W here W as W i nel and the G o o d ? r f r f i H IS has been a sou ce o myste y or a very long t me, and coming as it does into the very earliest history of the i k Amer can continent, there have been numerous boo s r written upon it in America , also in England , Ge many, France, Denmark and Norway . Those who have written on this subject are too numerous to mention , but a few of them are . Thomas Carlyle , Benjamin Franklin , Justin Winsor, David Grantz , John R r Harri sse r Foste , Henry , Washington Irving , and numerous othe s ! but - f those who have given practically a life time service , and le t the greatest r h works on this subject, are Carl Ch . Rafn , A t ur M . Reeves , Gustavus r . r r . Sto m , Joshua T Smith , and Nansen , the great No wegian explore About two hundred and fifty years ago attention was first called 1n modern time to the Icel andic literature about the discovery of America by the Norse i n “ r men . Joseph Fischer , his book Discou ses of the Norsemen in a w - k wr Americ , gives a list of three hundred and t enty two boo s itten by r eminent authorities on this subject, most of which have been w itten ’ since Rafn s comprehensive work m 18 3 7 . The best known authorities agree that practically all the information has that is likely to be obtained on this subject come to light, and the translation and explanations of the old Saga manuscripts have been de ciphered in a manner that leaves very little room for further enquiry on this subject . The only real li ve question that still awaits explanation and proof is where Wineland really was ? Every writer who has given this matter serious consideration has w ! k and r r placed Wineland somewhere bet een New or Lab ado , but they have all failed to explain the numerous facts mentioned in these old Sagas in a satisfactory way It is my belief that it is only a Newfound lander, or some person well acquainted with voyages to Labrador, that will event ually solve this old conundrum in a way that will be c on vi nci n g . What we are all searching for is the truth of what really did r happen in these old voyages to Newfoundland , now over nine hund ed b years ago . It is very p robable that some runic in scriptions have een . r r o left on some rocks There we e schola s among those r vers , and a runic stone was di scovered early i n the last century on an island off 4 i c i r rn r en n . T k rk D s o , n No the G e la d his stone was ta en to Denm a i n 18 2 be i f r 4, and can seen now n the Museum there . Disco was a to the north of any of the Norse settlements in Greenland . This was a record f r o three men spending the winte there , showing undoubtedly that expedi tions had been made to the far North as well as to the South . We have undoubted proof that several winters were spent in Liefs ’ Booths at Wine r r r land , whe e prepa ation was made fo colonisation by a numerous follow ing . I am pointing out the localities where I believe some of these old r r f eco ds are most likely to be ound , and the man who does find them will make a name for himself. There are many of these old runic stones in Norway and Iceland . They have been found in the Orkney Islands r v r r r f and Scotland , and the e is e ery eason to believe that some eco d o h ' this kind will be found in t is country . These runi c i nscri pti ons were not always carved on a monument or a prominent rock . They were found often in a cairn or graves . In a cairn on a hill top they would probably b f r f r e le t as a ecord o some expedition , such as Pea y , Bartlett , Scott and Amundsen have left of their expeditions to the North and South Pole . f i r v r I t was in a g a e it would be simila to a tombstone, and as we know r W am v r that many deaths did occu on these voyages to ineland , I e y con fident that if long enough search be made in some of the places that I will me ntion,there will be found one or more of these old runic stones . i r r f r r r I am giv ng he e a diag am o what these unic insc iptions a e like, so that some idea may be had of what to l ook for . To get a proper understanding of this subject we must go at it from the beginning . The V iking age of Norway began about the year 7 8 9. A spirit of r v r r r un est and ad enture sti red up that count y, and expeditions we e nume r . h f i ous It would be interesting to show owmany Royal amil es in Russia , r n Denmark , Ge ma y, France, not to mention England , claims descent from these N orsem en v r r k a The old Norse ro ers were ter o s ali e to England , Scotl nd and r f r r I eland , and continually ravaged the whole coast o Easte n Eu ope , f r r rom the Baltic to F ance . In one expedition they sailed a ound Spain , r r f u r th ough the Straits of Gibralta , and plundered the cities o So the n r f ’ f r v v Eu ope up to the Gul of Genoa, and didn t o get to lea y a hea y tax on the cities of Northern Africa . Everyone acquainted with English history knows to what extremities King Alfred the Great was driven by these N orsem en We all know f r W u r r something o Rollo , the ancesto of illiam the Conq e o , who came fr r riv r r f r r vi om No way , sailed up the e Seine, and captu ed that e tile p o nce now called Normandy . i 10 r v i f k e and It was n 6 6 that the No man In as on o England too plac , i r r r r f r t was sixty yea s p io to that time that this same ace o old No se men , v i e wf un nd. We then li ing in Greenland , attempted to colon s Ne o dla m ust not go too fast ! first com es This r uni c st o ne was disco v er e d o n t h e i sland o f Ki n g i g t o r suak i n ° ’ 7 2 55 N . Lat . n e ar Di sco i Gre e n an d and br ou h , n l , g t t o D e n m ark by Cap t ai n Graah i n 1824. Th re e cairn s we re fo nd n ear t o e t h er and i n o n e of th e cair s was u g , n “ t hi s s m all s t o n e . Th e t r an slat i o n o f r uni c i n scr ip t i o n : Er ling S i g v ath s so n B ar e Th o rdarso n an d E nd ri de Odd so n o n t h e S un da be fo r e , j n y ‘ ’ ” g ag ndag A p ril e r e c t ed t h e se cai rn s an d cle are d away i c e . J d in fro m t h e st e of insc r i t i on Nan sen t hink s i t dat e s fr o m u g g y l p , 1300t o 1400 and t hat i t i s t h e re cor d o f a r e m ark ab e ex e dit io . , l p n I CELAND . I n the year 8 50 these old Scandinavian rovers discovered Iceland. W r f r r i r hethe this was by accident , being driven out o thei cou se n thei nu m erous voyages to the western isles of Scotland and the coast of Ire land,we do not know . I t is quite possible that it may have been from information gained from Irish m onks who had settled in Orkney and other places . There had been a settlem ent of Iri sh Culdees (as these m onks were called) in Iceland at least fifty years previous to this date . There is undoubted proof from Icelandic literature of these early Irish v f settlements , and it is e idence of the high degree o civilisation the Irish had attained at the dawn of European history .
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