Instauration® Ponderable Quote of the Year Will humankind continue to evolve? The present answer must be "no." Cultural evolution has buffered us against biological pressures that weeded out the feeble, slow, or stupid. Now, power tools, computers, clothes, spectacles, and modern medicinedevaluethe old inherited advantages of powerful physique, intelli­ gence, pigmentation, vistJaL ·acuity and resistance to diseases like malaria. Societies hold high percentages of physically weak or ill-proportioned people, and people with poor eyesight, or skin color and disease resista.nce unrelated to the climates where they live. Some individuals who would have died in infancy a century ago survive to breed, handing on genetic fau Its to futu re generations. Migration, too, has helped halt human evolution. No group lives isolated long enough to evolve into a new species as happened in the Pleistocene. And racial differences will decline with increased inter­ breeding of peoples from Europe, Africa, the Amer­ icas, India and China. David Lanlbert, The Cambridge Guide to Prehistoric Man Cambridge University Press o The Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church, but who is the head Jewl If you ever find out, please let me know. 522 In keeping with Instauration's policy of anonym­ o Over here, only the intellectuals compre­ o I'm not sure that Bush's well-tailored back­ ity, most communicants will be identified by the hend who controls the u.s. media and politics. ground adds up to a return to Majorityism. The first three digits of their zip codes. The masses are unable to understand why the Bush brand of Republicanism (the "progres­ u.s. Congress supports the killing of Arab wo­ sive" variety) was born of enormous self-doubt o Once upon a time we got along nicely with­ men and children and gives all of those dollars among the WASP elite. It was the late 19305 out all that TV garbage and with a glow in our to the criminal state of Israel. and Republican bluebloods were biting their hearts and minds. Swedish subscriber own tails with political and social self-con­ 038 tempt. Their fathers' world had been shattered o Recently I saw the quintessential lib-min by worldwide depression. Internationalism was o For the first time I saw an item in Instaura­ movie on perhaps the most lib-min of all cable in the air. So was intervention in Europe. By the tion (May 1988) with which I disagreed totally: networks, Lifetime. The film was Grasshopper mid-1940s, Republican modernists would be the idea of the possible salvation of the Nordic (1970). It lingered lovingly on prostitution, ho­ joining with Rooseveltians to overthrow colon­ race by means of a "mechanical" device. I shall mosexuality, pornography, rape, murder, ialism, racial segregation and white Majority not indulge in a lengthy commentary. Even if drugs, obscene language, gratuitous violence domination everywhere. Above all, the Episco­ the artificial womb were invented, that and -- what else I -- miscegenation. The latter palian Church was looking for ways to prove its wouldn't solve the problem. Only spirit can involved British actress Jacqueline Bisset in the worth to the world's little brown people. save us -- not reason or gadgets. ebony embrace of that paragon of gentlemanly This is George Bush's Republican back­ Dutch subscriber virtue, ex-football star Jim Brown, who has ground. Now what about Michael Dukakisl His been known to practice the 01' stiff-arm (and immigrant America never lost confidence in o Reform will proceed in South Africa as fist) on his girlfriends, white and chocolate. traditional American institutions. Moreover, it planned, and there won't be anything more to When not focusing on these two sweating all never applauded the overthrow of WASP lead­ say unless, at the very last gasp, P.W. 80tha is over the sheets, the camera had a number of ership, only the reform of certain fossilized in­ voted out of power at the next -- and probably messages to bash the viewer over the head with, stitutions. From the start, European immigrants last -- elections. Failing that, only a military principally that white men are either brutes or marveled at the opportunities offered by the takeover could save us, and if that were to gay, while black men are loving and protecting, America they found -- a chance at education, a occur we would not only have boycotts to fight. especially where white women are concerned; profession and personal advancement. They The masters of the West will not permit their that betraying one's race and culture is a truly never thought to change things. Thus, the Estab­ long-laid plans to be thwarted at the final mo­ ennobling act; that to wallow in degeneracy is lishment's own loss of confidence in itself came ment. But their difficulty is that they have so the epitome of creativity in late 20th-century as an enormous surprise. Any doubt about who sapped the morale of their livestock that the America. As for myself, I'll never again go to a still believes in that traditional America can be docile beasts are no longer capable of fighting. movie with the debased Miss Bisset in the cast. resolved