from 0/00 to 2/00 Km) 6.00 74 Puri Madhipur - Mulishai road (Toe Wall from 1/00 to 1/09 Km (90 Mtr) 5.00 75 Puri Semi Circular road (S/R from 0/00 to 0/825 Km) 5.00 76 Puri Nabagraha To Konark Road (S/R from 0/00 to 1/200 Km ) 10.00 77 Puri Nimapara-Balanga-Satasankha Road (S/R from 7/500 to 9/500 Km) 8.00 SI.
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