by observing the faces standing at at­ South African subscriber But, perhaps there won't be much of an op­ tention when the flag goes by. More likely than portunity. Now in her mid-forties, and looking not, they'll have names like O'Flanagan, Ja­ o I was discussing with some waiters in a steak every day of it, her career appears to be sputter­ blonski and Tinelli. house the idea of individualism and limited gov­ ing. We can only hope it flickers out for good. If Dukakis properly reflects his immigrant ernment. Another waiter, an Irish-Catholic 782 background, he'll embrace the notion of tradi­ Nordic, came up and said, "What are you talk­ tional America for all it's worth. On the other ing about nowl" He was a physical education o The problem with Eastern Europe is that hand, if he follows the Jesse Jackson Demo­ teacher in a public school. I replied, "Individ­ countless thousands, such as Professor Przecis­ cratic left into a further national sellout, he'll be ualism -- it's something they don't teach in pub­ zewski, have been incarcerated for trying to do no worse a traitor than the week-kneed Estab­ lic schools." what Zundel has done. lishmentarians symbolized by George Bush. 678 600 220 Instauration CONTENTS is published 12 times a year by Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Mother Eve Is Not Our Mother ............................................... 5 Annual Subscription The Negroization of the Democratic Party .............................. 9 $25 regular (sent third class) Jailhouse Jottings .........•......•..........•...••.....................•........... 10 $15 student (sent third class) Add $10 for first class mail French Politics Hits a New Low............................•............•...12 $38 Canada and foreign (surface) The Triumph of Failure .......•...................................•............. 14 Add $ 15 Europe (air) Add $20 Elsewhere (air) Cultural Catacombs .............•................................................ 17 Single copy price $3, plus 75/f. postage Inklings ..............................•................•......................•.......... 19 Wilmot Robertson, Editor WASPishly Yours •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••21 Make checks payable to Howard Allen Notes from the Sceptred Isle •................................................ 24 Florida residents please add 60/c sales tax Third class mail is not forwardable. Satcom Sam Dishes It Out...........................................••........26 Please advise us of any change of address Talking Numbers ..................•............................................... 27 well in advance. Primate Watch.•.................................................................... 28 ISSN 0277-2302 Elsewhere •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••29 © 1988 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved Stirrings .•.............................................................................. 33 PAGE 2 --INSTAURATION -- SEPTEMBER 1988 o I attend Barry Farber's language club, so I get o I disagree partly with the emphasis and con­ ers. From the purely practical viewpoint, there to talk to him from time to time. He is one of my clusions in the brief article on Pamyat (Instau­ is no particular need to bash the Jews in the favorite radio talk show hosts. He happens to ration, June 1988). It is suggested that hundreds borderlands and provinces, except perhaps re­ have serious doubts that Demjanjuk is actually of organizations have flourished under glasnost vanchism for historical reasons predating the Ivan the Terrible, which is interesting because besides Pamyat. Perhaps ecology groups or Jews' decline from power. he is Jewish and normally a strong supporter of other less political organizations have few ob­ Shcharansky actually contradicts the policy Israel. I have my doubts, too, but I really stacles, but groups expressing views which are scrupulously followed by the Americans for the haven't gotten into the nitty-gritty of the case. I highly critical of anything, except the Stalin era, Soviet Jewry crowd, which hardly dares to criti­ personally think Israel ought to make a deal continue to be harassed, particularly outside cise Gorby, engaging mostly in profuse praise with Vasser Arafat. He might not be a very nice the Moscow-Leningrad fishbowl. In Latvia the of the new Russia and sponsoring cultural ex­ feller, but he's the only Arab who has enough Helsinki 86 group was founded by 19 persons, changes and pleading for mutual understand­ power to sign a deal and make it stick. Sorry for none of whom remain in the organization to­ ing. Unlike the Soviet Jewry councils who envi­ my rambling. Once I get started, I can't stop. (A day. About four were deported to the West on sion a Gorbachev vs. Pamyat scenario, Shcha­ Jewish traiH) "Israeli" passports (none were Jews). Three or ran sky points out their symbiotic relationship. 114 four were activated by the Red Army as re­ 142 servists and dealt with by the military. One o The principal theologian of the new Holo­ remains in KGB custody.
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